Cairo Matrix equivillant of GlOrtho Matrix? - c++

Given that I do something like this:
void glOrtho( GLdouble left,
GLdouble right,
GLdouble bottom,
GLdouble top,
GLdouble nearVal,
GLdouble farVal);
and the result is: could I achieve a matrix like this:
I tried this:
cairo_matrix_t mat;
mat.xx = 2 / (right - left);
mat.yx = 0;
mat.xy = 2 / (top - bottom);
mat.yy = 0;
mat.x0 = 0;
mat.y0 = 0;
But it did not work. How could I acheive the same matrix that GlOrtho makes in Cairo?

I don't know Cairo so I'll delete my answer if a better one comes.
According to the docs of Cairo:
x_new = xx * x + xy * y + x0;
y_new = yx * x + yy * y + y0;
When you use OpenGL, the formula is like: (m being the matrix)
x_new = m(1,1) * x + m(1,2) * y + m(1,3) * z + m(1,4)
y_new = m(2,1) * x + m(2,2) * y + m(2,3) * z + m(2,4)
z_new = m(3,1) * x + m(3,2) * y + m(3,3) * z + m(3,4)
(note that for the sake of simplicity I did not mention the fourth coordinate)
So what you have to do is simply match the two formulas:
mat.xx = 2 / (right - left);
mat.yy = 2 / (top - bottom);
mat.xy = 0;
mat.yx = 0;
mat.x0 = -(right + left) / (right - left);
mat.y0 = -(top + bottom) / (top - bottom);
Please try this


How do I resolve a collision's position properly in 2D collision detection?

My current implementation looks like this:
if (shapesCollide) {
if (velocity.y > 0) entity.position.y = other.position.y - entity.size.y;
else entity.position.y = other.position.y + other.size.y;
velocity.y = 0;
if (velocity.x > 0) entity.position.x = other.position.x - entity.size.x;
else entity.position.x = other.position.x + other.size.x;
velocity.x = 0;
However, this leads to weird handling when movement is happening on both axes - for example, having entity moving downward to the left of object, and then moving it to collide with object, will correctly resolve the horizontal collision, but will break the vertical movement.
I previously simply went
if (shapesCollide) {
position = oldPosition;
velocity = { 0, 0 };
But this lead to another multi-axis issue: if I have my entity resting atop the object, it will be unable to move, as the gravity-induced movement will constantly cancel out both velocities. I also tried considering both axes separately, but this lead to issues whenever the collision only occurs when both velocities are taken into account.
What is the best solution to resolving collision on two axes?
I assume that the entities can be considered to be more or less round and that size is the radius of the entities?
We probably need a little vector math to resolve this. (I don't know the square-root function in c++, so be aware at sqrt.) Try replacing your code inside if(shapesCollide) with this and see how it works for you.
float rEntity = sqrt(entity.size.x * entity.size.x + entity.size.y * entity.size.y);
float rOther = sqrt(other.size.x * other.size.x + other.size.y * other.size.y);
float midX = (entity.position.x + other.position.x) / 2.0;
float midY = (entity.position.y + other.position.y) / 2.0;
float dx = entity.position.x - midX;
float dy = entity.position.y - midY;
float D = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
rEntity and rOther are the radii of the objects, and midX and midY are their center coordinates. dx and dy are the distances to the center from the entity.
Then do:
entity.position.x = midX + dx * rEntity / D;
entity.position.y = midY + dy * rEntity / D;
other.position.x = midX - dx * rOther / D;
other.position.y = midY - dy * rOther / D;
You should probably check that D is not 0, and if it is, just set dx = 1, dy = 0, D = 1 or something like that.
You should also still do:
velocity.x = 0;
velocity.y = 0;
if you want the entities to stop.
For more accurate modelling, you could also try the following:
float rEntity = sqrt(entity.size.x * entity.size.x + entity.size.y * entity.size.y);
float rOther = sqrt(other.size.x * other.size.x + other.size.y * other.size.y);
float midX = (entity.position.x * rOther + other.position.x * rEntity) / (rEntity + rOther);
float midY = (entity.position.y * rOther + other.position.y * rEntity) / (rEntity + rOther);
float dxEntity = entity.position.x - midX;
float dyEntity = entity.position.y - midY;
float dEntity = sqrt(dxEntity * dxEntity + dyEntity * dyEntity);
float dxOther = other.position.x - midX;
float dyOther = other.position.y - midY;
float dOther = sqrt(dxOther * dxOther + dyOther * dyOther);
entity.position.x = midX + dxEntity * rEntity / dEntity;
entity.position.y = midY + dyEntity * rEntity / dEntity;
other.position.x = midX + dxOther * rOther / dOther;
other.position.y = midY + dyOther * rOther / dOther;
which finds the midpoints when the radii are taken into account. But I won't guarantee that that works. Also, the signs on the last additions are important.
I hope this helps (and works). Let me know if something is unclear.

