Is it better in C++ to pass by value or pass by reference-to-const?
I am wondering which is better practice. I realize that pass by reference-to-const should provide for better performance in the program because you are not making a copy of the variable.
It used to be generally recommended best practice1 to use pass by const ref for all types, except for builtin types (char, int, double, etc.), for iterators and for function objects (lambdas, classes deriving from std::*_function).
This was especially true before the existence of move semantics. The reason is simple: if you passed by value, a copy of the object had to be made and, except for very small objects, this is always more expensive than passing a reference.
With C++11, we have gained move semantics. In a nutshell, move semantics permit that, in some cases, an object can be passed “by value” without copying it. In particular, this is the case when the object that you are passing is an rvalue.
In itself, moving an object is still at least as expensive as passing by reference. However, in many cases a function will internally copy an object anyway — i.e. it will take ownership of the argument.2
In these situations we have the following (simplified) trade-off:
We can pass the object by reference, then copy internally.
We can pass the object by value.
“Pass by value” still causes the object to be copied, unless the object is an rvalue. In the case of an rvalue, the object can be moved instead, so that the second case is suddenly no longer “copy, then move” but “move, then (potentially) move again”.
For large objects that implement proper move constructors (such as vectors, strings …), the second case is then vastly more efficient than the first. Therefore, it is recommended to use pass by value if the function takes ownership of the argument, and if the object type supports efficient moving.
A historical note:
In fact, any modern compiler should be able to figure out when passing by value is expensive, and implicitly convert the call to use a const ref if possible.
In theory. In practice, compilers can’t always change this without breaking the function’s binary interface. In some special cases (when the function is inlined) the copy will actually be elided if the compiler can figure out that the original object won’t be changed through the actions in the function.
But in general the compiler can’t determine this, and the advent of move semantics in C++ has made this optimisation much less relevant.
1 E.g. in Scott Meyers, Effective C++.
2 This is especially often true for object constructors, which may take arguments and store them internally to be part of the constructed object’s state.
Edit: New article by Dave Abrahams on cpp-next: Want speed? Pass by value.
Pass by value for structs where the copying is cheap has the additional advantage that the compiler may assume that the objects don't alias (are not the same objects). Using pass-by-reference the compiler cannot assume that always. Simple example:
foo * f;
void bar(foo g) {
g.i = 10;
f->i = 2;
g.i += 5;
the compiler can optimize it into
g.i = 15;
f->i = 2;
since it knows that f and g doesn't share the same location. if g was a reference (foo &), the compiler couldn't have assumed that. since g.i could then be aliased by f->i and have to have a value of 7. so the compiler would have to re-fetch the new value of g.i from memory.
For more pratical rules, here is a good set of rules found in Move Constructors article (highly recommended reading).
If the function intends to change the argument as a side effect, take it by non-const reference.
If the function doesn't modify its argument and the argument is of primitive type, take it by value.
Otherwise take it by const reference, except in the following cases
If the function would then need to make a copy of the const reference anyway, take it by value.
"Primitive" above means basically small data types that are a few bytes long and aren't polymorphic (iterators, function objects, etc...) or expensive to copy. In that paper, there is one other rule. The idea is that sometimes one wants to make a copy (in case the argument can't be modified), and sometimes one doesn't want (in case one wants to use the argument itself in the function if the argument was a temporary anyway, for example). The paper explains in detail how that can be done. In C++1x that technique can be used natively with language support. Until then, i would go with the above rules.
Examples: To make a string uppercase and return the uppercase version, one should always pass by value: One has to take a copy of it anyway (one couldn't change the const reference directly) - so better make it as transparent as possible to the caller and make that copy early so that the caller can optimize as much as possible - as detailed in that paper:
my::string uppercase(my::string s) { /* change s and return it */ }
However, if you don't need to change the parameter anyway, take it by reference to const:
bool all_uppercase(my::string const& s) {
/* check to see whether any character is uppercase */
However, if you the purpose of the parameter is to write something into the argument, then pass it by non-const reference
bool try_parse(T text, my::string &out) {
/* try to parse, write result into out */
Depends on the type. You are adding the small overhead of having to make a reference and dereference. For types with a size equal or smaller than pointers that are using the default copy ctor, it would probably be faster to pass by value.
