Badly placed ()'s error - c++

Hello I'm using c++ with embedded SQL trying to receive command line arguments as SQL statements.
For instance I want to be able to do: ./a.out proceedings(foo#bar) and tokenize the argument into: proceedings, foo, and bar with #, (, and ) as delimiters.
Anyways, I was just wondering if there is a way to use brackets in the argument because I receive Badly placed ()'s as an error.

Nevermind, I've learned that I can use quotation marks in the command line which wont give me the error.


Detecting semicolon as command line argument in linux

I am trying to run a C++ application where I am passing some command line arguments to it as follows:
./startServer -ip tcpip{ldap=no;port=2435}
The application is getting crashed because it is not able to get the correct port. Searching over the web, I found that ";" is treated an end of command character (Semicolon on command line in linux) so everything after that is getting ignored. I also understand the putting it inside the quotes will work fine. However, I do not want to force this restriction of putting the arguments in the quotes on the users. So, I want to know is there a way I can process the ";" character with the argv array?
The semicolon separates two commands so your command line is equivalent to
./startServer -ip tcpip{ldap=no
Your application will never know anything about either the semi colon or the second command, these will be completely handled by the shell. You need to escape the colon with a back slash or enclose it in quotes. Other characters which may cause similar issues include: $,\-#`'":*?()&|
Complex strings are much easier to pass either from a file or through stdin.
You need to quote not only the ; but in the general case also the { and }:
./startServer -ip 'tcpip{ldap=no;port=2435}'
If your users are required to type in that complicated last argument, then they can also be made to quote it.

Pass \ in command line arguments of C++

I am working on a C++ program where one of the command line arguments needs to be a passed a regex. For example: abc.exe --option ab\[0\]
When I access the option value from inside the program, it becomes ab\\[0\\] which becomes a different regex.
Inside the program when I try to replace \\[ with \[ using boost::replace_all, the result is [ which also is not the intended output for me.
So, any suggestions on how to pass and retain \[ this while passing it through command line arguments
You can quote the parameter:
abc.exe --option "ab\[0\]"
Or use the shell escape sequence:
abc.exe --option ab\\[0\\]
Did you try these?
It was a problem with how visual studio displays the symbol. When I looked on the ASCII code of the symbol, it was alright. Thanks #ScottK for helping me to debug this through your comments

How to use VI to remove ocurance of character on lines matching regex?

I'm trying to change the case of method names for some functions from lowercase_with_underscores to lowerCamelCase for lines that begin with public function get_method_name(). I'm struggling to get this done in a single step.
So far I have used the following
However, this only replaces one _ character at a time. What I would like it a search and replace that does something like the following:
Identify all lines containing the string public function [gs]et.
On these lines, perform the following search and replace :s/_\(\w\)/\u\1/g
Suppose I have lines get_method_name() and set_method_name($variable_name) and I only want to change the case of the method name and not the variable name, how might I do that? The get_method_name() is more simple of course, but I'd like a solution that works for both in a single command. I've been able to use :%g/public function [gs]et/ . . . as per the solution listed below to solve for the get_method_name() case, but unfortunately not the set_method_name($variable_name) case.
If I've understood you correctly, I don't know why the things you've tried haven't worked but you can use g to perform a normal mode command on lines matchings a pattern.
Your example would be something like:
:%g/public function [gs]et/:s/_\(\w\)/\u\1/g
To match only the method names, we can use the fact that there will only be method names before the first $, as this looks to be PHP.
To do that, we can use a negative lookbehind, #<!:
:%g/public function [gs]et/:s/\(\$.\+\)\#<!_\(\w\)/\u\2/g
This will look behind #<! for any $ followed by any number of characters and only match _\(\w\) if no $s are found.
Bonus points(?):
To do this for multiple buffers stick a bufdo in front of the %g
You want to use a substitute with an expression (:h sub-replace-expression)
Match the complete string you want to process then pass that string to a second substitute command to actually change the string
:%s/\(get\|set\)\zs_\w\+/\=substitute(submatch(0), '_\([A-Za-z]\)', '\U\1', 'g')
Running the above on
To have vi do replace sad with happy, on all lines, in a file:
:1, $ s/sad/happy/g
(It is the :1, $ before the sed command that instructs vi to execute the command on every line in the file.)

Replace a pattern based off of the integer in the pattern in Vim

I'm trying to convert a bunch of .textile files into their equivalent .markdown files.
I would like a vim search/replace command to replace all h1., h2., h3., etc. patterns with the associated number of # characters. So, h1. would become #, h2. would be come ## and so forth.
I think what I want to use is the \=repeat command, but I'm a bit lost as to what arguments to pass it.
Here is what I have so far. It replaces the correct matches, but it just deletes them and gives me errors:
What are the proper arguments to pass to the \=repeat command?
this line may help you:
you used submatch(0), it was the whole matched string : h and number and any char (here you had another problem, you should escape the period ), so it won't do what you were expecting.

C++ on Windows: executable path with whitespace in system() call

I am trying to execute a file with parameters using the "system()" function in C++ on Windows, and it works as long as there are no whitespaces in the filename. For parameters, putting double quotes around the string works, but when I try the same with the executable itself, I get the following error:
"the filename,directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect"
Does anyone know how to handle this correctly?
Use a string like this:
cmd /S /C "your entire command line string"
See: How do I deal with quote characters when using cmd.exe
It should work, look for the problem elsewhere.
Perhaps something in your flow is removing the whitespace or the double quotes from the string.