RegEx - Not match inside a text? - regex

I am working with iCal entries:
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<html><body><div style='font-family:Times New R
oman\; font-size: 12pt\; color: #000000\;'></div></body></html>
I need to parse out starting and ending times. I have a comparison function that determines if the passed in event is between the two times. Due to the increased complexity in calculating the times I plan on not supporting the recurrance series. I would like to play the safe side and make sure my code only reads the first event as a match and not the second. So I have the following RegEx with the single-line option:
This gets me the start and end times of both entries. My thought was to only match ones that don't have FREQ= between the BEGIN:VEVENT and DTSTART. I don't understand how to do this, however. I was wondering if someone could help me out here?
I realize at a certain point a full blown parser is a better option, but I am unskilled with parsers and I am under a slight time constraint. I have tried using the !? operator without success.

It's harder to write a regex to match for things you don't want then to match the things you do want. Usually when I run into this situation, I find it easier and faster to do things in two steps. In this case, I'd probably find all events that do contains FREQ=, remove those events, then continue matching on the result for the start and end times I want. Could you post the regex you tried with !?, because maybe it's easy to fix... Also, I assume this is in Objective-C, and I'm guessing the environment you're using does support !? (but not all of them do)...
Ok, try this one:

Why not use a PHP iCalendar parser?


POSIX ERE Regex - Creating Efficient Regex

I'm working to create some regex entries that are well-formed, and efficient. I'll place an emphasis on efficient, as these regex entries can see thousands of logs per second. Inefficient regex entries can cause severe performance impacts.
Question: Does regex101 (through one flavor) support POSIX ERE Regex? Googling shows that PCRE2 should support BRE+ERE and more.
Regex Type: POSIX ERE
Syslog App: rsyslog (EL7)
Sample Payload (Well formed - Sensitive Information Stripped):
Jul 10 00:00:00 Firewall-Name-Removed CEF:0|Fortinet|FortiGate-removed|1.2.3,build1111 (GA)|0000000013|forward traffic accept|5|start=Jul 10 2022 00:00:00 logver=604091966 deviceExternalId=FG9A9A9A9999999 dvchost=Firewall-Name-Removed ad.vd=root ad.eventtime=1111111111111111111 ad.logid=0000000013 cat=traffic ad.subtype=forward deviceSeverity=notice src= shost=RandomHost1 spt=62119 deviceInboundInterface=DII-Out ad.srcintfrole=lan ad.srcssid=SSID Has Been Removed ad.apsn=ABC123D ad.ap=CHL-07 ad.radioband=802.11ac n-only ad.signal=-40 ad.snr=55 dst= dpt=53 deviceOutboundInterface=DOI-Out ad.dstintfrole=undefined ad.srccountry=Reserved ad.dstcountry=CountryRemoved externalID=123456789 proto=00 act=accept ad.policyid=000 ad.policytype=policy ad.poluuid=UUID-Removed ad.policyname=policy_name_removed app=DNS ad.trandisp=noop ad.appid=16195 ad.appcat=Network.Service ad.apprisk=elevated ad.applist=UTM Name - Removed ad.duration=180 out=0 in=205 ad.sentpkt=0 ad.rcvdpkt=1 ad.utmaction=allow ad.countdns=1 ad.osname=Windows ad.srcswversion=10 ad.mastersrcmac=MAC removed ad.srcmac=MAC removed ad.srcserver=0 tz="-9999"
What I'm attempting to do is remove specific logs that are not required. Normally I'd do this at a SIEM level through something like routing rules (where I can utilize fields), but this isn't possible for the foreseeable future. In this particular case: I'm trying to exclude on the following pieces of information.
Source IP: Is in a specific range
deviceOutboundInterface: is DOI-Out
Current Regex: "\bsrc=1.1.1[4-5]{0,1}.[0-9]{0,3}\b.*?\bdeviceOutboundInterface=DOI-Out\b" (Regex101 link in PCRE2). If that is matched, the log is rejected (through the stop call). Otherwise, it moves onto the other entries to check for unnecessary logs.
Most of my regex entries are in the low double-digits because they're a lot simpler. Is there a better way to make the more complex regex more efficient?
Thank you for any insight you can offer.
You might be able to cut some time with:
remove word boundaries
change the . to . in IP address
regex101 has the original efficiency at 383 steps, new is 301 so a potential savings of ~21%. Not terrible but you'll want to make sure any removals were OK.
to be honest, what you have looks pretty good to me.
This RE reduces the number of steps on Reg101 from 383 to 270 (~ -29.5%):
The original RE already is quite simple, only matching one pattern and one literal string which makes it difficult to optimize. But we can do if we know (from the documentation of the text in question, here the Log Message manual) that an even simpler pattern will not lead to ambiguities.
matching literal text whereever possible
replacing range '4-5' with simple elements
instead of matching the long 'deviceOutboundInterface=', use a pattern which will just barely match this string but would possibly match other words if they ever occurred in log messages - but we know they don't.

