c++: local array definition versus a malloc call - c++

What is the difference between this:
somefunction() {
char *output;
output = (char *) malloc((len * 2) + 1);
and this:
somefunction() {
char output[(len * 2) + 1];
When is one more appropriate than the other?
thanks all for your answers. here is a summary:
ex. 1 is heap allocation
ex. 2 is stack allocation
there is a size limitation on the stack, use it for smaller allocations
you have to free heap allocation, or it will leak
the stack allocation is not accessible once the function exits
the heap allocation is accessible until you free it (or the app ends)
VLA's are not part of standard C++
corrections welcome.
here is some explanation of the difference between heap vs stack:
What and where are the stack and heap?

The first allocates memory on the heap. You have to remember to free the memory, or it will leak. This is appropriate if the memory needs to used outside the function, or if you need to allocate a huge amount of memory.
The second allocates memory on the stack. It will be reclaimed automatically when the function returns. This is the most convenient if you don't need to return the memory to your caller.

Use locals when you only have a small amount of data, and you are not going to use the data outside the scope of the function you've declared it in. If you're going to pass the data around, use malloc.
Local variables are held on the stack, which is much more size limited than the heap, where arrays allocated with malloc go. I usually go for anything > 16 bytes being put on the heap, but you have a bit more flexibility than that. Just don't be allocating locals in the kb/mb size range - they belong on the heap.

The first example allocates a block of storage from the heap. The second one allocates storage from the stack. The difference becomes visible when you return output from somefunction(). The dynamically allocated storage is still available for your use, but the stack-based storage in the second example is, um, nowhere. You can still write into this storage and read it for awhile, until the next time you call a function, at which time the storage will get overwritten randomly with return addresses, arguments, and such.
There's a lot of other weird stuff going on with the code in this question too. First off, it this is a c++ program, you'd want to use new instead of malloc() so you'd say
output = new char[len+1];
And what's with the len*2 + 1 anyway? Maybe this is something special in your code, but I'm guessing you want to allocate unicode characters or multibyte characters. If it's unicode, the null termination takes two bytes as well as each character does, and char is the wrong type, being 8 bit bytes in most compilers. If it's multibyte, then hey, all bets are off.

First some terminology:
The first sample is called heap allocation.
The second sample is called stack allocation.
The general rule is: allocate on the stack, unless:
The required size of the array is unknown at compile time.
The required size exceeds 10% of the total stack size. The default stack size on Windows and Linux is usually 1 or 2 MB. So your local array should not exceed 100,000 bytes.

You tagged your question with both C++ and C, but the second solution is not allowed in C++. Variable length arrays are only allowed in C(99).
If you were to assume 'len' is a constant, both will work.
malloc() (and C++'s 'new') allocate the memory on the heap, which means you have to free() (or if you allocated with 'new', 'delete') the buffer, or the memory will never be reclaimed (leak).
The latter allocates the array on the stack, and will be gone when it goes out of scope. This means that you can't return pointers to the buffer outside the scope it's allocated in.
The former is useful when you want to pass the block of memory around (but in C++, it's best managed with an RAII class, not manually), while the latter is best for small, fixed-size arrays that only need to exist in one scope.
Lastly, you can mark the otherwise stack-allocated array with 'static' to take it off the stack and into a global data section:
static char output[(len * 2) + 1];
This enables you to return pointers to the buffer outside of its scope, however, all calls to such a function will refer to the same piece of global data, so don't use it if you need a unique block of memory every time.
Lastly, don't use malloc in C++ unless you have a really good reason (i.e, realloc). Use 'new' instead, and the accompanying 'delete'.


Why can't we allocate dynamic memory on the stack?

