Reverse doubly-link list in C++ - c++

I've been trying to figure out how to reverse the order of a doubly-linked list, but for some reason, in my function void reverse() runs while loop once and then crashes for some reason. To answer some questions ahead, I'm self-teaching myself with my brothers help. This isn't all of the code, but I have a display() function which prints all nodes chronologically from start_ptr and a switch which activates certain functions like
case 1 : add_end(); break;
case 2 : add_begin(); break;
case 3 : add_index(); break;
case 4 : del_end(); break;
case 5 : del_begin(); break;
case 6 : reverse(); break;
This is the geist of my code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct node
char name[20];
char profession[20];
int age;
node *nxt;
node *prv;
node *start_ptr = NULL;
void pswap (node *pa, node *pb)
node temp = *pa;
*pa = *pb;
*pb = temp;
void reverse()
cout << "Can't do anything" << endl;
else if(start_ptr->nxt==NULL)
node *current = start_ptr;
node *nextone = start_ptr;
while(nextone->nxt!= NULL)
pswap(current->nxt, current->prv);

Try this:
node *ptr = start_ptr;
while (ptr != NULL) {
node *tmp = ptr->nxt;
ptr->nxt = ptr->prv;
ptr->prv = tmp;
if (tmp == NULL) {
end_ptr = start_ptr;
start_ptr = ptr;
ptr = tmp;

EDIT: My first implementation, which was correct but not perfect.
Your implementation is pretty complicated. Can you try this instead:
node * reverse(Node * start_ptr)
Node *curr = start_ptr;
Node * prev = null;
Node * next = null;
next = curr->nxt;
curr->nxt = prev;
curr->prv = next;
prev = curr;
curr = next;
return start_ptr=prev;
Here is my updated solution:
node * reverse()
node *curr = start_ptr;
node * prev = NULL;
node * next = NULL;
next = curr->nxt;
curr->nxt = prev;
curr->prv = next;
prev = curr;
curr = next;
return start_ptr=prev;
The logic was correct. But the issue was that I was accepting in input argument start_ptr. Which means that I was returning the local copy of it. Now it should be working.

You can simplify your reverse() quite a bit. I'd do something like this:
void reverse()
if(start_ptr == NULL)
cout << "Can't do anything" << endl;
node *curr = start_ptr;
while(curr != NULL)
Node *next = curr->next;
curr->next = curr->prev;
curr->prev = next;
curr = next;
start_ptr = prev;
Explanation: The basic idea is simply to visit each Node and swap the links to previous and next. When we move curr to the next Node, we need to store the next node so we still have a pointer to it when we set to prev.

Simple solution. reverses in less than half a number of total iterations over the list
template<typename E> void DLinkedList<E>::reverse() {
int median = 0;
int listSize = size();
int counter = 0;
if (listSize == 1)
DNode<E>* tempNode = new DNode<E>();
* A temporary node for swapping a node and its reflection node
DNode<E>* dummyNode = new DNode<E>();
DNode<E>* headCursor = head;
DNode<E>* tailCursor = tail;
for (int i = 0; i < listSize / 2; i++) {
cout << i << "\t";
headCursor = headCursor->next;
tailCursor = tailCursor->prev;
DNode<E>* curNode = headCursor;
DNode<E>* reflectionNode = tailCursor;
if (listSize % 2 == 0 && listSize / 2 - 1 == i) {
* insert a dummy node for reflection
* for even sized lists
curNode->next = dummyNode;
dummyNode->prev = curNode;
reflectionNode->prev = dummyNode;
dummyNode->next = reflectionNode;
* swap the connections from previous and
* next nodes for current and reflection nodes
curNode->prev->next = curNode->next->prev = reflectionNode;
reflectionNode->prev->next = reflectionNode->next->prev = curNode;
* swapping of the nodes
tempNode->prev = curNode->prev;
tempNode->next = curNode->next;
curNode->next = reflectionNode->next;
curNode->prev = reflectionNode->prev;
reflectionNode->prev = tempNode->prev;
reflectionNode->next = tempNode->next;
if (listSize % 2 == 0 && listSize / 2 - 1 == i) {
* remove a dummy node for reflection
* for even sized lists
reflectionNode->next = curNode;
curNode->prev = reflectionNode;
* Reassign the cursors to position over the recently swapped nodes
tailCursor = curNode;
headCursor = reflectionNode;
delete tempNode, dummyNode;
template<typename E> int DLinkedList<E>::size() {
int count = 0;
DNode<E>* iterator = head;
while (iterator->next != tail) {
iterator = iterator->next;
return count;

