Problem debugging C++ with an Eclipse based IDE - c++

This is a weird question in that I'm not sure where to start looking.
First of all, I haven't done any C++ programming for the last 10 years so it could be me thats forgotten a few things. Secondly, the IDE I'm using is Eclipse based (which I've never used) and customized for Samsung bada based mobile development (it kicks off an emulator for debugging purposes)
I'm posting my code samples as images because the StackOverflow WYSIWYG editor seems to have a problem parsing C++.
[EDIT] Due to complaints I've edited my question to remove the images. Hope that helps :)
I have the following header file...
#include <FApp.h>
#include <FBase.h>
#include <FGraphics.h>
#include <FSystem.h>
#include <FMedia.h>
using namespace Osp::Media;
using namespace Osp::Graphics;
class NineAcross :
public Osp::App::Application,
public Osp::System::IScreenEventListener
static Osp::App::Application* CreateInstance(void);
bool OnAppInitializing(Osp::App::AppRegistry& appRegistry);
Image *_problematicDecoder;
...and the following cpp file...
#include "NineAcross.h"
using namespace Osp::App;
using namespace Osp::Base;
using namespace Osp::System;
using namespace Osp::Graphics;
using namespace Osp::Media;
Application* NineAcross::CreateInstance(void)
// Create the instance through the constructor.
return new NineAcross();
bool NineAcross::OnAppInitializing(AppRegistry& appRegistry)
Image *workingDecoder;
return true;
Now, in my cpp file, if I comment out the line that reads _problematicDecoder->Construct();...I'm able to set a breakpoint and happily step over the call to Constuct() on workingDecoder. However, as soon as I uncomment the line that reads _problematicDecoder->Construct();... I end up with the IDE telling me...
"No source available for "Osp::Media::Image::Construct()"
In other words, why can I NOT debug this code when I reference Image *image from a header file?
Any ideas?
Thanks :-)

This usually means you're stepping through some code which you do not posses its source.
I assume here that Osp::Media::Image is a class supplied by Samsung or similar for which you do not have the cpp file. So this means the debugger can't show you the current code line while you're at a function of Osp::Media::Image.
Alternatively, there's a good chance you do have all of the source code for this class, but Eclipse doesn't know where it is. In this case you can add the correct directories under the Debug Configurations window.

Ok, problem solved.
The idea is to first new up an instance of Image like so...
_decoder = new Osp::Media::Image();
And then do _decoder->Construct().
Funny enough, this seems blatantly obvious to me now coming from the C# world, though why the code I posted for workingDecoder works is still somewhat mysterious to me. The fact the sample projects pre-loaded with the bada IDE don't seem to make a call to new() leads me to believe that perhaps those samples are outdated our out of synch.
Either that or I really AM wildly out of the C++ loop.
Anyway thanks so much for the effort guys.
Appreciated :)


What does the code does and how can i use it in my custom projects?

I fount the below code in QT header file named "mywidget.h".
Could any one please clarify the below questions:
What the code does ?
Is it a good practice ?
Where can I find similar kind of code snippets to enhance my knowledge?
#ifndef %PRE_DEF%
#define %PRE_DEF%
#include <%BASECLASS%>
class %CLASS% : public %BASECLASS%
%CLASS%(QWidget *parent = 0);
#endif // %PRE_DEF%
This code is just a code snippet used to create new class.
What it does?
It just inserts this code snippet into your text/source file and selects ( or marks ) all `%NAME% keywords which let's you change it to desired name.
Is it a good practice?
It depends. If you're tired of typing new classes and you know how to do this then answer is yes it is. It let's you create object definitions in less steps.
Where can I find similar kind of code snippets to enhance my knowledge?
This depends on IDE you're using. With Visual Studio you can add these in :
C:\Users\your_username\Documents\Visual Studio version\Code Snippets
There you'll find different folders named like Visual C++ in which you can add them.
Answering to the comment:
You dont have to use any kind of IDE, you can just copy the content by hand and modify it. But ( just for clarity ) it's easier to use IDE instead of hand copying and changing the content.
Complete explanation on how to use code snippets:
Qt Creator
Visual Studio

C++ shellapi - Garbage characters upon system tray bubbles

So I'm making a console application in C++ with win32 and shellapi (for different reasons). Everything has gone well for most of it, although recently I've noticed some issues when calling the Shell_NotifyIcon() function.
I got this piece of code:
s_data.cbSize = sizeof(s_data);
s_data.uFlags = NIF_INFO;
s_data.dwInfoFlags = NIIF_NONE;
s_data.uTimeout = 1;
StringCchCopy(s_data.szInfo, ARRAYSIZE(s_data.szInfo), L"Test message");
Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_ADD, &s_data);
I've included the following (relevant) header files:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Shellapi.h>
#include <Strsafe.h>
And I get the following result:
I suppose it has to do with the NOTIFYICONDATA::szInfo member, but I still can't figure out a fix to it. And considering that I've double checked with some examples online (whereas the difference has been minimal), I doubt that it's something really obvious.
Thanks in advance. I haven't been working with shell that much, so excuse me if I'm misunderstanding something major or so (or using something incorrectly). I hope I can get somewhere with this at least.
I solved it myself, just a while after asking this strangely.
The answer is simple: You need to set NOTIFYICONDATA::szInfoTitle to something. In my case, I completely forgot about it, and expected it to use some sort of default title, but it didn't. Instead, it got replaced by garbage, making it unreadable.
To solve it, I added:
StringCchCopy(s_data.szInfoTitle, ARRAYSIZE(s_data.szInfoTitle), L"Test title");
And now everything appear neatly.

