Unicode Woes! Ms-Access 97 migration to Ms-Access 2007 - c++

Problem is categorized in two steps:
Problem Step 1. Access 97 db containing XML strings that are encoded in UTF-8.
The problem boils down to this: the Access 97 db contains XML strings that are encoded in UTF-8. So I created a patch tool for separate conversion for the XML strings from UTF-8 to Unicode. In order to covert UTF8 string to Unicode, I have used function
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, PChar(OriginalName), -1, #newName, Size);.(where newName is array as declared "newName : Array[0..2048] of WideChar;" ).
This function works good on most of the cases, I have checked it with Spainsh, Arabic, characters. but I am working on Greek and Chineese Characters it is choking.
For some greek characters like "Ευγ. ΚαÏαβιά" (as stored in Access-97), the resultant new string contains null charaters in between, and when it is stored to wide-string the characters are getting clipped.
For some chineese characters like "?¢»?µ?"(as stored in Access-97), the result is totally absurd like "?¢»?µ?".
Problem Step 2. Access 97 db Text Strings, Application GUI takes unicode input and saved in Access-97
First I checked with Arabic and Spainish Characters, it seems then that no explicit characters encoding is required. But again the problem comes with greek and chineese characters.
I tried the above mentioned same function for the text conversion( Is It correct???), the result was again disspointing. The Spainsh characters which are ok with out conversion, get unicode character either lost or converted to regular Ascii Alphabets.
The Greek and Chineese characters shows similar behaviour as mentined in step 1.
Please guide me. Am I taking the right approach? Is there some other way around???
Well Right now I am confused and full of Questions :)

There is no special requirement for working with Greek characters. The real problem is that the characters were stored in an encoding that Access doesn't recognize in the first place. When the application stored the UTF8 values in the database it tried to convert every single byte to the equivalent byte in the database's codepage. Every character that had no correspondence in that encoding was replaced with ? That may mean that the Greek text is OK, while the chinese text may be gone.
In order to convert the data to something readable you have to know the codepage they are stored in. Using this you can get the actual bytes and then convert them to Unicode.


i am building a program for Urdu language analysis so how can I make my program to accept text file in Urdu language in c++

I am building a language analysis program I have a program which counts the words in text and give the ratio of every word in text as a output, but this program can not work on file containing Urdu text. how can I make it work
Urdu may be presented in two¹ forms: Unicode and Code Page 868. This is convenient to you because the two ranges do not overlap. It is inconvenient because the Unicode code range is U+0600 – U+06FF, which means encoding is an issue:
CP-868 will encode each one as a single-byte value in the range 128–252
UTF-8 will encode each one as a two-byte sequence with bits 110x xxxx and 10xx xxxx
UTF-16 encodes every character as two-byte entities
UTF-32 encodes every character as four-byte entities
This means that you should be aware of encoding issues, and for an easy life, use UTF-16 internally (std::u16string), and accept files as (default) UTF-8 / CP-868, or as UTF-16/32 if there is a BOM indicating such.
Your other option is to simply require all input to be UTF-8 / CP-868.
¹ AFAIK. There may be other ways of storing Urdu text.
  Three forms. See comments below.
Word separation
As you know, the end of a word is generally marked with a special letter form.
So, all you need is a table of end-of-word letters listing letters in both the CP-868 range and the Unicode Arabic text range.
Then, every time you find a space or a letter in that table you know you have found the end of a word.
As you read words, store them in a histogram. For C++ a map <u16string, size_t> will do. The actual content of each word does not matter.
After that you have all the information necessary to print stats about the text.
The approach presented above is designed to be simple at the cost of some correctness. If you are doing something for the workplace, for example, and assuming it matters, you should also consider:
Normalizing word forms
For example, the same word may be presented in standard Arabic text codes or using the Urdu-specific codes. If you do not convert to the Urdu equivalent characters then you will have two words that should compare equal but do not.
Use something internally consistent. I recommend UZT, as it is the most complete Urdu text representation. You will also need an additional lookup for the original text representation from the UZT representation.
As complete a dictionary (as an unordered_set <u16string>) of words in Urdu as you can get.
This is how it is done with languages like Japanese, for example, to find breaks between words.
Then use the dictionary to find all the words you can, and fall back on letterform recognition and/or spaces for what remains.

