I'm searching for an implementations of the Damerau–Levenshtein algorithm for PHP, but it seems that I can't find anything with my friend google. So far I have to use PHP implemented Levenshtein (without Damerau transposition, which is very important), or get a original source code (in C, C++, C#, Perl) and write (translate) it to PHP.
Does anybody have any knowledge of a PHP implementation ?
I'm using soundex and double metaphone for a "Did you mean:" extension on my corporate intranet, and I want to implement the Damerau–Levenshtein algorithm to help me sort the results better. Something similar to this idea: http://www.briandrought.com/blog/?p=66, my implementation is similar to the first 5 steps.
I had a stab at it a recursive solution while back.
* Naïve implementation of Damerau-Levenshtein distance
* (Does not work when there are neighbouring transpositions)!
function DamerauLevenshtein($S1, $S2)
$L1 = strlen($S1);
$L2 = strlen($S2);
if ($L1==0 || $L2==0) {
// Trivial case: one string is 0-length
return max($L1, $L2);
else {
// The cost of substituting the last character
$substitutionCost = ($S1[$L1-1] != $S2[$L2-1])? 1 : 0;
// {H1,H2} are {L1,L2} with the last character chopped off
$H1 = substr($S1, 0, $L1-1);
$H2 = substr($S2, 0, $L2-1);
if ($L1>1 && $L2>1 && $S1[$L1-1]==$S2[$L2-2] && $S1[$L1-2]==$S2[$L2-1]) {
return min (
DamerauLevenshtein($H1, $S2) + 1,
DamerauLevenshtein($S1, $H2) + 1,
DamerauLevenshtein($H1, $H2) + $substitutionCost,
DamerauLevenshtein(substr($S1, 0, $L1-2), substr($S2, 0, $L2-2)) + 1
return min (
DamerauLevenshtein($H1, $S2) + 1,
DamerauLevenshtein($S1, $H2) + 1,
DamerauLevenshtein($H1, $H2) + $substitutionCost
Have a look at our implementation (with tests and documentation).
How about just using the built in php function... ?
int levenshtein ( string $str1 , string $str2 )
int levenshtein ( string $str1 , string $str2 , int $cost_ins , int $cost_rep , int $cost_del )
I would like to convert the following C++ method to a regular expression match/replace string pair. Is it possible to do this in a single pass, i.e. with a single call to a regex replace method? (such as this one)
std::string f(std::string value)
if (value.length() < 3)
value = std::string("0") + value;
value = value.substr(0, value.length() - 2) + std::string(".") + value.substr(value.length() - 2, 2);
return value;
The input is a string of one or more digits.
Some examples:
f("1234") = "12.34"
f("123") = "1.23"
f("12") = "0.12"
f("1") = ".01"
The only way I've been able to achieve this so far is by using 2 steps:
1. Apply a prefix of "00" to the input string.
2. Use the following regex match/replace pair:
Match: (0*)(\d+)(\d{2})
Replace: $2.$3
My question is, can this be done in a single "pass" by only calling the Regex replace method once and without prepending anything to the string beforehand.
I believe this isn't possible with a single expression/replacement, but I'd just like someone to confirm that (or otherwise provide a solution :) ).
I hope this will help. (Change a bit again) x3.
string a_="123456";
string a = regex_replace(a_,regex("(.*)(.{2})|()"),string("$1.$2."));
//a = regex_replace(regex_replace(a,regex("^"),string("00$1$2")),regex("(.+)(.{2})"),string("$1.$2"));
//a = regex_replace("00"+a,regex("(.+)(.{2})"),string("$1.$2"));
float i=atof(a.c_str());
if(!(i))//just go here for 0-9
return 0;
I am trying to extract n 3-tuples (Si, Pi, Vi) from a string.
The string contains at least one such 3-tuple.
Pi and Vi are not mandatory.
|----------1-------------|----------2-------------|-- n
The desired output would be:
So for n occurrences in the string the output should look like this:
[S1,P1,V1] [S2,P2,V2] ... [Sn-1,Pn-1,Vn-1] (without the brackets)
The input string could be something like this:
Once processed the output should be:
Mustang,PS,500 Porsche,PS,425
Is there an efficient way to extract those 3-tuples using a regular expression
(e.g. using C++ and std::regex) and what would it look like?
