Do all C++ compilers generate C code? - c++

Probably a pretty vague and broad question, but do all C++ compilers compile code into C first before compiling them into machine code?

Because C compilers are nearly ubiquitous and available on nearly every platform, a lot of (compiled) languages go through this phase in their development to bootstrap the process.
In the early phases of language development to see if the language is feasible the easiest way to get a working compiler out is to build a compiler that converts your language to C then let the native C compiler build the actual binary.
The trouble with this is that language specific constructs are lost and thus potential opportunities for optimization may be missed thus most languages in phase two get their own dedicated compiler front end that understands language specific constructs and can thus provide optimization strategies based on these constructs.
C++ has gone through phase 1 and phase 2 over two decades ago. So it is easy to find a `front end' of a compiler that is dedicated to C++ and generates an intermediate format that is passed directly to a backed. But you can still find versions of C++ that are translated into C (as an intermediate format) before being compiled.

Nope. GCC for example goes from C++ -> assembler. You can see this by using the -S option with g++.
Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think any modern compiler goes to C before ASM.

No. C++ -> C was used only in the earliest phases of C++'s development and evolution. Most C++ compilers today compile directly to assembler or machine code. Borland C++ compiles directly to machine code, for example.

No. This is a myth, based around the fact that a very early version of Stroustrup's work was implemented that way. C++ compilers generate machine code in almost exactly the same way that C compilers do.
As of this writing in 2010, the only C++ compiler that I was aware of that created C code was Comeau*. However, that compiler hasn't been heard from in over 5 years now (2022). There may be one or two more for embedded targets, but it is certainly not a mainstream thing.
* - There's a link to their old website on this WP page. I'd suggest not clicking that unless your computer has all its shots up to date

This is not defined by the standard. Certainly, compiling to C-source is a reasonable way to do it. It only requires the destination platform to have a C-compiler with a reasonable degree of compliance, so it is a highly portable way of doing things.
The downside is speed. Probably compilation speed and perhaps also execution speed (due to loads of casts for e.g. virtual functions that prevents the compiler to optimise fully) will suffer.
Not that long ago there was a company that had a very nice C++ compiler doing exactly that. Unfortunately, I do not remember the name of the company and a short google did not bring the name back. The owner of the company was an active participant in the ISO C++ committee and you could test your code directly on the homepage, which also had some quite decent ressources about C++.
Edit: one of my fellow posters just reminded me. I was talking about Comeau, of course.


How important is standards-compliance?