Allocating stuff on the stack is awesome because than we have RAII and don't have to worry about memory leaks and such. However sometimes we must allocate on the heap:
If the data is really big (recommended) - because the stack is small.
If the size of the data to be allocated is only known at runtime (dynamic allocation).
Two questions:
Why can't we allocate dynamic memory (i.e. memory of size that is
only known at runtime) on the stack?
Why can we only refer to memory on the heap through pointers, while memory on the stack can be referred to via a normal variable? I.e. Thing t;.
Edit: I know some compilers support Variable Length Arrays - which is dynamically allocated stack memory. But that's really an exception to the general rule. I'm interested in understanding the fundamental reasons for why generally, we can't allocate dynamic memory on the stack - the technical reasons for it and the rational behind it.
Why can't we allocate dynamic memory (i.e. memory of size that is only known at runtime) on the stack?
It's more complicated to achieve this. The size of each stack frame is burned-in to your compiled program as a consequence of the sort of instructions the finished executable needs to contain in order to work. The layout and whatnot of your function-local variables, for example, is literally hard-coded into your program through the register and memory addresses it describes in its low-level assembly code: "variables" don't actually exist in the executable. To let the quantity and size of these "variables" change between compilation runs greatly complicates this process, though it's not completely impossible (as you've discovered, with non-standard variable-length arrays).
Why can we only refer to memory on the heap through pointers, while memory on the stack can be referred to via a normal variable
This is just a consequence of the syntax. C++'s "normal" variables happen to be those with automatic or static storage duration. The designers of the language could technically have made it so that you can write something like Thing t = new Thing and just use a t all day, but they did not; again, this would have been more difficult to implement. How do you distinguish between the different types of objects, then? Remember, your compiled executable has to remember to auto-destruct one kind and not the other.
I'd love to go into the details of precisely why and why not these things are difficult, as I believe that's what you're after here. Unfortunately, my knowledge of assembly is too limited.
Why can't we allocate dynamic memory (i.e. memory of size that is only known at runtime) on the stack?
Technically, this is possible. But not approved by the C++ standard. Variable length arrays(VLA) allows you to create dynamic size constructs on stack memory. Most compilers allow this as compiler extension.
int array[n];
//where n is only known at run-time
Why can we only refer to memory on the heap through pointers, while memory on the stack can be referred to via a normal variable? I.e. Thing t;.
We can. Whether you do it or not depends on implementation details of a particular task at hand.
int i;
int *ptr = &i;
We can allocate variable length space dynamically on stack memory by using function _alloca. This function allocates memory from the program stack. It simply takes number of bytes to be allocated and return void* to the allocated space just as malloc call. This allocated memory will be freed automatically on function exit.
So it need not to be freed explicitly. One has to keep in mind about allocation size here, as stack overflow exception may occur. Stack overflow exception handling can be used for such calls. In case of stack overflow exception one can use _resetstkoflw() to restore it back.
So our new code with _alloca would be :
int NewFunctionA()
char* pszLineBuffer = (char*) _alloca(1024*sizeof(char));
// Program logic
//no need to free szLineBuffer
return 1;
Every variable that has a name, after compilation, becomes a dereferenced pointer whose address value is computed by adding (depending on the platform, may be "subtracting"...) an "offset value" to a stack-pointer (a register that contains the address the stack actually is reaching: usually "current function return address" is stored there).
int i,j,k;
(SP-12) ;i
(SP-8) ;j
(SP-4) ;k
To let this "sum" to be efficient, the offsets have to be constant, so that they can be encode directly in the instruction op-code:
MOV (SP-12),A; i-->>A
ADD A,(SP-8) ; A+=j
MOV A,(SP-4) ; A-->>k
You see here how 4,8 and 12 are now "code", not "data".