I suggest maintaining a link to the last node.
If not, find the last node.
Traverse the list using the "previous" links (or in your case, prv).
There is no need to actually change the links around. Traversing using the prv pointer will automatically visit the nodes in reverse order.

Look at
Here nextone->nxt can be null.
Apart from that, try to use pointers to pointers in the swap function.

Your pswap function is wrong
your should swap the pointer not try to create temporary objects and swap them.
Should be like that (there might be other mistake later)
void pswap (node *&pa, node *&pb)
node* temp = pa;
pa = pb;
pb = temp;

A very simple and O(n) solution using two pointers:
start = head of the doubly LL
struct node *temp, *s;
s = start;
while(s != NULL){
temp = s->prev;
s->prev = s->next;
s->next = temp;
s = s->prev;
//if list has more than one node
if(current != NULL){
start = temp->prev;

My code for reversing doubly linked list,
Node* Reverse(Node* head)
// Complete this function
// Do not write the main method.
if(head != NULL) {
Node* curr = head;
Node* lastsetNode = curr;
while(curr != NULL) {
Node* frwdNode = curr->next;
Node* prevNode = curr->prev;
if(curr==head) {
curr->next = NULL;
curr->prev = frwdNode;
lastsetNode = curr;
else {
curr->next = lastsetNode;
curr->prev = frwdNode;
lastsetNode = curr;
curr = frwdNode;
head = lastsetNode;
return head;

I thought I'd add a recursive solution here.
node* reverse_and_get_new_head(node* head) {
if (head == nullptr) { return nullptr; }
// This can be avoided by ensuring the initial,
// outer call is with a non-empty list
std::swap(head->prev, head->next);
if (head->prev == nullptr) { return head; }
return reverse_and_get_new_head(head->prev);
void reverse() {
start_ptr = reverse_and_get_new_head(start_ptr);


