Permanent Memory Address - c++

With my basic knowledge of C++, I've managed to whip together a simple program that reads some data from a program (using ReadProcessMemory) and sends it to my web server every five minutes, so I can see the status of said program while I'm not at home.
I found the memory addresses to read from using a program designed to hack games called "Memory Hacking Software." The problem is, the addresses change whenever I move the program to another machine.
My question is: is there a way to find a 'permanent' address that is the same on any machine? Or is this simply impossible. Excuse me if this is a dumb question, but I don't know a whole lot on the subject. Or perhaps another means to access information from a running program.
Thanks for any and all help!

There are ways to do it such as being able to recognise memory patterns around the thing you're looking for. Crackers can use this to find memory locations to patch even with software that "moves around", so to speak (as with operating systems that provide randomisation of address spaces).
For example, if you know that there are fixed character strings always located X bytes beyond the area of interest, you can scan the whole address space to find them, then calculate the area of interest from that.
However, it's not always as reliable as you might think.
I would instead be thinking of another way to achieve your ends, one that doesn't involve battling the features that are protecting such software from malicious behaviour.
Think of questions like:
Why exactly do you need access to the address space at all?
Does the program itself provide status information in a more workable manner?
If the program is yours, can you modify it to provide that information?
If you only need to know if the program is doing its job, can you simply "ping" the program (e.g., for a web page, send an HTML request and ensure you get a valid response)?
As a last resort, can you convince the OS to load your program without address space randomisation then continue using your (somewhat dubious) method?
Given your comment that:
I use the program on four machines and I have to "re-find" the addresses (8 of them) on all of them every time they update the program.
I would simply opt for automating this process. This is what some cracking software does. It scans files or in-memory code and data looking for markers that it can use for locating an area of interest.
If you can do it manually, you should be able to write a program that can do it. Have that program locate the areas of interest (by reading the process address space) and, once they're found, just read your required information from there. If the methods of finding them changes with each release (instead of just the actual locations), you'll probably need to update your locator routines with each release of their software but, unfortunately, that's the price you pay for the chosen method.
It's unlikely the program you're trying to read will be as secure as some - I've seen some move their areas of interest around as the program is running, to try and confuse crackers.

What you are asking for is impossible by design. ASLR is designed specifically to prevent this kind of snooping.
What kind of information are you getting from the remote process?

Sorry, this isn't possible. The memory layout of processes isn't going to be reliably consistent.
You can achieve your goal in a number of ways:
Add a client/server protocol that you can connect to and ask "what's your status?" (this also lends itself nicely to asking for more info).
Have the process periodically touch a file, the "monitor" can check the modification time of that file to see if the process is dead.


Do pictures ever get stored in RAM?

I am a beginner C++ programmer.
I wrote a simple program that creates a char array (the size is user's choice) and reads what previous information was in it. Often you can find something that makes sense but most of it is just strange characters. I made it output into a binary file.
Why do I often find multiple copies of the alphabet?
Is it possible to find a picture inside of the RAM chunk I retrieved?
I heard about file signatures (headers), which goes before any of the data in a file, but do "trailers" go in the back after all the data?
When you read uninitialized data from memory that you allocated, you'll never see any data from another process. You only ever see data that your own process has written. That is: your code plus all the libraries that you called.
This is a security feature of your kernel: It never leaks information from a process unless it's specifically asked to transfer that information.
If you didn't load a picture in memory, you'll never see one using this method.
Assumning your computer runs Linux, Windows, MacOS or something like that, there will NEVER be any pictures in the memory your process uses - unless you loaded them into your process. For security reasons, the memory used by other processes is cleared before it gets given to YOUR process. This is the case for all modern OS's, and has been the case for multi-user OS's (Unix, VAX-VMS, etc) more or less since they were first invented in the late 1950's or early 1960's - because someone figured out that it's kind of unfun when "your" data is found by someone else who is just out there fishing for it.
Even a process that has ended will have it's memory cleared - how would you like it if your password was still stored in memory for someone to find when the program that reads the password ended? [Programs that hold highly sensitive data, such as encryption keys or passwords, often manually (as in using code, but not waiting until the OS clears it when the process ends) clear the memory used to store such, because of the below debug functionally allowing the memory content to be inspected at any time, and the shorter time, the less likely a leak of sensitive information]
Once memory has been allocated to your process, and freed again, it will contain whatever happens to be in that memory, as clearing it takes extra time, and most of the time, you'd want to fill it with something else anyway. So it contains whatever it happens to contain, and if you poke around it, you will potentially "find stuff". But it's all your own processes work.
Most OS's have a way to read what another process is doing as part of the debug functionality (if you run the "debugger" in your system, it will of course run as a separate process, but needs to be able to access your program when you debug it, so there needs to be ways to read the memory of that process), but that requires a little more effort than just calling new or malloc (and you either will need to have extra permissions (superuser, adminstrator, etc), or be the owner of the other process too).
Of course, if your computer is running DOS or CP/M, it has no such security features, and you get whatever happens to be in the memory (and you could also just make up a pointer to an arbitrary address and read it, as long as you stay within the memory range of the system).