For a language like C++ the existence of a standard is a must. And good compilers try their best (well, most of the good compilers, at least) to comply. Many compilers have language extensions, some of which are allowed by the standard, some of which are not. Of the latter kind 2 examples:
gcc's typeof
microsoft's compilers allow a pure virtual function declaration to have both a pure-specifier(=0) and a definition (which is prohibited by the standard - let's not discuss why, that's another topic:)
(there are many other examples)
Both examples are useful in the following sense: example1 is a very useful feature which will be available in c++0x under a different name. example2 is also useful, and microsoft has decided not to respect the ban that made no sense.
And I am grateful that compilers provide language extensions that help us developers in our routine. But here's a question: shouldn't there be an option which, when set, mandates that the compiler be as standards compliant as it can, no matter whether they agree with the standard or not. For example visual studio has such an option, which is called disable language extensions. But hey, they still allow example2.
I want everyone to understand my question correctly. It is a GREAT thing that MSVC allows example2, and I would very much like that feature to be in the standard. It doesn't break any compliant code, it does nothing bad. It just isn't standard.
Would you like that microsoft disable example2 when disable language extensions is set to true? Note that the words microsoft, example2, etc. are placeholders :)
Again, just to make sure. The crucial point is: Should a compiler bother to provide a compliant version (optionally set in the settings)(in its limits, e.g. I am not talking about export) for a certain feature when they provide a better alternative that is not standard and is perhaps even a superset of the standard, thus not breaking anything.
Standards compliance is important for the fundamental reason that it makes your code easier to maintain. This manifests in a number of ways:
Porting from one version of a compiler to another. I once had to post a 1.2 million-LOC app from VC6 to VC9. VC6 was notorious for being horribly non-Compliant, even when it was new. It allowed non-compliant code even on the highest warning levels that the new compiler rejected at the lowest. If the code had been written in a more compliant way in the first place, this project wouldn't (shouldn't)have taken 3 months.
Porting from one platform to another. As you say, the current MS compilers have language extensions. Some of these are shared by compilers on other platforms, some are not. Even if they are shared, the behavior may be subtly different. Writing compliant code, rather that using these extensions, makes your code correct from the word go. "Porting" becomes simply pulling the tree down and doing a rebuild, rather than digging through the bowels of your app trying to figure out why 3 bits are wrong.
C++ is defined by the standard. The extensions used by compilers changes the language. New programmers coming online who know C++ but not the dialect your compiler uses will get up to speed more quickly if you write to Standard C++, rather than the dialect that your compiler supports.
First, a reply to several comments. The MS VC extension in question is like this:
struct extension {
virtual void func() = 0 { /* function body here */ }
The standard allows you to implement the pure virtual function, but not "in place" like this, so you have to write it something like this instead:
struct standard {
virtual void func() = 0;
void standard::func() { ; }
As to the original question, yes, I think it's a good idea for the compiler to have a mode in which it follows (and enforces) the standard as accurately as possible. While most compilers have that, the result isn't necessarily as accurate a representation of the standard as you/I would like.
At least IMO, about the only answer to this is for people who care about portability to have (and use) at least a couple of compilers on a regular basis. For C++, one of those should be based on the EDG front-end; I believe it has substantially better conformance than most of the others. If you're using Intel's compiler on a regular basis anyway, that's fine. Otherwise, I'd recommend getting a copy of Comeau C++; it's only $50, and it's the closest thing to a "reference" available. You can also use Comeau online, but if you use it on a regular basis, it's worth getting a copy of your own.
Not to sound like an EDG or Comeau shill or anything, but even if you don't care much about portability, I'd recommend getting a copy anyway -- it generally produces excellent error messages. Its clean, clear error messages (all by themselves) have saved enough time over the years to pay for the compiler several times over.
Edit: Looking at this again, some of the advice is looking pretty dated, especially the recommendation for EDG/Comeau. In the three years since I originally wrote this, Clang has progressed from purely experimental to being quite reasonable for production use. Likewise, the gcc maintainers have (IMO) made great strides in conformance as well.
During the same time, Comeau hasn't released a single new version of their compiler, and there's been a new release of the C++ standard. As a result, Comeau is now fairly out of date with respect to the current standard (and the situation seems to be getting worse, not better -- the committee has already approved a committee draft of a new standard that is likely to become C++14).
As such, although I recommended Comeau at that time, I'd have difficulty (at best) doing so today. Fortunately, most of the advantages it provided are now available in more mainstream compilers -- both Clang and gcc have improved compliance (substantially) as outlined above, and their error messages have improved considerably as well (Clang has placed a strong emphasis on better error messages, almost from its inception).
Bottom line: I'd still recommend having at least two compilers installed and available, but today I'd probably choose different compilers than I did when I originally wrote this answer.
"Not breaking anything" is such a slippery slope in the long run, that it's better to avoid it altogether. My company's main product outlived several generations of compilers (first written in 1991, with RW), and combing through compiler extensions and quiet standards violations whenever it was the time to migrate to a newer dev system took a lot of effort.
But as long as there's an option to turn off or at least warn about 'non-standard extension', I'm good with it.
34, 70, 6.
I would certainly want an option that disables language extensions to disable all language extensions. Why?
All options should do what they say they do.
Some people need to develop portable code, requiring a compiler that only accepts the standard form of the language.
"Better" is a subjective word. Language extensions are useful for some developers, but make things more difficult for others.
I think that it's critical that a compiler provide a standards-only mode if it wants to be the primary one used while developing. All compilers should, of course, compile standards compliant code, but it's not critical they they don't extend if they don't think of themselves as the primary compiler -- for example, a cross-compiler, or a compiler for a less popular platform that is nearly always ported to, rather than targeted.
Extensions are fine for any compiler, but it would be nice if I had to turn them on if I want them. By default, I'd prefer a standards-only compiler.
So, given that, I expect MSVC to be standards-only by default. The same with gcc++.
Stats: 40, 90, 15
I think standards compliance is very important.
I always consider source code is more for the human readers than for the machine(s). So, to communicate programmer's intention to the reader, abiding the standard is like speaking a language of lowest common denominator.
Both at home and work, I use g++, and I have aliased it with the following flags for strict standard compliance.
-Wall -Wextra -ansi -pedantic -std=c++98
Check out this page on Strict ANSI/ISO
I am not a standards expert, but this has served me well. I have written STL-style container libraries which run as-is on different platforms, e.g. 32-bit linux, 64-bit linux, 32-bit solaris, and 32-bit embedded OSE.
Consider indicators on cars (known as "turn signals" in some jurisdictions); they are a reliable way to determine which direction someone's going to turn off a roundabout... until just one person doesn't use them at all. Then the whole system breaks down.
It didn't "hurt anyone" or obviously "break anything" in IE when they allowed document.someId to be used as a shortcut for document.getElementById('someId').... however, it did spawn an entire generation of coders and even books that consequently thought it was okay and right, because "it works". Then, suddenly, the ten million resulting websites were entirely non-portable.
Standards are important for interoperability, and if you don't follow them then there's little point in having them at all.
Standards-compliance hounds may get hated for "pedanticism" but, really, until everybody follows suit you're going to have portability and compatibility problems for ever.
How important standards-compliance is depends on what you are trying to achieve.
If you are writing a program that will never be ported outside of its current environment (especially a program that you're not planning to develop/support for a long time) then it's not very important. Whatever works, works.
If you need your program to remain relevant for a long time, and be easily portable to different environments, than you will want it to be standards compliant, since that's the only way to (more or less) guarantee that it will work everywhere.
The trick, of course, is figuring out which situation you are actually in. It's very common to start a program thinking it is a short-term hack, and later on find that it's so useful that you're still developing/maintaining it years later. In that situation your life will be much less unpleasant if you didn't make any short-sighted design decisions at the beginning of the program's lifetime.

