Differences between build and make? - c++

Recently, I downloaded a copy of mysql source code from their source tree. but i am not sure how can i compile the code. i do not quite understand the different processes involved in c++ software building. after i have built the code, how can i install it? or do i need to make? or how do i even know if the 'build' is successful, it printed a lot of information.
thanks in advance!

Well, make program is used to build entire program. It controls how compiler will compile MySQL. If you are using *NIX OS, standard way of doing things is
which will customize makefile used by make to your system. Then goes
which will make program. In the end, if you want to install it for everyone goes
sudo make install
I also recommend that you run
./configure --help
first. It will show you options which can be used with configure. This way you won't miss some optional feature you might want to use.
Also, the wall of text you got may be important. If there are any errors or warnings during compiling, they will show up there. You may want to redirect output of make to a file so you can read it later.


set output path for cmake generated files

My question is the following:
Is there a way to tell CMakeFiles where to generate it's makefiles, such as cmake_install.cmake, CMakeCache.txt etc.?
More specifically, is there a way to set some commands in the CMakeFiles that specifies where to output these generated files? I have tried to search around the web to find some answers, and most people say there's no explicit way of doing this, while others say I might be able to, using custom commands. Sadly, I'm not very strong in cmake, so I couldn't figure this out.
I'm currently using the CLion IDE and there you can specifically set the output path through the settings, but for flexibility reasons I would like as much as possible to be done through the CMakeFiles such that compiling from different computers isn't that big of a hassle.
I would also like to avoid explicitly adding additional command line arguments etc.
I hope someone might have an answer for me, thanks in advance!
You can't (easily) do this and you shouldn't try to do it.
The build tree is CMake's territory. It allows you some tiny amount of customization there (for instance you can specify where the final build artifacts will be placed through the *_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY target properties), but it does not give you any direct control over where intermediate files, like object files or internal make scripts used for bookkeeping are being placed.
This is a feature. You have no idea how all the build systems supported by CMake work internally. Maybe you can move that internal file to a different location in your build process, which is based on Unix Makefiles. But maybe that will also horribly break my build process, which is using Visual Studio. The bottom line is: You shouldn't have to care about this. CMake should take care of it, and by taking some freedom away from you, it ensures that it can actually do that job on all supported build toolchains.
But this might still be an unsatisfactory answer to you. You're the developer, shouldn't you be in full control of the results produced by your build? Of course you should, which is why CMake again grants you full control over what goes into the install tree. That is, whatever ends up in the install directory when you call make install (or whatever is the equivalent of installing in your build toolchain) is again under your control.
So you do control everything that matters: The source tree, the install tree, and that tiny portion of the build tree where the final build artifacts go. The rest of the build tree is off-limits for you and for good reasons.

Building ffmpeg with an executable output

I generally don't like to ask such "you figure it out for me" questions, but I suspect this one will be really simple for a C++ guru. I want to build ffmpeg for Android, and I'd like it to output an executable rather than a set of libraries.
We've been using the guardian project's build:
It does produce what we want, but I've found tweaking it for different architectures to be, at best, unpleasant.
I've gotten this version to build:
It does a nice job of slicing and dicing different architectures, but produces a jni version.
There is a long story as to why I want the exe, but I'll skip it for now. Is there a flag that needs to be flipped? Some path or other setting? I am at this point fully baffled.
Thanks in advance.
Consider using scratchbox to statically cross-compile for ARM (and test) FFMPEG to your requirements on your desktop (still inside SB).
Once your happy, get enough space on your droid to keep the larger than otherwise binary and adb that exe up in there. Don't forget to chmod +x
This link I posted earlier in the comments has lots of general information about FFmpeg and Android. Then there is Estevex's tutorial on Android, FFmpeg and x264. In addition, here's Roman10's blog post about the subject.
When you manage to build the binaries, remember to set rights to the files (e.g. chmod 777 or chmod 775). The command to run FFmpeg is
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/data/data/yourpackagename/files/ffmpeg")
Some implementations:

Installing GMP on Windows with cygwin

I am new to C++ and I have to handle large integers, so I have to install GMP through Cygwin.
Any documentation I can find on installing this already assumes that you know what you are talking about, and I really don't.
Anyway, I got the right .tar or whatever, extracted it properly, and now any website I see says to run ./configure --prefix=${gmp_install}...
What in the world is gmp_install? And what directory do I run configure from? Huh? I can run it from my little Cygwin terminal, but it just says no such file.
Next, I am supposed to type make. From where?
Welcome to StackOverflow (SO).
The source directory of GMP should probably contain the file called configure. This is the script which you have to execute to "configure" the build system in your environment. It means that during configuration Autotools (the build system which is used to build GMP) will gather information about your environment and generate the appropriate makefile. Gathering information includes things like: understanding that you are on Windows, understanding that you are using Cygwin, understanding that your compiler is GCC and its version is x.y.z, and etc. All these steps are important for successful build.
You can specify a lot of different options to this configure script to tweak the configuration process. In your case, you specify the prefix option which determines the installation directory, i.e. the directory where you want the built and ready-to-use GMP distribution to reside. For example:
./configure --prefix=/D/Libraries/GMP
will configure the build system to install the GMP binaries to D:\Libraries\GMP directory.
Assuming that the GMP source directory (the one you extracted from *.tar) is located at say D:\Users\Me\Downloads\GMP, in order to build and install GMP you should do the following:
cd /D/Users/Me/Downloads/GMP
./configure --prefix=/D/Libraries/GMP
make install
NOTE: The make command will actually execute the makefile (which was generated by configure script) I've mentioned earlier. This file describes the process of building and installing GMP on your system.
NOTE: ${gmp_install} is nothing, but an environment variable. For instance, you could do:
export gmp_install=/D/Libraries/GMP
./configure --prefix=${gmp_install}
this can be useful, for example, when you have to use the same path in multiple places, and don't want to type it everytime. There are other cases, when this is useful, but for that you'll have to learn more about environment variables, what they are for, and Bash scripting in general. However, all this goes far beyond the answer on your question.
You'll have to spend quite some time to understand all these things and how they fit together, and you'd probably have to ask more questions here on SO as understanding all that stuff for a beginner alone might be very challenging.

