unidirectional one-to-many and many-to-may in django - django

I'm new to django.
I have 2 simple objects, lets call them - File and FileGroup:
- A FileGroup can hold a list of files, sorted according to an 'order' field.
- Each file can be associated with multiple groups.
so basically, the db tables would be:
1) File
2) File_Group
3) File_Group_Mapping table that has a column named "order" in addition to the fk to the file and file group.
There is a many-to-many relationship here, but the File object is not supposed to be aware of the existence of the FileGroup (doesn't make sense in my case)
My questions -
Is there a way to create a unidirectional many-to-many/one-to-many relationship here? How can I model it with django?
I couldn't find a way to make it unidirectional via django.
I saw a solution that uses something like -
class FileGroup(...):
files = models.ManyToManyField(File, through='FileGroupMapping')
but this will make the File object aware of the FileGroup.
I can also do this via mapping the File_Group_Mapping table in the models file like this -
class FileGroupMapping(...):
files = models.ForeignKey(File)
groups = models.ForeignKey(FileGroup)
order = models...
What is the best way to do this via django?

I am also much of a hibernate user. I totally understand what you are looking for, just try using the attribute "symmetrical = False" in your many to many relation ship this would make the relationship unidirectional.
class FileGroup(models.Model):
files = models.ManyToManyField(File, symmetrical = False)
This should do the trick!

Your two approaches are identical. Behind the scenes, Django creates a lookup table for a ManyToManyField. From the ORM perspective, you can put the ManyToManyField on either model, although it makes a difference in the admin, and if you wish to use the 'limit_choices_to' option. Using 'through' lets you add columns to the lookup table to further define the relationship between the two models, which is exactly what you've done by manually creating the lookup table.
Either way, you can still 'get' the FileGroup that a particular File belongs to, as Django querysets will follow a FK relationship bidirectionally.


How to enforce database constraints between two foreign keys on a join table?

I am trying to enforce a constraint between two foreign keys on a join table, and I don't know whether I can do it using the database, or whether I should do it through my app, or my ORM.
Here are my tables:
- Dataset: FK
- name: string (eg: "park", "church", etc)
- Dataset: FK
- latitude
- longitude
PlaceTag (my join table)
- Tag: FK
- Place: FK
- note: string (eg: "this place is my favorite park")
I want to enforce the constraint that each PlaceTag has a Tag and a Place that belong to the same Dataset. Should I do this using the database, or my app? Or should I re-structure my models to enforce this constraint more easily?
FWIW, this is an open-source project, and my PR for creating these tables is up here: https://github.com/mapseed/api/pull/161/files The project is using Django, if that helps.
One way of "enforcing" (note the quotation marks) this in Django would be to override the PlaceTag's save() method. In there you can raise an exception whenever self.place.dataset != self.tag.dataset. Yet you should note that there are situations in which Django will not call the custom save() method of a model:
When calling the update() method on a queryset. This method is meant for bulk updates and hence, for performance reasons, proceeds with the update directly at a database level (reference).
Inside (data) migrations custom save() methods are not available.
In these two situations the approach I propose will not be useful to enforce the constraint (hence the quotation marks at the beginning). This is of course not the same and not as strong as enforcing this at a database level. Anyway I don't think there is a portable way (i.e. available in any or most SQL database engines) of enforcing such a condition since checking it will require a join on other tables, yet I may be wrong on this one.

SQLalchemy: multiple tables one schema, and dynamically creating tables at startup

I'm building a Flask app, which, at startup, should read some number of tsv files, each of which has the same schema, put them in tables (one for each file), and then users will specify which table/file they want to query, and some number of keys.
I'm not sure how to do this, but the best way seems to be to specify one schema and then, once the app starts, read the files and dynamically create tables for each file. I can't find anywhere in the SQLalchemy docs any mention of how to use the same schema multiple times. Perhaps I need to extend my schema class, but i'm not sure how to do this at startup.
Thanks in advance!
-- EDIT --
It looks like this answers half of my question:
Flask-SQLAlchemy. Create several tables with all fields identical
So my question now is: Can you do the above in Flask, and can you do it as the app starts?
You can take 2 approaches.
Sub-classing - You create a base Mixin for schema and subclass it for each concrete tables. This approach is useful, if you expect that in future the schema for different tables might diverge. If a new field needs to be added in only one table you can add it only in sub-class. (variables db, Model etc is used from flask sqlalchemy quickstart)
class BaseMixin(object):
name = db.Column(String(80), unique=True)
field2 = db.Column ...
class SubClass1(BaseMixin, db.Model)
class Subclass2(BaseMixin, db.Model)
additional_field_for_subclass2 = db.Column(...
Common table for all - If you are confident that the schema will remain the same for all tables. I would suggest you create one table for all you data, with a additional field data_source which will indicate where the row/data came from.
class CommonTable(db.Model):
data_source = db.Column(String(100) ..)
field1 = ...
field2 = ...

