How to customize the display of a QListView - c++

I have implemented a list of users in my Qt program, using the model/view principle of Qt. My QListView displays a subclass of QAbstractListModel and so far this works just fine.
Now I would like to customize the display of my user list (display the name on several line, add IP information, and so on: not really relevant, I just want something really custom).
I couldn't find anything in the Qt documentation regarding this: what are my options ?
Note: The items in the list do not need to (can't) be modified, if this can help.
Thank you.

You need to create a new item delegate class to handle the painting. Here is a good answer to a similar question.


Qt: List of (custom) QWidgets without performance problems

I'm right now creating an Qt-application and have following problem:
I designed a custom QWidget with some labels and checkboxes. The application should now show a list of the custom QWidgets. I tried the QListWidget but is very slow for my use case. I want to add over 6000 elements of my custom QWidget. If I create these instances of the element and add it to the QListWidget the application will crashed.
Which is the best approach for my issue?
Thanks a lot!
As others have noted, QListWidget or QListView is the way to go. Also note that you should not display custom widgets with it, try using a custom QStyledItemDelegate instead and draw the items yourself. Depending on what you need, this can get complex really fast. I have used QTableView with this approach with tenth of thousands of items without performance problems.
If you really need to display custom widgets, check out a library I wrote some time ago for that exact purpose: longscroll-qt

How can I sort Items in `CListCtrl` when the button is clicked?

How can I sort Items in CListCtrl when the button is clicked?
I made a Dialog based application in MFC.
I put CListCtrl control on my Dialog and set its view style to report type.
I have two columns in this list view.
In here when I clicked the "Sorting" button, it should sort item in the list.
I saw many examples related to this, but none is working for me.
Can some one guide me how to do that?
I assume that you mean the column header when you write "sorting button".
You probably forgot to put this into the message map of your dialog:
IDC_LIST1 is the id of the list control which may be different in your code.
Are you somewhat familiar with MFC ? If not, you should follow one of the numerous tutorials available on the net.
I would use a CMFCListCtrl. It is easier, as it as built in sorting functionality and you only have to provide a function with the comparing items algorithm for sorting. I have succeeded using it. You have to override the OnCompareItems on your class derived from CMFCListCtrl. I also recommend you to do a call to EnableMarkSortedColumn(); after your list is created.
The CListCtrl has a SortItems method.
All you need to do is provide your Compare function to it as the parameter.
I don't know much about the contents of your list control so I can't really give you more information.
Please read up on it and extend your question with example code and details of which column needs to be sorted and I can help more.
If the contents of your cells are just text then I usually just return the value of:
return Value1.CollateNoCase(Value2);
There are also lots of tutorials on the Internet. For example:
In fact, that tutorial suggests us in SortItemsEx. That is what I would use.

Qt: Showing a list of Users/Clients and when clicked, showing profile

in my Qt project, I have a list of Clients. I have to show their name and workplace. Proposed ui looks something like this:
Number of client is variable, so the number of dotted rectangular box in the image is not fixed
stylesheet of Name and Some info is different
When clicked on the box (a cell in the table), we have to show something like user/client profile for that client.
What we tried:
We tried using tablewidget, but can't handle the function of showing profile based on click on table cell.
We need suggestion how we can implement that.
I don't think using tablewidget is the best idea here (But it could be, depending on your needs and if you pay attention to future evolution).
I think a good solution could be to create a custom widget MyCell which would be a cell (Pretty sure you guess it thanks to the name ;) !)
In this MyCell class you can add your information (probably QLineEdit ? No really matter in our example).
Then you have to implement QWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) function, and do what you want in it (Open a new Dialog in your case).
You can have a class MyTable with N MyCell put in a QGridLayout.

Possible for ListCtrl Colspan, or similar functionality?

Is there a way to have a ListCtrl cell span several columns? Or perhaps to able to append a panel / other element to a ListCtrl item that will contain the info I need?
No. The ListCtrl does not support that functionality. There is a pure Python list control widget called the UltimateListCtrl that allows you add any widget to a cell, although it doesn't appear to allow cell spanning either. I would still try this widget and see if it works for you. If it does not, you may be able to patch it yourself because it's written in Python or you could do a feature request for it to be added to the UltimateListCtrl on the wxPython mailing list and see if anyone takes you up on it.
You can do spanning in a wx.Grid widget if you wanted to go that route, although it's pretty limited when it comes to embedding other widgets.

How to display a selected date and a number in Qt

I'm currently working with the QCalendarWidget and I need some ideas to accomplish the following.
What would be the best way to add the selecteDate from a QCalendarWidget and a number to some sort of table. What I want is basically to have a list of dates with a number attached to each date, these numbers will be added together and the result will be displayed in a QLabel, I also want to be able to delete rows and again update the QLabel every time a row is deleted.
I also want to be able to save the list to an external file.
Should I use a QStringListModel or a QTableView?
How would you accomplish this?
I'm not expecting any code just a general procedure.
Please see the attached image for more details.
Should I use a QStringListModel or a QTableView?
You may want to familiarize yourself with the model/view framework. To put it simply, a model is the actual data that you have and it is independent of how it should be displayed. A view is a particular display implementation of a model. So you could use a model like the QStandarItemModel to store your String+number data and display the model in a QTableView.
Model/View Tutorial from Qt website here
QStandardItemModel class here. Has a simple example inside there.
And, for writing and reading the data to a file, I suggest you could use the QXmlStreamWriter/Reader classes. Refer to Qt xmlWriter/xmlReader