#(.*?)\(\(property\((.*?)\)val\((.*?)\)\) should do the trick.
example at http://regex101.com/r/bD1rY2
# # Matches the # symbol
(.*?) # Captures everything until it encounters the next part (ungreedy wildcard)
\(\(property\( # Matches the string "((property(" the backslashes escape the parenthesis
(.*?) # Same as the one above
\)val\( # Matches the string ")val("
(.*?) # Same as the one above
\)\) # Matches the string "))"
How you should implement this in C++ i don't know but that is the easy part :)
I used C's <regex.h> instead of std::regex because std::regex isn't implemented in g++ (which is what IDEONE uses). The regular expression I used:
" In C(++)? regexes are strings.
# Literal match
([^(#]+) As many non-#, non-( characters as possible. This is group 1
( Start another group (group 2)
\\(\\(property\\( Yet more literal matching
([^)]+) As many non-) characters as possible. Group 3.
\\)val\\( Literal again
([^)]+) As many non-) characters as possible. Group 4.
\\)\\) Literal parentheses
) Close group 2
? Group 2 optional
" Close Regex
And some c++:
int getMatches(char* haystack, item** items){
first, calculate the length of the string (we'll use that later) and the number of # found in the string (the maximum number of matches)
int l = -1, ats = 0;
while (haystack[++l])
if (haystack[l] == '#')
malloc a large enough array.
*items = (item*) malloc(ats * sizeof(item));
item* arr = *items;
Make a regex needle to find. REGEX is #defined elsewhere.
regex_t needle;
regcomp(&needle, REGEX, REG_ICASE|REG_EXTENDED);
regmatch_t match[5];
ret will hold the return value (0 for "found a match", but there are other errors you may want to be catching here). x will be used to count the found matches.
int ret;
int x = -1;
Loop over matches (ret will be zero if a match is found).
while (!(ret = regexec(&needle, haystack, 5, match,0))){
Get the name from match1
int bufsize = match[1].rm_eo-match[1].rm_so + 1;
arr[x].name = (char *) malloc(bufsize);
strncpy(arr[x].name, &(haystack[match[1].rm_so]), bufsize - 1);
Check to make sure the property (match[3]) and the value (match[4]) were found.
if (!(match[3].rm_so > l || match[3].rm_so<0 || match[3].rm_eo > l || match[3].rm_so< 0
|| match[4].rm_so > l || match[4].rm_so<0 || match[4].rm_eo > l || match[4].rm_so< 0)){
Get the property from match[3].
bufsize = match[3].rm_eo-match[3].rm_so + 1;
arr[x].property = (char *) malloc(bufsize);
strncpy(arr[x].property, &(haystack[match[3].rm_so]), bufsize - 1);
Get the value from match[4].
bufsize = match[4].rm_eo-match[4].rm_so + 1;
arr[x].value = (char *) malloc(bufsize);\
strncpy(arr[x].value, &(haystack[match[4].rm_so]), bufsize - 1);
} else {
Otherwise, set both property and value to NULL.
arr[x].property = NULL;
arr[x].value = NULL;
Move the haystack to past the match and decrement the known length.
haystack = &(haystack[match[0].rm_eo]);
l -= match[0].rm_eo;
Return the number of matches.
return x+1;
Hope this helps. Though it occurs to me now that you never answered kind of a vital question: What have you tried?
For a Data Structures project, I must find the shortest path between two words like "cat" and "dog but i'm only allowed to change one letter at a time. I'm trying to do it by implementing a trie, and can't seem to be able to implement a shortest path search.
cat -> cot -> cog -> dog
All the words will be of the same length and I am populating them from a dictionary file.
We must move from word to word. So the word in between must be a valid word.
I think it's not really possible using a trie, but anyone have any knowledge?
You want to use a VP-Tree and the algorithm is called Levenshtein distance
A C implementation can be found here, the code is far too long to post as an answer:
C VP-Tree
A better data structure for this kind of problem is graph.