Developing embedded software library, C or C++?

I'm in the process of developing a software library to be used for embedded systems like an ARM chip or a TI DSP (for mostly embedded systems, but it would also be nice if it could also be used in a PC environment). Obviously this is a pretty broad range of target systems, so being able to easily port to different systems is a priority.The library will be used for interfacing with a specific hardware and running some algorithms.
I am thinking C++ is the best option, over C, because it is much easier to maintain and read. I think the additional overhead is worth it for being able to work in the object oriented paradigm. If I was writing for a very specific system, I would work in C but this is not the case.
I'm assuming that these days most compilers for popular embedded systems can handle C++. Is this correct?
Is there any other factors I should consider? Is my line of thinking correct?
If portability is very important for you, especially on an embedded system, then C is certainly a better option than C++. While C++ compilers on embedded platforms are catching up, there's simply no match for the widespread use of C, for which any self-respecting platform has a compliant compiler.
Moreover, I don't think C is inferior to C++ where it comes to interfacing hardware. The amount of abstraction is sufficiently low (i.e. no deep class hierarchies) to make C just as good an option.
There is certainly good support of C++ for ARM. ARM have their own compiler and g++ can also generate EABI compliant ARM code. When it comes to the DSPs, you will have to look at their toolchain to decide what you are going to do. Be aware that the library that comes with a DSP may well not implement the full C or C++ standard library.
C++ is suitable for low-level embedded development and is used in the SymbianOS Kernel. Having said that, you should keep things as simple as possible.
Avoid exceptions which may demand more library support than what is present (therefore use new (std::nothrow) Foo instead of new Foo).
Avoid memory allocations as much as possible and do them as early as possible.
Avoid complex patterns.
Be aware that templates can bloat your code.
I have seen many complaints that C++ is "bloated" and inappropriate for embedded systems.
However, in an interview with Stroustrup and Sutter, Bjarne Stroustrup mentioned that he'd seen heavily templated C++ code going into (IIRC) the braking systems of BMWs, as well as in missile guidance systems for fighter aircraft.
What I take away from this is that experts of the language can generate sophisticated, efficient code in C++ that is most certainly suitable for embedded systems. However, a "C With Classes"[1] programmer that does not know the language inside out will generate bloated code that is inappropriate.
The question boils down to, as always: in which language can your team deliver the best product?
[1] I know that sounds somewhat derogatory, but let me say that I know an awful lot of these guys, and they churn out an awful lot of relatively simple code that gets the job done.
C++ compilers for embedded platforms are much closer to 83's C with classes than 98's C++ standard, let alone C++0x. For instance, some platform we use still compile with a special version of gcc made from gcc-2.95!
This means that your library interface will not be able to provide interfaces with containers/iterators, streams, or such advanced C++ features. You'll have to stick with simple C++ classes, that can very easily be expressed as a C interface with a pointer to a structure as first parameter.
This also means that within your library, you won't be able to use templates to their full power. If you want portability, you will still be restricted to generic containers use of templates, which is, I'm sure you'll admit, only a very tiny part of C++ templates power.
C++ has little or no overhead compared to C if used properly in an embedded environment. C++ has many advantages for information hiding, OO, etc. If your embedded processor is supported by gcc in C then chances are it will also be supported with C++.
On the PC, C++ isn't a problem at all -- high quality compilers are extremely widespread and almost every C compiler is directly associated with a C++ compiler that's quite good, though there are a few exceptions such as lcc and the newly revived pcc.
Larger embedded systems like those based on the ARM are generally quite similar to desktop systems in terms of tool chain availability. In fact, many of the same tools available for desktop machines can also generate code to run on ARM-based machines (e.g., lots of them use ports of gcc/g++). There's less variety for TI DSPs (and a greater emphasis on quality of generated code than source code features), but there are still at least a couple of respectable C++ compilers available.
If you want to work with smaller embedded systems, the situation changes in a hurry. If you want to be able to target something like a PIC or an AVR, C++ isn't really much of an option. In theory, you could get (for example) Comeau to produce a custom port that generated code you could compile on that target's C compiler -- but chances are pretty good that even if you did, it wouldn't work out very well. These systems are really just too limitated (especially on memory size) for C++ to fit them well.
Depending on what your intended use is for the library, I think I'd suggest implementing it first as C - but the design should keep in mind how it would be incorporated into a C++ design. Then implement C++ classes on top of and/or along side of the C implementation (there's no reason this step cannot be done concurrently with the first). If your C design is done with a C++ design in mind, it's likely to be as clean, readable and maintainable as the C++ design would be. This is somewhat more work, but I think you'll end up with a library that's useful in more situations.
While you'll find C++ used more and more on various embedded projects, there are still many that restrict themselves to C (and I'd guess this is more often the case than not) - regardless of whether or not the tools support C++. It would be a shame to have a nice library of routines that you could bring to a new project you're working on, but be unable to use them because C++ isn't being used on that particular project.
In general, it's much easier to use a well-designed C library from C++ than the other way around. I've taken this approach with several sets of code including parsing Intel Hex files, a simple command parser, manipulating synchronization objects, FSM frameworks, etc. I'm planning on doing a simple XML parser at some point.
Here's an entirely different C++-vs-C argument: stable ABIs. If your library exports a C ABI, it can be compiled with any compiler that works on the system, because C ABIs are generally platform standards. If your library exports a C++ ABI, it can only be compiled with a matching compiler -- because C++ ABIs are usually not platform standards, and often differ from compiler to compiler and even version to version.
Interestingly, one of the rare exceptions to this is ARM; there's an ARM C++ ABI specification, and all compliant ARM compilers follow it. This is not true on x86; on x86, you're lucky if a C++ library compiled with a 4.1 version of GCC will link correctly with an application compiled with GCC 4.4, and don't even ask about 3.4.6.
Even if you export a C ABI, you can have problems. If your library uses C++ internally, it will then link to libstdc++ for things in the C++ std:: namespace. If your user compiles a C++ application that uses your library, they'll also link to libstdc++ -- and so the overall application gets linked to libstdc++ twice, and their libstdc++ may not be compatible with your libstdc++, which can (or so I understand) lead to odd errors from the intersection of the two. Considerably less likely, but still possible.
All of these arguments only apply because you're writing a library, and they're not showstoppers. But they are things to be aware of.

