common lisp cons creates a list from two symbols, clojure cons requires a seq to cons onto? - clojure

(Disclaimer - I'm aware of the significance of Seqs in Clojure)
In common lisp the cons function can be used to combine two symbols into a list:
(def s 'x)
(def l 'y)
(cons s l)
In clojure - you can only cons onto a sequence - cons hasn't been extended to work with two symbols. So you have to write:
(def s 'x)
(def l 'y)
(cons s '(l))
Is there a higher level pattern in Clojure that explains this difference between Common LISP and Clojure?

In Clojure, unlike traditional Lisps, lists are not the primary data structures. The data structures can implement the ISeq interface - which is another view of the data structure it's given - allowing the same functions to access elements in each. (Lists already implement this. seq? checks whether something implements ISeq.(seq? '(1 2)), (seq? [1 2])) Clojure simply acts differently (with good reason), in that when cons is used, a sequence (it's actually of type clojure.lang.Cons) constructed of a and (seq b) is returned. (a being arg 1 and b arg 2) Obviously, symbols don't and can't implement ISeq.
Sequences screencast/talk by Rich Hickey However, note that rest has changed, and it's previous behaviour is now in next, and that lazy-cons has been replaced by lazy-seq and cons.

In Common Lisp CONS creates a so-called CONS cell, which is similar to a record with two slots: the 'car' and the 'cdr'.
You can put ANYTHING into those two slots of a cons cell.
Cons cells are used to build lists. But one can create all kinds of data structures with cons cells: trees, graphs, various types of specialized lists, ...
The implementations of Lisp are highly optimized to provide very efficient cons cells.

A Lisp list is just a common way of using cons cells (see Rainer's description). Clojure is best seen as not having cons cells (although something similar might hide under the hood). The Clojure cons is a misnomer, it should actually just be named prepend.

In Clojure the use of a two-element vector is preferred: [:a :b]. Under the hood such small vectors are implemented as Java arrays and are extremely simple and fast.
A short hand for (cons :a '(:b)) (or (cons :a (cons :b nil))) is list: (list :a :b).

When you say
> (cons 'a 'b)
in common lisp you dont get a list but a dotted pair: (a . b), whereas the result of
> (cons 'a (cons 'b nil))
is the dotted pair (a . ( b . nil)).
In the first list the cdr() of that is not a list, since it is here b and not nil, making it an improper list. Proper lists must be terminated by nil. Therefore higher order functions like mapcar() and friends won't work, but we save a cons-cell. I guess the designers of Clojure removed this feature because of the confusion it could cause.


clojure's `into` in common lisp

clojure has a handy (into to-coll from-coll) function, adding elements from from-coll to to-coll, retaining to-coll's type.
How can this one be implemented in common lisp?
The first attempt would be
(defun into (seq1 seq2)
(concatenate (type-of seq1) seq1 seq2))
but this one obviously fails, since type-of includes the vector's length in it's result, disallowing adding more elements (as of sbcl), though it still works for list as a first arg
(while still failing for empty list).
the question is: is it possible to make up this kind of function without using generic methods and/or complex type-of result processing (e.g. removing length for vectors/arrays etc) ?
i'm okay with into acting as append (in contrast with clojure, where into result depends on target collection type) Let's call it concat-into
In Clojure, you have a concrete idea (most of the time) of what kind that first collection is when you use into, because it changes the semantics: if it is a list, additional elements will be conjed onto the front, if it is a vector, they will be conjed to the back, if it is a map, you need to supply map entry designators (i. e. actual map entries or two-element vectors), sets are more flexible but also carry their own semantics. That's why I'd guess that using concatenate directly, explicitly supplying the type, is probably a good enough fit for many use cases.
Other than that, I think that it could be useful to extend this functionality (Common Lisp only has a closed set of sequence types), but for that, it seems too obviously convenient to use generic functions to ignore. It is not trivial to provide a solution that is extensible, generic, and performant.
EDIT: To summarize: no, you can't get that behaviour with clever application of one or two “built-ins”, but you can certainly write an extensible and generic solution using generic functions.
ok, the only thing i've come to (besides generic methods) is this dead simple function:
(defun into (target source)
(let ((target-type (etypecase target
(vector (list 'array (array-element-type target) (*)))
(list 'list))))
(concatenate target-type target source)))
CL-USER> (into (list 1 2 4) "asd")
;;=> (1 2 4 #\a #\s #\d)
CL-USER> (into #*0010 (list 1 1 0 0))
;;=> #*00101100
CL-USER> (into "asdasd" (list #\a #\b))
;;=> "asdasdab"
also the simple empty impl:
(defun empty (target)
(etypecase target
(vector (make-array 0
:element-type (array-element-type target)
:adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
The result indeed (as #Svante noted) doesn't have the exact type, but rather "the collection with the element type being the same as that of target". It doesn't conform the clojure's protocol (where list target should be prepended to).
Can't see where it flaws (if it does), so would be nice to hear about that.. Anyway, as it was only for the sake of education, that will do.

