Using C++ Macros To Check For Variable Existence - c++

I am creating a logging facility for my library, and have made some nice macros such as:
#define DEBUG myDebuggingClass(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
#define WARING myWarningClass(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
where myDebuggingClass and myWarningClass both have an overloaded << operator, and do some helpful things with log messages.
Now, I have some base class that users will be overloading called "Widget", and I would like to change these definitions to something more like:
#define DEBUG myDebuggingClass(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, this)
#define WARNING myWarningClass(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, this)
so that when users call 'DEBUG << "Some Message"; ' I can check to see if the "this" argument dynamic_casts to a Widget, and if so I can do some useful things with that information, and if not then I can just ignore it. The only problem is that I would like users to be able to also issue DEBUG and WARNING messages from non-member functions, such as main(). However, given this simple macro, users will just get a compilation error because "this" will not be defined outside of class member functions.
The easiest solution is to just define separate WIDGET_DEBUG, WIDGET_WARNING, PLAIN_DEBUG, and PLAIN_WARNING macros and to document the differences to the users, but it would be really cool if there were a way to get around this. Has anyone seen any tricks for doing this sort of thing?

Declare a global Widget* const widget_this = NULL; and a protected member variable widget_this in the Widget class, initialized to this, and do
#define DEBUG myDebuggingClass(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, widget_this)

Macros are basically a straight text substitution done by the preprocessor. There's no way for a macro to know the context from which it's being called to do the sort of detection you're interested in.
The best solution is probably separate macros as you suspect.

I don't think you can do this with a macro. You can probably manage to do it with SFINAE, but code that uses SFINAE (at least directly) is1 hard to write, harder to debug, and virtually impossible for anybody but an expert to read or understand. If you really want to do this, I'd try to see if you can get Boost enable_if (or a relative thereof) to handle at least part of the dirty work.
1 least in every case I've ever seen, and I have a hard time imagining it being otherwise either.

Inspired by solipist, but slightly simpler in the implementation:
class Widget {
::myDebuggingClass myDebuggingClass(char const* file, char const* function, int line) {
return ::myDebuggingClass(file, function, line, this);
// ...
This eliminates the need for a shadowed variable; it relies on simple class name lookup rules.

The only way I can think of to possibly get this to work is to define a global variable:
Widget * this = NULL;
If that even compiles (I have my doubts, but don't have a compiler to test it), member functions will use the nearest scoped variable (the real his pointer), and everything else will get a null. Everyone's happy (so to speak...)

you could use weak reference to detect variable or function whether exist.
detect int a exist:
int a attribute((weak));
if (a)
not exist


Get return type of function in macro (C++)

I have ASSERT(x) macro and I want to call return if it asserts (in release configuration).
To do this I need to know return type of function where I use this ASSERT. How to get it (I deal with C++03, LLVM GCC 4.2 compiler)?
My ASSERT macro:
#define ASSERT(x) \
if(!(x)) {
LOG ("ASSERT in %s: %d", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
return /*return_type()*/; \
PS: I tried return 0; - compiler shows error for void functions (and I didn't try it for complex returning types), if return; - error for non-void functions.
I'll answer to werewindle, nyarlathotep and jdv-Jan de Vaan here. I use standard assert for debug configuration. But after beta-testing I still get crash reports from final customers, and in most cases I need to change my crashing functions:
ASSERT (_some_condition_);
if (!_some_condition_) // add this return
return _default_value_;
I understand, that my program may crash probably later (otherwise it will definitely crash in current function). Also I can't quit application because developing is for iPhone (apps may not quit programmatically there). So the easiest way would be to "auto return" when assertion failed.
You can't determine the return type of the surrounding function in a Macro; macros are expanded by the preprocessor, which doesn't have this kind of information about the surroundings where these macros occur; it is basically just "searching and replacing" the macros. You would have to write separate macros for each return type.
But why not exit the program (i.e. calling the exit function)? Just returning from a function doesn't seem like a very robust error handling. Failed assertions should after all only occur when something is terribly wrong (meaning the program is in a state it was not designed to handle), so it is best to quit the program as soon as possible.
There are no proper way to determine return type inside a function in C.
Also, if you somehow implement your variant of ASSERT it will lead to erroneous program behavior. Main idea of ASSERT: if it fails, then program is in undefined state and only proper way is to stop it now. I.e. by calling exit().
i think you can do this with a template function, that you call default(x) from within the macro.
template<class T> default<T>(T x) { return T(); }
that will work for everyting with a default constructor. I think you need to write a special macro for void.
I hope i got the template syntax right, my c++ is getting rusty.
You can't do that, the C/C++ preprocessor is pretty basic and it can't do any code analysis. At most what you can do is pass the return type to the macro.
But here's my opinion: you're using assertions the wrong way. They should only be used for sanity checks of the code (for errors than can only happen because of the programmer); if all assertions pass, you don't need to care about them, you don't need to log them.
And not only that, but (in general) you should employ the element of least surprise. Do you expect ASSERT to log something and then forcefully make the function return? I know I wouldn't. I either expect it to close the application completely (what the standard assert does) or let me decide what happens next (maybe I have some pointers to free).
Macros do not return values, as they are no functions per se. They substitute the source code where they are used, so you'd return in the function where the macro is used.
There is no way to get the return value from a macro.
You could just define another macro for your needs.
#define ASSERT(x) \
if(!(x)) { \
LOG ("ASSERT in %s: %d", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
And then inside a function:
int foo(){
#define ASSERT_DEFAULT_RETURN() return 0
// ...
// ...
// cleanup
Just do this
#define ASSERT(x, ret, type) \
LOG ("ASSERT in %s: %d", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
return (type) ret;
I believe you are trying to solve the wrong problem. You don't want your program to crash in case of assertions, you best improve your testing.
Having a 'return' in these assertions give you a false sense of security. Instead it hides your problems and causes unexpected behavior in your program so the bugs you do get are much more complex. A colleague of mine actually wrote a good blog post about it.
If you really would want it, you could try writing return {}; so it default constructs the value, or have an assert macro where you also provide the failure case. However I really don't recommend it!