Why is it important for C / C++ Code to be compilable on different compilers?

interested in different aspects of portability (as you can see when browsing my other questions), so I read a lot about it. Quite often, I read/hear that Code should be written in a way that makes it compilable on different compilers.
Without any real life experience with gcc / g++, it seems to me that it supports every major platform one can imagine, so Code that compiles on g++ can run on almost any system. So why would someone bother to have his code run on the MS Compiler, the Intel compiler and others?
I can think of some reasons, too. As the FAQ suggest, I'll try to post them as an answer, opposed to including them into my own question.
Edit: Conclusion
You people got me completely convinced that there are several good reasons to support multiple compilers. There are so many reasons that it was hard to choose an answer to be the accepted one. The most important reasons for me:
Contributors are much more likely to work an my project or just use it if they can use the compiler of their choice
Being compilable everywhere, being usable with future compilers and tools, and adhering to the standards are enforcing each other, so it's a good idea
On the other hand, I still believe that there are other things which are more important, and now I know that sometimes it isn't important at all.
And last of all, there was no single answer that could convince me not to choose GCC as the primary or default compiler for my project.
Some reasons from the top of my head:
1) To avoid being locked with a single compiler vendor (open source or not).
2) Compiling code with different compilers is likely to discover more errors: warnings are different and different compilers support the Standard to a different degree.
It is good to be compilable on MSVC, because some people may have projects that they build in MSVC that they want to link your code into, without having to set up an entirely different build system.
It is good to be compilable under the Intel compiler, because it frequently compiles faster code.
It is good to be compilable under Clang, because it can give better error messages and provide a better development experience, and it is an easier project to work on than GCC and so may gain additional benefits in the future.
In general, it is good to keep your options open, because there is no one compiler that fits all needs. GCC is a good compiler, and is great for most purposes, but you sometimes need something else.
And even if you're usually only going to be compiling under GCC, making sure your code compiles under other compilers is also likely to help find problems that could prevent your code from working with past and future versions of GCC, for instance, if there's something that GCC is less strict about now, but later adds checks for, another compiler may catch in advance, helping you keep your code cleaner. I've found this helpful in the reverse case, where GCC caught more potential problems with warnings than MSVC did (MSVC is the only compiler we needed to support, as we were only shipping on Windows, but we did a partial port to the Mac under GCC in our free time), which allowed me to produce cleaner code than I would have otherwise.
Portability. If you want your code to be accessible by the maximum number of people possible, you have to make it work on the widest range of possible compilers. It the same idea as make a web site run on browsers other than IE.
Some of it is political. Companies have standards, people have favorite tools etc. Telling someone that they should use X, really puts some people off, and makes it really inaccessible to others.
Nemanja brings up a good point too, targeting for a certain compiler locks you into to using it. In the Open Source world, this might not be as big of a problem (although people could just stop developing on it and it becomes obsolete), but what if the company you buy it from discontinues the product, or goes out of business?
For most languages I care less about portability and more about conforming to international standards or accepted language definitions, from which properties portability is likely to follow. For C, however, portability is a useful idea, because it is very hard to write a program that is "strictly conforming" to the standard. (Why? Because the standards committees felt it necessary to grandfather some existing practice, including giving compilers some freedom you might not like them to have.)
So why try to conform to a standard or make your code acceptable to multiple compilers as opposed to simply writing whatever gcc (or your other favorite compiler) happens to accept?
Likely in 2015 gcc will accept a rather different language than it does today. You would prefer not to have to rewrite your old code.
Perhaps your code might be ported to very small devices, where the GNU toolchain is not as well supported.
If your code compiles with any ANSI C compiler straight out of the box with no errors and no warnings, your users' lives will be easier and your software may be widely ported and used.
Perhaps someone will invent a great new tool for analyzing C programs, refactoring C programs, improving performance of C programs, or finding bugs in C programs. We're not sure what version of C that tool will work on or what compiler it might be based on, but almost certainly the tool will accept standard C.
Of all these arguments, it's the tool argument I find most convincing. People forget that there are other things one can do with source code besides just compile it and run it. In another language, Haskell, tools for analysis and refactoring lagged far behind compilers, but people who stuck with the Haskell 98 standard have access to a lot more tools. A similar situation is likely for C: if I am going to go to the effort of building a tool, I'm going to base it on a standard with a lifetime of 10 years or so, not on a gcc version which might change before my tool is finished.
That said, lots of people can afford to ignore portability completely. For example, in 1995 I tried hard to persuade Linus Torvalds to make it possible to compile Linux with any ANSI C compiler, not just gcc. Linus had no interest whatever—I suspect he concluded that there was nothing in it for him or his project. And he was right. Having Linux compile only with gcc was a big loss for compiler researchers, but no loss for Linux. The "tool argument" didn't hold for Linux, because Linux became so wildly popular; people building analysis and bug-finding tools for C programs were willing to work with gcc because operating on Linux would allow their work to have a big impact. So if you can count on your project becoming a wild success like Linux or Mosaic/Netscape, you can afford to ignore standards :-)