As it has been pointed out, it depends on the type. For built-in data types, it is best to pass by value. Even some very small structures, such as a pair of ints can perform better by passing by value.
Here is an example, assume you have an integer value and you want pass it to another routine. If that value has been optimized to be stored in a register, then if you want to pass it be reference, it first must be stored in memory and then a pointer to that memory placed on the stack to perform the call. If it was being passed by value, all that is required is the register pushed onto the stack. (The details are a bit more complicated than that given different calling systems and CPUs).
If you are doing template programming, you are usually forced to always pass by const ref since you don't know the types being passed in. Passing penalties for passing something bad by value are much worse than the penalties of passing a built-in type by const ref.
This is what i normally work by when designing the interface of a non-template function:
Pass by value if the function does not want to modify the parameter and the
value is cheap to copy (int, double, float, char, bool, etc... Notice that std::string, std::vector, and the rest of the containers in the standard library are NOT)
Pass by const pointer if the value is expensive to copy and the function does
not want to modify the value pointed to and NULL is a value that the function handles.
Pass by non-const pointer if the value is expensive to copy and the function
wants to modify the value pointed to and NULL is a value that the function handles.
Pass by const reference when the value is expensive to copy and the function does not want to modify the value referred to and NULL would not be a valid value if a pointer was used instead.
Pass by non-const reference when the value is expensive to copy and the function wants to modify the value referred to and NULL would not be a valid value if a pointer was used instead.
Sounds like you got your answer. Passing by value is expensive, but gives you a copy to work with if you need it.
As a rule passing by const reference is better.
But if you need to modify you function argument locally you should better use passing by value.
For some basic types the performance in general the same both for passing by value and by reference. Actually reference internally represented by pointer, that is why you can expect for instance that for pointer both passing are the same in terms of performance, or even passing by value can be faster because of needless dereference.
Pass by value for small types.
Pass by const references for big types (the definition of big can vary between machines) BUT, in C++11, pass by value if you are going to consume the data, since you can exploit move semantics. For example:
class Person {
Person(std::string name) : name_(std::move(name)) {}
std::string name_;
Now the calling code would do:
Person p(std::string("Albert"));
And only one object would be created and moved directly into member name_ in class Person. If you pass by const reference, a copy will have to be made for putting it into name_.
As a rule of thumb, value for non-class types and const reference for classes.
If a class is really small it's probably better to pass by value, but the difference is minimal. What you really want to avoid is passing some gigantic class by value and having it all duplicated - this will make a huge difference if you're passing, say, a std::vector with quite a few elements in it.
Pass by referece is better than pass by value. I was solving the longest common subsequence problem on Leetcode. It was showing TLE for pass by value but accepted the code for pass by reference. Took me 30 mins to figure this out.
Simple difference :- In function we have input and output parameter , so if your passing input and out parameter is same then use call by reference else if input and output parameter are different then better to use call by value .
example void amount(int account , int deposit , int total )
input parameter : account , deposit
output paramteter: total
input and out is different use call by vaule
void amount(int total , int deposit )
input total deposit
output total
Is passing argument by reference/using pointer better for overall performance of program, than passing it normally?
From the logic POV it's because there are no copies of already stored variables, but is it really?
I know, that passing every argument by reference could be harmful, but I am refering to situations, where there's even simple variable passed, that is not used later in overall code, so its change wouldn't even affect anything.
I was wondering, because I've noticed that a lot of fellow programmers use that in their code.
I just want to know, I realize, that such tweaks won't speed up program much, but that's for my conciousness about the code.
I know, that passing every argument by reference could be harmful...
Using a const reference will prevent the altering of the object you pass, so it's safe.