Detect function call in printf()'s arguments

For a long time now, we've had a logging system that worked much like this:
#define LOG( LEVEL, FORMAT, ... ) my_log_function( LEVEL, __FUNCTION__, \
my_log_function will check the level of logging currently in place, and if acceptable, will do some pretty printing (file/line where it was logged, time etc..) of the informations passed.
Now, problem is, this macro definition has two massive drawback:
1/ When used, the arguments passed in that macro are evaluated, which means lots of performance hits when your code is crowded by LOG() calls.
See example here:
LOG( INFO, "The parameters: %s %d %d\n", heavyMethod().name(),
heavyMethod2().id(), work_done_in_this_function());
Even if the "INFO" logging level is deactivated, all the parameters will be evaluated before entering the function.
If you log the function calls, you'll see this happening:
call to heavyMethod()
call to name()
call to heavyMethod2()
call to id()
call to work_done_in_this_function()
(at last) call to my_log_function()
That's pretty bad when you have 1000's of LOG() calls.
Solution is simple: take out of my_log_function the code that checks the level and modify the LOG() definition like this:
#define LOG( LVL, FMT, ... ) do{ if( level_enabled(LVL) ) \
{ \
my_log_function( LVL, ...); \
} \
This makes sure that when the log level is not sufficient, the parameters are not evaluated (since they are in a bracket block).
2/ As you've seen in my example, the last function that is called is doing some sort of work that wouldn't be done if the LOG() function wasn't called.
This happens quite a lot in our code (and I know, this SUCKS HARD, people have lost fingers to this already).
With the enhancement I made in point 1/, we now have to check every LOG() call to see if some work was done in there that isn't done anymore, now that we neutralized the calls.
This is where you guys enter: do you know a simple method that would check if an argument to a function is actually modifying something?
The project is in C++, and most functions that "don't modify anything" are marked as const.
Note that this includes some tricky things like: LOG( INFO, "Number of items: %d\n", _item_number++);, where _item_number is an object's class member (thus doesn't get incremented if INFO level is not activated :-( ).
TL;DR: NEVER, NEVER do work in printf(). ALWAYS do it beforehand:
// BAD
printf("Number: %d\n",++i);
printf("Number: %d\n", i);
Basically, you're trying to check for pure functions (i.e. ones which have no side effects). An easy way to check this is to check that it does not make any writes to global memory.
GCC supports a couple of ways of enforcing this. First, there is the const attribute, which when applied to a function, causes it not to be able to read or write from global memory (only its own stack). The issue is, this may be a little restrictive for what you want.
There's also the pure attribute, which is basically the same, but allows for access from global memory, but not to it, which should also enforce what you want.
Each of these are applied by putting __attribute__(pure) (or __attribute__(const)) by the method declaration. Sadly, I don't think there's a way of enforcing this per call, although there may be a way using function pointers. I'll update if I find one.
EDIT: As listed here, it may be possible to apply this to a function pointer although I don't think there's a way to do it without embedding a function pointer into each method call in your macro (which needs to know the argument layout of each function, anyway) or declaring all your functions as pure.
EDIT2: Yeah, this also won't catch things like i++ in your parameter lists. Those will have to be done using some regex magic I think.