Animating along an elliptical path in OpenGL

I am trying to make a red circle follow the path of a semi-circle using the DDA algorithm in OpenGL. I almost have it, though the circle is slightly offset on its X-axis, which increases as the angle of the semi-circle increases.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Here's my code:
scrPt movecircle (scrPt p1, scrPt p2)
scrPt circlePos;
float angle, x = p1.x, y = p1.y, vectorX, vectorY;
// Get tahe x distance between the two points
int dx = p2.x - p1.x, steps;
// Get the y distance between the two points
int dy = p2.y - p1.y;
// Get the length between the points
float length = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if (fabs (dx) > fabs (dy))
steps = fabs (dx);
steps = fabs (dy);
// calculate the direction
float xIncrement = float (dx) / float (steps);
float yIncrement = float (dy) / float (steps);
if (nextPos == 0)
for(int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
angle = PI * i / steps;
vectorX = x + (length / 2) * cos(angle + theta);
vectorY = y + dy / 2 + (length / 2) * sin(angle + theta);
circlePos.x = round(vectorX - length / 2);
circlePos.y = round(vectorY);
drawCircle (circlePos.x, circlePos.y);
for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
drawCircle (round(x),round(y));
x += xIncrement;
y += yIncrement;
return circlePos;
There were a couple of errors in the for-loop that were causing the issue. I needed to change
vectorX = x + (length / 2) * cos(angle + theta);
to this:
vectorX = x + (dx / 2) + (length / 2) * cos(angle + theta);
and this:
circlePos.x = round(vectorX - (length / 2));
to this:
circlePos.x = round(vectorX);

3D Line Segment and Plane Intersection - Contd

After advice from krlzlx I have posted it as a new question.
From here:
3D Line Segment and Plane Intersection
I have a problem with this algorithm, I have implemented it like so:
template <class T>
class AnyCollision {
std::pair<bool, T> operator()(Point3d &ray, Point3d &rayOrigin, Point3d &normal, Point3d &coord) const {
// get d value
float d = (normal.x * coord.x) + (normal.y * coord.y) + (normal.z * coord.z);
if (((normal.x * ray.x) + (normal.y * ray.y) + (normal.z * ray.z)) == 0) {
return std::make_pair(false, T());
// Compute the X value for the directed line ray intersecting the plane
float a = (d - ((normal.x * rayOrigin.x) + (normal.y * rayOrigin.y) + (normal.z * rayOrigin.z)) / ((normal.x * ray.x) + (normal.y * ray.y) + (normal.z * ray.z)));
// output contact point
float rayMagnitude = (sqrt(pow(ray.x, 2) + pow(ray.y, 2) + pow(ray.z, 2)));
Point3d rayNormalised((ray.x / rayMagnitude), (ray.y / rayMagnitude), (ray.z / rayMagnitude));
Point3d contact((rayOrigin.x + (rayNormalised.x * a)), (rayOrigin.y + (rayNormalised.y * a)), (rayOrigin.z + (rayNormalised.z * a))); //Make sure the ray vector is normalized
return std::make_pair(true, contact);
Point3d is defined as:
class Point3d {
double x;
double y;
double z;
* constructor
* 0 all elements
Point3d() {
x = 0.0;
y = 0.0;
z = 0.0;
I am forced to use this structure, because in the larger system my component runs in it is defined like this and it cannot be changed.
My code compiles fine, but testing I get incorrect values for the point. The ratio of x, y, z is correct but the magnitude is wrong.
For example if:
rayOrigin.x = 0;
rayOrigin.y = 0;
rayOrigin.z = 0;
ray.x = 3;
ray.y = -5;
ray.z = 12;
normal.x = -3;
normal.y = 12;
normal.z = 0;
coord.x = 7;
coord.y = -5;
coord.z = 10;
I expect the point to be:
(0.63, 1.26, 1.89)
However, it is:
(3.52, -5.87, 14.09)
A magnitude of 5.09 too big.
And I also tested:
rayOrigin.x = 0;
rayOrigin.y = 0;
rayOrigin.z = 0;
ray.x = 2;
ray.y = 3;
ray.z = 3;
normal.x = 4;
normal.y = 1;
normal.z = 0;
p0.x = 2;
p0.y = 1;
p0.z = 5;
I expect the point to be:
(1.64, 2.45, 2.45)
However, it is:
(3.83761, 5.75642, 5.75642)
A magnitude of 2.34 too big?
Pseudocode (does not require vector normalization):
Diff = PlaneBaseCoordinate - RayOrigin
d =
e =
if (e)
IntersectionPoint = RayOrigin + RayVector * d / e
ray belongs to the plane or is parallel
Quick check:
Ray (0,0,0) (2,2,2) //to catch possible scale issues
Plane (0,1,0) (0,3,0) //plane y=1
Diff = (0,1,0)
d = 3
e = 6
IntersectionPoint = (0,0,0) + (2,2,2) * 3 / 6 = (1, 1, 1)

