How to tell whether an OpenGL context is hardware accelerated? - opengl

I know that if the openGl implementation does not find a suitable driver it happily falls back and render everything in software mode. It's good for graphics applications but it is not acceptable for computer games.
I know many users using Windows XP and if the user does not install the video card driver for his GPU then the OpenGL won't be hardware accelerated (while DirectX is or if not it will throw errors).
Is there a better (and possibly cross platform) way to determine if OpenGL uses the hardware acceleration than measuring the FPS and if it's too low notify the user?
I know that games like Quake3 can find it out somehow...

It seems that there is no direct way to query OpenGL for this but there are some methods that may help you to determine if hardware acceleration is present. See here for Windows ideas. In a UNIX environment glxinfo | grep "direct rendering" should work.

See also glGetString and 5.040 How do I know my program is using hardware acceleration on a Wintel card?

This previous answer suggests that checking to see if the user only has OpenGL 1.1 may be sufficient.
How to write an installer that checks for openGL support?


Does stage3d use OpenGL? or Direct3D when on Windows

WebGl is based on OpelGL ES 2.0.
Is it correct to say that Stage3d is also based OpenGL? I mean does it call OpenGL functions? Or ot calles Direct3D when runs on Windows?
If no, could you explain me, what API does Stage3d use for hardware acceleration?
The accepted answer is incorrect unfortunately. Stage 3D uses:
DirectX on Windows systems
OpenGL on OSX systems
OpenGL ES on mobile
Software Renderer when no hardware acceleration is available. (Due to
older hardware or no hardware at all.)
Please see:
Good day, Stage3D isn't based on anything, it may share similar methodology/terminology. It is another rendering pipeline, this is why Adobe is soo pumped about it.
Have a look at this:
You can skip down to this heading "Comparing the advantages and restrictions of working with Stage3D" to get right down to it.
Also, take a peak at this:, excerpt:
The Stage3D APIs in Flash Player and Adobe AIR offer a fully
hardware-accelerated architecture that brings stunning visuals across
desktop browsers and iOS and Android apps enabling advanced 2D and 3D
capabilities. This set of low-level GPU-accelerated APIs provide
developers with the flexibility to leverage GPU hardware acceleration
for significant performance gains in video game development, whether
you’re using cutting-edge 3D game engines or the intuitive, lightning
fast Starling 2D framework that powers Angry Birds.

Using OpenGL on lower-power side of Hybrid Graphics chip

I have hit a brick wall and I wonder if someone here can help. My program opens an OpenGL surface for very minor rendering needs. It seems on the MacbookPro this causes the graphics card driver to switch the hybrid card from low performance intel graphics to high performance AMD ATI graphics.
This causes me problems as there seems to be an issue with the AMD driver and putting the Mac to sleep, but also it drains the battery unnecessarily fast. I only need OpenGL to create a static 3D image on occasion, I do not require a fast frame rate!
Is there a way in a Cocoa app to prevent OpenGL switching a hybrid graphics card into performance mode?
The relevant documentation for this is QA1734, “Allowing OpenGL applications to utilize the integrated GPU”:
… On OS X 10.6 and earlier, you are not allowed to choose to run on the integrated GPU instead. …
On OS X 10.7 and later, there is a new attribute called NSSupportsAutomaticGraphicsSwitching. To allow your OpenGL application to utilize the integrated GPU, you must add in the Info.plist of your application this key with a Boolean value of true…
So you can only do this on Lion, and “only … on the dual-GPU MacBook Pros that were shipped Early 2011 and after.”
There are a couple of other important caveats:
Additionally, you must make sure that your application works correctly with multiple GPUs or else the system may continue forcing your application to use the discrete GPU. TN2229 Supporting Multiple GPUs on Mac OS X discusses in detail the required steps that you need to follow.
Features that are available on the discrete GPU may not be available on the integrated GPU. You must check that features you desire to use exist on the GPU you are using. For a complete listing of supported features by GPU class, please see: OpenGL Capabilities Tables.