How to separate logging logic from business logic in a C program? And in a C++ one?

I am currently coding in C and I have lots of printfs so that I can track, at some times, the flow of my application. The problem is that some times I want more detail than others, so I usually spend my time commenting/uncommenting my C code, so I can get the appropriate output.
When using Java or C#, I can generally separate both my implementation code from the logging logic by using Aspects.
Is there any similar technique you use in C to get around this problem?
I know I could put a flag called DEBUG that could be either on or off, so I wouldn't have to go all around and comment/uncomment my whole code every time I want to either show or hide the printfs. The question is I'd like to also get rid of the logging logic in my code.
If instead of C I was coding in C++, would it be any better?
It seems there is an AspectC++, so for C++ there seems to be a solution. What about C?
IME you cannot really separate logging from the algorithms that you want to log about. Placing logging statements strategically takes time and experience. Usually, the code keeps assembling logging statements over its entire lifetime (though it's asymptotic). Usually, the logging evolves with the code. If the algorithm changes often, so will usually the logging code.
What you can do is make logging as unobtrusive as possible. That is, make sure logging statements always are one-liners that do not disrupt reading the algorithm, make it so others can insert additional logging statements into an existing algorithm without having to fully understand your logging lib, etc.
In short, treat logging like you treat string handling: Wrap it in a nice little lib that will be included and used just about everywhere, make that lib fast, and make it easy to use.
Not really.
If you have variadic macros available, you can easily play games like this:
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define log(...) (void)0
#define log(...) do {printf("%s:%d: ", __FILE__, __LINE__); printf(__VA_ARGS__);} while(0)
You can also have logging that's turn-off-and-onable at a finer granularity:
#define LOG_FLAGS <something>;
#define maybe_log(FLAG, ...) do { if (FLAG&LOG_FLAGS) printf(__VA_ARGS__);} while(0)
int some_function(int x, int y) {
maybe_log(FUNCTION_ENTRY, "x=%d;y=%d\n", x, y);
... do something ...
maybe_log(FUNCTION_EXIT, "result=%d\n", result);
return result;
Obviously this can be a bit tedious with only allowing a single return from each function, since you can't directly get at the function return.
Any of those macros and calls to printf could be replaced with something (other macros, or variadic function calls) that allows the actual logging format and target to be separated from the business logic, but the fact of some kind of logging being done can't be, really. does claim to offer a C and C++ compiler with language extensions supporting AOP. I have no idea what state it's in, and if you use it then of course you're not really writing C (or C++) any more.
Remember that C++ has multiple inheritance, which is sometimes helpful with cross-cutting concerns. With enough templates you can do remarkable things, perhaps even implementing your own method dispatch system that allows some sort of join points, but it's a big thing to take on.
On GCC you could use variadic macros: . It makes possible to define dprintf() with any number of parameters.
Using additional hidden verbose_level parameter you can filter the messages.
In this case the logging loggic will only contain
dprintf_cond(flags_or_verbose_level, msg, param1, param2);
and there will be no need in separating it from the rest of code.
A flag and proper logic is probably the safer way to do it, but you could do the same at compile type. Ie. Use #define and #ifdef to include/exclude the printfs.
Hmm, this sounds similar to a problem I encountered when working on a C++ project last summer. It was a distributed app which had to be absolutely bulletproof and this resulted in a load of annoying exception handling bloat. A 10 line function would double in size by the time you added an exception or two, because each one involved building a stringstream from a looong exception string plus any relevant parameters, and then actually throwing the exception maybe five lines later.
So I ended up building a mini exception handling framework which meant I could centralise all my exception messages inside one class. I would initialise that class with my (possibly parameterised) messages on startup, and this allowed me to write things like throw CommunicationException(28, param1, param2) (variadic arguments). I think I'll catch a bit of flak for that, but it made the code infinitely more readable. The only danger, for example, was that you could inadvertently throw that exception with message #27 rather than #28.
#ifndef DEBUG_OUT
# define DBG_MGS(level, format, ...)
# define DBG_SET_LEVEL(x) do{}while(0)
extern int dbg_level;
# define DBG_MSG(level, format, ...) \
do { \
if ((level) >= dbg_level) { \
fprintf(stderr, (format), ## __VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} while (0)
# define DBG_SET_LEVEL(X) do { dbg_level = (X); } while (0)
The ## before __VA_ARGS__ is a GCC specific thing that makes , __VA_ARGS__ actually turn into the right code when there are no actual extra arguments.
The do { ... } while (0) stuff is just to make you put ; after the statements when you use them, like you do when you call regular functions.
If you don't want to get as fancy you can do away with the debug level part. That just makes it so that if you want you can alter the level of debugging/tracing date you want.
You could turn the entire print statement into a separate function (either inline or a regular one) that would be called regardless of the debug level, and would make the decision as to printing or not internally.
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int dbg_level = 0;
void DBG_MGS(int level, const char *format, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
if (level >= dbg_level) {
vfprintf(stderr, format, ap);
If you are using a *nix system then you should have a look at syslog.
You might also want to search for some tracing libraries. There are a few that do similar things to what I have outlined.