If you are building for different platforms, you will end up using different compilers. Moreover, C++ compilers tend to be always slightly behind the C++ standard, which means they usually change their adherence to it as time passes. If you target the common denominator to all major compilers then the code maintenance cost will be lower.
It's very common for applications (especially open-source application) that other developers would desire to use different compilers. Some would rather be using Visual Studio with MS Compiler for development purposes. Some would rather use Intel compiler for claimed performance benefits and such.
So here are the reasons I can think of
if speed is the biggest concern and there is special, highly optimized compiler for some platforms
if you build a library with a C++ interface (classes and templates, instead of just functions). Because of name mangling and other stuff, the library must be compiled with the same compiler as the client code, and if the client wants to use Visual C++, he must be able to compile the lib with it
if you want to support some very rare platform that does not have gcc support
(For me, those reasons are not significant, since I want to build a library that uses C++ internally, but has a C interface.)
Typically these are the reasons that I've found:
cross-platform (windows, linux, mac)
different developers doing development on different OS's (while not optimal, it does happen - testing usually takes place on the target platform only).
Compiler companies go out of business - or stop development on that language. If you know your program compiles/runs well using another compiler, you've covered your bet.
I'm sure there are other answers as well, but these are the most common reasons I've run into so far.
Several projects use GCC/G++ as a "day-to-day" compiler for normal use, but every so often will check to make sure their code follows the standards with the Comeau C/C++ compiler. Their website looks like a nightmare, and the compiler isn't free, but it's known as possibly the most standards-compliant compiler around, and will warn you about things many compilers will silently accept or explicitly allow as a nonstandard extension (yes, I'm looking at you, Mr. I-don't-mind-and-actually-actively-support-your-efforts-to-do-pointer-arithmetic-on-void-pointers-GCC).
Compiling every so often with a compiler as strict as Comeau (or, even better, compiling with as many compilers as you can get your hands on) will let you know of errors people might experience when trying to compile your code, things your compiler allows you to do that it shouldn't, and potentially things that other compilers don't allow you to do that you should. Writing ANSI C or C++ should be an important goal for code you intend to use on multiple platforms, and using the most standards-compliant compiler around is a good way to do that.
(Disclaimer: I don't have Comeau, and don't plan on getting it, and can't get it because I'm on OS X. I do C, not C++, so I can actually know the whole language, and the average C compiler is much closer to the C standard than the average C++ compiler to the C++ standard, so it's less of an issue for me. Just wanted to put this in here because this started to look like an ad for Comeau. It should be seen more as an ad for compiling with many different compilers.)
This one of those "It depends" questions. For open source code, it's good to be portable to multiple compilers. After all having people in diverse environments build the code is sort of the point.
But for closed source, This is a lot less important. You never want to unnecessarily tie yourself to a specific compiler. But in most of the places I've worked, compiler portability didn't even make into the top 10 of things we cared about. Even if you never use anything other than standerd C/C++, switching a large code base to a new compiler is a dangerous thing to do. Compilers have bugs. Sometimes your code will have bugs that are benign on one compiler, but suddenly a problem on another.
I remember one transition, where one compiler thought this code was just fine:
for (int ii = 0; ii < n; ++ii) { /* some code */ }
for (int ii = 0; ii < y; ++ii) { /* some other code */ }
While the newer compiler complained that ii had been declared twice, so we had to go through all of our code and declare loop variables before the loop in order to switch.
One place I worked was so careful about unintended side effects of compiler switches, that they checked specific compilers into each source tree, and once the code shipped would only use that one compiler to do updates on that code base - forever.
Another place would try out a new compiler for 6 months to a year before they switched over to it.
I find gcc a slow compiler on windows (nothing to compare against under linux). So I (sometimes) want to compile my code under other compilers, just for faster development cycles.
I don't think anyone has mentioned it so far, but another reason may be access to certain platform-specific features: Many operating system vendors have special versions of GCC, or even their own home-grown (or licensed and modified) compilers. So if you want your code to run well on several platforms, you may need to choose the right compiler on each platform. Be that an embedded system, MacOS, Windows etc.
Also, speed may be an issue (both compilation speed and execution speed). Back in the PPC days, GCC produced notoriously slow code on PowerPC CPUs, so Apple put a bunch of engineers on GCC to improve that (GCC was very new for the Mac, and all other PowerPC platforms were small). Platforms that are used less may be optimized less in GCC, so using another compiler that's been written for that platform can be faster.
But as a final summary: While there is ideal value in compiling on several compilers, in practice, this is mainly interesting for cross-platform software (and open-source software, because it often gets made cross-platform fairly quickly, and contributors have it easier if they can use their compiler of choice instead of having to learn a new one). If you need to ship on one platform only, shipping and maintenance are usually much more important than investing in building on several compilers if you're only releasing the builds made with one of them. However, you will want to clearly document any deviations from the standard (GCC-isms, for instance) to make the job of porting easier, should you ever have to do it.
Both Intel compiler and llvm are faster than gcc. The real reasons to use gcc are
Infinite hardware support (on no other compiler can you compile a lego mindstorm code on your old DEC).
it's cheap
best spagety optimizer in the business.