It's called word ladder and you can look it up here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word_ladder.
What you are seeking for is a simple BFS. Each word is a graph vertex, but there is even no need to build the graph, you can solve it using array of words:
words = {"cat", "dog", "dot", "cot"}
mark = {0, 0, 0, 0}
distance = {0, 0, 0, 0}
queue Q
start_word_index = 0; // words[0] -> "cat"
destination_word_index = 1; // words[1] -> "dog"
while(Q is not empty) {
word_index = Q.pop()
for each `words[j]` {
if (difference between `words[word_index]` and `words[j]` is only 1 character) AND
(`mark[j]` is not 1) {
mark[j] = 1
distance[j] = distance[word_index] + 1
if mark[destination_word_index] is 0 {
print "Not reachable"
} else {
print "Distance is ", distance[destination_word_index]
I'm hoping someone might know of a script that can take an arbitrary word list and generated the shortest regex that could match that list exactly (and nothing else).
For example, suppose my list is
Then the output should be:
This is an old post, but for the benefit of those finding it through web searches as I did, there is a Perl module that does this, called Regexp::Optimizer, here: http://search.cpan.org/~dankogai/Regexp-Optimizer-0.23/lib/Regexp/Optimizer.pm
It takes a regular expression as input, which can consist just of the list of input strings separated with |, and outputs an optimal regular expression.
For example, this Perl command-line:
perl -mRegexp::Optimizer -e "print Regexp::Optimizer->new->optimize(qr/1231|1233|1234|1236|1238|1247|1256|1258|1259/)"
generates this output:
(assuming you have installed Regex::Optimizer), which matches the OP's expectation quite well.
Here's another example:
perl -mRegexp::Optimizer -e "print Regexp::Optimizer->new->optimize(qr/314|324|334|3574|384/)"
And the output:
For comparison, an optimal trie-based version would output 3(14|24|34|574|84). In the above output, you can also search and replace (?: and (?^: with just ( and eliminate redundant parentheses, to obtain this:
You are probably better off saving the entire list, or if you want to get fancy, create a Trie:
/ \
3 4
/ \ \
1 4 7
Now when you take a string check if it reaches a leaf node. It does, it's valid.
If you have variable length overlapping strings (eg: 123 and 1234) you'll need to mark some nodes as possibly terminal.
You can also use the trie to generate the regex if you really like the regex idea:
Nodes from the root to the first branching are fixed (eg: 12)
Branches create |: (eg: 12(3|4)
Leaf nodes generate a character class (or single character) that follows the parent node: (eg 12(3[14]|47))
This might not generate the shortest regex, to do that you'll might some extra work:
"Compact" ranges if you find them (eg [12345] becomes [1-4])
Add quantifiers for repeated elements (eg: [1234][1234] becomes [1234]{2}
I really don't think it's worth it to generate the regex.
This project generates a regexp from a given list of words: https://github.com/bwagner/wordhierarchy
It almost does the same as the above JavaScript solution, but avoids certain superfluous parentheses.
It only uses "|", non-capturing group "(?:)" and option "?".
There's room for improvement when there's a row of single characters:
Instead of e.g. (?:3|8|1|6|4) it could generate [38164].
The generated regexp could easily be adapted to other regexp dialects.
Sample usage:
java -jar dist/wordhierarchy.jar 1231 1233 1234 1236 1238 1247 1256 1258 1259
-> 12(?:5(?:6|9|8)|47|3(?:3|8|1|6|4))
Here's what I came up with (JavaScript). It turned a list of 20,000 6-digit numbers into a 60,000-character regular expression. Compared to a naive (word1|word2|...) construction, that's almost 60% "compression" by character count.