Is passing argument by reference/using pointer better for overall performance of program, than passing it normally?
From the logic POV it's because there are no copies of already stored variables, but is it really?
Your question applies to passing variables to use its values but not change them:
In the case of, for instace:
void test(const int& value);
int i;
The differences in performance and/or space are near to none, for primitive types, you need not to bother with this.
But if you have complex type objects their size ceases to be negligible, their size is almost always bigger than the size of a pointer and copying them might result in non negligible performance loss, in this case it's better to pass by reference, you are passing the address of that variable and this avoids unnecessary copies.
class Complex{
//data members inside
void test(const Complex& c){
complex c;
Complex c;
Is passing argument by reference/using pointer better for overall performance of program, than passing it normally?
It depends. In some cases it is better than passing by value, in some other cases it is worse, and in rest of the cases it doesn't matter. If you want to know whether passing a value or a reference is faster in some particular case, you need to measure.
From the logic POV it is, because there are no copies of already stored
On the other hand, you are now not only copying a reference, but also indirecting through it to access the object.
Rule of thumb: In case you are passing an argument without intention of storing a copy for later, use a reference unless the type is trivially copyable and the size of a pointer or smaller. If you write a template and type could be either, then assume it is slow to copy and use a reference.
Is it better in C++ to pass by value or pass by reference-to-const?
I am wondering which is better practice. I realize that pass by reference-to-const should provide for better performance in the program because you are not making a copy of the variable.
It used to be generally recommended best practice1 to use pass by const ref for all types, except for builtin types (char, int, double, etc.), for iterators and for function objects (lambdas, classes deriving from std::*_function).
This was especially true before the existence of move semantics. The reason is simple: if you passed by value, a copy of the object had to be made and, except for very small objects, this is always more expensive than passing a reference.
With C++11, we have gained move semantics. In a nutshell, move semantics permit that, in some cases, an object can be passed “by value” without copying it. In particular, this is the case when the object that you are passing is an rvalue.
In itself, moving an object is still at least as expensive as passing by reference. However, in many cases a function will internally copy an object anyway — i.e. it will take ownership of the argument.2
In these situations we have the following (simplified) trade-off:
We can pass the object by reference, then copy internally.
We can pass the object by value.
“Pass by value” still causes the object to be copied, unless the object is an rvalue. In the case of an rvalue, the object can be moved instead, so that the second case is suddenly no longer “copy, then move” but “move, then (potentially) move again”.
For large objects that implement proper move constructors (such as vectors, strings …), the second case is then vastly more efficient than the first. Therefore, it is recommended to use pass by value if the function takes ownership of the argument, and if the object type supports efficient moving.
A historical note:
In fact, any modern compiler should be able to figure out when passing by value is expensive, and implicitly convert the call to use a const ref if possible.
In theory. In practice, compilers can’t always change this without breaking the function’s binary interface. In some special cases (when the function is inlined) the copy will actually be elided if the compiler can figure out that the original object won’t be changed through the actions in the function.
But in general the compiler can’t determine this, and the advent of move semantics in C++ has made this optimisation much less relevant.
1 E.g. in Scott Meyers, Effective C++.
2 This is especially often true for object constructors, which may take arguments and store them internally to be part of the constructed object’s state.
Edit: New article by Dave Abrahams on cpp-next: Want speed? Pass by value.
Pass by value for structs where the copying is cheap has the additional advantage that the compiler may assume that the objects don't alias (are not the same objects). Using pass-by-reference the compiler cannot assume that always. Simple example:
foo * f;
void bar(foo g) {
g.i = 10;
f->i = 2;
g.i += 5;
the compiler can optimize it into
g.i = 15;
f->i = 2;
since it knows that f and g doesn't share the same location. if g was a reference (foo &), the compiler couldn't have assumed that. since g.i could then be aliased by f->i and have to have a value of 7. so the compiler would have to re-fetch the new value of g.i from memory.