Re-implementing lists with closures in scheme

This is purely a curiosity question for me:
So for fun, one can easily redefine cons, car, and cdr like so:
(define cons+
(lambda (a b)
(lambda (f)
(f a b)
(define car+
(lambda (f)
(f (lambda (a b) a))))
(define cdr+
(lambda (f)
(f (lambda (a b) b))))
This creates the basic functionality of a list using closures. In this context, what would be the best way to define an empty list?
There's no particular special value that you need as the empty list; you just need something and then to treat it as the empty list. In Common Lisp, a list is either a cons or the symbol NIL. You could take the same approach and use the symbol NIL, or you could use some other value, so long as you treat it consistently. Part of the beauty (and sometimes, the ugliness) of linked lists in the Lisp families is that they are intensional data structures. They're built out of a bit of structure and a lot of convention. That's why we can use cons cells to implement singly-linked lists, tree, etc.
Now, what does it mean to treat it consistently? Some of that will depend on exactly how you want it to behave. In Common Lisp, you can call car and cdr with the empty list, and you'll get back the empty list. In Scheme, you'll get an error. In the closure-based approach, you've got a "leaky" abstraction in the sense that you can call car+ and cdr+ with values that were not produced by cons+, and you might get a value back.
What interface do you want?
When implementing singly linked lists in the Lisp styles (conses and an empty list), you typically want an interface that will let you check:
(cons? (cons ...)) == true
(empty? empty) == true
(In terms of those, you can implement list?)
(define (list? x)
(or (cons? x)
(null? x)))
After what you've already done, it shouldn't be hard to implement a cons? function. But what about empty?? You actually have a lot of freedom here. You could implement empty? such that there are actually multiple objects that serve as a empty lists. As long as the contract works, it's OK.
Should anything else work?
At the moment, you've got a working implementation of ordered pairs, but it's a leaky abstraction in that some things that weren't created with cons could still be passed to car and cdr without any error. You've satisfied the axioms
(car (cons x y)) == x
(cdr (cons x y)) == y
but not the implications
(car z) == x ⇒ z == (cons x _)
(cdr z) == y ⇒ z == (cons _ y)
If you can find a way to make those implications true, so that car and cdr only work with things produced by cons, then you can probably figure out how to implement cons?, and you can use the same technique to generate a unique empty list object.

