close an unopened stream - c++

I have ifstream and an ofstream that in runtime might be opened or not (depends on what the user enters in command line. i declare the variables anyway, and i have a method that opens the stream if needed.
my problem is at the end of the program i don't know if i need to close them or not.
Is there anyway in c++ to know if a stream was opened? Like in Java you can give a stream the null value and then ask if its null (it means that it was never opened)..
Is it ok to close a stream that was never opened?
this is the code:
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
static std::ifstream ifs;
static std::ofstream ofs;
//might or might not open the streams:
//here i would like to close the streams at the end of the program
//or not (if they were not opened
return 0;

I don't really know, nor care to look. Just leave it to the destructors, the standard file streams will close the files during destruction if needed.
EDIT: On lifetimes of objects and guaranteed destruction...
To follow up the second comment to Ben Voigt that I wrote, this is a small test on object lifetimes:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
struct test {
std::string name;
test( std::string const & name ) : name(name) {
std::cout << "test " << name << std::endl;
~test() { std::cout << "~test " << name << std::endl; }
void foo( bool exit ) {
test t1( "1" );
static test t2( "2" );
test t3( "3" );
if ( exit ) {
int main()
std::cout << std::endl;
And the result of the execution:
test 1
test 2
test 3
~test 3
~test 1
test 1
test 3
~test 2
It can be seen that during the first execution the construction of the objects in foo occurs in the same order as the code., but when the function exits only the objects with auto storage get destroyed, with the object with static storage outliving the function execution.
In the second call to foo, the auto objects get recreated, while the static object doesn't, as expected, since it was created in a previous call. Because foo calls exit() in the second call, the auto objects in foo don't get destructed. On the other hand, the static object is correctly destructed.

Why not just test this using is_open() before you issue the close()?

No close call needed - the streams close itself when they are open when they are destroyed. Also, the static there looks suspicious. main is called only once, so it doesn't have any effect here (apart from pedantic standardese differences that don't matter here, i think.... Definitely not in the case shown).
That said, you can just call close if a stream is not opened - close will return a null pointer if it wasn't open. (I was looking at the spec for basic_filebuf<>::close - the file streams's close returns void).
File-streams can also handle non-open streams: If the stream wasn't open, it sets the failbit. You can check for that using fail() (which tests whehter the failbit or badbit is set). But there is is_open anyway to test whether the stream is open, but you don't need it for the above reasons.

Just don't make the variables static, that way they automatically close when main() returns.

You can use the is_open method to test if a stream has been opened, then close it.

Why not set a flag before opening a stream. Check the flag again if you need to close the stream object if any.
Better would be to pass that open stream object to the flag while opening a stream & use it to close the stream. If the flag has not been initialized or is null don't close.


Thread safety and std::move

When I'm typing out new code, I declare my functions as pass-by-reference-to-const without thinking (out of habit), and sometimes have to go back and change it when I realize it's not what I meant to do.
I'm writing a worker-thread class that runs indefinitely, and is fed strings (from another thread) for processing. When I realized that I had declared the function as pass-by-ref, I went back to change it to pass-by-value, for thread-safety.
But, since I would like to squeeze out as much speed and efficiency as possible, I stopped myself to first explore the options. I wrote a little test routine - and discovered that I'm fuzzy on some key concepts.
To the point: I first wrote the test code below without the commented line:
// std::thread _thread(workthread, move(str)); // Thread safe (contents are moved)
So, ignore that line for now.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <atomic>
std::atomic<bool> done = false;
void workthread(const std::string &str)
std::string &s = const_cast<std::string &>(str);
s = "Work Thread"; // test to see if this changes the main thread's string
// This just watches for <enter> on the keyboard in order to quit the program.
void quitmonitor()
done = true;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::thread _monitor(quitmonitor);
std::string str("Main Thread");
std::thread _thread([&]{workthread(std::move(str));}); // Not thread safe (address is copied)
// std::thread _thread(workthread, move(str)); // Thread safe (contents are moved)
const auto minlen(str.length());
const auto maxlen(minlen ? minlen*2 : 15);
bool going_up = true;
while (!done) {
if (going_up)
if (str.length() == minlen)
going_up = true;
if (str.length() == maxlen)
going_up = false;
std::cout << str << "\n";
All main() does is create a string "Main Thread", and moves it to the thread function void workthread(const std::string &). The thread function then changes the lvalue's data and returns. The main continues on to a loop which just prints its local string to console (with some additional eye-candy to make it easy to see things happening on the screen). Here's the output:
So, it didn't work as I had expected. I had thought that the thread instantiation would "move" str to the thread function (emptying its data in the process), and the thread's assignment to the function's string argument would have no affect. But clearly it did, as demonstrated by the output.
This must have something to do with the fact that I constructed _thread with a lambda:
std::thread _thread([&]{workthread(std::move(str));}); // Not thread safe (address is copied)
So then I changed the instantiation to:
std::thread _thread(workthread, move(str)); // Thread safe (contents are moved)
and it worked as expected:
Q1: Why do the two instances, lambda vs bind(I guess?), yield different results?
Q2: Am I actually buying myself anything by declaring this as pass-by-reference?
I should note that the actual program is quite time critical, and is intended to run uninterrupted for years on a dedicated server. I'm trying to make the software as low-overhead as possible, to ensure that it can stay in sync (with an external clock), and not accumulate time errors.
std::thread _thread([&]{workthread(std::move(str));});
When _thread is created, it calls your lambda function, which calls workthread(std::move(str)). Note that std::move doesn't actually do anything; it's just a cast to rvalue reference. You never move from str, you just cast the reference to a std::string& in a roundabout way and assign to it.
This also means that you have a data race on str because you have unsynchronized access between the main thread and _thread.
This code moved from the string, though:
std::thread _thread(workthread, move(str));
If you look at std::thread's constructor (it's (3) on that list), you'll see that it "copies" the arguments to the function call; it calls roughly:
This decay_copy actually does move from the string, as it returns by value:
template <class T>
std::decay_t<T> decay_copy(T&& v) { return std::forward<T>(v); }
This is why you see str as being moved from. However, your program is actually relying on unspecified behavior, as – after moving from a std::string – the string is left in a "valid but unspecified state" (std::string's move constructor and move assignment operator). You can't expect str to be an empty string after it's been moved from.