Linked list infinite loop c++

I've created two linked lists it's supposed to do a union and a merge. If I run the functions separately it does the task it's supposed to do merge or union. But when I try to output both simultaneously, the code infinitely keeps going. I don't know if it has to do with my null or the functions themselves.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Node{
int num;
Node *next;
Node * unionLL (Node * LA, Node * LB)
if(LA == NULL)
return LB;
if(LB == NULL)
return LA;
Node *temp = NULL;//Creation of a node name temp as a place holder
if(LA != NULL) // if LA is less than LB
temp = LA;
temp->next = unionLL(LA->next, LB);
else if(LB != NULL)
temp = LB;
temp->next = unionLL(LA,LB->next);
return temp;
Node * mergeLL (Node * LA, Node * LB) // method
if(LA == NULL)
return LB;
if(LB == NULL)
return LA;
Node *temp = NULL;//Creation of a node name temp as a place holder
if(LA->num<=LB->num) // if LA is less than LB
temp = LA;
temp->next = mergeLL(LA->next, LB);
else if(LB->num<=LA->num)
temp = LB;
temp->next = mergeLL(LA,LB->next);
return temp;
int main()
// set 1
Node *head = new Node(); // Creation of node
Node *neighbor1 = new Node();
Node *neighbor2 = new Node();
Node *neighbor3 = new Node();
head->num= 3; // head is leading node
head->next =neighbor1;
neighbor1->next = neighbor2;
neighbor2->next = neighbor3;
neighbor3->next = NULL;
// set 2
Node *head2 = new Node(); // Creation of node
Node *neighbor6 = new Node();
Node *neighbor7 = new Node();
Node *neighbor8 = new Node();
Node *neighbor9 = new Node();
Node *neighbor10 = new Node();
head2->num= 2; // head is leading node
neighbor6->num=6; // neighbor points to num which value is 6
head2->next =neighbor6; //link to next element
neighbor6->next = neighbor7;
neighbor7->next = neighbor8;
neighbor8->next = neighbor9;
neighbor9->next = neighbor10;
neighbor10->next = NULL;
Node *head3 = head;
Node *head4 = head2;
Node *Merge = mergeLL(head,head2);
cout<<"mergeLL(LA, LB) = ";
while(Merge != NULL)
cout<<Merge->num; cout<<" "; //end is no new line
Merge= Merge->next;
Node *unionLLL = unionLL(head3,head4);
cout<<"unionLLL(LA, LB) = ";
while(unionLLL != NULL)
cout<<unionLLL->num; cout<< " ";
unionLLL= unionLLL->next;
return 0;
You are modifying the original linked lists in your mergeLL and unionLL functions. This is done when you change ->next to point to a different Node then it originally did. It is making some circular loops where head points to head2 and that is why it never reaches the end. Your mergeLL and unionLL functions need to create new Node() inside there, so that the original lists stay intact. Just copying the head node as you do in main doesn't preserve the original linked list order.
I've created a helpful printList function, that you can see the addresses, which can help you debug/design the linked list you want.
void printList(Node *head, const char *name)
cout << name << ":";
while (head != NULL)
cout << " " << head->num << "(" << head << ")";
head = head->next;
cout << "\n";
int main {
printList(head, "head");
printList(head2, "head2");
Node *Merge = mergeLL(head, head2);
printList(Merge, "mergeLL(LA, LB)");
printList(head, "head");
printList(head2, "head2");
head: 3(0x1817eb0) 5(0x1817ed0) 8(0x1817ef0) 11(0x1817f10)
head2: 2(0x1817f30) 6(0x1817f50) 8(0x1817f70) 9(0x1817f90) 22(0x1817fb0) 24(0x1817fd0)
mergeLL(LA, LB): 2(0x1817f30) 3(0x1817eb0) 5(0x1817ed0) 6(0x1817f50) 8(0x1817ef0) 8(0x1817f70) 9(0x1817f90) 11(0x1817f10) 22(0x1817fb0) 24(0x1817fd0)
head: 3(0x1817eb0) 5(0x1817ed0) 6(0x1817f50) 8(0x1817ef0) 8(0x1817f70) 9(0x1817f90) 11(0x1817f10) 22(0x1817fb0) 24(0x1817fd0)
head2: 2(0x1817f30) 3(0x1817eb0) 5(0x1817ed0) 6(0x1817f50) 8(0x1817ef0) 8(0x1817f70) 9(0x1817f90) 11(0x1817f10) 22(0x1817fb0) 24(0x1817fd0)

