conversion from std::vector<char> to wchar_t* - c++

i'm trying to read ID3 frames and their values with TagLib (1) and index them with CLucene (2). the former returns frame ID's as std::vector<char> (3) and the latter writes field names as tchar* [wchar_t* in Linux] (4). i need to make a link between the two. how can i convert from std::vector<char> to wchar_t* by means of the STL? thank you

In a simple case where your chars don't contain any accented characters or anything like that, you can just copy each one to the destination and use it:
std::vector<char> frameID;
std::vector<wchar_t> field_name;
std::copy(frameID.begin(), frameID.end(), std::back_inserter(field_name));
lucene_write_field(&field_name[0], field_name.length());
My guess is that for ID3 frame ID's you don't have accented characters and such, so that'll probably be all you need. If you do have a possibility of accented characters and such, things get more complex in a hurry -- you'll need to convert from something like ISO 8859-x to (probably) UTF-16 Unicode. To do that, you need a code-page that tells you how to interpret the input (i.e., there are several varieties of ISO 8859, and one for French input will be different from one for Russian, for example).

In order to prevent large char values from becoming negative wchar_t values you need to make sure that you cast to unsigned. This works though I believe it's technically undefined:
unsigned char* uchar = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&vect[0]);
std::vector<wchar_t> vwchar(uchar, uchar + vect.size());
This is important if your text contains anything above 127 in the character set.
Also keep in mind that none of these answer correctly deal with UTF-anything.


how to convert utf8 to std::string?