Can you safely close a file that was never opened?

If I have a std::ofstream that may or may not have been opened, is it safe to try to close regardless? In otherwords does close() do anything nasty (throw exception, etc) if !is_open(). For example
std::ofstream out;
if (some_condition)
{, std::ios::out);
After I'm done with the file, can I just say
Or should I first check
if (out.is_open())
The only description of std::basic_fstream::close on cppreference is
Closes the associated file.
Effectively calls rdbuf()->close(). If an error occurs during operation, setstate(failbit) is called.
It does exactly what cppreference says it will: the failbit will be set, and you can inspect it with the fail() method. For instance, the following prints "fail\n":
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
std::ofstream out;
if (
std::cout << "fail" << std::endl;
return 0;
In terms of interaction with the operating system, there's nothing there to close, but it's otherwise harmless.
From the C++ standard, § [filebuf.members], paragraph 6:
basic_filebuf<charT,traits>* close();
Effects: If is_open() == false, returns a null pointer.…
Yes, you can close() the file always, even the file is not opened.
No matter LINUX or Windows, I always close() without thinking they are opened or not.
if (!_M_filebuf.close())

What can go wrong if cout.rdbuf() is used to switch buffer and never set it back?

The author presented this code under the title A bus error on my platform
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::ofstream log("oops.log");
std::cout << "Oops!\n";
return 0;
The string "Oops!\n" is printed to the file "oops.log". The code doesn't restore cout's streambuf, but VS2010 didn't report a runtime error.
Since log and std::cout share a buffer, that buffer will probably be freed twice (once when log goes out of scope, then once more when the program terminates).
This results in undefined behavior, so it's hard to tell the exact reason why it triggers a bus error on his machine but silently fails on yours.
Since the other answers don't mention what to do about this I'll provide that here. You need to save and restore the buffer that cout is supposed to be managing. For example:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
// RAII method of restoring a buffer
struct buffer_restorer {
std::ios &m_s;
std::streambuf *m_buf;
buffer_restorer(std::ios &s, std::streambuf *buf) : m_s(s), m_buf(buf) {}
~buffer_restorer() { m_s.rdbuf(m_buf); }
int main()
std::ofstream log("oops.log");
buffer_restorer r(std::cout, std::cout.rdbuf(log.rdbuf()));
std::cout << "Oops!\n";
return 0;
Now when cout's buffer is replaced before cout is destroyed at the end of the program, so when cout destroys its buffer the correct thing happens.
For simply redirecting standard io generally the environment already has the ability to do that for you (e.g., io redirection in the shell). Rather than the above code I'd probably simply run the program as:
yourprogram > oops.log
Also one thing to remember is that std::cout is a global variable with all the same downsides as other global variables. Instead of modifying it or even using it you may prefer to use the usual techniques to avoid global variables all together. For example you might pass a std::ostream &log_output parameter around and use that instead of having code use cout directly.
Your program has Undefined Behavior.
The destructor of the global cout object will delete the stream buffer when going out of scope, and the same is true of log, which also owns that very same stream buffer. Thus, you are deleting the same object twice.
When a program has Undefined Behavior, anything could happen, from formatting your hard drive to terminating without any error.
On my platform, for instance, the program enters an infinite loop after returning from main().