C++, workaround for macro using 'this' in static member functions

I've overridden new so that I can track memory allocations. Additional parameters such as __FILE__, __LINE__, module name etc are added in the #define.
However I want to add the address of the calling object to the parameters so that I can backtrack up allocations when hunting down problems. The easiest way is to add 'this' to those additional parameters (which means the address of the caller is passed into my custom alloc stuff).
Unfortunately there's plenty of singletons in our code, which means a bunch of static member functions calling new. The compiler throws up the error C2671: '...' : static member functions do not have 'this' pointers
Is there a workaround where I can get the address of the object without using this, which would also realize it's in a static method and pass null say?
Or maybe is there a way that my #define new would recognize it's in a static method and switch to a different definition?
It's important that I don't affect the existing project code though - I don't want to force developers to use a custom method like staticnew just because it's in a static method - they should carry on using new like normal and this memory tracking stuff is all going on in the background...
You definitely cannot determine if a #define macro is inside a static method or not. You even shouldn't be using #define new as it violates the standard (even though all compilers support it). Your macro will also cause trouble to those who want to overload operator new for their class.
Generally, I would suggest not using this kind of memory debugging. There are many mature memory debuggers that do a better work when debugging memory errors. The most famous one is Valgrind.
To give a simple answer to your question - there is no clean solution in the way you are approaching the problem.
Well, once you're going down the "hack" path, you could throw portability out the window and get close to the compiler.
You could put some inline assembler in your macro that called a function with a pointer to the string generated by __FUNCDNAME__, and if it looks like a member function get the this pointer in the assembler, and if not just use null.

Eliminating inherited overlong MACRO

I have inherited a very long set of macros from some C algorithm code.They basically call free on a number of structures as the function exits either abnormally or normally. I would like to replace these with something more debuggable and readable. A snippet is shown below
#define FREE_ALL_VECS {FREE_VEC_COND(kernel);FREE_VEC_COND(cirradCS); FREE_VEC_COND(pixAccum).....
#define FREE_ALL_2D_MATS {FREE_2D_MAT_COND(circenCS); FREE_2D_MAT_COND(cirradCS_2); }
#define FREE_ALL_IMAGES {immFreeImg(&imgC); immFreeImg(&smal.....
What approach would be best? Should I just leave well alone if it works? This macro set is called twelve times in one function. I'm on Linux with gcc.
Usually I refactor such macros to functions, using inline functions when the code is really performance critical. Also I try to move allocation, deallocation and clean up stuff into C++ objects, to get advantage of the automatic destruction.
If they are broken then fix them by converting to functions.
If they're aren't broken then leave them be.
If you are determined to change them, write unit-tests to check you don't inadvertently break something.
Ideally, I would use inline functions instead of using macros to eliminate function call overhead. However, basing from your snippet, the macros you have would call several nested functions. Inlining them may not have any effect, thus I would just suggest to refactor them into functions to make them more readable and maintainable. Inlining improves performance only if the function to be inlined is simple (e.g. accessors, mutators, no loops).
I believe this is your decision. If the macros are creating problems when debugging, I believe it is best to create some functions that do the same things as the macros. In general you should avoid complicated macros. By complicated I mean macros that do something more than a simple value definition.
// it is best to use only this type of macro
#define MAX_VALUE 200
The rest is not recommended (see example below):
// this is not recommended
#define min(x,y) ( (x)<(y) ? (x) : (y) )
// imagine using min with some function arguments like this:
// val = min(func1(), func2())
// this means that one of functions is called twice which is generally
// not very good for performance