Getting a library to work (QuadProg++ )

I'm trying to use the Quadprog++ library (http://quadprog.sourceforge.net/). I don't understand the instructions though.
To build the library simply go through the ./configure; make; make
install cycle.
In order to use it, you will be required to include in your code file
the "Array.hh" header, which contains a handy C++ implementation of
Vector and Matrices.
There are some "configure", and "MakeFile" files, but they have no extension and I have no idea what to do with them. There are also some ".am", ".in" and ".ac" extensions in the folder.
Does this look familiar to anyone? What do I do with this?
(Edit: On Windows.)
This package is built using the autotools. These files you talk to (*.am, *.in...) are because of the tools automake, and autoconf.
Autotools is a de-facto standard in the GNU/Linux world. Not everybody uses it, but if they do you ease the work of package and distribution managers. Actually they should be portable to any POSIX system.
That said, I'm guessing that you are using a non-unix machine, such as Windows, so the configure script is not directly runable in your system. If you insist in keep using Windows, wich you probably will, your options are:
Use MinGW and MSYS to get a minimal build enviroment compatible with autotools.
Use Cygwin and create a POSIX like environment in your Windows.
Create a VS project, add all the source of the library in there, compile and debug the errors they may arise, as if the code had been written by you.
Search for someone that already did the work and distributes a binary DLL, or similar.
(My favourite!) Get a Linux machine, install a cross-compiler environment to build Windows binaries, and do configure --host i686-mingw32 ; make.
This instruction say how can be build an program delivered like a tarball in Linux. To understand take a look on Why always ./configure; make; make install; as 3 separate steps?.
This can be confusing at first, but here you go. Type these in as shown below:
cd <the_directory_with_the_configure_file>
At this point, a bunch of stuff will roll past on the screen. This is Autoconf running (for more details, see http://www.edwardrosten.com/code/autoconf/index.html)
When it's done, type:
This initiates the build process. (To learn more about GNU make, check out Comprehensive gnu make / gcc tutorial). This will cause several build messages to be printed out.
When this is done, type:
sudo make install
You will be asked for the root password. If this is not your own machine (or you do not have superuser access), then contact the person who administers this computer.
If this is your computer, type in the root password and the library should install in /usr/local/lib/ or something similar (watch the screen closely to see where it puts the .so file).
The rest of it (include the .hh file) seems self-explanatory.
Hope that helps!

How to compile WindRiver/Eclipse C++ projects from the command line?

I'm currently running a variant of Eclipse known as WindRiver, which is designed for embedded systems programming using C++ (specifically, I'm part of my high school's FIRST Robotics team).
I'm able to successfully compile and build the project from within Eclipse (Project > Build Project) but I'm looking for ways to automate this process by compiling by using the command line.
The project already contains a makefile and everything, so ideally I want to be able to just run that without making any manual changes. I pastebin'd the makefile in case its relevant.
Does anybody know where I can find more information on compiling C++ programs from the command line for either Eclipse or WindRiver or on running makefiles on Windows? I tried looking at "How to run a makefile in Windows?" but following the first answer didn't work (it gave a syntax error for the makefile).
I'm currently using a Windows 8 laptop. As best as I can tell, the current varient of WindRiver I'm using is based on Eclipse version 3.3.1.
You will need a make utility, I believe your WindRiver / Eclipse setup would come with "gnumake" (probably called either make or gmake). You'd nee dto set up the command line path to lead to the compiler and the make executable. Unfortunately, this is not a great answer, as I can't give you exact links to the make and compiler locations (it would of course also depend on where you installed things). I just thought I'd lead you somewhat on the right path, since the question has been up for a little while and no one jumped at it.
Thanks to Mat Petersson's answer, I was able to identify everything I needed and create a batch file that could compile the file for me:
#echo off
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\WindRiver\gnu\3.4.4-vxworks-6.3\x86-win32\bin;C:\WindRiver\utilities-1.0\x86-win32\bin;C:\WindRiver\setup\x86-win32\bin
set WIND_BASE=C:\WindRiver\vxworks-6.3
cd My_Project\PPC603gnu
make --no-print-directory BUILD_SPEC=PPC603gnu DEBUG_MODE=1 TRACE=1