For more pratical rules, here is a good set of rules found in Move Constructors article (highly recommended reading).
If the function intends to change the argument as a side effect, take it by non-const reference.
If the function doesn't modify its argument and the argument is of primitive type, take it by value.
Otherwise take it by const reference, except in the following cases
If the function would then need to make a copy of the const reference anyway, take it by value.
"Primitive" above means basically small data types that are a few bytes long and aren't polymorphic (iterators, function objects, etc...) or expensive to copy. In that paper, there is one other rule. The idea is that sometimes one wants to make a copy (in case the argument can't be modified), and sometimes one doesn't want (in case one wants to use the argument itself in the function if the argument was a temporary anyway, for example). The paper explains in detail how that can be done. In C++1x that technique can be used natively with language support. Until then, i would go with the above rules.
Examples: To make a string uppercase and return the uppercase version, one should always pass by value: One has to take a copy of it anyway (one couldn't change the const reference directly) - so better make it as transparent as possible to the caller and make that copy early so that the caller can optimize as much as possible - as detailed in that paper:
my::string uppercase(my::string s) { /* change s and return it */ }
However, if you don't need to change the parameter anyway, take it by reference to const:
bool all_uppercase(my::string const& s) {
/* check to see whether any character is uppercase */
However, if you the purpose of the parameter is to write something into the argument, then pass it by non-const reference
bool try_parse(T text, my::string &out) {
/* try to parse, write result into out */
Depends on the type. You are adding the small overhead of having to make a reference and dereference. For types with a size equal or smaller than pointers that are using the default copy ctor, it would probably be faster to pass by value.
As it has been pointed out, it depends on the type. For built-in data types, it is best to pass by value. Even some very small structures, such as a pair of ints can perform better by passing by value.
Here is an example, assume you have an integer value and you want pass it to another routine. If that value has been optimized to be stored in a register, then if you want to pass it be reference, it first must be stored in memory and then a pointer to that memory placed on the stack to perform the call. If it was being passed by value, all that is required is the register pushed onto the stack. (The details are a bit more complicated than that given different calling systems and CPUs).
If you are doing template programming, you are usually forced to always pass by const ref since you don't know the types being passed in. Passing penalties for passing something bad by value are much worse than the penalties of passing a built-in type by const ref.
This is what i normally work by when designing the interface of a non-template function:
Pass by value if the function does not want to modify the parameter and the
value is cheap to copy (int, double, float, char, bool, etc... Notice that std::string, std::vector, and the rest of the containers in the standard library are NOT)
Pass by const pointer if the value is expensive to copy and the function does
not want to modify the value pointed to and NULL is a value that the function handles.
Pass by non-const pointer if the value is expensive to copy and the function
wants to modify the value pointed to and NULL is a value that the function handles.
Pass by const reference when the value is expensive to copy and the function does not want to modify the value referred to and NULL would not be a valid value if a pointer was used instead.
Pass by non-const reference when the value is expensive to copy and the function wants to modify the value referred to and NULL would not be a valid value if a pointer was used instead.
Sounds like you got your answer. Passing by value is expensive, but gives you a copy to work with if you need it.
As a rule passing by const reference is better.
But if you need to modify you function argument locally you should better use passing by value.
For some basic types the performance in general the same both for passing by value and by reference. Actually reference internally represented by pointer, that is why you can expect for instance that for pointer both passing are the same in terms of performance, or even passing by value can be faster because of needless dereference.
Pass by value for small types.
Pass by const references for big types (the definition of big can vary between machines) BUT, in C++11, pass by value if you are going to consume the data, since you can exploit move semantics. For example:
class Person {
Person(std::string name) : name_(std::move(name)) {}
std::string name_;
Now the calling code would do:
Person p(std::string("Albert"));
And only one object would be created and moved directly into member name_ in class Person. If you pass by const reference, a copy will have to be made for putting it into name_.
As a rule of thumb, value for non-class types and const reference for classes.