Lisp: list vs S-expression

I'm new to Lisp. I encountered 2 terms "list" and "S-expression". I just can't distinguish between them. Are they just synonyms in Lisp?
First, not all S-expressions represent lists; an expression such as foobar, representing a bare atom, is also considered an S-expression. As is the "cons cell" syntax, (car . cons), used when the "cons" part is not itself another list (or nil). The more familiar list expression, such as (a b c d), is just syntactic sugar for a chain of nested cons cells; that example expands to (a . (b . (c . (d . nil)))).
Second, the term "S-expression" refers to the syntax - (items like this (possibly nested)). Such an S-expression is the representation in Lisp source code of a list, but it's not technically a list itself. This distinction is the same as that between a sequence of decimal digits and their numeric value, or between a sequence of characters within quotation marks and the resulting string.
That is perhaps an overly technical distinction; programmers routinely refer to literal representations of values as though they were the values themselves. But with Lisp and lists, things get a little trickier because everything in a Lisp program is technically a list.
For example, consider this expression:
(+ 1 2)
The above is a straightforward S-expression which represents a flat list, consisting of the atoms +, 1, and 2.
However, within a Lisp program, such a list will be interpreted as a call to the + function with 1 and 2 as arguments. (Do note that is the list, not the S-expression, that is so interpreted; the evaluator is handed lists that have been pre-parsed by the reader, not source code text.)
So while the above S-expression represents a list, it would only rarely be referred to as a "list" in the context of a Lisp program. Unless discussing macros, or the inner workings of the reader, or engaged in a metasyntactic discussion because of some other code-generation or parsing context, a typical Lisp programmer would instead treat the above as a numeric expression.
On the other hand, any of the following S-expressions likely would be referred to as "lists", because evaluating them as Lisp code would produce the list represented by the above literal S-expression as a runtime value:
'(+ 1 2)
(quote (+ 1 2))
(list '+ 1 2)
Of course, the equivalence of code and data is one of the cool things about Lisp, so the distinction is fluid. But my point is that while all of the above are S-expressions and lists, only some would be referred to as "lists" in casual Lisp-speak.
S-expressions are a notation for data.
Historically an s-expression (short for symbolic expression) is described as:
symbols like FOO and BAR
cons cells with s-expressions as its first and second element : ( expression-1 . expression-2 )
the list termination symbol NIL
and a convention to write lists: ( A . ( B . NIL ) ) is simpler written as the list (A B)
Note also that historically program text was written differently. An example for the function ASSOC.
assoc[x;y] =
eq[caar[y];x] -> cadar[y];
T -> assoc[x;cdr[y]]
Historically there existed also a mapping from these m-expressions (short for meta expressions) to s-expressions. Today most Lisp program code is written using s-expressions.
This is described here: McCarthy, Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions
In a Lisp programming language like Common Lisp nowadays s-expressions have more syntax and can encode more data types:
Symbols: symbol123, |This is a symbol with spaces|
Numbers: 123, 1.0, 1/3, ...
Strings: "This is a string"
Characters: #\a, #\space
Vectors: #(a b c)
Conses and lists: ( a . b ), (a b c)
Comments: ; this is a comment, #| this is a comment |#
and more.
A list is a data structure. It consists of cons cells and a list end marker. Lists have in Lisp a notation as lists in s-expressions. You could use some other notations for lists, but in Lisp one has settled on the s-expression syntax to write them.
Side note: programs and forms
In a programming language like Common Lisp, the expressions of the programming language are not text, but data! This is different from many other programming languages. Expressions in the programming language Common Lisp are called Lisp forms.
For example a function call is Lisp data, where the call is a list with a function symbol as its first element and the next elements are its arguments.
We can write that as (sin 3.0). But it really is data. Data we can also construct.
The function to evaluate Lisp forms is called EVAL and it takes Lisp data, not program text or strings of program text. Thus you can construct programs using Lisp functions which return Lisp data: (EVAL (LIST 'SIN 3.0)) evaluates to 0.14112.
Since Lisp forms have a data representation, they are usually written using the external data representation of Lisp - which is what? - s-expressions!
It is s-expressions. Lisp forms as Lisp data are written externally as s-expression.
You should first understand main Lisp feature - program can be manipulated as data. Unlike other languages (like C or Java), where you write program by using special syntax ({, }, class, define, etc.), in Lisp you write code as (nested) lists (btw, this allows to express abstract syntactic trees directly). Once again: you write programs that look just like language's data structures.
When you talk about it as data, you call it "list", but when you talk about program code, you should better use term "s-expression". Thus, technically they are similar, but used in different contexts. The only real place where these terms are mixed is meta-programming (normally with macros).
Also note that s-expression may also consist of the only atom (like numbers, strings, etc.).
A simple definition for an S-expression is
(define S-expression?
(λ (object)
(or (atom? object) (list? object))))
;; Where atom? is:
(define atom?
(λ (object)
(and (not (pair? object)) (not (null? object)))))
;; And list? is:
(define list? (λ (object)
(let loop ((l1 object) (l2 object))
(if (pair? l1)
(let ((l1 (cdr l1)))
(cond ((eq? l1 l2) #f)
((pair? l1) (loop (cdr l1) (cdr l2)))
(else (null? l1))))
(null? l1)))))
Both are written in similar way: (blah blah blah), may be nested. with one difference - lists are prefixed with apostrophe.
On evaluation:
S-expression returns some result (may be an atom or list or nil or whatever)
Lists return Lists
If we need, we can convert lists to s-exp and vice versa.
(eval '(blah blah blah)) => list is treated as an s-exp and a result is returned.
(quote (blah blah blah)) => sexp is converted to list and the list is returned without evaluating
If a List is treated as data it is called List, if it is treated as code it is called s-exp.