What are the actual SDL2 hardware requirements?

I just can't find them anywhere. The most important part for me is the hardware acceleration, and I have no idea if there is a performance or openGL version compatibility requirement that the video card has to follow.
The minimum system requirements will depend alot more on the application that you are writing than what SDL2 does.
If you just create a standard window and render SDL will use what it can find and what it thinks is best either OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Direct3D or use the old style software rendering for machines that can't do any of the other. So if a computer can support an OS that SDL runs on then you will almost always (I just said almost since there can possible be exceptions) be able to run these type of apps (Video card not a requirement, but having one will greatly increase programs drawing speed).
You can also be creating a OpenGL application directly and then it depends on what type of context you are making what the video card has to support.
You can find most of the information here:
under the Video section. It's actually how to port from 1.2 to 2.0 , but it explains the new Video Pipeline pretty well.
Hope thats what you were looking for.

graphics libraries and GPUs [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How does OpenGL work at the lowest level?
When we make a program that uses the OpenGL library, for example for the Windows platform and have a graphics card that supports OpenGL, what happens is this:
We developed our program in a programming language linking the graphics with OpenGL (eg Visual C++).
Compile and link the program for the target platform (eg Windows)
When you run the program, as we have a graphics card that supports OpenGL, the driver installed on the same Windows will be responsible for managing the same graphics. To do this, when the CPU will send the required data to the chip on the graphics card (eg NVIDIA GPU) sketch the results.
In this context, we talk about graphics acceleration and downloaded to the CPU that the work of calculating the framebuffer end of our graphic representation.
In this environment, when the driver of the GPU receives data, how leverages the capabilities of the GPU to accelerate the drawing? Translates instructions and data received CUDA language type to exploit parallelism capabilities? Or just copy the data received from the CPU in specific areas of the device memory? Do not quite understand this part.
Finally, if I had a card that supports OpenGL, does the driver installed in Windows detect the problem? Would get a CPU error or would you calculate our framebuffer?
You'd better work into computer gaming sites. They frequently give articles on how 3D graphics works and how "artefacts" present themselves in case of errors in games or drivers.
You can also read article on architecture of 3D libraries like Mesa or Gallium.
Overall drivers have a set of methods for implementing this or that functionality of Direct 3D or OpenGL or another standard API. When they are loading, they check the hardware. You can have cheap videocard or expensive one, recent one or one released 3 years ago... that is different hardware. So drivers are trying to map each API feature to an implementation that can be used on given computer, accelerated by GPU, accelerated by CPU like SSE4, or even some more basic implementation.
Then driver try to estimate GPU load. Sometimes function can be accelerated, yet the GPU (especially low-end ones) is alreay overloaded by other task, then it maybe would try to calculate on CPU instead of waiting for GPU time slot.
When you make mistake there is always several variants, depending on intelligence and quality of driver.
Maybe driver would fix the error for you, ignoring your commands and running its own set of them instead.
Maybe the driver would return to your program some error code
Maybe the driver would execute the command as is. If you issued painting wit hred colour instead of green - that is an error, but the kind that driver can not know about. Search for "3d artefacts" on PC gaming related sites.
In worst case your eror would interfere with error in driver and your computer would crash and reboot.
Of course all those adaptive strategies are rather complex and indeterminate, that causes 3D drivers be closed and know-how of their internals closely guarded.
Search sites dedicated to 3D gaming and perhaps also to 3D modelling - they should rate videocards "which are better to buy" and sometimes when they review new chip families they compose rather detailed essays about technical internals of all this.
To question 5.
Some of the things that a driver does: It compiles your GPU programs (vertex,fragment, etc. shaders) to the machine instructions of the specific card, uploads the compiled programs to the appropriate area of the device memory and arranges the programs to be executed in parallel on the many many graphics cores on the card.
It uploads the graphics data (vertex coordinates, textures, etc.) to the appropriate type of graphics card memory, using various hints from the programmer, for example whether the date is frequently, infrequently, or not at all updated.
It may utilize special units in the graphics card for transfer of data to/from host memory, for example some nVidia card have a DMA unit (some Quadro card may have two or more), which can upload, for example, textures in parallel with the usual driver operation (other transfers, drawing, etc).