If a class is really small it's probably better to pass by value, but the difference is minimal. What you really want to avoid is passing some gigantic class by value and having it all duplicated - this will make a huge difference if you're passing, say, a std::vector with quite a few elements in it.
Pass by referece is better than pass by value. I was solving the longest common subsequence problem on Leetcode. It was showing TLE for pass by value but accepted the code for pass by reference. Took me 30 mins to figure this out.
Simple difference :- In function we have input and output parameter , so if your passing input and out parameter is same then use call by reference else if input and output parameter are different then better to use call by value .
example void amount(int account , int deposit , int total )
input parameter : account , deposit
output paramteter: total
input and out is different use call by vaule
void amount(int total , int deposit )
input total deposit
output total
With C++ how do i decide if i should pass an argument by value or by reference/pointer? (tell me the answer for both 32 and 64bits) Lets take A. Is 2 32bit values more less or equal work as a pointer to a 32bit value?
B to me seems like i always should pass by value. C i think i should pass by value but someone told me (however i haven't seen proof) that processors don't handle values not their bitsize and so it is more work. So if i were passing them around would it be more work to pass by value thus byref is faster? Finally i threw in an enum. I think enums should always be by value
Note: When i say by ref i mean a const reference or pointer (can't forget the const...)
struct A { int a, b; }
struct B { int a; }
struct C { char a, b; }
enum D { a,b,c }
void fn(T a);
Now tell me the answer if i were pushing the parameters many times and the code doesn't use a tail call? (lets say the values isnt used until 4 or so calls deep)
Forget the stack size. You should pass by reference if you want to change it, otherwise you should pass by value.
Preventing the sort of bugs introduced by allowing functions to change your data unexpectedly is far more important than a few bytes of wasted stack space.
If stack space becomes a problem, stop using so many levels (such as replacing a recursive solution with an iterative one) or expand your stack. Four levels of recursion isn't usually that onerous, unless your structures are massive or you're operating in the embedded world.
If performance becomes a problem, find a faster algorithm :-) If that's not possible, then you can look at passing by reference, but you need to understand that it's breaking the contract between caller and callee. If you can live with that, that's okay. I generally can't :-)
The intent of the value/reference dichotomy is to control what happens to the thing you pass as a parameter at the language level, not to fiddle with the way an implementation of the language works.
I pass all parameters by reference for consistency, including builtins (of course, const is used where possible).
I did test this in performance critical domains -- worst case loss compared to builtins was marginal. Reference can be quite a bit faster, for non-builtins, and when the calls are deep (as a generalization). This was important for me as I was doing quite a bit of deep TMP, where function bodies were tiny.
You might consider breaking that convention if you're counting instructions, the hardware is register-starved (e.g. embedded), or if the function is not a good candidate for inlining.
Unfortunately, the question you ask is more complex than it appears -- the answer may vary greatly by your platform, ABI, calling conventions, register counts, etc.
A lot depends on your requirement but best practice is to pass by reference as it reduces the memory foot print.
If you pass large objects by value, a copy of it is made in memory andthe copy constructor is called for making a copy of this.
So it will take more machine cycles and also, if you pass by value, changes are not reflected in the original object.
So try passing them by reference.
Hope this has been helpful to you.
Regards, Ken
First, reference and pointers aren't the same.
Pass by pointer
Pass parameters by pointers if any/some of these apply:
The passed element could be null.
The resource is allocated inside the called function and the caller is responsible should be responsible for freeing such a resource. Remember in this case to provide a free() function for that resource.
The value is of a variable type, like for example void*. When it's type is determined at runtime or depending on the usage pattern (or hiding implementation - i.e Win32 HANDLE), such as a thread procedure argument. (Here favor c++ templates and std::function, and use pointers for this purpose only if your environment does not permit otherwise.
Pass by reference
Pass parameters by reference if any/some of these apply:
Most of the time. (prefer passing by const reference)
If you want the modifications to the passed arguments to be visible to the caller. (unless const reference is used).
