trac wiki: how do I display the current date - wiki

I want to create a fully printable document in the trac wiki markup.
For this I need the current date as text on the page.

You can write a trac macro in python.
an example that does format timestamps is available
in the trac sources


Automatic page break inside table cells in Latex

I've a question about long tables in Latex.
How is it possible to automatically break text content inside a long table cell.
I read lot of articles and examples and tried it (e.g. longtable)
But I still can not believe that there should be no solution for this. Currently I am using the Apache FOP processor to generate PDF documents via XSLT. Here, the tables are wrapped within a cell.
Apache FOP example
Have someone the same problem and have a solution?
Thank you, Frank

Is there a way to count tags on a physical (PDF) page using XSL-FO?

Here is the scenario. I have an XML document which contains tags. I want to create a transform that does this
<tag>content A</tag> 1. content A
<tag>content B</tag> ----> 2. content B
<tag>content C</tag> 3. content C
but only if the tag contents appear on the same physical page. The numbering should restart on each new page. Is there any way to do this using XSL-FO? I know with latex the only way to accomplish something like this is to run latex twice, with the interim document used to determine content page placement.
As far as I can tell (and as confirmed by the Antenna House tech support team), there is no way to do this using standard XSL-FO. Antenna House offers <axf:footnote*/> extensions which include the ability to set an axf:footnote-number-reset="page" attribute, and as suggested in the comments, RenderX offers a generic mechanism which might be used for this purpose, but both of these involve vendor-specific extensions to the language.
This points to a number of shortcomings in XSL-FO that really should have been addressed a long time ago with a 2.0 version of the specification. A w3c committee to develop an XSL-FO 2.0 spec was formed and then disbanded quite some time ago; I have no idea why, as I find the tool indispensable for a large class of document to PDF conversions.

RTF to Wiki Converter?

I would like to convert 100+ RTF files to Wiki Markup, but I can only find "Wiki to RTF" converters on the web and even here on StackOverflow.
I only need RTF --> Wiki Markup
Is there anything like this out there?
I simply asked the wrong question.
Did some research and found out that there is no Converter which converts RTF directly to a "Wiki format".
The "better" question: Save Word file as Wiki markup.
There are some approaches using Microsoft Word to save as .txt (Wiki markup):
Good luck!
It may be unwieldy with hundreds of files, but I have used wikEd to convert RTF and Word formatted text to wiki markup.
Wikedbox is a usable implementation of wikEd without installing it:
'''Wikedbox HELPS YOU CONVERT HTML (WEB FORMATTED CONTENT) TO MEDIAWIKI.'''. More instructions at [[Appropedia:WikEd]].
If you're not in edit mode, click the "edit" tab now.
Paste in your content.
Click the red [W] to convert. (Middle row, second block from the left.)
Your text is ready to be copied and used on your wiki page. (You may need to make further corrections.)
'''DO NOT SAVE THIS PAGE'''. (You'll be blocked from doing so, anyway, unless you're an admin.)
You can use Pandoc:
pandoc -s README -o example.rtf
This will convert your file to Markdown. I don't know which Wiki you want to use and If it understands Markdown, but I thinl you can also convert it to MediaWiki or other output formats (see the Pandoc User manual).

ColdFusion - converting HTML webpage to Word or PDF document

I have a webpage, where user has a possible to Print this page OR to save it on his/her computer.
How may I save it as a Word or PDF document?
For the MS Word requirement, most versions of Office can interpret basic html/xml. So you might consider the old cfcontent hack as a simpler alternative to POI. (The Word package is not quite as mature as the spreadsheet package.)
Basically you generate html, but use cfheader/cfcontent to tell the browser the content is really a Word document. It is obviously not a true MS Word file. But it is simpler than most options.
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment; filename=someFile.doc">
<cfcontent type="application/msword">
... your html code here ...
For microsoft office documents you can use the Apache POI project. This means in your coldfusion code you need to use some basic java code to call the poi methods.
However, if you choose the pdf document things are quite easier. You can use the cfdocument tag with the PDF format option
Using the POI or OpenOffice interface (depending on your version) you can create a Word doc. Using the built-in PDF generation tools, you can create a PDF doc. HOwever, you can only present that as an option.
There is no way to override the save/print menu functions. No matter how you handle it, I cna save the source document instead of the .doc or .pdf. Similarly, you cannot prevent me from printing the original document, instead of a prepared PDF.
Here is a method that has worked for me:
Create PDF or FlashPaper with ColdFusion
However, just like printing, you will have to sacrifice some graphics, so this would be best used for exporting content (but as you did not specify, I'm just clarifying that this is possible but at a cost).
Hope that helps.
Use cfdocument to display as a PDF, then they can just click the disk image to save it to their computer. Or you can use the filename= attribute of cfdocument to assign a filename to it, and it will prompt them to save it instead of displaying in the browser.

Parsing restructured text in django (and python)

I'm going to manage some documentation using Django (I come from Sphinx) in order to have more control on the output. The docs are in rst (restructured text) in a git archive, and it's trivial to display them in HTML using a filter. My problem is that they are quite long, and I'd like to have more control on how the pagination goes, so I can show a single section per HTML page, have comments for a single section and so on...
My goal would be to be able to parse each doc, create my TOC with links to each section in a separate HMTL page, where a view would go through whole doc to render in html just a section.
I understand that it's mostly a issue of docutils, the most interesting example I've been able to find is: but it seems outdated and the examples in section "Tree-oriented processing", which is where the magic goes, don't seem work with my version of docutils. Article is good: I could use more of the same subject!
Is there something similar to what I'm planning to do already available that I can study, or maybe could someone point me to a gentle introduction to docutils for parsing rst documents?
Here is a blog describing howto make a custom rst writer and call it from Django. I think it should give you a good start
Pygments has a ReST lexer that you could examine (or possibly even use directly).