C++ Angles between a vector and a point

I got 2 points own=(x, y, z) and en=(x, y, z) which represents my own position in the world and some other player position. the other player also got pitch (from 90 degrees to -90) and yaw (0 to 360). I want to calculate the angles between the other player look and my own position.
In 2D, alpha is what I'm trying to calculate:
int main()
float own_x = 1, own_y = 1, own_z = 1;
float en_x = 10, en_y = 1, en_z = 10;
float pi = 3.14159265;
float pitch = 0.f * (pi / 180), yaw = 45.f * (pi / 180);
float x = sin(yaw) * cos(pitch);
float y = sin(pitch);
float z = cos(pitch) * cos(yaw);
float vec_length = sqrt(pow(en_x - own_x, 2) + pow(en_y - own_y, 2) + pow(en_y - own_y, 2));
x /= vec_length;
y /= vec_length;
z /= vec_length;
float cos_t = ((en_x - own_x)*x + (en_y - own_y)*y + (en_z - own_z)*z) / sqrt(pow(en_x - own_x, 2) + pow(en_y - own_y, 2) + pow(en_y - own_y, 2));
float arc = acos(cos_t) * (180 / pi);
return 0;
you divide twice with the length of en-own: You should remove
vec_length, and xyz /= vec_length.
your division at cos_t is buggy, you use _y twice in the
expression instead of _y and _z
Note: instead of pow(x, 2), use x*x, it is faster usually (compilers may not optimize pow(x, 2) to x*x).

Some odd things going on with my affine transforms

Now, I am not asking how to rotate my object, what I'm asking is why on earth my object (an SDL_Surface) stretches when rotated with the formula:
x' = cos(angle) * x - sin(angle) * y;
y' = sin(angle) * x + cos(angle) * y;
Theoretically (I presume) this is correct. However, when I use the code below, of which uses this formula, I get this odd stretching and flipping after the angle goes outside 15 degrees! any idea what is causing this?
for (int y = -GAME_HEIGHT/2; y < GAME_HEIGHT/2; ++y) {
for (int x = -GAME_WIDTH/2; x < GAME_WIDTH/2; ++x) {
/*----------------Begin Mode7 FX-----------------*/
float px, py, pz;
px = x;
py = FOV;
pz = y - Xrot;
float sx, sy;
sx = x;
sy = y;
//sx = px != 0 && pz != 0 ? px / pz : 0;
//sy = py != 0 && pz != 0 ? py / pz : 0;
sx = cos(Yrot*PI/180) * sx - sin(Yrot*PI/180) * sy;
sy = sin(Yrot*PI/180) * sx + cos(Yrot*PI/180) * sy;
sx *= scaling;
sy *= scaling;
sx = (sx / GAME_WIDTH * 0.5f + 0.5f) * BG0.image->w;
sy = (sy / GAME_HEIGHT * 0.5f + 0.5f) * BG0.image->h;
sx = (float)wrap((int)sx, 0, BG0.image->w);
sy = (float)wrap((int)sy, 0, BG0.image->h);
/*------------------End Mode7 FX-----------------*/
Uint32 grabPixel = getpixel(BG0.image, sx, sy);
SDL_PixelFormat* myPixelFormat=backBuffer->format;
putpixel(backBuffer, x+GAME_WIDTH/2, y+GAME_HEIGHT/2, grabPixel);
Please help, as I have been really banging my head on the desk with this one. It's the only stumbling block to getting a perfect software-rendered mode-7 effect I'm doing (that's the reason for the commented out perspective transform)
EDIT: Solved this, below answer explains how I screwed this up. (Basically, I was accidentally feeding in the wrong value to the Y coordinate generation, and it was using the already-transformed X coordinate)
When you do sx = ... and then you do sy = ..., sy equation use sx.
I think you should do something like :
float ax = sx, ay = sy;
sx = cos(Yrot*PI/180) * ax - sin(Yrot*PI/180) * ay;
sy = sin(Yrot*PI/180) * ax + cos(Yrot*PI/180) * ay;