SQL commands generated in Django by running sqlall - django

In my Django app, I just ran
$ python manage.py sqlall
and I see a lot of SQL statements that look like this, when describing FK relationships:
ALTER TABLE `app1_model1` ADD CONSTRAINT model2_id_refs_id_728de91f FOREIGN KEY (`model2_id`) REFERENCES `app1_model2` (`id`);
Where does "7218de91f" come from? I would like to know because I'd like to manually write SQL statements to accompany models changes in the app so that my db's can be kept up to date.

Why not use a migration app to write all your SQL for you. It's definitely the smart way to go. Check out South -- part of it will be merged into Django core soon


Flask-Migrate `db upgrade` fails with "relation does not exist"

I'm working in a development environment on a flask-app with a Postgres 10 database that has ~80 tables. There are lots of relationships and ForeignKeyConstraints networking it all together.
It was working fine with Flask-Migrate. I'd bootstrapped and migrated up to this point with ~80 tables. But, I wanted to test out some new scripts to seed the database tables, and thought it would be quickest to just drop the database and bring it back up again using Flask-Migrate.
In this process, the migration folder was deleted, so I just started over fresh with a db init. Then ran db migrate. I manually fixed a few imports in the migrate script. Finally, I ran db upgrade.
However, now with all these 80 create_table commands in my migrate script, when I run db_upgrade, I receive an error:
sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.ProgrammingError) relation "items" does not exist
I receive this error for every Child table that has a ForeignKeyConstraint if the Child table is not in an order which is below the Parent table in the migration file.
But, the autogenerated script from db migrate has the tables sorted alphabetically, ordered by table name.
Referring to documentation, I don't see this importance of sort order mentioned.
Bottom line is, it seems I'm either forced to write a script to sort all these tables in an order where the Parent table is above the Child table. Or else, just cut and paste like a jigsaw puzzle until all the tables are in the required order.
What am I missing? Is there an easier way to do this with Flask-Migrate or Alembic?
After researching this, it seems flask-migrate and/or Alembic does not have any built-in methods to resolve this sort order issue. I fixed it by cutting and pasting the tables in an order which ensured the Parent table was above the child tables in the migration file.
I've just encountered this myself, and could not find a better and/or official answer.
My approach was to separate the table creation from the creation of foreign key constraints:
Edit Alembic's auto-generated migration script: In each table create operation, remove all lines creating foreign key constraints
Run Alembic's upgrade command (tables are created, minus the FK constraints, of course)
Run Alembic's migrate command (additional migration script created, that adds all FK constraints)
Run Alembic's upgrade command (FK constraints added to tables)
I've faced some problems when using flask-sqlalchemy and flask-migrate, I solved it using python interactive shell.
>>> from yourapp import db, create_app
>>> db.create_all(app=create_app())
Check this link to get more information.
Happy coding...

Django Alter existing table without programaticly

When my Django project is installed, the db is created and my fixtures are used to populate the db, this normal work flow works great. However at a specific time (after the db and its content are created) I want to alter an existing record in the db.
Is there a way to programmatically alter a record in an existing database table? Perhaps using python manage.py sqlall? If possible I want to avoid a 'hackish' solution like writing a little script that will run a sql alter command.
You could create a python script, import your Django models and do the changes just like within a Django application. Then execute that script on the given time.

Modify the django models

I just tested it myself. I had Django models, and there have already been instances of the models in the database.
Then I added a dummy integer field to a model and ran manage.py syncdb. Checked the database, and nothing happened to the table. I don't see the extra field added in.
Is this the expected behavior? What's the proper way of modifying the model, and how will that alter the data that's already in the database?
Django will not alter already existing tables, they even say so in the documentation. The reason for this is that django can not guarantee that there will be no information lost.
You have two options if you want to change existing tables. Either drop them and run syncdb again, but you will need to store your data somehow if you want to keep it. The other options is to use a migrations tool to do this for you. Django can show you the SQL for the new database schema and you can diff that to the current version of the database to create the update script.
You could even update your database mannually if it is a small change and you don't want to bother with migrations tools, though I would recommend to use one.
Please use south for any kind of changes to get reflected to your database tables,
here goes the link for using south
Link for South documentation