Boost ASIO - How to write a console server 2

I'm trying to write a game server to run on Ubuntu Server (No GUI), and I'm having problems right at step 1. I'm new to C++, so please bear with me.
I need to be able to type commands to the server at any given point while it continues running. Since cin is a blocking input, that won't fly. I've dug around and it seems the way to go is to use Boost's ASIO library.
This answer comes incredibly close to fulfilling my needs, but I still need to know two more things:
1: The "command" passed from input seems to be limited to 1 char at a time. I need MUCH more than single key inputs, eg "shutdown", "say 'Hello World!'", "listPlayers -online", etc. I tried adapting the code to use string, instead of char:
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace boost::asio;
class Input : public boost::enable_shared_from_this<Input>
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Input> Ptr;
static void create(
io_service& io_service
Ptr input(
new Input( io_service )
explicit Input(
io_service& io_service
) :
_input( io_service )
_input.assign( STDIN_FILENO );
void read()
boost::asio::buffer( &_command, sizeof(_command) ),
void read_handler(
const boost::system::error_code& error,
size_t bytes_transferred
if ( error ) {
std::cerr << "read error: " << boost::system::system_error(error).what() << std::endl;
if ( "\n" ) != 0 ) {
std::cout << "command: " << _command << std::endl;
posix::stream_descriptor _input;
std::string _command;
int main()
io_service io_service;
Input::create( io_service );;
However, this causes a segmentation error after a few characters of input, and pressing enter after entering any input no longer causes "command: " to appear. Is there a way to have this setup use string? I'm sure appending them to a separate string one character at a time will work, but I'd like to think this setup would work natively with entire strings.
2: (Edited for clarification) I need this non-blocking input to work in tandem with the rest of my server code. The question is: where does that code go? I call your attention to the main() function from above, modified to use a while loop, and call a mainLoop function:
bool loopControl = true;
int main()
io_service io_service;
Input::create( io_service );
// This loops continually until the server is commanded to shut down
while( loopControl )
{; // Handles async input
mainLoop(); // Where my actual program resides
Even if everything else worked, control still won't ever reach mainLoop() under normal circumstances. In other words, is still blocking, defeating the entire purpose. This obviously isn't the correct way to implement io_service and/or mainLoop(); so what is?
My apologies if this has been done thousands of times, but apparently I'm not Googling the right phrases to bring up the results I'm looking for.
boost::asio::buffer does not directly support creating a mutable-buffer from an std::string, mainly because they are not guaranteed to be continuous in memory pre-C++11.
The way you are call it ((void*, size_t) overload), you will let the read overwrite the internals of std::string, which leads to your segfault. You should probably use one of the other overloads in this list: - most likely one for std::vector<char>, since you can easily copy that into a string when your read returns.
Now that problem is that you need to know beforehand how many chars you want to read, since your strings are of variable length. For that, you need to async_read the length separately before your read the actual contents. Then you resize the buffer (as I said, most likely std::vector<char>) and schedule a read of that length. Note that the sender can send both together, this is only complicated for reading from a stream... To summerize:
async_read your string length into some integer of fixed length
Resize the buffer for the content read appropriately
async_read your contents
As for your second question, it is not really clear what you want, but you might want to look into io_service::poll() if you want to do your own stuff while asio is running.
boost::asio::buffer( &_command, sizeof(_command) ) means that you want to overwrite 4 first bytes (or whatever sizeof(string) is) of _command object, but this is obviously not what you want. If you need an auto-resizing input buffer, use asio::streambuf instead.
io_service::run blocks the calling thread, so your mainLoop won't run. You can either execute io_service::run in a separate thread, or poll io_serivce manually, interleaving calls to run_one/poll_one (see the reference) with iterations of your own application loop.

Do I need to manually close an ifstream?

Do I need to manually call close() when I use a std::ifstream?
For example, in the code:
std::string readContentsOfFile(std::string fileName) {
std::ifstream file(fileName.c_str());
if (file.good()) {
std::stringstream buffer;
buffer << file.rdbuf();
return buffer.str();
throw std::runtime_exception("file not found");
Do I need to call file.close() manually? Shouldn't ifstream make use of RAII for closing files?
This is what RAII is for, let the destructor do its job. There is no harm in closing it manually, but it's not the C++ way, it's programming in C with classes.
If you want to close the file before the end of a function you can always use a nested scope.
In the standard ( Class template basic_ifstream), ifstream is to be implemented with a basic_filebuf member holding the actual file handle. It is held as a member so that when an ifstream object destructs, it also calls the destructor on basic_filebuf. And from the standard (, that destructor closes the file:
virtual ˜basic_filebuf();
Effects: Destroys an object of class basic_filebuf<charT,traits>. Calls close().
Do you need to close the file?
Should you close the file?
Do you care about the possible error conditions that could occur if the file fails to close correctly? Remember that close calls setstate(failbit) if it fails. The destructor will call close() for you automatically because of RAII but will not leave you a way of testing the fail bit as the object no longer exists.
You can allow the destructor to do it's job. But just like any RAII object there may be times that calling close manually can make a difference. For example:
#include <fstream>
using std::ofstream;
int main() {
ofstream ofs("hello.txt");
ofs << "Hello world\n";
return 0;
writes file contents. But:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fstream>
using std::ofstream;
int main() {
ofstream ofs("hello.txt");
ofs << "Hello world\n";
doesn't. These are rare cases where a process suddenly exits. A crashing process could do similar.
No, this is done automatically by the ifstream destructor. The only reason you should call it manually, is because the fstream instance has a big scope, for example if it is a member variable of a long living class instance.