I am working on this code which receives a cpprest sdk response containing a base64_encoded payload which is a json. here is my code snippet:
typedef std::wstring string_t; //defined in basic_types.h in cpprest lib
void demo() {
http_response response;
//code to handle respose ...
json::value output= response.extract_json();
string_t payload ="payload").as_string();
vector<unsigned char> base64_encoded_payload = conversions::from_base64(payload);
std::string utf8_payload(base64_encoded_payload.begin(), base64_encoded_payload.end()); //in debugger I see the Japanese chars are garbled.
string_t utf16_payload = utf8_to_utf16(utf8_payload); //in debugger I see the Japanese chars are good here
//then I need to process the utf8_payload which is an xml.
//I have an API available to process the xml which takes an string
processXML(utf16_payload); //need to convert utf16_payload to a string here;
I also tried this and I see str contains garbled chars!
#include <codecvt> // for codecvt_utf8_utf16
#include <locale> // for wstring_convert
#include <string> // for string, wstring
void wstr2str(void) {
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>, wchar_t> conversion;
std::wstring japanese = L"北島 美奈";
std::string str = conversion.to_bytes(japanese); //str is garbled:(
my questions is: can utf8 containing Japanese char be converted to std::string without being garbled?
Update: I gained access to the processXML() code and changed the input argument type to std::wstring and it worked.
I figured when the xml was getting created, it was converting the std::string to wstring; however, it was not turning out good!
void processXML(std::wstring xmlStrBuf) { //chaned xmlStrBuf to wstring and worked
// more code
CComBSTR xmlBuff = xmlStrBuf.c_str();
VARIANT_BOOL bSuccess = false;
xmlDoc->loadXML(xmlBuff, &bSuccess);
//more code
Thanks for the answers and they were helpful when mentioned the string is only a storage.
You are confusing different concepts here.
This is how we save/store/hold our data. A std::string is a collection of chars, which are bytes. A std::wstring is a collection of wchar_ts, which are sometimes 2-byte wide value (but this is not guaranteed!).
This is what the data means, and how it should be interpreted. A std::string, a collection of bytes, could hold UTF-8, or UTF-16, or UTF-32, or ASCII, or ShiftJIS, or morse code, or a JPEG, or a movie, or my DNA (lucky string!).
There are some strong conventions in play in the world. For example, on Windows, a std::wstring is generally accepted to hold UTF-16 (because the two-byte storage is convenient for this, and also because that's how the Windows API does it).
Newer versions of C++ give us things like std::u16_string and std::u32_string as well, which still do not directly have any notion of encoding, but are intended to be used for UTF-16 and UTF-32 respectively because their names make that intention more obvious to readers of code. C++20 will introduce std::u8_string which is intended to signify a UTF-8 encoded string (and is otherwise more or less like a std::string).
But these are just conventions. Nothing about the type std::string says "UTF-8" or any other thing. It doesn't know about or care about or enforce any encoding. It just stores bytes.
So, your question about "converting UTF-8 to std::string" does not really make any sense; it's like asking how to convert a road into a car.
"What should I do, then?"
Well, Base64 is also not an encoding. Well, actually, it totally is, but it's an encoding on top of the string encoding. It's a way of transmitting/escaping/sanitising the raw bytes, not a way of describing how to interpret them later. By asking cpprest to convert from Base64, that's just transforming the way the raw bytes are provided. That's why it gives you a std::vector<char> rather than a std::string because, although (as discussed above) std::string doesn't care about encoding, we sometimes use a std::vector<char> to really, properly, completely say that "this collection does not have any particular encoding, so please don't try to guess from convention or whatever what the encoding is in this use case; all it knows is that it is a bunch of bytes". This is down to opinion. Some people will still use a std::string for that; the authors of cpprest decided not to.
The point is that the use of the function from_base64 cannot tell us anything about the encoding of the text that you've retrieved. For that, we have to go back to the documentation for the text. We have no access to that, and you did not tell us anything about it. If it were just a JSON string, the encoding would be down to the cpprest JSON library and so you'd already be done. However, it's not: it's something packed into a Base64 representation by whoever created the JSON object. Again, that information is not something that you shared with us.
But, based on the variable names you've chosen, the data you're looking at is already UTF-8. You've then attempted to convert it to UTF-16, which is rather the opposite of what you've described you wanted to do.
(Similarly, in your second example, you've taken a std::wstring that [probably] already stores UTF-16 thanks to the L"wide string literal", then told the computer that it's UTF-8 and to convert it "again" to UTF-16, then extracted the raw bytes into a std::string. None of that makes sense.)
Instead, why not literally just processXML(utf8_payload);?
General advice
Encoding can be quite complex, although it's significantly easier to deal with once you've wrapped your mind around the basic concepts of all these layers of abstraction. For the future, and for this question if you wish to clarify it, you will need to ensure that you are absolutely clear, at each stage of the "pipeline" of your data as it gets transmitted from place A to place B, and gets converted from type C to type D, and whatever else, about what encoding it should be at each of those steps. If you want to change the encoding at one of those steps, then do so (though this should be rare!). But before you write any code make sure that you know for sure what it is that you need, otherwise you'll get yourself in a massive tangle.
Eventually you'll start to detect patterns that can help, though. For example, if you were expecting some delicious non-ASCII output and instead see strange text with lots of "Å" characters in it, that's probably UTF-8 that's being interpreted as ASCII by mistake. That's because of the way that the special sequence denoting Unicode codepoints larger than one byte in UTF-8 often starts with a byte whose numerical value is the same as that of the letter "Å" in ASCII (well, ISO/IEC 8859, but close enough).
Similarly, if you get Japanese and didn't expect it, in my experience that's usually because you've given the computer some bytes and told it that they are a string in UTF-16 encoding, when actually they were UTF-8. You just get more experienced at recognising these patterns as you work more, and it can help you to fix your bugs faster.
Just last week the last example there saved me quite a bit of time: I knew immediately that my source data must have been UTF-8, and was therefore able to quickly decide to remove the byte-copy into a std::wstring that I'd been attempting. Examining the bytes in an encoding-agnostic way revealed the "Å" pattern as well and then that was that. This was important because I had no documentation for the data source and thus no way to just look up what the encoding was supposed to be. I had to guess/deduce it. Hopefully that won't be the case for you here.
std::string is just a container for 8-bit wide char, and does not know/care about the encoding. Always think in symbols (letters, numbers, punctuation, etc.) The first 128 characters (0-127) were defined per the ASCII standard, thus requiring a single char to store each symbol. With all the languages and symbols there is, we couldn't represent each of them with just 256 possibilities. The UTF-8 encoding introduces a way to deal with this problem by allowing a single symbol to take 1, 2, 3 or 4 char wide. But, for the std::string object, this is entirely transparent and it's still dealing with a series of chars.
The reason why you're thinking the string is garbled is probably because your debugger assumes the contents of the std::string is always 1 symbol per char (extended ASCII for example), and as such, it's displaying the wrong characters.
Edit: you might want to read this post also.

How to compare/replace non-ASCII chars in array in C++?