How to use extended character set in reading ini file? (C++ lang.)

I face one little problem. I am from country that uses extended character set in language (specifically Latin Extended-A due to characters like š,č,ť,ý,á,...).
I have ini file containing these characters and I would like to read them into program. Unfortunatelly, it is not working with getPrivateProfileStringW or ...A.
Here is part of source code. I hope it will help someone to find solution, because I am getting a little desperate. :-)
wchar_t pcMyExtendedString[200];
SECTION_NAME= ľščťžýáíé
Characters ý,á,í,é are readed correctly - they are from character set Latin-1 Supplement. Their hexa values are correct (0xFD, 0xE1, 0xED,...).
Characters ľ,š,č,ť,ž are readed incorrectly - they are from character set Latin Extended-A Their hexa values are incorrect (0xBE, 0x9A, 0xE8,...). Expected are values like 0x013E, 0x0161, 0x010D, ...
How could be this done? Is it possible or should I avoid these characters at all?
GetPrivateProfileString doesn't do any character conversion. If the call succeed, it will gives you exactly what is in the file.
Since you want to have unicode characters, your file is probably in UTF-8 or UTF-16. If your file is UTF-8, you should be able to read it with GetPrivateProfileStringA, but it will give you a char array that will contain the correct UTF-8 characters (that is, not 0x013E, because 0x013E is not UTF-8).
If your file is UTF-16, then GetPrivateProfileStringW should work, and give you the UTF-16 codes (0x013E, 0x0161, 0x010D, ...) in a wchar_t array.
Edit: Actually your file is encoded in Windows-1250. This is a single byte encoding, so GetPrivateProfileStringA works fine, and you can convert it to UTF-16 if you want by using MultiByteToWideChar with 1250 as code page parameter.
Try saving the file in UTF-8 - CodePage 65001 encoding, most likely your file would be in Western European (Windows) - CodePage 1252.

Encode gives wrong value of Japanese kanji

As a part of a scraper, I need to encode kanji to URLs, but I just can't seem to even get the correct output from a simple sign, and I'm currently blinded by everything I've tried thus far from various Stack Overflow posts.
The document is set to UTF-8.
print sampleText
print sampleText.encode('utf-8')
print urllib2.quote(sampleText.encode('utf-8'))
It gives me the values:
But as far as I understand, it should give me:
What am I doing wrong? Are there some settings I don't have correct? Because as far as I understand it, my output from the encode() should not be ル.
The code you show works correctly. The character ル is KATAKANA LETTER RU, and is Unicode codepoint U+30EB. When encoded to UTF-8, you'll get the Python bytestring '\xe3\x83\xab', which prints out as ル if your console encoding is Latin-1. When you URL-escape those three bytes, you get %E3%83%AB.
The value you seem to be expecting, %83%8B is the Shift-JIS encoding of ル, rather than UTF-8 encoding. For a long time there was no standard for how to encode non-ASCII text in a URL, and as this Wikipedia section notes, many programs simply assumed a particular encoding (often without specifying it). The newer standard of Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) however says that you should always convert Unicode text to UTF-8 bytes before performing percent encoding.
So, if you're generating your encoded string for a new program that wants to meet the current standards, stick with the UTF-8 value you're getting now. I would only use the Shift-JIS version if you need it for backwards compatibility with specific old websites or other software that expects that the data you send will have that encoding. If you have any influence over the server (or other program), see if you can update it to use IRIs too!