Is C++ built on top of C?

Does C++ code gets converted to C before compilation ?
A few C++ compilers (the original cfront, Comeau C++) use C as an intermediate language during compilation. Most C++ compilers use other intermediate langauges (e.g. llvm).
Edit: Since there seems to be some misunderstanding about the history: "C with classes" started out using a preprocessor called "Cpre". At that time, it was seen strictly as a dialect of C, not a separate language in itself. In December 1983, people were starting to view it as a separate language, and the name C++ was invented. As it happens, development of cfront started in April 1983, so a reasonably usable version became available (to a select few) just about the same time as the name "C++" came into use. This appears to be mostly coincidence though.
As far as producing C as its output, that was really quite common on Unix. Just for example, the Berkeley Pascal compiler and at least a couple of Fortran compilers also produced C as their output.
There is, however, a huge difference between Cpre and Cfront. Although both produced C as their output, Cpre did virtually no syntax checking of its own -- it looked for a few specific things, and did a relatively mechanical translation on them. It wasn't until the C compiler looked at the result that real syntactical analysis was done. If your code contained a syntax error, it was almost certain that it wouldn't be caught until the C compiler parsed the output from Cpre.
Cfront, however, did full syntactical analysis of the source code itself, so (short of a bug in its code generator) you'd never see a syntax error from the C compiler. The C compiler was simply used as a code generator so nobody needed to rewrite CFront to accommodate different processors, object file formats, etc.
If you want to get into more detail, chapter 2 of The Design and Evolution of C++ is devoted almost entirely to the "C with Classes" time frame (and there are various other details about it spread throughout the book).
No, but like most myths there's a shred of truth to this. The original compiler for C with classes (which later became C++) was nicknamed CFront and did translate to C.
Not in most modern compilers.
The original C++ compiler was actually a preprocessor however. It generated C code, which was then compiled by a C compiler.
In the early days of C++ compilers, some did it that way. I haven't seen a C++ compiler implemented that way since the late 1980s however.
As others have answered. NO.
However if you want to use an OOP language like C#, and have your code compiled into C I recommend you take a look at Vala.
the title seems to ask is C++ a superset of C, i.e. can you just dump any c code in a c++ compiler and it will work? In which case, yes it is, sort of...
one major difference is that C automatically casts pointers for you, c++ does not, you need to cast the manually...
any one remember anything else?
thats all I remember from the horrible process of converting a massive C project to compile under c++ for some reason...

Should "portable" C compile as C++?