Trying to eliminate second regex exec

I am wondering if there is a way to declare boundaries other start of line or end of line but based on a value in the text. I am trying to optimize my code and right now I find a section in my doc and extract it based on a regular expression. Then I run that extracted section through another expression.
For simplicity my text looks like the
Since my <start> is not the start but somewhere in doc I have to find that. I assume if its possible it should be more effective then running two expr exec's to get the data. Anything small will help as my script will have to run at least one million times.
Not really sure about the efficiency, if your data would be as simple and clean as it is printed in the question, this expression might be an start:
Otherwise, you might want to clean your data first, and maybe find some alternative solutions.

Regex - Match Exact (and only exact) string/phrase

I'm having some trouble using Regex to match an exact string (and only that string, must not contain prefix or suffix) out of a sample with only slight variations.
I've looked over every "duplicate" this has been compared to, and none of the solutions seem to apply to the problem I'm trying to accomplish. If it is indeed a duplicate, I'd love to see how!
Phrase to Match:
Metallica - Master Of Puppets
Sample Text:
Metallica - Master Of Puppets (instrumental)
Metallica - Master Of Puppets
- Metallica - Master Of Puppets
I've tried a few different approaches with this.
There's "the starting point": ^(Metallica - Master Of Puppets)$
The "slightly more involved": ^((?!Lamb of God - Laid to Rest).)*$
The "I'm getting desperate": /(?<=\||\A|\n)(Metallica -
and the "im out of ideas, so why the hell not": (?=^\s*Metallica - Master Of
None of which will match the correct (the second option, in bold) string. I've dedicated the better part of my free-time from last night on this one little string rather than coding out a new app I've been working on (I really do hate to give up), and am, at this point, out of ideas, examples and patience. Nonetheless, I really would like to get to the bottom of what this seemingly simple Regex need will take to accomplish, both for the app and for my mental well being (I hate Regex, but love a good challenge).
Note: I DO need this to be done in Regex (not grep, not java etc). Sorry to throw such a seemingly menial question up, but my 15 or so months in the programming world only gets me so far. Looking forward to a solution, thanks!5
I believe your first approach was correct (in agreement with #Dmitry Egorov), although you are probably missing the multi-line flag. This sets it so that ^ and $ are set at the beginning and end of each line of your string or file.
In PHP/Js you'll want to use
/^Metallica - Master Of Puppets$/gm
the g flag is 'global' and finds all instances, the mflag is the aforementioned multi-line flag.
Other languages will have similar flags or options for multi-line support.