Unable to create or return Reversed Linked list

Here using the function returnReverseLinkedList I am returning the reversed linked list of the given linked list. But the problem with this approach is that i lose the original linked list. So I make another fucntion called createReversedLinkedList to make a copy of the original linked list and reverse the copy and maintain possession of both.
unfortunately createReversedLinkedList is giving Runtime error.
obviously my end goal is to check if the given linked list is palindrome or not. This issue is just a stepping stone.
Could someone tell me why?
//Check if a linked list is a palindrome
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class node
int data;
node *next;
node(int data)
this->data = data;
this->next = NULL;
node *returnReverseLinkedList(node *head)
// Will Lose original Linked List
if (head == NULL)
return NULL;
else if (head != NULL && head->next == NULL)
return head;
node *prev = NULL;
node *curr = head;
node *tempNext = head->next;
while (tempNext != NULL)
curr->next = prev;
prev = curr;
curr = tempNext;
tempNext = tempNext->next;
curr->next = prev;
return curr;
node *createReversedLinkedList(node *head)
if (head == NULL)
return NULL;
else if (head != NULL && head->next == NULL)
return NULL;
node *temp = head;
node *newHead = NULL;
node *newTail = NULL;
while (temp != NULL)
node *newNode = new node(temp->data);
if (newHead == NULL)
newHead = newNode;
newTail = newNode;
newTail->next = newNode;
newTail = newNode;
return returnReverseLinkedList(newHead);
bool check_palindrome(node *head)
node *original = head;
node *reverse = returnReverseLinkedList(head);
while (original->next != NULL || reverse->next != NULL)
if (original->data != reverse->data)
return false;
cout << "debug 2" << endl;
original = original->next;
reverse = reverse->next;
return true;
// #include "solution.h"
node *takeinput()
int data;
cin >> data;
node *head = NULL, *tail = NULL;
while (data != -1)
node *newnode = new node(data);
if (head == NULL)
head = newnode;
tail = newnode;
tail->next = newnode;
tail = newnode;
cin >> data;
return head;
void print(node *head)
node *temp = head;
while (temp != NULL)
cout << temp->data << " ";
temp = temp->next;
cout << endl;
int main()
node *head = takeinput();
node *revese2 = createReversedLinkedList(head);
// bool ans = check_palindrome(head);
// if (ans)
// cout << "true";
// else
// cout << "false";
// return 0;
As asked by the OP, building a reversed linked is simply done by building as you would a stack (e.g LIFO) rather than duplicating the same original forward chain. For example:
node *createReversedLinkedList(const node *head)
node *newHead = NULL;
for (; head; head = head->next)
node *p = new node(head->data)
p->next = newHead;
newHead = p;
return newHead;
Note we're not hanging our copied nodes on the tail of the new list; they're hanging on the head of the new list, and becoming the new head with each addition. That's it. There is no need to craft an identical list, then reverse it; you can reverse it while building the copy to begin with.
A note on the remainder of your code. You have a dreadful memory leak, even if you fix the reversal generation as I've shown above. In your check_palindrome function, you never free the dynamic reversed copy (and in fact, you can't because you discard the original pointer referring to its head after the first traversal:
bool check_palindrome(node *head)
node *original = head;
node *reverse = returnReverseLinkedList(head); // only reference to reversed copy
while (original->next != NULL || reverse->next != NULL)
if (original->data != reverse->data)
return false; // completely leaked entire reversed copy
original = original->next;
reverse = reverse->next; // lost original list head
return true;
The most obvious method for combating that dreadful leak is to remember the original list and use a different pointer to iterate, and don't leave the function until the copy is freed.
bool check_palindrome(const node *head)
bool result = true;
node *reverse = returnReverseLinkedList(head);
for (node *p = reverse; p; p = p->next, head = head->next)
if (p->data != head->data)
result = false;
while (reverse)
node *tmp = reverse;
reverse = reverse->next;
delete tmp;
return result;

How do I sort Linked list based on the length of strings? [duplicate]