Detecting process memory injection on windows (anti-hack)

Standard hacking case. Hack file type injects into a started process and writes over process memory using WriteProcessMemory call. In games this is not something you would want because it can provide the hacker to change the portion of the game and give himself an advantage.
There is a possibility to force a user to run a third-party program along with the game and I would need to know what would be the best way to prevent such injection. I already tried to use a function EnumProcessModules which lists all process DLLs with no success. It seems to me that the hacks inject directly into process memory (end of stack?), therefore it is undetected. At the moment I have came down to a few options.
Create a blacklist of files, file patterns, process names and memory patterns of most known public hacks and scan them with the program. The problem with this is that I would need to maintain the blacklist and also create an update of the program to hold all avalible hacks. I also found this usefull answer Detecting memory access to a process but it could be possible that some existing DLL is already using those calls so there could be false positives.
Using ReadProcessMemory to monitor the changes in well known memory offsets (hacks usually use the same offsets to achieve something). I would need to run a few hacks, monitor the behaviour and get samples of hack behaviour when comparing to normal run.
Would it be possible to somehow rearrange the process memory after it starts? Maybe just pushing the process memory down the stack could confuse the hack.
This is an example of the hack call:
So unless the hack is a little more smarter to search for the actual start of the process it would already be a great success. I wonder if there is a system call that could rewrite the memory to another location or somehow insert some null data in front of the stack.
So, what would be the best way to go with this? It is a really interesting and dark area of the programming so I would like to hear as much interesting ideas as possible. The goal is to either prevent the hack from working or detect it.
Best regards
Time after time compute the hash or CRC of application's image stored in memory and compare it with known hash or CRC.
Our service provides the ability to check integrity of application against the signature stored in database.

How to build an application layer pre-fetching system

I'm working in a C/C++ mixed project that has the following situation.
I need to have a iteration to go through very small chunks (rarely larger chunks as well) in a file one by one. Ideally, I should just read them once consecutively. I think will be a better solution in this case to read a big chunk into a buffer and consume it later, rather than read each of them instantly when I need.
The problem is, how do I balance the cache size? Is there any well-known algorithm/library that I can take advantage of?
UPDATE: (changes the title)
Thanks for you guys' replies and I understand there are different levels of caching mechanism working in our boxes. But that not enough in my case.
I think I missed something important here. Actually I'm building an application upon an existing framework, in which requesting reads to the engine frquently will cost too much for me. (Yes, i believe the engine do take advantage of OS and disk level caches.) And what I'm trying to do is indeed to build an application level pre-fetching system.
in general you should try to use what the OS gives you, rather than creating your own cache (because you run the risk of caching twice). for linux, you can request OS level caching via readahead(); i don't know what the windows equivalent would be.
looking into this some more, there is also a block level (ie disk) parameter, set via blockdev --setra. it's probably not a good idea to change that on your system (unless it is dedicated to just this one task), but if the value there (blockdev --getra) is already larger than your typical chunk size then you may not need to do anything else.
[and just to address the other point mentioned in the question comments - while an OS will cache file data in free memory, i don't believe that it will pre-emptively read an otherwise unread file (apart from to meet the requirements above). but if anyone knows otherwise, please post details...]
Have you tried mmap()ing the file instead of read()ing from it? In some cases this might be more efficient, in some cases this might not. However it is usually best to let the system optimize for you, since it knows more about the hardware than an application. mmap() will let the system know that you need the whole file, so it might just be more optimal.