I got a comment to an answer I posted on a C question, where the commenter suggested the code should be written to compile with a C++ compiler, since the original question mentioned the code should be "portable".
Is this a common interpretation of "portable C"? As I said in a further comment to that answer, it's totally surprising to me, I consider portability to mean something completely different, and see very little benefit in writing C code that is also legal C++.
The current C++ (1998) standard incorporates the C (1989) standard. Some fine print regarding type safety put aside, that means "good" C89 should compile fine in a C++ compiler.
The problem is that the current C standard is that of 1999 (C99) - which is not yet officially part of the C++ standard (AFAIK)(*). That means that many of the "nicer" features of C99 (long long int, stdint.h, ...), while supported by many C++ compilers, are not strictly compliant.
"Portable" C means something else entirely, and has little to do with official ISO/ANSI standards. It means that your code does not make assumptions on the host environment. (The size of int, endianess, non-standard functions or errno numbers, stuff like that.)
From a coding style guide I once wrote for a cross-platform project:
Cross-Platform DNA (Do Not Assume)
There are no native datatypes. The only datatypes you might use are those declared in the standard library.
char, short, int and long are of different size each, just like float, double, and long double.
int is not 32 bits.
char is neither signed nor unsigned.
char cannot hold a number, only characters.
Casting a short type into a longer one (int -> long) breaks alignment rules of the CPU.
int and int* are of different size.
int* and long* are of different size (as are pointers to any other datatype).
You do remember the native datatypes do not even exist?
'a' - 'A' does not yield the same result as 'z' - 'Z'.
'Z' - 'A' does not yield the same result as 'z' - 'a', and is not equal to 25.
You cannot do anything with a NULL pointer except test its value; dereferencing it will crash the system.
Arithmetics involving both signed and unsigned types do not work.
Alignment rules for datatypes change randomly.
Internal layout of datatypes changes randomly.
Specific behaviour of over- and underflows changes randomly.
Function-call ABIs change randomly.
Operands are evaluated in random order.
Only the compiler can work around this randomness. The randomness will change with the next release of the CPU / OS / compiler.
For pointers, == and != only work for pointers to the exact same datatype.
<, > work only for pointers into the same array. They work only for char's explicitly declared unsigned.
You still remember the native datatypes do not exist?
size_t (the type of the return value of sizeof) can not be cast into any other datatype.
ptrdiff_t (the type of the return value of substracting one pointer from the other) can not be cast into any other datatype.
wchar_t (the type of a "wide" character, the exact nature of which is implementation-defined) can not be cast into any other datatype.
Any ..._t datatype cannot be cast into any other datatype
(*): This was true at the time of writing. Things have changed a bit with C++11, but the gist of my answer holds true.
No. My response Why artificially limit your code to C? has some examples of standards-compliant C99 not compiling as C++; earlier C had fewer differences, but C++ has stronger typing and different treatment of the (void) function argument list.
As to whether there is benefit to making C 'portable' to C++ - the particular project which was referenced in that answer was a virtual machine for a traits based language, so doesn't fit the C++ object model, and has a lot of cases where you are pulling void* of the interpreter's stack and then converting to structs representing the layout of built-in object types. To make the code 'portable' to C++ it would have add a lot of casts, which do nothing for type safety.
Portability means writing your code so that it compiles and has the same behaviour using different compilers and/or different platforms (i.e. relying on behaviour mandated by the ISO standard(s) wherever possible).
Getting it to compile using a different language's compiler is a nice-to-have (perhaps) but I don't think that's what is meant by portability. Since C++ and C are now diverging more and more, this will be harder to achieve.
On the other hand, when writing C code I would still avoid using "class" as an identifier for example.
No, "portable" doesn't mean "compiles on a C++ compiler", it means "compiles on any Standard comformant C compiler" with consistent, defined behavior.
And don't deprive yourself of, say, C99 improvements just to maintain C++ compatibility.
But as long as maintaining compatibility doesn't tie your hands, if you can avoid using "class" and "virtual" and the the like, all the better. If you're writing open source, someone may want to port your code to C++; if you're wring for hire, you company/client may want to port sometime in the future. hey, maybe you'll even want to port it to C++ in the future
Being a "good steward" not leaving rubbish around the campfire, is just good karma in whatever you do.
And please, do try to keep incompatibilities out of your headers. Even if your code is never ported, people may need to link to it from C++, so having a header that doesn't use any C++ reserved words, is cool.
It depends. If you're doing something that might be useful to a C++ user, then it might be a good idea. If you're doing something that C++ users would never need but that C users might find convenient, don't bother making it C++ compliant.
If you're writing a program that does something a lot of people do, you might consider making it as widely-usable as possible. If you're writing an addition to the Linux kernel, you can throw C++ compatability out the window - it'll never be needed.
Try to guess who might use your code, and if you think a lot of C++ fans might find your code useful, consider making it C++ friendly. However, if you don't think most C++ programmers would need it (i.e. it's a feature that is already fairly standardized in C++), don't bother.
It is definitely common practice to compile C code using a C++ compiler in order to do stricter type checking. Though there are C-specific tools to do that like lint, it is more convenient to use a C++ compiler.
Using a C++ compiler to compile C code means that you commonly have to surround your includes with extern "C" blocks to tell the compiler not to mangle function names. However this is not legal C syntax. Effectively you are using C++ syntax and your code which is supposedly C, is actually C++. Also a tendency to use "C++ convenience" starts to creep in like using unnamed unions.
If you need to keep your code strictly C, you need to be careful.
FWIW, once a project gains a certain size and momentum, it is not unlikely that it may actually benefit from C++ compatibility: even if it not going to be ported to C++ directly, there are really many modern tools related to working/processing C++ source code.
In this sense, a lack of compatibility with C++, may actually mean that you may have to come up with your own tools to do specific things. I fully understand the reasoning behind favoring C over C++ for some platforms, environments and projects, but still C++ compatibility generally simplifies project design in the long run, and most importantly: it provides options.
