Google charts issue driving me nuts - google-visualization

I'm trying to generate a chart via the following url:|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun&chxt=x&chbh=a,6,10&chs=320x225&cht=bvg&chco=A2C180&chds=0,95&chd=t:0,0,300,500,0,0,0&chtt=Test
The values are 0 for everything except for Wed and Thu when they are 300 and 500 each. However, the bars in the chart are identically long for wed and thur although wed is representing 300 and thu is representing 500.
I've checked the url format many times and can't find any problem with it. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug with google charts?

I figured it out.
The chds argument must contain the highest value of the dataset against which all other values are compared, I had copied & pasted my url and had '95' as the chds which is why both 300 and 500 showed equally, changing it fixed the problem.

It might be a scale problem ; can you print values on the vertical bar, every 10 for example ?


Visualize time values over days in QuickSight

I have an event dataset in QuickSight, where each record has a timestamp field as following:
last_day_record_ts |
2020-01-19 05:46:55|
2020-01-20 05:55:37|
2020-01-21 06:00:12|
2020-01-22 06:12:57|
2020-01-23 06:02:15|
2020-01-24 06:15:35|
2020-01-25 06:20:05|
2020-01-26 05:55:48|
I want to build a visualization of time values over days as a line chart as following:
However, I find it difficult to get this in AWS QuickSight. Any ideas?
Instead of desired result QuickSight persistently gives just aggregated record values (i.e 1 for each day) but not the time values itself...
UPDATE. The workaround I found for now - to add calculated fields to the Data Set in order to get numeric values instead of timestamp ones.
Calculated fields:
day_midnight | truncDate('DD',{last_day_record_ts})
time_diff_in_hours_dec | abs(dateDiff({last_day_record_ts},{day_midnight},"MI")) / 60
time_diff_in_hours_int | decimalToInt({time_diff_in_hours_dec})
time_diff_in_min | ({time_diff_in_hours_dec} - {time_diff_in_hours_int}) * 60
The only problem I still cannot solve - to get Y axis labels in HH:MM format as in green rectangle. For now, it's numeric decimals...
Unfortunately, (after many attempts of my own) this type of visual does not appear to be possible in Quicksight at the time of writing.
Quicksight has many nice features, but it's still missing some (very basic imo) things that make it limiting for anyone working with data that is outside the expected use-cases.

Using Index and Match functions to return a value from multiple worksheets in a workbook

I have a url report that gets generated on a running weekly basis. Each week the report generates a new worksheet within a workbook that keeps around 6 months worth of data at a time. I want to find and pull the data on a specific url from the worksheets and display them in a new worksheet.
For example data in a worksheet might look like:
Week of Mar 9
URL | Visits | Conversions | 300 | 10 | 100 | 20 | 600 | 5
And each worksheet in the workbook is a different week, such as Mar 2, Feb 23, etc.
Now, I want every Apple url in one worksheet so that I can compare...Apples to Apples...(pun intended). Since there are hundreds of these I can't afford the time to manually do this for each segment I need, so I tried the following.
I'm uncertain of which switch to use for Match, other than 0 is "exact match" from what I read online, so I tried both 1 and -1 to get a not-exact match, though reality is I probably need a partial-match since apple is only part of the url.
Any suggestions on how to get this to work or a better way to do this in excel would be great. Also, I can not manipulate the report output themselves as it comes from a third party vendor and I've already asked them about adjusting this.
I thought about using vlookup as well, but I believe that only returns the first result with that value and not multiple ones.
Assuming URL in ColumnA, Visits in ColumnB, Conversions in ColumnC for your source data, and in another sheet your page (fruit: apple/banana/pear) in A1,Visits in B1, Conversions in C1 and sheet names in A2 downwards, then I suggest in B2:
in C2:
and the two formulae copied down to suit.
This is looking for an exact match but does so with a wildcard.

Querying geonames for rows 1000-1200

I have been querying Geonames for parks per state. Mostly there are under 1000 parks per state, but I just queried Conneticut, and there are just under 1200 parks there.
I already got the 1-1000 with this query:
But increasing the maxRows to 1200 gives an error that I am querying for too many at once. Is there a way to query for rows 1000-1200 ?
I don't really see how to do it with their API.
You should be using the startRow parameter in the query to page results. The documentation notes that it takes an integer value (0 based indexing) and should be
Used for paging results. If you want to get results 30 to 40, use startRow=30 and maxRows=10. Default is 0.
So to get the next 1000 data points (1000-1999), you should change your query to
I'd suggest reducing the maxRows to something manageable as well - something that will put less of a load on their servers and make for quicker responses to your queries.

google charts wrong paint?

what is wrong with ratio? (100,200),200&chs=300x120&chl=Hello|World
As marcog explained, by default values over 100 will be truncated to 100, thus causing your api call to be processed in the background as:,100&chs=300x120&chl=Hello|World
which is why you see a pie chart with two equal pieces. One way to fix this is to add a custom scale to your data series using the chds parameter like this:,200&chds=0,200&chs=300x120&chl=Hello|World
Note I added a &chds=0,200 to specify that values can range from 0 to 200.
Another option is to use percentages rather than actual values
Hope this helps.
The values need to be between 0 and 100, with values above 100 truncated to 100 (reference).
Had a quick mess around with the URL. Is it possible there's meant to be a "total" parameter in the URL? Since 3 parameters just splits it equally into 3 parts...

Google Charts API: Using a fixed set of datapoints

Is there a way to set the length of a data series using Google Charts i.e. send in 40 values and stipulate that the range is 256 values and have it plot the 40 values and leave room for (256-40) more values in the chart?
To get the idea, think of a finance intraday chart, at 10 o clock it displays only the data that is gotten by that time, but the chart still shows all of the space that eventually WILL get filled (when the trading day is over, that is).
I'd say to get a live preview of the effect to be accomplished here, see and look at the chart before 4 o'clock this afternoon and you'll see that it is not completely filled, although the chart is always the same "size" in terms of datarange.
Fill the rest of the values using the _ (or __ depending on your encoding) special value to indicate "no data".
See the documentation for simple encoding for additional information on this. Text encoding uses negative values to indicate missing data.