If the passed argument is never null.
If you know what is the passed argument type and you have control over function's signature.
Pass by copy
Pass a copy if any/some of these apply:
Generally try to avoid this.
If you want to operate on a copy of the passed argument. i.e you know that the called function would create a copy anyway.
With primitive types smaller than the system's pointer size - as it makes no performance/memory difference compared to a const ref.
This is tricky - when you know that the type implements a move constructor (such as std::string in C++11). It then looks as if you're passing by copy.
Any of these three lists can go more longer, but these are - I would say - the basic rules of thumb.
Your complete question is a bit unclear to me, but I can answer when you would use passing by value or by reference.
When passing by value, you have a complete copy of the parameter into the call stack. It's like you're making a local variable in the function call initialized with whatever you passed into it.
When passing by reference, you... well, pass by reference. The main difference is that you can modify the external object.
There is the benefit of reducing memory load for large objects passing by reference. For basic data types (32-bit or 64-bit integers, for example), the performance is negligible.
Generally, if you're going to work in C/C++ you should learn to use pointers. Passing objects as parameters will almost always be passed via a pointer (vs reference). The few instances you absolutely must use references is in the copy constructor. You'll want to use it in the operators as well, but it's not required.
Copying objects by value is usually a bad idea - more CPU to do the constructor function; more memory for the actual object. Use const to prevent the function modifying the object. The function signature should tell the caller what might happen to the referenced object.
Things like int, char, pointers are usually passed by value.
As to the structures you outlined, passing by value will not really matter. You need to do profiling to find out, but on the grand scheme of a program you be better off looking elsewhere for increasing performance in terms of CPU and/or memory.
I would consider whether you want value or reference semantics before you go worrying about optimizations. Generally you would pass by reference if you want the method you are calling to be able to modify the parameter. You can pass a pointer in this case, like you would in C, but idiomatic C++ tends to use references.
There is no rule that says that small types or enums should always be passed by value. There is plenty of code that passes int& parameters, because they rely on the semantics of passing by reference. Also, you should keep in mind that for any relatively small data type, you won't notice a difference in speed between passing by reference and by value.
That said, if you have a very large structure, you probably don't want to make lots of copies of it. This is where const references are handy. Do keep in mind though that const in C++ is not strictly enforced (even if it's considered bad practice, you can always const_cast it away). There is no reason to pass a const int& over an int, although there is a reason to pass a const ClassWithManyMembers& over a ClassWithManyMembers.
All of the structs that you listed I would say are fine to pass by value if you are intending them to be treated as values. Consider that if you call a function that takes one parameter of type struct Rectangle{int x, y, w, h}, this is the same as passing those 4 parameters independently, which is really not a big deal. Generally you should be more worried about the work that the copy constructor has to do - for example, passing a vector by value is probably not such a good idea, because it will have to dynamically allocate memory and iterate through a list whose size you don't know, and invoke many more copy constructors.
While you should keep all this in mind, a good general rule is: if you want refence semantics, pass by refence. Otherwise, pass intrinsics by value, and other things by const reference.
Also, C++11 introduced r-value references which complicate things even further. But that's a different topic.
These are the rules that I use:
for native types:
by value when they are input arguments
by non-const reference when they are mandatory output arguments
for structs or classes:
by const reference when they are input arguments
by non-const reference when they are output arguments
for arrays:
by const pointer when they are input arguments (const applies to the data, not the pointer here, i.e. const TYPE *)
by pointer when they are output arguments (const applies to the data, not the pointer)
I've found that there are very few times that require making an exception to the above rules. The one exception that comes to mind is for a struct or class argument that is optional, in which case a reference would not work. In that case I use a const pointer (input) or a non-const pointer (output), so that you can also pass 0.
If you want a copy, then pass by value. If you want to change it and you want those changes to be seen outside the function, then pass by reference. If you want speed and don't want to change it, pass by const reference.