how to make a relation from several objects/tables with a relation to common objects/tables

I am using django and have three objects: Customer, Location and Department. Each has a related Setting object.
Is it better form to create a single table with optional/null foreign keys?
Or to create a different setting object/table for each of the 3 entities?
There are a few options
Create a separate Settings table and have a nullable ForeignKey from all of your objects to the Settings table. If you choose this option, you should create an abstract base class that has a ForeignKey to the Settings table and inherit from that abstract base class. That way you don't have to add the ForeignKey every time you create a new model.
Create a separate Settings table and use GenericForeignKeys from the Settings table to reference your object (Customer, Location, and Department). This has the advantage of not having an extra column in all of your tables that need settings. However, you can't do DB joins with GenericForeignKeys via the Django ORM's normal API. You'd have to use raw sql. Also, select_related doesn't work on GenericForeignKeys so you'd have to use prefetch_related instead.
Store the settings in a column in the database. You should interact with the data in some format (I like JSON) and then serialize it to a string to store in the DB. Then to read the settings, you could deserialize the string back into JSON and interact with it. With this method, you wouldn't need to join with another table to get settings, and wouldn't need to run migrations every time you added new settings. You also wouldn't need a separate Settings table. However, constructing a query to find objects with certain settings would be a pain the query would probably be slow as well.
Each option has its pros and cons; so, pick your poison ;)

SQL Index on Django Generic Relation

Is it possible/sensible to create an SQL index on a GenericForeignKey in a Django model?
I want to perform a lookup on a large number of (~1 million) objects in my postgreSQL database. My lookup is based on a GenericForeignkey on the relevant model, which is actually stored as two fields: object_id (the pk of the object that is being linked to) and content_type (a FK to the Django ContentType model representing the type of object being linked to).
In SQL terms this is essentially:
WHERE ("my_model"."content_type_id" = x AND "my_model"."object_id" = y)
object_id is a non-unique field - since the generic FK can link to multiple models, its possible that objects of different types will have the same pk.
I am wondering whether I can speed up my query times by creating a non-unique index on my_model.object_id. My knowledge of indexing is limited, so I may not have understood their use correctly, but I know that Django automatically creates indexes on normal ForeignKey relations so I assume there is an associated speedup.
Has anyone had any experience creating indexes for GenericForeignKeys? Did you find a resulting performance increase? Any help or insight is much appreciated.

How do I express a Django ManyToMany relationship?

I'm hitting a wall here and I know this is a simple question, but I was unable to find it here.
In an ER diagram, what would the relationship be between two objects that have a ManyToMany relationship, in terms of the intermediary table?
item ---- item_facts ---- fact
I feel like it should be one to one but I'm not completely sure.
user --many2many-- group
user 1----n user_group n---1 group
In django documentation it states that
A many-to-many relationship. Requires a positional argument: the class to which the model is related. This works exactly the same as it does for ForeignKey, including all the options regarding recursive and lazy relationships.
Behind the scenes, Django creates an intermediary join table to represent the many-to-many relationship. By default, this table name is generated using the name of the many-to-many field and the model that contains it. Since some databases don't support table names above a certain length, these table names will be automatically truncated to 64 characters and a uniqueness hash will be used. This means you might see table names like author_books_9cdf4; this is perfectly normal. You can manually provide the name of the join table using the db_table option.
And ForeignKey definition is like:
A many-to-one relationship. Requires a positional argument: the class to which the model is related.
So,ManyToMany relations created by django are creating intermedıary tables that are 1 to N.
Not sure what the question is here. You say that the two objects have a many-to-many relationship.
If two objects (entitied, tables) have a many-to-many relationship, whether you include the intermediate table in the diagram or not, is irrelevant. They still have a many-to-many relationship.