How to configure Eclipse/CDT/C++ formatter to not break line between a function returned type and the function name [duplicate]

I ran into a problem with the Eclipse formatter. It won't format my code correctly when declaring methods within a class declaration. It puts a new line after the method's return type.
I already exported the style xml file and examined the settings in it, but none of the settings have any apparent connection to this problem, and the settings editor in Eclipse didn't show the same problem happening in it's sample code for method declarations.
Here is an example bit of code for what I want to have happen:
class MyClass
void myMethod();
However, this is what I get:
class MyClass
Again, in the styles editor, the code doesn't have this problem and looks just how I want it to, but in the actual code, the story is different.
I'm using version 3.8.0. Any help is appreciated.
Edit: I deleted those source files that were formatted incorrectly (after formatting the code several times to no avail) and replaced them with "identical" files with the same methods, same structure, etc. I formatted the code this time and it worked. This is probably a bug, but I'm leaving it up just in case anyone else encounters a similar problem or has a solution to avoiding this problem in the first place.
I hand edited two files under the main eclipse projects directory
The two files:
file 1: org.eclipse.cdt.core.prefs, change this line from "insert" to "do not insert"
org.eclipse.cdt.core.formatter.insert_new_line_before_identifier_in_function_declaration=do not insert
file 2: org.eclipse.cdt.ui.prefs,
scan this file for "insert_new_line_before_identifier_in_function_declaration" and make a similar change from insert to do not insert next to it, should be obvious
Note I seen this problem on indigo and juno, the fix described above was in juno.
If you have a custom formatter config, export it first (settings>C/C++ General>Formatter>Edit>Export). Then change the following line to "do not insert". Save the XML.
<setting id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.formatter.insert_new_line_before_identifier_in_function_declaration" value="do not insert"/>
Delete the current config and import the one you changed.
There's a specific preference in the formatter options starting from cdt 9.8 included in Eclipse 2019-06.

In the .cpp, is there a way to auto-implement all the functions from its .h?

I think this would increase the quality of life when devving, but google came up with nothing and I couldn't find anything specific inside inside Netbeans either.
What I want is to start with this header:
class bla
static void gfg(somearg asd);
Then I open the blank bla.cpp and pressed 'autoimplement'. After that, it would look like this:
#include "bla.h"
static void bla::gfg(somearg asd)
//TODO: implement
throw unimplemented("void bla::gfg(somearg) is unimplemented");
Anyone know of a tool like this?
I found
"stubgen is a C++ development tool that keeps code files in sync with their associated headers. When it finds a member function declaration in a header file that doesn't have a corresponding implementation, it creates an empty skeleton with descriptive comment headers."
This looks like it does exactly what you want it to do.
Some time has passed and in the meantime the requested feature seems to have been implemented in netbeans. Refer to , which also gives a description on how to use it:
Implemented CTRL+SPACE.
IDE suggest implementing of class method if CTRL+SPACE was pressed:
- inside file that already has at least one method definition
- between method declarations

Managed C++ Wrapper for Unmanaged Static Library with static variables hangs

The explanation of the problem is a little long-winded, please bear with me.
I have an unmanaged C++ static library that is used for financial application. It has business day conventions, swap conventions, bond conventions, etc. Most of the conventions rely on static global variables, which are initialized on first use. The library also initializes the holiday calendars on startup by running some queries against a SQL Server database using ODBC.
I have to interact with third-party software using web services. The only way to do this realistically is through C#. That isn't an issue, and I was making good progress. However, I hit a stumbling block when it became necessary to do some date calculations in C#. Since I didn't want to port all my C++ code to C#, I figured the most efficient way to achieve this would be by writing a Managed C++ Class Library DLL that is a wrapper around my unmanaged static library. Everything seems to work fine, I get no compile-time or link-time errors, and I can add the reference to the wrapper and see all the proper object definitions. However, when I try to run my application, it just hangs. I have tried playing around with a bunch of compiler setting for the wrapper DLL, to no avail. If I remove the project dependency on my unmanaged library, everything works fine. I have a strong suspicion that my liberal use of global static variables is causing issues. Is there are way to solve this problem, are at least figure out where the issue is? Example code is below.
// FSAManaged.h
#pragma once
using namespace System;
//class XLDate;
namespace FSAManaged {
public ref class Futures
static DateTime Expiry(String ^ code, DateTime date);
The implementation does not even rely on a dependency to the unmanaged static library:
// This is the main DLL file.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "FSAManaged.h"
namespace FSAManaged
DateTime Futures::Expiry(String ^ code, DateTime date) {
return DateTime::Today;
For completeness' sake, here is AssemblyInfo.cpp:
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Runtime::CompilerServices;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;
// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following
// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
// associated with an assembly.
// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
// Major Version
// Minor Version
// Build Number
// Revision
// You can specify all the value or you can default the Revision and Build Numbers
// by using the '*' as shown below:
[assembly:SecurityPermission(SecurityAction::RequestMinimum, UnmanagedCode = true)];
Use the debugger. If you test this from C# then Project + Properties, Debug, tick "Enabled unmanaged code debugging". Setting up the symbol server in Tools + Options, Debugging, Symbols is strongly recommended. Run.
When it hangs use Debug + Break All. Debug + Windows + Threads and double-click the thread that is supposed to be doing the job. Debug + Windows + Call stack to see what is going on. Post the stack trace in your question if you can't figure it out. Anything you see in the Output window and the Visual Studio status bar is relevant too.
Static C++ variables are initialized from DllMain. There are lot's of things you should not do in DllMain; triggering the load of yet another Dll being the most important one. This is easy to break if you call into other peoples libraries in from DllMain.
I suggest you make an Init function on your Dll, which you call after the dll is up and running.