On Sandboxing a memory-leaky 3rd-Party DLL

I am looking for a way to cure at least the symptoms of a leaky DLL i have to use. While the library (OpenCascade) claims to provides a memory manager, i have as of yet being unable to make it release any memory it allocated.
I would at least wish to put the calls to this module in a 'sandbox', in order to keep my application from not losing memory while the OCC-Module isn't even running any more.
My question is: While I realise that it would be an UGLY HACK (TM) to do so, is it possible to preallocate a stretch of memory to be used specifically by the libraries, or to build some kind of sandbox around it so i can track what areas of memory they used in order to release them myself when i am finished?
Or would that be to ugly a hack and I should try to resolve the issues otherwise?
The only reliable way is to separate use of the library into a dedicated process. You will start that process, pass data and parameters to it, run the library code, retrieve results. Once you decide the memory consumption is no longer tolerable you restart the process.
Using a library that isn't broken would probably be much easier, but if a replacement ins't available you could try intercepting the allocation calls. If the library isn't too badly 'optimized' (specifically function inlining) you could disassemble it and locate the malloc and free functions; on loading, you could replace every 4 (or 8 on p64 system) byte sequence that encodes that address with one that points to your own memory allocator. This is almost guaranteed to be a buggy, unreadable timesink, though, so don't do this if you can find a working replacement.
Saw #sharptooth's answer, which has a much better chance of working. I'd still advise trying to find a replacement though.
You should ask Roman Lygin's opinion - he used to work at occ. He has at least one post that mentions memory management
If you ask nicely, he might even write a post that explains mmgt's internals.

Memory modifying in C++

im trying to learn to modify games in C++ not the game just the memory its using to get ammo whatnot so can someone point me to books
The most convenient way to manipulate a remote process' memory is to create a thread within the context of that program. This is usually accomplished by forcibly injecting a dll into the target process. Once you have code executing inside the target application you are free to use standard memory routines. e.g (memcpy, malloc, memset).
I can tell you right now that the most convenient and easy to implement method is the CreateRemoteThread / LoadLibrary trick.
As other people have mentioned, simple hacks can be performed by scanning memory for known values. But if you want to perform anything more advanced you will need to look into debugging and dead-list analysis. (Tools: ollydbg and IDA pro, respectively).
You have scratched the surface of a very expansive hacking topic, there is a wealth of knowledge out there..
First a few internet resources: - A community dedicated to game RE (Reverse Engineering) and hacking. - An excellent tutorial on various DLL injection methods. - Community for reverse code engineering.
I can also recommend a book to you -
Windows API Routines you should research (
Injecting Code:
I think the best method is to modify the exe to inject code into one of the loaded modules. Check this tutorial
Short related story:
Over 10 years ago though, I do remember successfully modifying my score in solitaire in windows with a simple C++ program. I did this by starting an int * pointer at some base address and iterating through memory addresses (with a try /catch to catch exceptions).
I would look for what my current score was in one of those pointer variables, and replace it with a new integer value. I just made sure that my current score was some obscure value that wouldn't be contained in many memory addresses.
Once I found a set of memory addresses that matched my score, I would change my score manually in solitaire and only look through the memory addresses that were found in the last iteration. Usually this would narrow down to a single memory address that contained the score. At this point I had the magical simple line of code *pCode = MY_DESIRED_SCORE;
This may not be possible anymore though with new memory security models. But the method worked pretty good with a 10-20 line C++ program and it only took about a minute to modify my score.
There are enough programs available that let you modify memory of running programs. And they are often used for cheating. But be carefull using those on online games, because most cheats will be detected and you are banned without a warning.
If you like to create them yourself, just look at books that describe the windows API. You will find enough information there.
It can done using hooks on windows to access the memory space of a process.