I have been struggling for hours on end with this problem. My goal is to sort a linked list using only pointers (I cannot place linked list into vec or array and then sort). I am given the pointer to the head node of the list. The only methods i can call on the pointers are head->next (next node) and head->key (value of int stored in node, used to make comparisons). I have been using my whiteboard excessively and have tried just about everything I can think of.
Node* sort_list(Node* head)
Node* tempNode = NULL;
Node* tempHead = head;
Node* tempNext = head->next;
while(tempNext!=NULL) {
if(tempHead->key > tempNext->key) {
tempNode = tempHead;
tempHead = tempNext;
tempNode->next = tempNode->next->next;
tempHead->next = tempNode;
tempNext = tempHead->next;
else {
tempHead = tempHead->next;
tempNext = tempNext->next;
return head;
Since it's a singly linked list, we can do: (psuedo code)
bool unsorted = true;
while(unsorted) {
unsorted = false;
cur = head;
while(cur != nullptr) {
next = cur->next;
if(next < cur) {
swap(cur, next)
unsorted = true;
cur = cur->next;
I know its late but I also search for it but didn't get one so I make my own. maybe it will help someone.
I am using bubble sort (kind of sort algorithm) to sort data in a single linked list. It just swapping the data inside a node.
void sorting(){
Node* cur1 = head;
Node* cur2 = head;
for (int i = 0; i < getSize(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < getSize() - 1; j++) {
if (cur1->data < cur2->data) {
int temp = cur1->data;
cur1->data = cur2->data;
cur2->data = temp;
cur2 = cur2->next;
cur2 = head;
cur1 = head->next;
for (int k = 0; k < i; k++) {
cur1 = cur1->next;
Don't feel bad this is a lot harder than it sounds. If this were in an array it would be considerably easier. If the list were doubly linked it would be easier. Take a look at this code, it implements an insertion sort
struct Node {
int key;
Node *next;
} *NodePtr;
// do a simple selection sort
Node* sort_list(Node* head) {
Node *top = nullptr; // first Node we will return this value
Node *current = nullptr;
bool sorted = false;
while (sorted == false) {
// we are going to look for the lowest value in the list
Node *parent = head;
Node *lowparent = head; // we need this because list is only linked forward
Node *low = head; // this will end up with the lowest Node
sorted = true;
do {
// find the lowest valued key
Node* next = parent->next;
if (parent->key > next->key) {
lowparent = parent;
low = next;
sorted = false;
parent = parent->next;
} while (parent->next != nullptr);
if (current != nullptr) { // first time current == nullptr
current->next = low;
// remove the lowest item from the list and reconnect the list
// basically you are forming two lists, one with the sorted Nodes
// and one with the remaining unsorted Nodes
current = low;
if (current == head) { head = current->next; }
lowparent->next = low->next;
current->next = nullptr;
if (top == nullptr) {
top = current;
current->next = head;
return top;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv []) {
Node nodes[4];
nodes[0].key = 3;
nodes[1].key = 4;
nodes[2].key = 5;
nodes[3].key = 1;
nodes[0].next = &nodes[1];
nodes[1].next = &nodes[2];
nodes[2].next = &nodes[3];
nodes[3].next = nullptr;
auto sortedNodes = sort_list(&nodes[0]);
return 0;
Use a recursive approach as it is the easiest way of dealing with linked structures:
if (head->next == null)
tempNode = head->next
if (tempNode->value < head->value)
SWAP(head, tempNode)
so the let's say you have 5 4 3 2 1
1) 5 4 3 1 2
2) 5 4 1 3 2
3) 5 4 1 2 3
4) 5 1 4 2 3
5) 5 1 2 4 3
n) 1 2 3 4 5
Assume the Node like this:
struct Node
Node *next;
int key;
Node(int x) : key(x), next(NULL) {}
use insertion sort algorithm to sort the List:
Node* sort_list(Node* head)
Node dumy_node(0);
Node *cur_node = head;
while (cur_node)
Node *insert_cur_pos =;
Node *insert_pre_pos = NULL;
while (insert_cur_pos)
if (insert_cur_pos->key > cur_node->key)
insert_pre_pos = insert_cur_pos;
insert_cur_pos = insert_cur_pos->next;
if (!insert_pre_pos)
insert_pre_pos = &dumy_node;
Node *temp_node = cur_node->next;
cur_node->next = insert_pre_pos->next;
insert_pre_pos->next = cur_node;
cur_node = temp_node;
int swapNode( node * &first, node * &second)
//first we will declare the
//previous of the swaping nodes
node *firstprev=NULL;
//set previous first
//seting 2nd previous
// swap datas, assuming the payload is an int:
int tempdata = first->data;
first->data = second->data;
second->data = tempdata;
//swaping next of the nodes
Here is my Merge sort realisation, with O(N*logN) time complexity and constant additional space. Uses C++11
* Definition for singly-linked list.
* struct ListNode {
* int val;
* ListNode *next;
* ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
* };
typedef pair<ListNode*, ListNode*> PP;
class Solution {
ListNode* sortList(ListNode* head) {
if (head==nullptr)return head;
if (head->next==nullptr) return head;
if (head->next->next==nullptr){
if (head->val<=head->next->val){
return head;
else {
ListNode* second=head->next;
return second;
}else {
PP splitted=split(head);
return merge(sortList(splitted.first),sortList(splitted.second));
ListNode* merge(ListNode* l1, ListNode* l2) {
ListNode * head=new ListNode(0);
ListNode * current=head;
if (l1==nullptr)return l2;
if (l2==nullptr)return l1;
do {
if (l1->val<=l2->val){
}while (l1!=nullptr && l2!=nullptr);
if (l1==nullptr)current->next=l2;
else current->next=l1;
return head->next;
PP split(ListNode* node){
ListNode* slow=node;
ListNode* fast=node;
ListNode* prev;
if (fast->next!=nullptr){
}else break;
else break;
return {node,slow};
Use std::list<T>::sort method. Or if you're being precocious, std::forward_list<T>::sort.
Why re-invent the wheel.