Which of the following examples is the better way of declaring the following function and why?
void myFunction (const int &myArgument);
void myFunction (int myArgument);
Use const T & arg if sizeof(T)>sizeof(void*) and use T arg if sizeof(T) <= sizeof(void*)
They do different things. const T& makes the function take a reference to the variable. On the other hand, T arg will call the copy constructor of the object and passes the copy.
If the copy constructor is not accessible (e.g. it's private), T arg won't work:
class Demo {
public: Demo() {}
private: Demo(const Demo& t) { }
void foo(Demo t) { }
int main() {
Demo t;
foo(t); // error: cannot copy `t`.
return 0;
For small values like primitive types (where all matters is the contents of the object, not the actual referential identity; say, it's not a handle or something), T arg is generally preferred. For large objects and objects that you can't copy and/or preserving referential identity is important (regardless of the size), passing the reference is preferred.
Another advantage of T arg is that since it's a copy, the callee cannot maliciously alter the original value. It can freely mutate the variable like any local variables to do its work.
Taken from Move constructors. I like the easy rules
If the function intends to change the argument as a side effect, take it by reference/pointer to a non-const object. Example:
void Transmogrify(Widget& toChange);
void Increment(int* pToBump);
If the function doesn't modify its argument and the argument is of primitive type, take it by value. Example:
double Cube(double value);
3.1. If the function always makes a copy of its argument inside, take it by value.
3.2. If the function never makes a copy of its argument, take it by reference to const.
3.3. Added by me: If the function sometimes makes a copy, then decide on gut feeling: If the copy is done almost always, then take by value. If the copy is done half of the time, go the safe way and take by reference to const.
In your case, you should take the int by value, because you don't intend to modify the argument, and the argument is of primitive type. I think of "primitive type" as either a non-class type or a type without a user defined copy constructor and where sizeof(T) is only a couple of bytes.
There's a popular advice that states that the method of passing ("by value" vs "by const reference") should be chosen depending in the actual size of the type you are going to pass. Even in this discussion you have an answer labeled as "correct" that suggests exactly that.
In reality, basing your decision on the size of the type is not only incorrect, this is a major and rather blatant design error, revealing a serious lack of intuition/understanding of good programming practices.
Decisions based on the actual implementation-dependent physical sizes of the objects must be left to the compiler as often as possible. Trying to "tailor" your code to these sizes by hard-coding the passing method is a completely counterproductive waste of effort in 99 cases out of 100. (Yes, it is true, that in case of C++ language, the compiler doesn't have enough freedom to use these methods interchangeably - they are not really interchangeable in C++ in general case. Although, if necessary, a proper size-based [semi-]automatic passing methios selection might be implemented through template metaprogramming; but that's a different story).
The much more meaningful criterion for selecting the passing method when you write the code "by hand" might sound as follows:
Prefer to pass "by value" when you are passing an atomic, unitary, indivisible entity, such as a single non-aggregate value of any type - a number, a pointer, an iterator. Note that, for example, iterators are unitary values at the logical level. So, prefer to pass iterators by value, regardless of whether their actual size is greater than sizeof(void*). (STL implementation does exactly that, BTW).
Prefer to pass "by const reference" when you are passing an aggregate, compound value of any kind. i.e. a value that has exposed pronouncedly "compound" nature at the logical level, even if its size is no greater than sizeof(void*).
The separation between the two is not always clear, but that how things always are with all such recommendations. Moreover, the separation into "atomic" and "compound" entities might depend on the specifics of your design, so the decision might actually differ from one design to the other.
Note, that this rule might produce decisions different from those of the allegedly "correct" size-based method mentioned in this discussion.
As an example, it is interesing to observe, that the size-based method will suggest you manually hard-code different passing methods for different kinds of iterators, depending on their physical size. This makes is especially obvious how bogus the size-based method is.
Once again, one of the basic principles from which good programming practices derive, is to avoid basing your decisions on physical characteristics of the platform (as much as possible). Instead, you decisions have to be based on the logical and conceptual properties of the entities in your program (as much as possible). The issue of passing "by value" or "by reference" is no exception here.