What is OpenGL as a computer file

Ok, I know that online there are millions of answers to what OpenGL is, but I'm trying to figure out what it is in terms of a file on my computer. I've researched and found that OpenGL acts as a multi-platform translator for different computer graphics cards. So, then, is it a dll?
I was wondering, if it's a dll, then couldn't I download any version of the dll (preferably the latest), and then use it, knowing what it has?
EDIT: Ok, so if it's a windows dll, and I make an OpenGL game that uses a late version, what if it's not supported on someone else's computer with an earlier version? Am I allowed to carry the dll with my game so that it's supported on other windows computers? Or is the dll set up to communicate with the graphics card strictly on specific computers?
OpenGL is constantly being updated (whatever it is). How can this be done if all it's doing is communicating with a graphics card on a bunch of different computers that have graphics cards that are never going to be updated since they're built in?
There are two "parts" to OpenGL - the specification that's updated by the Khronos Group once every few months, and the driver that's written by your graphics card manufacturer specifically for your graphics card model.
The OpenGL specification essentially details how everything about the OpenGL API should work - what the expected behavior should be, when something is considered unexpected behavior, when to throw which errors, etc. The specification lets the driver writers know exactly what they need to do and lets application writers know what to expect from a driver. This is what OpenGL really "is" - the glue that holds applications and drivers together. You can read all the specifications for each version here.
Then there's drivers that implement the OpenGL API and are considered compliant to the specification. The driver does exactly what you'd expect it to do - copy data to and from the graphics card's memory, write data to graphics card registers, keep track of state, process vertices, compile shaders, instruct hundreds of stream processors to simultaneously transform vertices and fill pixels, etc. Without OpenGL, each graphics card model would have a separate, slightly faster API that would only work for that one graphics card because of the way it was structured. With OpenGL, the drivers are all written against the same API and an application's code will run on all graphics cards.
Compliance to the OpenGL specification doesn't change with driver updates. Most driver updates will either fix minor bugs or do some internal optimizing.
I know at one point there was a small bug with ATI driver where you had to call glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); before you could generate mipmaps the OpenGL 3 way (glGenerateMipMaps()) despite GL_TEXTURE_2D being deprecated as a possible value for glEnable(). I'm not sure if it's fixed now, but it's certainly the type of edge case that can easily be overlooked by driver writers.
As for optimizations, there's a lot to optimize. Maybe there's another way to optimize shaders when they're being compiled, maybe there's a more efficient way to distribute work between the stream processors, I don't know.
OpenGL is a cross-platform API for graphics programming. In terms of compiled code, it will be available as an OS-specific library - e.g. a DLL (opengl32.dll) in Windows, or an SO in Linux.
You can get the SDK and binary redistributables from
Depending on which language you're using, there may be OpenGL wrappers available. These are classes or API libraries designed to specifically work with your language. For example, there are .NET OpenGL wrappers available for C# / VB.NET developers. A quick Google search on the subject should give you some results.
The OpenGL API occasionally has new versions released, but these updates are backwards-compatible in nature. Moreover, new features are generally added as extensions, and it's possible to detect which extensions are present and only use those which are locally available and supported... so you can build your software to take advantage of new features when they're available but still be able to run when they aren't.
The API has nothing to do with individual drivers -- drivers can be updated without changing the API, and so the fact that drivers are constantly updated does not matter for purposes of compatibility with your software. On that account, you can choose an API version to develop against, and as long as your target operating systems ships with a version of the OpenGL library compatible with that API, you don't need to worry about driver updates breaking your software's ability to be dynamically linked against the locally available libraries.