Besides, there are many C projects that eventually become so large that they may actually benefit from C++'s capabilities like for example improved suport for abstraction and encapsulation using classes with access modifiers.
Look at the linux (kernel) or gcc projects for example, both of which are basically "C only", still there are regularly discussions in both developer communities about the potential gains of switching to C++.
And in fact, there's currently an ongoing gcc effort (in the FSF tree!) to port the gcc sources into valid C++ syntax (see: gcc-in-cxx for details), so that a C++ compiler can be used to compile the source code.
This was basically initiated by a long term gcc hacker: Ian Lance Taylor.
Initially, this is only meant to provide for better error checking, as well as improved compatibility (i.e. once this step is completed, it means that you don't necessarily have to have a C compiler to to compile gcc, you could also just use a C++ compiler, if you happen to be 'just' a C++ developer, and that's what you got anyway).
But eventually, this branch is meant to encourage migration towards C++ as the implementation language of gcc, which is a really revolutionary step - a paradigm shift which is being critically perceived by those FSF folks.
On the other hand, it's obvious how severely gcc is already limited by its internal structure, and that anything that at least helps improve this situation, should be applauded: getting started contributing to the gcc project is unnecessarily complicated and tedious, mostly due to the complex internal structure, that's already to started to emulate many of the more high level features in C++ using macros and gcc specific extensions.
Preparing the gcc code base for an eventual switch to C++ is the most logical thing to do (no matter when it's actually done, though!), and it is actually required in order to remain competitive, interesting and plain simply relevant, this applies in particular due to very promising efforts such as llvm, which do not bring all this cruft, complexity with them.
While writing very complex software in C is often course possible, it is made unnecessarily complicated to do so, many projects have plain simply outgrown C a long time ago. This doesn't mean that C isn't relevant anymore, quite the opposite. But given a certain code base and complexity, C simply isn't necessarily the ideal tool for the job.
In fact, you could even argue that C++ isn't necessarily the ideal language for certain projects, but as long as a language natively supports encapsulation and provides means to enforce these abstractions, people can work around these limitations.
Only because it is obviously possible to write very complex software in very low level languages, doesn't mean that we should necessarily do so, or that it really is effective in the first place.
I am talking here about complex software with hundreds of thousands lines of code, with a lifespan of several decades. In such a scenario, options are increasingly important.
No, matter of taste.
I hate to cast void pointers, clutters the code for not much benefit.
char * p = (char *)malloc(100);
char * p = malloc(100);
and when I write an "object oriented" C library module, I really like using the 'this' as my object pointer and as it is a C++ keyword it would not compile in C++ (it's intentional as these kind of modules are pointless in C++ given that they do exist as such in stl and libraries).
Why do you see little benefit? It's pretty easy to do and who knows how you will want to use the code in future.
No, being compilable by C++ is not a common interpretation of portable. Dealing with really old code, K&R style declarations are highly portable but can't be compiled under C++.
As already pointed out, you may wish to use C99 enhancements. However, I'd suggest you consider all your target users and ensure they can make use of the enhancements. Don't just use variable length arrays etc. because you have the freedom to but only if really justified.
Yes it is a good thing to maintain C++ compatibility as much as possible - other people may have a good reason for needing to compile C code as C++. For instance, if they want to include it in an MFC application they would have to build plain C in a separate DLL or library rather than just being able to include your code in a single project.
There's also the argument that running a compiler in C++ mode may pick up subtle bugs, depending on the compiler, if it applies different optimisations.
AFAIK all of the code in classic text The C programming language, Second edition can be compiled using a standard C++ compilers like GCC (g++). If your C code is upto the standards followed in that classic text, then good enough & you're ready to compile your C code using a C++ compiler.
Take the instance of linux kernel source code which is mostly written in C with some inline assembler code, it's a nightmare compiling the linux kernel code with a C++ compiler, because of least possible reason that 'new' is being used as an variable name in linux kernel code, where as C++ doesn't allow the usage of 'new' as a variable name. I am just giving one example here. Remember that linux kernel is portable & compiles & runs very well in intel, ppc, sparc etc architectures. This is just to illustrate that portability does have different meanings in software world. If you want to compile C code using a C++ compiler, you are migrating your code base from C to C++. I see it as two different programming languages for most obvious reason that C programmers doesn't like C++ much. But I like both of them & I use both of them a lot. Your C code is portable, but you should make sure you follow standard techniques to have your C++ code portable while you migrate your C code to C++ code. Read on to see from where you'd get the standard techniques.
You have to be very careful porting the C code to C++ code & the next question that I'd ask is, why would you bother to do that if some piece of C code is portable & running well without any issues? I can't accept managebility, again linux kernel a big code source in C is being managed very well.
Always see the two programming languages C & C++ as different programming languages, though C++ does support C & its basic notion is to always support for that wonderful language for backward compatibility. If you're not looking at these two languages as different tools, then you fall under the land of popular, ugly C/C++ programming language wars & make yourself dirty.
Use the following rules when choosing portability:
a) Does your code (C or C++) need to be compiled on different architectures possibly using native C/C++ compilers?
b) Do a study of C/C++ compilers on the different architectures that you wish to run your program & plan for code porting. Invest good time on this.
c) As far as possible try to provide a clean layer of separation between C code & C++ code. If your C code is portable, you just need to write C++ wrappers around that portable C code again using portable C++ coding techniques.
Turn to some good C++ books on how to write portable C++ code. I personally recommend The C++ programming language by Bjarne Stroustrup himself, Effective C++ series from Scott meyers & popular DDJ articles out there in
PS: Linux kernel example in my post is just to illustrate that portability does mean different meanings in software programming & doesn't criticize that linux kernel is written in C & not in C++.