I have a large char array, which contains Czech diacritical characters (e.g. "á"), coded in UTF-8. I need to replace them to their ASCII equivalents (e.g. "a"), because program must work on Windows (Linux console accepts these chars perfectly).
I am reading array char by char and writing content into string.
Here is code I am using, this doesnt work:
int array_size = 50000; //size of file array
char * array = new char[array_size]; //array to store file contents
string ascicontent="";
if ('\u00E1'==array[zacatek]) { //check if char is "á"
ascicontent +='a'; //write ordinal "a" into string
I even tried replacing '\u00E1' with 'á', but it also doesnt work. Guessing there is problem that these chars are longer than ascii.
How can I declare the non-ascii char, so it could be compared?
Each char is a single byte, however UTF-8 can use multiple bytes to encode a single character. In particular U+00E1 is encoded as two bytes: 0xC3 0xA1. So you can't do what you want with just comparing a single char.
There are multiple ways that you might be able to tackle your problem:
A) First, try googling for "windows console utf-8" and see if that gives anything which might make things just work without having to alter the characters at all. (I don't know if anything can work for you, I've never tried this.)
B) Convert the data to wide characters (wchar_t) using MultiByteToWideChar or mbstowcs and then google how to use wcout or such to output UTF-16 to the console.
C) Use MultiByteToWideChar to convert the data from UTF-8 to UTF-16. Then use WideCharToMultiByte to convert from UTF-16 to the console's code page, relying on the fact that it can automatically "best fit" common characters (such as "á" to "a").
D) If you really only care about a limited set of characters (such as only the accented characters in the Czech code page), then you could possibly write your own lookup table of UTF-8 byte sequences and your desired replacements. You just need to be doing comparisons on the UTF-8 by those multiple bytes rather than individual chars. Among various tools out there, I've found this page helpful for seeing how characters are encoded in various ways.
Which of these make the most sense for your program depends on various factors, such as how easy or hard it might be to keep the Windows-specific pieces from conflicting with the Linux-specific or cross-platform parts.
char in C is not unicode, it is really a byte; it only gets converted to a glyph by the terminal console you happen to use. On some Linux implementations (like Debian) it defaults to UTF-8, so if your program outputs a sequence of bytes encoded in UTF-8, your terminal will display the proper glyph. If you know that array is UTF-8 encoded, you must check for the proper byte sequence.
Edit: take a look at The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)
Please take a look at this link
And I believe this code might help you:
std::wstring str(L"cccccááddddddd");
std::replace( str.begin(), str.end(), L'á', L'a');