Merge Sort Singly Linked List in C++ failing for large input

Update. its working for 65,519 in the FOR LOOP. If i increase it to 65,520, it fails. Completely strange.
This program is not working for large inputs. It is perfect for small inputs. I am getting an exception on Xcode.
Thread 1 : EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address = 0x7fff5f3fffb8).
Kindly let me know how I can bypass this strange error.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef struct Node * nodePtr;
struct Node{
int data;
nodePtr next;
nodePtr globalHead;
void partition(nodePtr head, nodePtr *front, nodePtr *back){
nodePtr fast;
nodePtr slow;
if (head == NULL || head->next == NULL){
*front = head; // &a
*back = NULL; // &b
slow = head;
fast = head->next;
while(fast != NULL){
fast = fast->next;
if(fast != NULL){
slow = slow->next;
fast = fast->next;
*front = head; // a
*back = slow->next; // b
slow->next = NULL;
nodePtr mergeLists(nodePtr a, nodePtr b){
nodePtr mergedList = NULL;
if (a == NULL){
return b;
}else if (b == NULL){
return a;
try {
if (a->data <= b->data){
mergedList = a;
mergedList->next = mergeLists(a->next, b);
mergedList = b;
mergedList->next = mergeLists(a, b->next);
catch (int e) {
cout << "Error is . . " << e << endl;
return mergedList;
void mergeSort(nodePtr *source){
nodePtr head = *source;
nodePtr a = NULL;
nodePtr b = NULL;
if(head == NULL || head->next == NULL){
partition(head, &a, &b);
*source = mergeLists(a, b);
void push(nodePtr *head, int data){
nodePtr newNode = (nodePtr) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
newNode->data = data;
newNode->next = NULL;
if ((*head) == NULL){
*head = newNode;
globalHead = *head;
(*head)->next = newNode;
*head = newNode;
void printList(nodePtr head){
nodePtr current = head;
while(current != NULL){
printf("%d ",current->data);
current = current->next;
// *head = head in the main function,
// it is only there to connect the two and
// not let make the function return anything
// passed by reference
// globalHead points to the start of the linked list
// if you are passing the address over here you have to
// make a double pointer over there in the function
int main(void)
nodePtr head = NULL;
// linked list is formed from top to bottom fashion
// push is done in constant time O(1)
long long int i;
//Pushing 200,000 Elements to the Linked List.
for(i=1 ; i<=200000 ; i++) {
push(&head, rand()%200000);
cout << "After Sorting . . \n";
return 0;
Using recursion mergeLists() is the issue, it will call itself for every node on the list. Try changing the code so that the code loops and appends nodes to the initially empty mergeList, using a second pointer to node, or optionally a pointer to pointer to node which is initially set to &mergeList. For example, using the name pMerge instead of mergeList:
Node * mergeLists(Node *a, Node *b)
Node *pMerge = NULL; // ptr to merged list
Node **ppMerge = &pMerge; // ptr to pMerge or prev->next
if(a == NULL)
return b;
if(b == NULL)
return a;
if(a->data <= b->data){ // if a <= b
*ppMerge = a;
a = *(ppMerge = &(a->next));
if(a == NULL){
*ppMerge = b;
} else { // b <= a
*ppMerge = b;
b = *(ppMerge = &(b->next));
if(b == NULL){
*ppMerge = a;
return pMerge;
Here is example code of a fast method to sort a linked list using an array of pointers to lists aList[], where aList[i] points to a list of size 2 to the power i, that makes use of mergeLists().
#define NUMLISTS 32 // size of aList
Node * mergeSort(NODE *pList)
Node * aList[NUMLISTS]; // array of pointers to lists
Node * pNode;
Node * pNext;
int i;
if(pList == NULL) // check for empty list
return NULL;
for(i = 0; i < NUMLISTS; i++) // zero array
aList[i] = NULL;
pNode = pList; // merge nodes into array
while(pNode != NULL){
pNext = pNode->next;
pNode->next = NULL;
for(i = 0; (i < NUMLISTS) && (aList[i] != NULL); i++){
pNode = mergeLists(aList[i], pNode);
aList[i] = NULL;
if(i == NUMLISTS)
aList[i] = pNode;
pNode = pNext;
pNode = NULL; // merge array into one list
for(i = 0; i < NUMLISTS; i++)
pNode = mergeLists(aList[i], pNode);
return pNode;