That implies that a variable that comes after another requires that "other" to retain a fixed compile-time defined size.
Dynamically declared arrays can be an exception, but they can only be that last variable of a function. Otherwise, all the variables that follows will have an offset that have to be adjusted run-time after that array allocation.
This creates the complication that dereferencing the addresses requires arithmetic (not just a plain offset) or the capability to modify the opcode as variables are declared (self modifying code).
Both the solution becomes sub-optimal in term of performance, since all can break the locality of the addressing, or add more calculation for each variable access.
Why can't we allocate dynamic memory (i.e. memory of size that is only known at runtime) on the stack?
You can with Microsoft compilers using _alloca() or _malloca(). For gcc, it's alloca()
I'm not sure it's part of the C / C++ standards, but variations of alloca() are included with many compilers. If you need aligned allocation, such a "n" bytes of memory starting on a "m" byte boundary (where m is a power of 2), you can allocate n+m bytes of memory, add m to the pointer and mask off the lower bits. Example to allocate hex 1000 bytes of memory on a hex 100 boundary. You don't need to preserve the value returned by _alloca() since it's stack memory and automatically freed when the function exits.
char *p;
p = _alloca(0x1000+0x100);
(size_t)p = ((size_t)0x100 + (size_t)p) & ~(size_t)0xff;
Most important reason is that Memory used can be deallocated in any order but stack requires deallocation of memory in a fixed order i.e LIFO order.Hence practically it would be difficult to implement this.
Virtual memory is a virtualization of memory, meaning that it behaves as the resource it is virtualizing (memory). In a system, each process has a different virtual memory space:
32-bits programs: 2^32 bytes (4 Gigabytes)
64-bits programs: 2^64 bytes (16 Exabytes)
Because virtual space is so big, only some regions of that virtual space are usable (meaning that only some regions can be read/written just as if it were real memory). Virtual memory regions are initialized and made usable through mapping. Virtual memory does not consume resources and can be considered unlimited (for 64-bits programs) BUT usable (mapped) virtual memory is limited and use up resources.
For every process, some mapping is done by the kernel and other by the user code. For example, before even the code start executing, the kernel maps specific regions of the virtual memory space of a process for the code instructions, global variables, shared libraries, the stack space... etc. The user code uses dynamic allocation (allocation wrappers such as malloc and free), or garbage collectors (automatic allocation) to manage the virtual memory mapping at application-level (for example, if there is no enough free usable virtual memory available when calling malloc, new virtual memory is automatically mapped).
You should differentiate between mapped virtual memory (the total size of the stack, the total current size of the heap...) and allocated virtual memory (the part of the heap that malloc explicitly told the program that can be used)
Regarding this, I reinterpret your first question as:
Why can't we save dynamic data (i.e. data whose size is only known at runtime) on the stack?
First, as other have said, it is possible: Variable Length Arrays is just that (at least in C, I figure also in C++). However, it has some technical drawbacks and maybe that's the reason why it is an exception:
The size of the stack used by a function became unknown at compile time, this adds complexity to stack management, additional register (variables) must be used and it may impede some compiler optimizations.
The stack is mapped at the beginning of the process and it has a fixed size. That size should be increased greatly if variable-size-data is going to be placed there by default. Programs that do not make extensive use of the stack would waste usable virtual memory.
Additionally, data saved on the stack must be saved and deleted in Last-In-First-Out order, which is perfect for local variables within functions but unsuitable if we need a more flexible approach.
Why can we only refer to memory on the heap through pointers, while memory on the stack can be referred to via a normal variable?
As this answer explains, we can.
Read a bit about Turing Machines to understand why things are the way they are. Everything was built around them as the starting point.
Anything outside of this is technically an abomination and a hack.

