error /usr/local/bin/perl: Argument list too long - regex

ive executed this command to delete malwarm from all my websites files and keep backup from each files but after 1 mint from executing got error
/usr/local/bin/perl: Argument list too long
Can anyone suggest a way to avoid this error , PS ive a huge a mount of files :)
perl -e "s/<script.*PaBUTyjaZYg.*script>//g;" $(find /home/ -type f -name '*php*')

Use the xargs command which reads file names from STDIN and runs the command multiple times passing as many filenames as it can to each invocation of the target command
find /home/ -type f -name '*php*' -print0 | xargs -0 perl -e "s/<script.*PaBUTyjaZYg.*script>//g;"
The print0 argument to find works with the -0 argument to xargs to ensure that file names are terminated with a null character. This prevents filenames with embedded spaces from causing an error.


How to properly run find | parallel with grep + escape characters?

I have approximately 1500 2GB files in a folder and would like to extract lines from them based on a regex. I tried:
find . -regex "filename pattern" -exec grep -P "pattern1\t|pattern2\t|pattern3\t|...|patternN\t" {} +
which works perfectly, but is pretty slow. I then read about running grep with GNU parallel, but couldn't figure out how to properly use it. Here's what I tried:
find . -regex "filename pattern" | parallel grep -P "pattern1\t|pattern2\t|pattern3\t|...|patternN\t" {}
along with a few variations of this command. However, I get in return:
/bin/bash: pattern1t: command not found
/bin/bash: pattern3t: command not found
/bin/bash: pattern2t: command not found
It seems the problem lies with the \t I use to ensure I match an entire string in a column of a TSV file. The grep command without parallel works perfectly with this regex.
How can I use escape characters in the grep regex with parallel?
As #Mark Setchell pointed out, I missed the "--quote" argument! This solution works:
find . -regex "filename pattern" -print0 | parallel -0 --quote grep -P "pattern1\t|pattern2\t|pattern3\t|...|patternN\t"

UNIX: error when I try to use array

I have this code and when I try it in FreeBSD it shows me a lot of errors... how can I fix it? I check directories, if it match with variable IGN. NAME_d should be an array.
max_d=$(find "${DIR}" -type d | wc -l)
for i in `seq 1 $max_d`
check_d=$(find "${DIR}" -type d | head -n "${i}" | tail -n -1 | tr '\/' '\n' | egrep -n "${IGN}")
if [ ! -z "$check_d" ]; then
NAME_d+=$i"d "
sedCmds_d=${directory_d// /;}
Arrays are a bashism not supported by the Almquist shell, the default bourne style shell on FreeBSD (i.e. /bin/sh). An advantage of the shell is that most scripts run about 3 times faster.
If you want to use bashisms, use bash to execute your script. E.g. call it bash or change the shebang.
This is the correct one for FreeBSD.
This is the portable version but requires PATH to be set:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
You also might have to install bash first: pkg add bash
Not sure if it will solve it, but if you're using bash, you should initiate NAME_d as an array
and then adding to the array you should also use parens, e.g.
NAME_d+=("${i}d ")

How to escape a parenthesis in a perl pie one-liner?

I want to replace all occurrences of "foo" with "bar(" in all files that contain "foo". I have tried
perl -pie 's/foo/bar\(/g' `grep -ril foo .`
but that just hangs and nothing happens. I have tried varying the number of escape backslashes in front of the opening parenthesis, but to no success. I'm working in bash 4.1.5.
The replacement works fine if I remove the opening parenthesis. Does anyone know how to escape the opening parenthesis?
What you posted exits immediately as Perl tries to open s/foo/bar\(/g as a source file since the e is treated the argument of -i.
$ perl -pie 's/foo/bar\(/g' `grep -ril foo .`
Can't open perl script "s/foo/bar\(/g": No such file or directory
I'm guessing you ran the following instead:
perl -i -pe's/foo/bar\(/g' `grep -ril foo .`
This will hang when grep finds nothing. When no arguments are given, the -i is effectively ignored. The program will read from STDIN and write to STDOUT. So, when grep returns nothing, this program will block waiting for input from STDIN.
grep -ril foo . | xargs perl -i -pe's/foo/bar\(/ig'

Passing Multiple Files in SED Command: Log Extract

I am trying to extract logs from my application within specific time-stamps. So i wrote the following script
a= echo $1 | sed 's/\//\\\//g';
b= echo $2 | sed 's/\//\\\//g';
sed -n "/$a/,/$b/p" $3;
Here $1 and $2 are the timestamps within which i want the logs and $3 is the file from where i want it.
This script works perfect if i pass a single file. But if i multiple files or a directory as parameters it does not give any output.
This is how i am executing the script '6/30/14 9:03' '6/30/14 9:05' abc_*/SysOut.log
Can SED work with multiple files or the issue is with UNIX with its limitation in passing files as parameters
Any suggesstion of help in this regard?
Your sed command should be
sed -n "/$a/,/$b/p" -- "${#:3}"
Note if you're not using Bash, you can shift those arguments first before running sed:
shift 2
sed -n "/$a/,/$b/p" -- "$#"

pattern matching while using ls command in bash script

In a sh script, I am trying to loop over all files that match the following pattern
abc.123 basically abc. followed by only numbers, number following . can be of any length.
$ shopt -s extglob
$ ls abc.+([0-9])
does the job but on terminal and not through the script. How can I get only files that match the pattern?
if I understood you right, the pattern could be translated into regex:
so you could
keep using ls and grep the output. for example:
ls *.*|xargs -n1|grep -E '^abc\.[0-9]+$'
or use find
find has an option -regex
If you're using sh and not bash, and presumably you also want to be POSIX compliant, you can use:
for f in ./*
echo "$f" | grep -Eq '^\./abc.[0-9]+$' && continue
echo "Something with $f here"
It will work fine with filenames with spaces, quotes and such, but may match some filenames with line feeds in them that it shouldn't.
If you tagged your question bash because you're using bash, then just use extglob like you described.