Recursive Reverse Single Linked List

I am trying to just write a basic function that reverses a singly-linked list which is recursive. I was wondering if i tackled this in the right approach? Maybe someone can give me some pointers.
void reverse(Node*& p) {
if (!p) return;
Node* rest = p->next;
if (!rest) return;
p->next->next = p;
p->next = NULL;
p = rest;
That's not the most efficient way, but to do it, you can call the reverse method with the "next" pointer until there is no next. Once there, set next to previous. After returning from the recursion, set next to previous. See the recursive version here for an example. From the link:
Node * reverse( Node * ptr , Node * previous)
Node * temp;
if(ptr->next == NULL) {
ptr->next = previous;
previous->next = NULL;
return ptr;
} else {
temp = reverse(ptr->next, ptr);
ptr->next = previous;
return temp;
reversedHead = reverse(head, NULL);
This might be helpful
void plzReverse()
Node* node = myReverse(head);
node->next = NULL;
Node * myReverse(Node * node)
if(node->next == NULL)
head = node;
return node;
Node * temp = myReverse(node->next);
temp ->next = node;
return node;
Another solution might be:
void plzReverse()
Node* node = myReverse(head, head);
node->next = NULL;
Node * myReverse(Node * node, Node*& rhead)
if(node->next == NULL)
rhead = node;
return node;
Node * temp = myReverse(node->next,rhead);
temp ->next = node;
return node;
This is what you need:
Node* reverse(Node* p) {
if (p->next == NULL) {
return p;
} else {
Node* t = reverse(p->next); // Now p->next is reversed, t is the new head.
p->next->next = p; // p->next is the current tail, so p becomes the new tail.
p->next = NULL;
return t;
The recursive solution can look quite pretty, even in C++:
Node* reverse(Node* pivot, Node* backward = 0) {
if (pivot == 0) // We're done
return backward;
// flip the head of pivot from forward to backward
Node* rest = pivot->next;
pivot->next = backward;
// and continue
return reverse(rest, pivot);
Most C++ compilers do tail call optimization so there's no reason to believe this to be less efficient than an iterative solution.
Here is the solution that preserves return value as void.
void reverse(Node*& p) {
if (!p) return;
Node* rest = p->next;
if (!rest) {
rest = p;
p->next->next = p;
p->next = NULL;
p = rest;
linkedList *reverseMyNextPointer(linkedList *prevNode, linkedList *currNode)
linkedList *tempPtr;
return prevNode;
tempPtr = currNode->next;
currNode->next = prevNode;
return reverseMyNext(currNode,tempPtr);
head = reverseMyNextPointer(nullptr,head);