UTF 8 encoded Japanese string in XML

I am trying to create a SOAP call with Japanese string. The problem I faced is that when I encode this string to UTF8 encoded string, it has many control characters in it (e.g. 0x1B (Esc)). If I remove all such control characters to make it a valid SOAP call then the Japanese content appears as garbage on server side.
How can I create a valid SOAP request for Japanese characters? Any suggestion is highly appreciated.
I am using C++ with MS-DOM.
With Best Regards.
If I remember correctly it's true, the first 32 unicode code points are not allowed as characters in XML documents, even escaped with &#. Not sure whether they're allowed in HTML or not, but certainly the server thinks they're not allowed in your requests, and it gets the only meaningful vote.
I notice that your document claims to be encoded in iso-2022-jp, not utf-8. And indeed, the sequence of characters ESC $ B that appears in your document is valid iso-2022-jp. It indicates that the data is switching encodings (from ASCII to a 2-byte Japanese encoding called JIS X 0208-1983).
But somewhere in the process of constructing your request, something has seen that 0x1B byte and interpreted it as a character U+001B, not realising that it's intended as one byte in data that's already encoded in the document encoding. So, it has XML-escaped it as a "best effort", even though that's not valid XML.
Probably, whatever is serializing your XML document doesn't know that the encoding is supposed to be iso-2022-jp. I imagine it thinks it's supposed to be serializing the document as ASCII, ISO-Latin-1, or UTF-8, and the <meta> element means nothing to it (that's an HTML way of specifying the encoding anyway, it has no particular significance in XML). But I don't know MS-DOM, so I don't know how to correct that.
If you just remove the ESC characters from iso-2022-jp data, then you conceal the fact that the data has switched encodings, and so the decoder will continue to interpret all that 7nMK stuff as ASCII, when it's supposed to be interpreted as JIS X 0208-1983. Hence, garbage.
Something else strange -- the iso-2022-jp code to switch back to ASCII is ESC ( B, but I see |(B</font> in your data, when I'd expect the same thing to happen to the second ESC character as happened to the first: &#0x1B(B</font>. Similarly, $B#M#S(B and $BL#D+(B are mangled attempts to switch from ASCII to JIS X 0208-1983 and back, and again the ESC characters have just disappeared rather than being escaped.
I have no explanation for why some ESC characters have disappeared and one has been escaped, but it cannot be coincidence that what you generate looks almost, but not quite, like valid iso-2022-jp. I think iso-2022-jp is a 7 bit encoding, so part of the problem might be that you've taken iso-2022-jp data, and run it through a function that converts ISO-Latin-1 (or some other 8 bit encoding for which the lower half matches ASCII, for example any Windows code page) to UTF-8. If so, then this function leaves 7 bit data unchanged, it won't convert it to UTF-8. Then when interpreted as UTF-8, the data has ESC characters in it.
If you want to send the data as UTF-8, then first of all you need to actually convert it out of iso-2022-jp (to wide characters or to UTF-8, whichever your SOAP or XML library expects). Secondly you need to label it as UTF-8, not as iso-2022-jp. Finally you need to serialize the whole document as UTF-8, although as I've said you might already be doing that.
As pointed out by Steve Jessop, it looks like you have encoded the text as iso-2022-jp, not UTF-8. So the first thing to do is to check that and ensure that you have proper UTF-8.
If the problem still persists, consider encoding the text.
The simplest option is "hex encoding" where you just write the hex value of each byte as ASCII digits. e.g. the 0x1B byte becomes "1B", i.e. 0x31, 0x42.
If you want to be fancy you could use MIME or even UUENCODE.

URL encoding for multibyte character string in c++

I am trying to achieve URL encoding for some of my strings via c++. Strings can contaim multibyte characters like ™, ®, ©, etc.
Input text: Something ™
Output should be: Something%20%E2%84%A2
I can achieve URL encode or decode in JS with encodeURIComponent and decodeURIComponent,
but I have some native code in c++ and hence need to encode some text via c++.
Any help here would be great relief for me.
It's not to hard to do manually, if you can't find a library. First encode the string as UTF-8 (there are other posts on SO about using the standard library to do that if the string is in another encoding) and then replace every character with a value above 127, and every one that's restricted in URLs, with the percent encoding of that character (A percent sign followed by the two hexadecimal digits representing the character's value).