What's the advantage of malloc?

What is the advantage of allocating a memory for some data. Instead we could use an array of them.
int *lis;
lis = (int*) malloc ( sizeof( int ) * n );
/* Initialize LIS values for all indexes */
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
lis[i] = 1;
we could have used an ordinary array.
Well I don't understand exactly how malloc works, what is actually does. So explaining them would be more beneficial for me.
And suppose we replace sizeof(int) * n with just n in the above code and then try to store integer values, what problems might i be facing? And is there a way to print the values stored in the variable directly from the memory allocated space, for example here it is lis?
Your question seems to rather compare dynamically allocated C-style arrays with variable-length arrays, which means that this might be what you are looking for: Why aren't variable-length arrays part of the C++ standard?
However the c++ tag yields the ultimate answer: use std::vector object instead.
As long as it is possible, avoid dynamic allocation and responsibility for ugly memory management ~> try to take advantage of objects with automatic storage duration instead. Another interesting reading might be: Understanding the meaning of the term and the concept - RAII (Resource Acquisition is Initialization)
"And suppose we replace sizeof(int) * n with just n in the above code and then try to store integer values, what problems might i be facing?"
- If you still consider n to be the amount of integers that it is possible to store in this array, you will most likely experience undefined behavior.
More fundamentally, I think, apart from the stack vs heap and variable vs constant issues (and apart from the fact that you shouldn't be using malloc() in C++ to begin with), is that a local array ceases to exist when the function exits. If you return a pointer to it, that pointer is going to be useless as soon as the caller receives it, whereas memory dynamically allocated with malloc() or new will still be valid. You couldn't implement a function like strdup() using a local array, for instance, or sensibly implement a linked representation list or tree.
The answer is simple. Local1 arrays are allocated on your stack, which is a small pre-allocated memory for your program. Beyond a couple thousand data, you can't really do much on a stack. For higher amounts of data, you need to allocate memory out of your stack.
This is what malloc does.
malloc allocates a piece of memory as big as you ask it. It returns a pointer to the start of that memory, which could be treated similar to an array. If you write beyond the size of that memory, the result is undefined behavior. This means everything could work alright, or your computer may explode. Most likely though you'd get a segmentation fault error.
Reading values from the memory (for example for printing) is the same as reading from an array. For example printf("%d", list[5]);.
Before C99 (I know the question is tagged C++, but probably you're learning C-compiled-in-C++), there was another reason too. There was no way you could have an array of variable length on the stack. (Even now, variable length arrays on the stack are not so useful, since the stack is small). That's why for variable amount of memory, you needed the malloc function to allocate memory as large as you need, the size of which is determined at runtime.
Another important difference between local arrays, or any local variable for that matter, is the life duration of the object. Local variables are inaccessible as soon as their scope finishes. malloced objects live until they are freed. This is essential in practically all data structures that are not arrays, such as linked-lists, binary search trees (and variants), (most) heaps etc.
An example of malloced objects are FILEs. Once you call fopen, the structure that holds the data related to the opened file is dynamically allocated using malloc and returned as a pointer (FILE *).
1 Note: Non-local arrays (global or static) are allocated before execution, so they can't really have a length determined at runtime.
I assume you are asking what is the purpose of c maloc():
Say you want to take an input from user and now allocate an array of that size:
int n;
int arr[n];
This will fail because n is not available at compile time. Here comes malloc()
you may write:
int n;
int* arr = malloc(sizeof(int)*n);
Actually malloc() allocate memory dynamically in the heap area
Some older programming environments did not provide malloc or any equivalent functionality at all. If you needed dynamic memory allocation you had to code it yourself on top of gigantic static arrays. This had several drawbacks:
The static array size put a hard upper limit on how much data the program could process at any one time, without being recompiled. If you've ever tried to do something complicated in TeX and got a "capacity exceeded, sorry" message, this is why.
The operating system (such as it was) had to reserve space for the static array all at once, whether or not it would all be used. This phenomenon led to "overcommit", in which the OS pretends to have allocated all the memory you could possibly want, but then kills your process if you actually try to use more than is available. Why would anyone want that? And yet it was hyped as a feature in mid-90s commercial Unix, because it meant that giant FORTRAN simulations that potentially needed far more memory than your dinky little Sun workstation had, could be tested on small instance sizes with no trouble. (Presumably you would run the big instance on a Cray somewhere that actually had enough memory to cope.)
Dynamic memory allocators are hard to implement well. Have a look at the jemalloc paper to get a taste of just how hairy it can be. (If you want automatic garbage collection it gets even more complicated.) This is exactly the sort of thing you want a guru to code once for everyone's benefit.
So nowadays even quite barebones embedded environments give you some sort of dynamic allocator.
However, it is good mental discipline to try to do without. Over-use of dynamic memory leads to inefficiency, of the kind that is often very hard to eliminate after the fact, since it's baked into the architecture. If it seems like the task at hand doesn't need dynamic allocation, perhaps it doesn't.
However however, not using dynamic memory allocation when you really should have can cause its own problems, such as imposing hard upper limits on how long strings can be, or baking nonreentrancy into your API (compare gethostbyname to getaddrinfo).
So you have to think about it carefully.
we could have used an ordinary array
In C++ (this year, at least), arrays have a static size; so creating one from a run-time value:
int lis[n];
is not allowed. Some compilers allow this as a non-standard extension, and it's due to become standard next year; but, for now, if we want a dynamically sized array we have to allocate it dynamically.
In C, that would mean messing around with malloc; but you're asking about C++, so you want
std::vector<int> lis(n, 1);
to allocate an array of size n containing int values initialised to 1.
(If you like, you could allocate the array with new int[n], and remember to free it with delete [] lis when you're finished, and take extra care not to leak if an exception is thrown; but life's too short for that nonsense.)
Well I don't understand exactly how malloc works, what is actually does. So explaining them would be more beneficial for me.
malloc in C and new in C++ allocate persistent memory from the "free store". Unlike memory for local variables, which is released automatically when the variable goes out of scope, this persists until you explicitly release it (free in C, delete in C++). This is necessary if you need the array to outlive the current function call. It's also a good idea if the array is very large: local variables are (typically) stored on a stack, with a limited size. If that overflows, the program will crash or otherwise go wrong. (And, in current standard C++, it's necessary if the size isn't a compile-time constant).
And suppose we replace sizeof(int) * n with just n in the above code and then try to store integer values, what problems might i be facing?
You haven't allocated enough space for n integers; so code that assumes you have will try to access memory beyond the end of the allocated space. This will cause undefined behaviour; a crash if you're lucky, and data corruption if you're unlucky.
And is there a way to print the values stored in the variable directly from the memory allocated space, for example here it is lis?
You mean something like this?
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) std::cout << lis[i] << '\n';

How do strings allocate memory in c++?