Creating an empty list in Racket

I'm teaching myself LISP with online text of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, but it differs in small details with the Racket program I'm running to learn LISP on. For example, SICP says that the terminating element of any list is 'nil', but Racket doesn't support 'nil'. How do I create an empty list in Racket so I can test my own procedures?
The empty list is denoted '(). So you can create a list like
(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 '())))
This produces the list
'(1 2 3)
Sean's answer is correct. However, if you want to be able to type nil, then that's easy too. Just run this once at the start of your session:
(define nil '())
In Racket the empty list is designated as either:
or as:
I would say that null is probably the more idiomatic of the two, and it dovetails consistently with the predicate null?, which tests for the empty list.
See the docs.

LISP very simple list question

Im learning lisp and im pretty new at this so i was wondering...
if i do this:
(defparameter *list-1* (list 1 2))
(defparameter *list-2* (list 2 3))
(defparameter *list-3* (append *list-1* *list-2*))
And then
(setf (first *list-2*) 1)
I will get (1 2 1 4)
I know this is because the append is going to "save resources" and create a new list for the first chunk, but will actually just point to the second chunk, coz if i do:
(setf (first *list-1*) 0)
I will get (1 2 1 4) instade of the more logical (0 2 1 4)
So my question is, what other cases are like this in lisp, how do you black belt lispers know how to deal with this stuff that is not intuitive or consistent?
One defensive tactic is to avoid sharing structure.
(defparameter *list-3* (append *list-1* *list-2* '()))
(defparameter *list-3* (append *list-1* (copy-list *list-2*)))
Now the structure of the new *list-3* is all new, and modifications to *list-3* won't affect *list-2* and vice versa.
The append function has to make a copy of its first argument, to avoid modifying existing data structures. As a result, you now have two list segments that look like (1 2 ...), but they're part of different lists.
In general, any list can be the tail of any other list, but you can't have a single list object that serves as the head of multiple lists.
You have to think of lists in terms of cons cells. When you define list 1 and list 2, it is like:
(defparameter *list-1* (cons 1 (cons 2 nil)))
(defparameter *list-2* (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)))
Then, when you append:
(defparameter *list-3* (cons 1 (cons 2 *list-2*)))
Basically, a cons cell consists of two parts; a value (the car), and a pointer (the cdr). Append is defined to not change the first list, so that is copied, but then the last cdr (normally nil) is changed to point at the second list, not a copy of the second list. If you were willing to destroy the first list, you would use nconc.
Try this:
(defparameter *list-3* (nconc *list-1* *list-2*))
Then observe the value of *list-1*, it is (1 2 2 3), just like *list-3*.
The general rule is that the non-destructive functions (append) won't destroy existing data, while the destructive functions (nconc) will. What a future destructive function does ((setf cdr)), though, is not the responsibility of the first non-destructive function.
So my question is, what other cases are like this in lisp, how do you black belt lispers know how to deal with this stuff that is not intuitive or consistent?
I think that you are a bit harsh here with a subject that is quite a bit larger than you imagine. Lists are a rather elaborate concept in Lisp, and you need to understand that this is not some simple array. The standard provides a lot of functions to manipulate lists in every way. What you want in this case is:
(concatenate 'list *list-1* *list-2*)
So, why is there also append? Well, if you can omit copying the last list, and all symbols involved still return the correct data, this can be a significant performance boost in both calculating time and memory footprint. append is especially useful in a functional programming style which doesn't use side effects.
In lieu of further explanation about cons cells, destructive vs. nondestructive functions etc., I'll point you to a nice introduction: Practical Common Lisp, Ch. 12, and for a complete reference, the Common Lisp Hyperspec, look at Chapters 14 and 17.
So my question is, what other cases are like this in lisp, how do you black belt lispers know how to deal with this stuff that is not intuitive or consistent?
By reading the fine manual? Hyperpsec explicitly states:
[...] the list structure of each of lists except the last is copied. The last argument is not copied; it becomes the cdr of the final dotted pair of the concatenation of the preceding lists, or is returned directly if there are no preceding non-empty lists.
Um, primarily we learn how it works, so that what we imagine isn't consistent makes sense.
What you need to do is find some of the old-fashioned block and pointer diagrams, which I can't easily draw, but let's figure it out.
After the first defparameter, you've got list-1, which is
(1 . 2 . nil)
in dot notation; list-2 is
(2 . 3 . nil)