Create UTF-16 string from char*

So I have standard C string:
char* name = "Jakub";
And I want to convert it to UTF-16. I figured out, that UTF-16 will be twice as long - one character takes two chars.
So I create another string:
char name_utf_16[10]; //"Jakub" is 5 characters
Now, I believe with ASCII characters I will only use lower bytes, so for all of them it will be like 74 00 for J and so on. With that belief, I can make such code:
void charToUtf16(char* input, char* output, int length) {
/*Todo: how to check if output is long enough?*/
for(int i=0; i<length; i+=2) //Step over 2 bytes
//Lets use little-endian - smallest bytes first
output[i] = input[i];
output[i+1] = 0; //We will never have any data for this field
But, with this process, I ended with "Jkb". I know no way to test this properly - I've just sent the string to Minecraft Bukkit Server. And this is what it said upon disconnecting:
13:34:19 [INFO] Disconnecting jkb?? [/]: Outdated server!
Note: I'm aware that Minecraft uses big-endian. Code above is just an example, in fact, I have my conversion implemented in class.
Before I answer your question, consider this:
This area of programming is full of man traps. It makes a lot of sense to understand the differences between ASCII, UTF7/8 and ANSI/'MultiByte Character Strings (MBCS)', all of which to an english speaking programmer will look and feel identical, but need very different handling if they are introduced to a european or asian user.
ASCII: Characters are in range 32-127. only ever one byte. The clue is in the name, they are great for Americans, but not fit for purpose in the rest of the world.
ANSI/MBCS: This is the reason for 'code pages'. Characters 32-127 are the same as ASCII, but it is possible to have characters in the range of 128-255 as well for additional characters, and some of the 128-255 range can be used as a flag to mark that the character continues into a second, third or even fourth byte. To process the string correctly, you need both the string bytes and the correct code page. If you try processing the string using the wrong code page you will not have the right characters, and misinterpret whether a character is a one, two or even 4 byte character.
UTF7/8: These are 8-bit wide formatting of 21-bit unicode character points. in UTF-7 and UTF-8 unicode characters can be between one and four bytes long. The advantage that UTF encodings have over ANSI/MBCS is that there is no ambiguity caused by code pages. Each glyph in every script has a unique unicode code point, which means it is not possible to mangle the character sets by interpreting the data on a different computer with different regional settings.
So to to start to answer your question:
Whilst you are making the assumption that your char* will only point to an ASCII string, that is a really dangerous choice to make, users are in control of data that is typed in, not the programmer. Windows programs will be storing this as MBCS by default.
You are making the second assumption is that a UTF-16 encoding will be twice the size of an 8 bit encoding. That is not generally a safe assumption. depending on the source encoding the UTF-16 encoding may be twice the size, may be less than twice the size, and in an extreme example may actually be shorter in length.
So, what is the safe solution?
The safe option is to implement your application internally as unicode. On windows, this is a compiler option, and then means your windows controls all use wchar_t* strings for their data type. On linux I'm less sure that you can always use unicide graphics and OS libraries. You must also use the wcslen() functions to get the length of strings etc. When you interact with the outside world, be precise in the character encodings used.
To answer to your question then becomes changing the question to, what do i do when I receive non UTF-16 data?
Firstly, be very clear about what assumptions on its formatting are you making? and secondly, accept the fact that sometimes the conversion to UTF-16 may fail.
If you are clear on the source formatting, you can then choose the appropriate win32 or the stl converter to convert the format, and you should then look for evidence the conversion failed before using the result. e.g. mbstowcs in or MultiByteToWideChar() on windows. However the use of both of these approaches safely means you need to understand ALL of the above answer.
All other options introduce risk. Use mbcs strings and you will have data strings mangled by being entered using one code page, and processed using a different code page. Assume ASCII data, and when you encounter a non ascii character your code will break, and you will 'blame' the user for your short comings.
Why do you want to make your own Unicode conversion functionality when theres's existing C/C++ functions for this, like mbstowcs() which is included in <cstdlib>.
If you still want to make your own stuff, then have a look at Unicode Consortium's open source code which can be found here:
Convert UTF-16 to UTF-8 under Windows and Linux, in C
output[i] = input[i];
This will assign every other byte of the input, because you increment i by 2. So no wonder that you obtain "Jkb".
You probably wanted to write:
output[i] = input[i / 2];

