What has to be Glib::init()'ed in order to use Glib::wrap? - c++

So I'm trying to make use of a GtkSourceView in C++ using GtkSourceViewmm, whose documentation and level of support give me the impression that it hasn't been very carefully looked at in a long time. But I'm always an optimist :)
I'm trying to add a SourceView using some code similar to the following:
Glib::RefPtr<gtksourceview::SourceLanguageManager> source_language_manager = gtksourceview::SourceLanguageManager::create();
Glib::RefPtr<gtksourceview::SourceLanguage> source_language = Glib::wrap(gtk_source_language_manager_guess_language(source_language_manager->gobj(), file, NULL));
Glib::RefPtr<gtksourceview::SourceBuffer> source_buffer = gtksourceview::SourceBuffer::create(source_language);
gtksourceview::SourceView* = m_source_view = new gtksourceview::SourceView(source_buffer);
Unfortunately, it spits out the warning
(algoviz:4992): glibmm-WARNING **:
Failed to wrap object of type
'GtkSourceLanguage'. Hint: this error
is commonly caused by failing to call
a library init() function.
and when I look at it in a debugger, indeed the second line above (the one with the Glib::wrap()) is returning NULL. I have no idea why this is, but I tried to heed the warning by adding Glib::init() to the begining of the program, but that didn't seem to help at all either.
I've tried Google'ing around, but have been unsuccessful. Does anyone know what Glib wants me to init in order to be able to make that wrap call? Or, even better, does anyone know of any working sample code that uses GtkSourceViewmm (not just regular GtkSourceView)? I haven't been able to find any actual sample code, not even on Google Code Search.

It turns out, perhaps not surprisingly, that what I needed to init was:
After this, I ran into another problem with one of the parameter to gtksourceview::SourceLanguageManager, but this was caused by a genuine bug which I subsequently reported and was promptly fixed. So everything's working great now!

I use gtkmm. Typically you have to initialize things with something like :
_GTKMain = new Gtk::Main(0, 0, false);
Of course do not forget :
delete _GTKMain;
Check here for details :
(Sorry but the link option does not work ...)


Alternative of CreateVideoSource() in webrtc

Hi all I had seen one webrtc old source code which has this method called CreateVideoSource() for adding streams after an CreateAudioTrack() call.
rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::VideoTrackSourceInterface> video_source =
What's happening is whenever I try to build it gives an error for the above CreateVideoSource() that it is undefined. And the reason behind that is the latest webrtc-checkout has deprecated this.
So my question is, I wanted to know the alternative which they have introduced after deprecating this method. So can anyone tell me what the alternate approach is.
Okay, Finally I was able to come up with an alternative(i.e the current implementation of libwebrtc) after looking into bundle examples and tests.
Line 71 is a good point to start

Aspose.PDF Triggers Breakpoint

I implemented Aspose.Cells and Aspose.PDF into our companies existing application.
While I had some trouble with this (mostly caused by the fact that I tried to implement both APIs into the exat same file which was a bad idea)
I figured out how to make it work more or less.
My Problem now is while Aspose.Cells works perfectly fine and doesn't seem to have any unusual behavior Aspose.PDF already struggles with setting the license and even when I eventually got this to work I can't even initiate a Aspose::Pdf::Document.
So the first totally unusual thing is the way I had to set the License in the Example code given with the Aspose Package and in the official resources the license is set like this.
auto lic = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Pdf::License>();
This code won't run on my machine and cause the error.
Rough Translation
food.exe triggered a breakpoint
food.exe Hat einen Haltepunkt ausgelöst
The same happens when I initialise a System::String with a emtpy constructor like this.
auto lic = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Pdf::License>();
System::String str;
BUT if I initialise the System::String with an empty String in the first place setting the license seems to work just fine so this works.
auto lic = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Pdf::License>();
System::String str(u"");
If this code above works and I try to make an object from Aspose::Pdf::Document this will crash.
void Aspose_pdf::helloWorld()
auto doc = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Pdf::Document>();
I actually have no idea what's going on. I am not using any using namespace commands at the moment.
Would be greate if someone had an idea how to fix this.
The error occures exactly in smart_ptr.h in the following function.
typename std::enable_if<!IsSmartPtr<T>::value, SmartPtr<T> >::type MakeObject(Args&&... args)
System::Detail::OwnNextObject ownershipSentry;
T *const object = ::new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return SmartPtr<T>(object);
in the second line so T *const object = ::new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
is "causing" the error or atleast here the error will ne triggered.
Here you will find a simple example of how my code looks in general.
I Started with implementing Aspose.Pdf into my Programm so I edited my
Additional Library directories,additional dependencies, additional include directories,preprozessor definitions and my stacksize to fit these settings given in the Aspose.Pdf examples.
After this I created my Aspose_Pdf class and tested it. worked perferctly so far.
After this I made the same edits to fit Aspose.Cells aswell. Also I created a class Aspose_Cells and tested it. While this worked now my Aspose_Pdf class stoped working. After a little time passed I managed to atleast get the License Activation for Aspose_Pdf to work from this point on I had the problems described above.
Additional Dependencies:
Additional Librariedirectories:
additional Includedirectories
I've never heard about Aspose.Pdf neither I know how does System::MakeObject< work. But for me it looks that all the code might be simplified to next:
Aspose::Pdf::License^ lic = gcnew Aspose::Pdf::License();
System::String^ str = "C:\\foo\\fooproj\\Aspose.Total.C++.lic";
When it comes to Pdf.Document the initialization might look like this:
Aspose::Pdf::Document^ doc = gcnew Aspose::Pdf::Document();