Specific Regex Failing on Neko and Native

So I'm working on some cleanup in haxeflixel, and I need to validate a csv map, so I'm using a regex to check if its ok (don't mention the ending commas, I know thats not valid csv but I want to allow it), and I think I have a decent regex for doing that, and it seems to work well on flash, but c++ crashes, and neko gives me this error: An error occured while running pcre_exec....
here is my regex, I'm sorry its long, but I have no idea where the problem is...
^(([ ]*-?[0-9]+[ ]*,?)+\r?\n?)+$
if anyone knows what might be going on I'd appreciate it,
ps. there are probably errors in my regex for checking csv, but I can figure those out, its kind of enjoyable, I'd rather just know what specifically could be causing this:)
edit: ah, I've just noticed this doesn't happen on all strings, once I narrow it down to what strings, I will post one... as for what I'm checking for, its basically just to make sure theres no weird xml header, or any non integer value in the map file, basically it should validate this:
or this:
but not:
xml blahh blahh>
(and yes I know thats not valid xml;))
edit: it gets stranger:
so I'm trying to determine what strings crash it, and while this still wouldnt explain a normal map crashing, its definatly weird, and has the same result:
what happens is:
this will fail a .match() test, but not crash:
while this will crash the program:
To be honest, you wrote one of the worst regexps I ever seen. It actually looks like it was written specifically to be as slow as possible. I write it not to offend you, but to express how much you need to learn to write regexps(hint: writing your own regexp engine is a good exercise).
Going to your problem, I guess it just runs out of memory(it is extremely memory intensive). I am not sure why it happens only on pcre targets(both neko and cpp targets use pcre), but I guess it is about memory limits per regexp run in pcre or some heuristics in other targets to correct such miswritten regexps.
I'd suggest something along the lines of
~/^(( *-?[0-9]+ *,)* *-?[0-9]+ *,?\r?\n)*(( *-?[0-9]+ *,)* *-?[0-9]+ *,?\r?\n?)$/
There, "~/" and last "/" are haxe regexp markers.
I wasnt extensively testing it, just a run on your samples, but it should do the job(probably with a bit of tweaking).
Also, just as a hint, I'd suggest you to split file into lines first before running any regexps, it will lower memmory usage(or you will need to hold only a part of your text in memory) and simplify your regexp.
I'd also note that since you will need to parse csv anyhow(for any properly formed input, which are prevailing in your data I guess), it might be much faster to do all the tests while actually parsing.
Edit: the answer to question "why it eats so much memory"
Well, it is not a short topic, and that's why I proposed to you to write your own regexp engine. There are some differences in implementations, but generally imagine regexp engine works like that:
parses your regular expression and builds a graph of all possible states(state is basically a symbol value and a number of links to other symbols which can follow it).
sets up a list of read pointer and state pointer pairs, current state list, consisting of regexp initial state and a pointer to matched string first letter
sets up read pointer to the first symbol of symbol string
sets up state poiter to initial state of regexp
takes up one pair from current state list and stores it as current state and current read pointer
reads symbol under current read pointer
matches it with symbols in states which current state have links to, and makes a list of states that matched.
if there is a final regexp state in this list, goes to 12
for each item in this list adds a pair of next read pointer(which is current+1) and item to the current state list
if the current state list is empty, returns false, as string didn't match the regexp
goes to 6
here it is, in a final state of matched regexp, returns true, string matches regexp.
Of course, there are some differences between regexp engines, and some of them eliminate some problems afaik. And of course they also have pseudosymbols, groupings, they need to store the positions regexp and groups matched, they have lookahead and lookbehind and also grouping references which makes it a bit(quite a humble measure) more complex and forces to use a bit more complex data structures, but the main idea is the same. So, here we are and your problem is clearly seen from algorithm. The less specific you are about what you want to match and the more there chances for engine to match the same substring as different paths in state graph, the more memory and processor time it will consume, exponentionally.
Try to model how regexp engine matches regexp (a+a+)+b on strings aaaaaab, ab, aa, aaaaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (Don't try the last one, it would take hours or days to compute on a modern PC.)
Also, it worth to note that some regexp engines do things in a bit different way so they can handle this situations properly, but there always are ways to make regexp extremely slow.
And another thing to note is that I may hav ebeen wrong about the exact memory problem. This case it may be processor too, and before that it may be engine limits on memory/processor kicking in, not exactly system starving of memory.

internal code-completion in vim

There's a completion type that isn't listed in the vim help files (notably: insert.txt), but which I instinctively feel the need for rather often. Let's say I have the words "Awesome" and "SuperCrazyAwesome" in my file. I find an instance of Awesome that should really be SuperCrazyAwesome, so I hop to the beginning of the word, enter insert mode, and then must type "SuperCrazy".
I feel I should be able to type "S", creating "SCrazy", and then simply hit a completion hotkey or two to have it find what's to the left of the cursor ("S"), what's to the right ("Crazy"), regex this against all words in the file ("/S\w*Crazy/"), and provide me with a completion popup menu of choices, or just do the replace if there's only one match.
I'd like to use the actual completion system for this. There exists a "user defined" completion which uses a function, and has a good example in the helps for replacing from a given list. However, I can't seem to track down many particulars that I'd need to make this happen, including:
How do I get a list of all words in the file from a vim function?
Can I list words from all buffers (with filenames), as vim's complete does?
How do I, in insert mode, get the text in the word before/after the cursor?
Can completion replace the entire word, and not just up to the cursor?
I've been at this for a couple of hours now. I keep hitting dead ends, like this one, which introduced me to \%# for matching with the cursor position, which doesn't seem to work for me. For instance, a search for \w*\%# returns only the first character of the word I'm on, regardless of where I'm in it. The \%# doesn't seem to anchor.
Although its not exactly following your desired method in the past I've written which might perform your task if you are looking for related keywords. It would fall down in this scenario if you have hundreds of matches.
It's mainly useful for 2-10 possible sequenced matches.
You would define a list
:SwapList awesomes Awesome MoreAwesome SuperCrazyAwesome FullyCompletelyAwesome UnbelievablyAwesome
and move through the matches with the incrementor decrementor keys (c+a) (c+x)
There are also a few other cycling type plugins like swap words that I know of on and github.
The advantage here is you don't have to group words together with regex.
I wrote something like that years ago when working with 3rd party libraries with rather long CamelCasePrefixes in every function different for each component. But it was in Before Git Hub era and I considered it a lost jewel, but search engine says I am not a complete ass and posted it to Vim wiki.
Here it is:
Just do not ask me what 'MKw' means. No idea.
This will need some adaptation to your needs, as it is looking up only the word up to the cursor, but the idea is there. It works for current buffer only. Iterating through all buffers would be sluggish as it is not creating any index. For those purposes I would go with external grep.