In C++11 introduction of move semantics into the language produced a notable shift in the relative priorities of different parameter-passing methods. Under certain circumstances it might become perfectly feasible to pass even complex objects by value
Should all/most setter functions in C++11 be written as function templates accepting universal references?
Contrary to popular and long-held beliefs, passing by const reference isn't necessarily faster even when you're passing a large object. You might want to read Dave Abrahams recent article on this very subject.
Edit: (mostly in response to Jeff Hardy's comments): It's true that passing by const reference is probably the "safest" alternative under the largest number of circumstances -- but that doesn't mean it's always the best thing to do. But, to understand what's being discussed here, you really do need to read Dave's entire article quite carefully, as it is fairly technical, and the reasoning behind its conclusions is not always intuitively obvious (and you need to understand the reasoning to make intelligent choices).
Usually for built-in types you can just pass by value. They're small types.
For user defined types (or templates, when you don't what is going to be passed) prefer const&. The size of a reference is probably smaller than the size of the type. And it won't incurr an extra copy (no call to a copy constructor).
Well, yes ... the other answers about efficiency are true. But there's something else going on here which is important - passing a class by value creates a copy and, therefore, invokes the copy constructor. If you're doing fancy stuff there, it's another reason to use references.
A reference to const T is not worth the typing effort in case of scalar types like int, double, etc. The rule of thumb is that class-types should be accepted via ref-to-const. But for iterators (which could be class-types) we often make an exception.
In generic code you should probably write "T const&" most of the time to be on the safe side. There's also boost's call traits you can use to select the most promising parameter passing type. It basically uses ref-to-const for class types and pass-by-value for scalar types as far as I can tell.
But there are also situations where you might want to accept parameters by value, regardless of how expensive creating a copy can be. See Dave's article "Want Speed? Use pass by value!".
For simple types like int, double and char*, it makes sense to pass it by value. For more complex types, I use const T& unless there is a specific reason not to.
The cost of passing a 4 - 8 byte parameter is as low as you can get. You don't buy anything by passing a reference. For larger types, passing them by value can be expensive.
It won't make any difference for an int, as when you use a reference the memory address still has to be passed, and the memory address (void*) is usually about the size of an integer.
For types that contain a lot of data it becomes far more efficient as it avoids the huge overhead from having to copy the data.
Well the difference between the two doesn't really mean much for ints.
However, when using larger structures (or objects), the first method you used, pass by const reference, gives you access to the structure without need to copy it. The second case pass by value will instantiate a new structure that will have the same value as the argument.
In both cases you see this in the caller
To the caller, item will not be changed by myFunct, but the pass by reference will not incur the cost of creating a copy.
There is a very good answer to a similar question over at Pass by Reference / Value in C++
The difference between them is that one passes an int (which gets copied), and one uses the existing int. Since it's a const reference, it doesn't get changed, so it works much the same. The big difference here is that the function can alter the value of the int locally, but not the const reference. (I suppose some idiot could do the same thing with const_cast<>, or at least try to.) For larger objects, I can think of two differences.
First, some objects simply can't get copied, auto_ptr<>s and objects containing them being the obvious example.
Second, for large and complicated objects it's faster to pass by const reference than to copy. It's usually not a big deal, but passing objects by const reference is a useful habit to get into.
Either works fine. Don't waste your time worrying about this stuff.
The only time it might make a difference is when the type is a large struct, which might be expensive to pass on the stack. In that case, passing the arg as a pointer or a reference is (slightly) more efficient.
The problem appears when you are passing objects. If you pass by value, the copy constructor will be called. If you haven't implemented one, then a shallow copy of that object will be passed to the function.
Why is this a problem? If you have pointers to dynamically allocated memory, this could be freed when the destructor of the copy is called (when the object leaves the function's scope). Then, when you re call your destructor, youll have a double free.
Moral: Write your copy constructors.