I'm leaving the question open, as there's still a lot of room for improvement and I'm holding out hope that there might be a better tool out there.
var list = new listChar("");
function listChar(s, p) {
this.char = s;
this.depth = 0;
this.parent = p;
this.add = function(n) {
if (!this.subList) {
this.subList = {};
if (!this.subList[n]) {
this.subList[n] = new listChar(n, this);
return this.subList[n];
this.toString = function() {
var ret = "";
var subVals = [];
if (this.depth >=1) {
for (var i in this.subList) {
subVals[subVals.length] = this.subList[i].toString();
if (this.depth === 1 && subVals.length > 1) {
ret = "[" + subVals.join("") + "]";
} else if (this.depth === 1 && subVals.length === 1) {
ret = subVals[0];
} else if (this.depth > 1) {
ret = "(" + subVals.join("|") + ")";
return this.char + ret;
this.increaseDepth = function() {
if (this.parent) {
function wordList(input) {
var listStep = list;
while (input.length > 0) {
var c = input.charAt(0);
listStep = listStep.add(c);
input = input.substring(1);
words = [/* WORDS GO HERE*/];
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
words = ["1231","1233","1234","1236","1238","1247","1256","1258","1259"];
Here's the output:
I have a set of n tokens (e.g., a, b, c) distributed among a bunch of other tokens. I would like to know if all members of my set occur within a given number of positions (window size). It occurred to me that it may be possible to write a RegEx to capture this state, but the exact syntax eludes me.
ab ab bc a cba
In this example, given window size=5, I would like to match cba at positions 12-14, and abc in positions 3-7.
Is there a way to do this with RegEx, or is there some other kind of grammar that I can use to capture this logic?
I am hoping to implement this in Java.
Here's a regex that matches 5-letter sequences that include all of 'a', 'b' and 'c':
So, while basically matching any 5 characters (with .{5}), there are three preconditions the matches have to observe. Each of them requires one of the tokens/letters to be present (up to 4 characters followed by 'a', etc.). (?=X) matches "X, with a zero-width positive look-ahead", where zero-width means that the character position is not moved while matching.
Doing this with regexes is slow, though.. Here's a more direct version (seems about 15x faster than using regular expressions):
public static void find(String haystack, String tokens, int windowLen) {
char[] tokenChars = tokens.toCharArray();
int hayLen = haystack.length();
int pos = 0;
while (pos + windowLen <= hayLen) {
for (char c : tokenChars) {
int i = haystack.indexOf(c, pos);
if (i < 0) return;
if (i - pos >= windowLen) {
pos = i - windowLen + 1;
continue nextPos;
// match found at pos
System.out.println(pos + ".." + (pos + windowLen - 1) + ": " + haystack.substring(pos, pos + windowLen));
This tested Java program has a commented regex which does the trick:
import java.util.regex.*;
public class TEST {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s = "ab ab bc a cba";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(
"# Match 5 char sequences containing: a and b and c\n" +
"(?=[abc]) # Assert first char is a, b or c.\n" +
"(?=.{0,4}a) # Assert an 'a' within 5 chars.\n" +
"(?=.{0,4}b) # Assert an 'b' within 5 chars.\n" +
"(?=.{0,4}c) # Assert an 'c' within 5 chars.\n" +
".{5} # If so, match the 5 chers.",
Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
while (m.find()) {
System.out.print("Match = \""+ m.group() +"\"\n");
Note that there is another valid sequence S9:13" a cb" in your test data (before the S12:14"cba". Assuming you did not want to match this one, I added an additional constraint to filter it out, which requires that the 5 char window must begin with an a, b or c.
Here is the output from the script:
Match = "ab bc"
Match = "a cba"
Well, one possibility (albeit a completely impractical one) is simply to match against all permutations:
abc..|ab.c.|ab..c| .... etc.
This can be factorised somewhat:
ab(c..|.c.|..c)|a.(bc.|b.c .... etc.
I'm not sure if you can do better with regex.
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?:a()|b()|c()|.){5}\\1\\2\\3");
String s = "ab ab bc a cba";
Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
while (m.find())
ab bc
a cb
This is inspired by Recipe #5.7 in Regular Expressions Cookbook. Each back-reference (\1, \2, \3) acts like a zero-width assertion, indicating that the corresponding capturing group participated in the match, even though the group itself didn't consume any characters.
The authors warn that this trick relies on behavior that's undocumented in most flavors. It works in Java, .NET, Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby (original and Oniguruma), but not in JavaScript or ActionScript.