Django switch from sqlite3 to Postgresql issues

I've recently changed the database server on my project from sqlite3 to Postgresql and I have a few questions that I hope will give an answer to my issues.
I understand that switching from sqlite to Postgres implies that I create the new database and the tables inside it, right? I've done that but I haven't seen any new files created in my project to show me that the database I've made is visible. (Btw, I've changed the database name in settings.py)
I probably should mention that I'm working in a virtual environment and I would like to know if that affects my references in any way. I've tried to import the tables in Django to try and count the number of records in a table but I get the error: "No module named psdemo". (psdemo is my database name and i'm trying to import the table with:
from ps.psdemo import Product
where ps is my application, psdemo is my database and Product the table in the database.
In conclusion I'm trying to get access to my database and tables but I can't manage to find them. I repeat, there is no new database file in my project or in my virtual environment (I've searched thoroughly) but if I use a terminal connection I can connect to my virtual environment and change directories to get to the application folder then if I connect to the Postgresql server I can create the database, the tables and can Insert into them, make queries etc, but I cannot access them from the Django code.
I understand that switching from sqlite to Postgres implies that I create the new database and the tables inside it, right? I've done that but I haven't seen any new files created in my project to show me that the database I've made is visible. (Btw, I've changed the database name in settings.py)
All you have to do with postgres is create the database. Not the tables. Django will create the tables, and anything else it thinks are useful, once you call syncdb.
You won't have any new files in your project like you did in sqlite. If you want to view your database, you should download and install pgadminIII (which I would recommend in any event)
I probably should mention that I'm working in a virtual environment and I would like to know if that affects my references in any way. I've tried to import the tables in Django to try and count the number of records in a table but I get the error: "No module named psdemo". (psdemo is my database name and i'm trying to import the table with:
Here, you import models via normal python syntax and it then references your tables. Each model should represent a single table. You define your models first, and then call
python manage.py syncdb
In conclusion I'm trying to get access to my database and tables but I can't manage to find them.
See above, but you should definitely read about postgres installation from the postgres docs, and read the psycopg2 docs as well as the Django docs for setting up a postgres database.
I understand that switching from sqlite to Postgres implies that I
create the new database and the tables inside it, right? I've done
that but I haven't seen any new files created in my project to show me
that the database I've made is visible. (Btw, I've changed the
database name in settings.py)
Database files are not created in the project directory with postgresql. They are created in the database server data directory (like /var/lib/postgres it depends on the distribution). You should generally query it through a PostgreSQL client that connects to the PostgreSQL server rather than messing with the files directly.
You can for example run command:
manage.py dbshell
As to your first issue, see #jpic's answer.
On your second issue, your database is not a package, and you do not import models from your database. If you were able to import your models correctly before you made any changes, change your import statements back to how they were.

Django unit-testing with loading fixtures for several dependent applications problems

I'm now making unit-tests for already existing code. I faced the next problem:
After running syncdb for creating test database, Django automatically fills several tables like django_content_type or auth_permissions.
Then, imagine I need to run a complex test, like check the users registration, that will need a lof ot data tables and connections between them.
If I'll try to use my whole existing database for making fixtures (that would be rather convinient for me) - I will receive the error like here. This happens because, Django has already filled tables like django_content_type.
The next possible way is to use django dumpdata --exclude option for already filled with syncdb tables. But this doesn't work well also, because if I take User and User Group objects from my db and User Permissions table, that was automatically created by syncdb, I can receive errors, because the primary keys, connecting them are now pointing wrong. This is better described here in part 'fixture hell', but the solution shown there doensn't look good)
The next possible scheme I see is next:
I'm running my tests; Django creates test database, makes syncdb and creates all those tables.
In my test setup I'm dropping this database, creating the new blank database.
Load data dump from existing database also in test setup
That's how the problem was solved:
After the syncdb has created the test database, in setUp part of the tests I use os.system to access shell from my code. Then I'm just loading the dump of the database, which I want to use for tests.
So this works like this: syncdb fills contenttype and some other tables with data. Then in setUp part of tests loading the sql dump clears all the previously created data and i get a nice database.
May be not the best solution, but it works=)
My approach would be to first use South to make DB migrations easy (which doesn't help at all, but is nice), and then use a module of model creation methods.
When you run
$ manage.py test my_proj
Django with South installed with create the Test DB, and run all your migrations to give you a completely updated test db.
To write tests, first create a python module calle, test_model_factory.py In here create functions that create your objects.
def mk_user():
Then in your tests you can import your test_model_factory module, and create objects for each test.
def test_something(self):
test_user = test_model_factory.mk_user()
self.assert(test_user ...)