WTL CListViewCtrl getSelectedItem is causing an Assertion fail for me

This is my code in order to get the name of the item which has been selected in my CListViewCtrl:
CString itemText;
clistViewCtrl.GetItemText(item.iItem, item.iSubItem, itemText);
Note that this code is working. I recently did another project, where I grabbed the name in exactly this way, however, I had no problems there with any assertion fails.
When I execute this with my current project, I always get a debug assertion:
"File: ... atlctrls.h"
Line: 3242
Expression: (GetStyle() & 0x0004) != 0
Even though the expression already states it pretty much, here is the line causing the failure:
I have barely any idea what the problem is. As I said, the exact same code worked on my other project, and I just went through both, trying to find any differences which could cause this behaviour, but nothing caught my eye.
Honestly, I don't even know if this is related to my code at all, considering the two compared elements seem to be predefined.
My first guess would have been that this part is being called before the items are created, but all items in the listview are created at the point I try to call this code passage.
Can anyone point me to a solution?
Your control is not created with style flag LVS_SINGLESEL. So calling GetSelectedItem is causing an assert. In case of multi selection use GetFirstSelectedItem and GetNextSelectedItem instead of GetSelectedItem. For single selection you can continue useing GetSelectedItem, but you have to add LVS_SINGLESEL style flag to your control.

Implementation of active appearance models

I'm having an internship in the field of computer vision, and i am really interested to know some details about the implementation of the Active Appearence Models aam-opencv that exists in the Google Code site.
In fact, i downloaded aam-opencv.tar.gz then built it with cmake and i solved some syntax problems but the only error that i am still having when i try to generate the solution is the following :
This function should return something:
aamImage* delaunay:: warpImageToMeanShape(aamImage*input)
I wonder if there is something missing in that function, or is it a compiler problem.
Please give me an answer or just guide me to complete the missing part of that function.
I would really appreciate if anyone kindly help me.
Thank you.
I suppose that is not used in code function, so it is not important what it return. Some C++ compilers allow to write such code and give only warning, another treat as errors:
ReturnType f()
looks like you use not the same compiler as author of source code. So just add something like:
aamImage* delaunay:: warpImageToMeanShape(aamImage*input)
return NULL;

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009: Error executing code: Wrong argument types in variable assignment

I have added an object member to InventMovement class and have created one parameter method for the same but following line of code is popping up above error:
JournalId parmProdJournalId(JournalId _prodJournalId = prodJournalId)
prodJournalId = _prodJournalId;
return prodJournalId;
After adding the object member and parameter method I have also compile forward InventMovement but no success. Will appreciate if anyone of you could help me in this regard
PS: I am doing the same thing which is mentioned in this blog post: http://www.artofcreation.be/2009/04/04/wrong-argument-types-in-variable-assignment/
I stopped the AOS, renamed AXAPD.AOI file and restarted the AOS. This resolved the problem. I got this solution from other forum where also I posted this question.
It is kind of strange, should work.
I could not reproduce your problem, but once had a similar problem. Solved it by re-compiling and synchronizing every involved class and table (more than once).
Also make sure nobody else is using any of these objects, maybe best is to restart the AOS.
EDIT (after comment on question):
Another possibility: it seams that you are also mixing JournalId and ProdJournalId.
I think the parameter and return value of parmProdJournalId should also be ProdJournalId.
Just try this one:
ProdJournalId parmProdJournalId(ProdJournalId _prodJournalId = prodJournalId)
prodJournalId = _prodJournalId;
return prodJournalId;
could not try it myself since I could'nt reproduce the error
If you can't restart the AOS, delete the local cache files of the client might work, i.e. *.auc from:
C:\Documents and Settings\Local Settings\Application Data