Difference between unsigned char and char pointers

I'm a bit confused with differences between unsigned char (which is also BYTE in WinAPI) and char pointers.
Currently I'm working with some ATL-based legacy code and I see a lot of expressions like the following:
CAtlArray<BYTE> rawContent;
return ArrayToUnicodeString(rawContent);
// or return ArrayToAnsiString(rawContent);
Now, the implementations of ArrayToXXString look the following way:
CStringA ArrayToAnsiString(const CAtlArray<BYTE>& array)
CAtlArray<BYTE> copiedArray;
// Casting from BYTE* -> LPCSTR (const char*).
return CStringA((LPCSTR)copiedArray.GetData());
CStringW ArrayToUnicodeString(const CAtlArray<BYTE>& array)
CAtlArray<BYTE> copiedArray;
// Same here.
return CStringW((LPCWSTR)copiedArray.GetData());
So, the questions:
Is the C-style cast from BYTE* to LPCSTR (const char*) safe for all possible cases?
Is it really necessary to add double null-termination when converting array data to wide-character string?
The conversion routine CStringW((LPCWSTR)copiedArray.GetData()) seems invalid to me, is that true?
Any way to make all this code easier to understand and to maintain?
The C standard is kind of weird when it comes to the definition of a byte. You do have a couple of guarantees though.
A byte will always be one char in size
sizeof(char) always returns 1
A byte will be at least 8 bits in size
This definition doesn't mesh well with older platforms where a byte was 6 or 7 bits long, but it does mean BYTE*, and char * are guaranteed to be equivalent.
Multiple nulls are needed at the end of a Unicode string because there are valid Unicode characters that start with a zero (null) byte.
As for making the code easier to read, that is completely a matter of style. This code appears to be written in a style used by a lot of old C Windows code, which has definitely fallen out of favor. There are probably a ton of ways to make it clearer for you, but how to make it clearer has no clear answer.
Yes, it is always safe. Because they both point to an array of single-byte memory locations.
LPCSTR: Long Pointer to Const (single-byte) String
LPCWSTR : Long Pointer to Const Wide (multi-byte) String
LPCTSTR : Long Pointer to Const context-dependent (single-byte or multi-byte) String
In wide character strings, every single character occupies 2 bytes of memory, and the length of the memory location containing the string must be a multiple of 2. So if you want to add a wide '\0' to the end of a string, you should add two bytes.
Sorry for this part, I do not know ATL and I cannot help you on this part, but actually I see no complexity here, and I think it is easy to maintain. What code do you really want to make easier to understand and maintain?
If the BYTE* behaves like a proper string (i.e. the last BYTE is 0), you can cast a BYTE* to a LPCSTR, yes. Functions working with LPCSTR assume zero-terminated strings.
I think the multiple zeroes are only necessary when dealing with some multibyte character sets. The most common 8-bit encodings (like ordinary Windows Western and also UTF-8) don't require them.
The CString is Microsoft's best attempt at user-friendly strings. For instance, its constructor can handle both char and wchar_t type input, regardless of whether the CString itself is wide or not, so you don't have to worry about the conversion much.
Edit: wait, now I see that they are abusing a BYTE array for storing wide chars in. I couldn't recommend that.
An LPCWSTR is a String with 2 Bytes per character, a "char" is one Byte per character. That means you cannot cast it in C-style, because you have to adjust the memory (add a "0" before each standard-ASCII), and not just read the Data in a different way from the memory (what a C-Cast would do).
So the cast is not so safe i would say.
The Double-Nulltermination: You have always 2 Bytes as one Character, so your "End-of-string" sign must be 2 Bytes long.
To make that code easier to understand look after lexical_cast in Boost (
Another way would be using the std::strings (using like std::basic_string; ), and you can perform on String operations.

How does the UTF-8 support of TinyXML work?

I'm using TinyXML to parse/build XML files. Now, according to the documentation this library supports multibyte character sets through UTF-8. So far so good I think. But, the only API that the library provides (for getting/setting element names, attribute names and values, ... everything where a string is used) is through std::string or const char*. This has me doubting my own understanding of multibyte character set support. How can a string that only supports 8-bit characters contain a 16 bit character (unless it uses a code page, which would negate the 'supports Unicode' claim)? I understand that you could theoretically take a 16-bit code point and split it over 2 chars in a std::string, but that wouldn't transform the std::string to a 'Unicode' string, it would make it invalid for most purposes and would maybe accidentally work when written to a file and read in by another program.
So, can somebody explain to me how a library can offer an '8-bit interface' (std::string or const char*) and still support 'Unicode' strings?
(I probably mixed up some Unicode terminology here; sorry about any confusion coming from that).
First, utf-8 is stored in const char * strings, as #quinmars said. And it's not only a superset of 7-bit ASCII (code points <= 127 always encoded in a single byte as themselves), it's furthermore careful that bytes with those values are never used as part of the encoding of the multibyte values for code points >= 128. So if you see a byte == 44, it's a '<' character, etc. All of the metachars in XML are in 7-bit ASCII. So one can just parse the XML, breaking strings where the metachars say to, sticking the fragments (possibly including non-ASCII chars) into a char * or std::string, and the returned fragments remain valid UTF-8 strings even though the parser didn't specifically know UTF-8.
Further (not specific to XML, but rather clever), even more complex things genrally just work (tm). For example, if you sort UTF-8 lexicographically by bytes, you get the same answer as sorting it lexicographically by code points, despite the variation in # of bytes used, because the prefix bytes introducing the longer (and hence higher-valued) code points are numerically greater than those for lesser values).
UTF-8 is compatible to 7-bit ASCII code. If the value of a byte is larger then 127, it means a multibyte character starts. Depending on the value of the first byte you can see how many bytes the character will take, that can be 2-4 bytes including the first byte (technical also 5 or 6 are possible, but they are not valid utf-8). Here is a good resource about UTF-8: UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ, also the wiki page for utf8 is very informative. Since UTF-8 is char based and 0-terminated, you can use the standard string functions for most things. The only important thing is that the character count can differ from the byte count. Functions like strlen() return the byte count but not necessarily the character count.
By using between 1 and 4 chars to encode one Unicode code point.