I know that dynamic memory has advantages over setting a fixed size array and and using a portion of it. But in dynamic memory you have to enter the amount data that you want to store in the array. When using strings you can type as many letters as you want(you can even use strings for numbers and then use a function to convert them). This fact makes me think that dynamic memory for character arrays is obsolete compared to strings.
So i wanna know what are the advantages and disadvantages when using strings? When is the space occupied by strings freed? Is maybe the option to free your dynamically allocated memory with delete an advantage over strings? Please explain.
The short answer is "no, there is no drawbacks, only advantages" with std::string over character arrays.
Of course, strings do USE dynamic memory, it just hides the fact behind the scenes so you don't have to worry about it.
In answer to you question: When is the space occupied by strings freed? this post may be helpful. Basically, std::strings are freed once they go out of scope. Often the compiler can decide when to allocate and release the memory.
std::string usually contains an internal dynamically allocated buffer. When you assign data, or if you push back new data, and the current buffer size is not sufficient, a new buffer is allocated with an increased size and the old data is copied or moved to the new buffer. The old buffer is then deallocated.
The main buffer is deallocated when the string goes out of scope. If the string object is a local variable in a function (on the stack), it will deallocate at the end of the current code block. If it's a function parameter, when the function exits. If it's a class member, whenever the class is destroyed.
The advantage of strings is flexibility (increases in size automatically) and safety (harder to go over the bounds of an array). A fixed-size char array on the stack is faster as no dynamic allocation is required. But you should worry about that if you have a performance problem, and not before.
well, your question got me thinking, and then i understood that you are talking about syntax differences, because both ways are dynamic allocating char arrays. the only difference is in the need:
if you need to create a string containing a sentence then you can, and
that's fine, not to use malloc
if you want an array and to "play" with it, meaning change or set the cells cording to some method, or changing it's size, then initiating it with malloc would be the appropriate way
the only reason i see to a static allocating char a[17] (for example) is for a single purpose string that you need, meaning only when you know the exact size you'll need and it won't change
and one important point the i found:
In dynamic memory allocation, if the memory is being continually allocated but the one allocated for objects that are not in use, is not released, then it can lead to stack overflow condition or memory leak which is a big disadvantage.

C++ How to allocate memory dynamically on stack?

Is there a way to allocate memory on stack instead of heap? I can't find a good book on this, anyone here got an idea?
Use alloca() (sometimes called _alloca() or _malloca() ), but be very careful about it — it frees its memory when you leave a function, not when you go out of scope, so you'll quickly blow up if you use it inside a loop.
For example, if you have a function like
int foo( int nDataSize, int iterations )
for ( int i = 0; i < iterations ; ++i )
char *bytes = alloca( nDataSize );
// the memory above IS NOT FREED when we pass the brace below!
return 0;
} // alloca() memory only gets freed here
Then the alloca() will allocate an additional nDataSize bytes every time through the loop. None of the alloca() bytes get freed until you return from the function. So, if you have an nDataSize of 1024 and an iterations of 8, you'll allocate 8 kilobytes before returning. If you have an nDataSize= 65536 and iterations = 32768, you'll allocate a total 65536×32768=2,147,483,648 bytes, almost certainly blowing your stack and causing a crash.
anecdote: You can easily get into trouble if you write past the end of the buffer, especially if you pass the buffer into another function, and that subfunction has the wrong idea about the buffer's length. I once fixed a rather amusing bug where we were using alloca() to create temporary storage for rendering a TrueType font glyph before sending it over to GPU memory. Our font library didn't account for the diacritic in the Swedish Å character when calculating glyph sizes, so it told us to allocate n bytes to store the glyph before rendering, and then actually rendered n+128 bytes. The extra 128 bytes wrote into the call stack, overwriting the return address and inducing a really painful nondeterministic crash!
Since this is tagged C++, typically you just declare the objects you need in the correct scope. They are allocated on the stack, and guaranteed to be released on scope exit. This is RAII, and a critical advantage of C++ over C. No mallocs or news, and especially no allocas, required.
You can declare a local char[1024] or whatever number of bytes you'd like (up to a point), then take the address of the local for a pointer to this block of memory on the stack. Not exactly dynamic, but you could then wrap up this memory with your own memory manager if desired.
See _malloca.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​
Article discussing about dynamic memory allocation
We can allocate variable length space dynamically on stack memory by
using function
_alloca. This function allocates memory from the program stack. It simply takes number of bytes to be allocated and return void* to the
allocated space just as malloc call. This allocated memory will be
freed automatically on function exit.
So it need not to be freed explicitly. One has to keep in mind about
allocation size here, as stack overflow exception may occur. Stack
overflow exception handling can be used for such calls. In case of
stack overflow exception one can use _resetstkoflw() to restore it
So our new code with _alloca would be :
int NewFunctionA()
char* pszLineBuffer = (char*) _alloca(1024*sizeof(char));
// Program logic
//no need to free szLineBuffer
return 1;
When/if C++ allows the use of (non-static) const values for array bounds, it will be easier.
For now, the best way I know of is via recursion. There are all kinds of clever tricks that can be done, but the easiest I know of is to have your routine declare a fixed-sized array, and fill and operate on what it has. When its done, if it needs more space to finish, it calls itself.
You could use the BDE C++ library, e.g.
const int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
bdlma::BufferedSequentialAllocator allocator(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
bsl::vector<int> dataVector(&allocator);
BDE supplies comprehensive allocator options along with collections like bsl::vector that can use polymorphic allocators without changing the type of the container.
You might also consider:

C and C++: Freeing PART of an allocated pointer

Let's say I have a pointer allocated to hold 4096 bytes. How would one deallocate the last 1024 bytes in C? What about in C++? What if, instead, I wanted to deallocate the first 1024 bytes, and keep the rest (in both languages)? What about deallocating from the middle (it seems to me that this would require splitting it into two pointers, before and after the deallocated region).
Don't try and second-guess memory management. It's usually cleverer than you ;-)
The only thing you can achieve is the first scenario to 'deallocate' the last 1K
char * foo = malloc(4096);
foo = realloc(foo, 4096-1024);
However, even in this case, there is NO GUARANTEE that "foo" will be unchanged. Your entire 4K may be freed, and realloc() may move your memory elsewhere, thus invalidating any pointers to it that you may hold.
This is valid for both C and C++ - however, use of malloc() in C++ is a bad code smell, and most folk would expect you to use new() to allocate storage. And memory allocated with new() cannot be realloc()ed - or at least, not in any kind of portable way. STL vectors would be a much better approach in C++
If you have n bytes of mallocated memory, you can realloc m bytes (where m < n) and thus throw away the last n-m bytes.
To throw away from the beginning, you can malloc a new, smaller buffer and memcpy the bytes you want and then free the original.
The latter option is also available using C++ new and delete. It can also emulate the first realloc case.
You don't have "a pointer allocated to hold 4096 bytes", you have a pointer to an allocated block of 4096 bytes.
If your block was allocated with malloc(), realloc() will allow you to reduce or increase the size of the block. The start address of the block won't necessarily stay the same, though.
You can't change the start address of a malloc'd memory block, which is really what your second scenario is asking. There's also no way to split a malloc'd block.
This is a limitation of the malloc/calloc/realloc/free API -- and implementations may rely on these limitations (for example, keeping bookkeeping information about the allocation immediately before the start address, which would make moving the start address difficult.)
Now, malloc isn't the only allocator out there -- your platform or libraries might provide other ones, or you could write your own (which gets memory from the system via malloc, mmap, VirtualAlloc or some other mechanism) and then hands it out to your program in whatever fashion you desire.
For C++, if you allocate memory with std::malloc, the information above applies. If you're using new and delete, you're allocating storage for and constructing objects, and so changing the size of an allocated block doesn't make sense -- objects in C++ are a fixed size.
You can make it shorter with realloc(). I don't think the rest is possible.
You can use realloc() to apparently make the memory shorter. Note that for some implementations such a call will actually do nothing. You can't free the first bit of the block and retain the last bit.
If you find yourself needing this kind of functionality, you should consider using a more complex data structure. An array is not the correct answer to every programming problem.
SUMMARY:In contrast to C's realloc, it
is not possible to directly reallocate
memory allocated with new[]. To extend
or reduce the size of a block, one
must allocate a new block of adequate
size, copy over the old memory, and
delete the old block. The C++ standard
library provides a dynamic array that
can be extended or reduced in its
std::vector template.