Reading a text document character by character - c++

I am reading a text file character by character using ifstream infile.get() in an infinite while loop.
This sits inside an infinite while loop, and should break out of it once the end of file condition is reached. (EOF). The while loop itself sits within a function of type void.
Here is the pseudo-code:
void function (...) {
while(true) {
if ( (ch = infile.get()) == EOF) {return;}
When I "cout" characters on the screen, it goes through all the character and then keeps running outputting what appears as blank space, i.e. it never breaks. I have no idea why. Any ideas?

In C++, you don't compare the return value with EOF. Instead, you can use a stream function such as good() to check if more data can be read. Something like this:
while (infile.good()) {
ch = infile.get();
// ...

One idiom that makes it relatively easy to read from a file and detect the end of the file correctly is to combine the reading and the testing into a single, atomic, event, such as:
while (infile >> ch)
while (std::getline(infile, instring))
Of course, you should also consider using a standard algorithm, such as copy:
std::ostream_itertror<char>(std::cout, "\n"));
One minor note: by default, reading with >> will skip white space. When you're doing character-by-character input/processing, you usually don't want that. Fortunately, disabling that is pretty easy:

try converting the function to an int one and return 1 when reaching EOF

The reason it is not working is that get() returns an int but you are using the input as a char.
When you assign the result of get() to a char it is fine as long as the last character read was a character. BUT if the last character read was a special character (such as EOF) then it will get truncated when assigned to a char and thus the subsequent comparison to EOF will always fail.
This should work:
void function (...)
int value;
if ( (value = infile.get()) == EOF) {return;}
char ch = value;
But it should be noted that it is a lot easier to use the more standard pattern where the read is done as part of the condition. Unfortunately the get() does not give you that functionality. So we need to switch to a method that uses iterators.
Note the standard istream_iterator will not work as you expect (as it ignores white space). But you can use the istreambuf_iterator (notice the buf after istream) which does not ignore white space.
void function (...)
for(std::istreambuf_iterator<char> loop(infile);
loop != std::istreambuf_iterator<char>();
char ch = *loop;


Reading from FileStream with arbitrary delimiter

I have encountered a problem to read msg from a file using C++. Usually what people does is create a file stream then use getline() function to fetch msg. getline() function can accept an additional parameter as delimiter so that it return each "line" separated by the new delimiter but not default '\n'. However, this delimiter has to be a char. In my usecase, it is possible the delimiter in the msg is something else like "|--|", so I try to get a solution such that it accept a string as delimiter instead of a char.
I have searched StackOverFlow a little bit and found some interesting posts.
Parse (split) a string in C++ using string delimiter (standard C++)
This one gives a solution to use string::find() and string::substr() to parse with arbitrary delimiter. However, all the solutions there assumes input is a string instead of a stream, In my case, the file stream data is too big/waste to fit into memory at once so it should read in msg by msg (or a bulk of msg at once).
Actually, read through the gcc implementation of std::getline() function, it seems it is much more easier to handle the case delimiter is a singe char. Since every time you load in a chunk of characters, you can always search the delimiter and separate them. While it is different if you delimiter is more than one char, the delimiter itself may straddle between two different chunks and cause many other corner cases.
Not sure whether anyone else has faced this kind of requirement before and how you guys handled it elegantly. It seems it would be nice to have a standard function like istream& getNext (istream&& is, string& str, string delim)? This seems to be a general usecase to me. Why not this one is in Standard lib so that people no longer to implement their own version separately?
Thank you very much
The STL simply does not natively support what you are asking for. You will have to write your own function (or find a 3rd party function) that does what you need.
For instance, you can use std::getline() to read up to the first character of your delimiter, and then use std::istream::get() to read subsequent characters and compare them to the rest of your delimiter. For example:
std::istream& my_getline(std::istream &input, std::string &str, const std::string &delim)
if (delim.empty())
throw std::invalid_argument("delim cannot be empty!");
if (delim.size() == 1)
return std::getline(input, str, delim[0]);
std::string temp;
char ch;
bool found = false;
if (!std::getline(input, temp, delim[0]))
str += temp;
found = true;
for (int i = 1; i < delim.size(); ++i)
if (!input.get(ch))
if (input.eof())
str.append(delim.c_str(), i);
return input;
if (delim[i] != ch)
str.append(delim.c_str(), i);
str += ch;
found = false;
while (!found);
return input;
if you are ok with reading byte by byte, you could build a state transition table implementation of a finite state machine to recognize your stop condition
std::string delimeter="someString";
//initialize table with a row per target string character, a column per possible char and all zeros
std::vector<vector<int> > table(delimeter.size(),std::vector<int>(256,0));
int endState=delimeter.size();
//set the entry for the state looking for the next letter and finding that character to the next state
for(unsigned int i=0;i<delimeter.size();i++){
now in you can use it like this
int currentState=0;
int read=0;
bool done=false;
//do your streamy stuff
granted this only works if the delimiter is in extended ASCII, but it will work fine for some thing like your example.
It seems, it is easiest to create something like getline(): read to the last character of the separator. Then check if the string is long enough for the separator and, if so, if it ends with the separator. If it is not, carry on reading:
std::string getline(std::istream& in, std::string& value, std::string const& separator) {
std::istreambuf_iterator<char> it(in), end;
if (separator.empty()) { // empty separator -> return the entire stream
return std::string(it, end);
std::string rc;
char last(separator.back());
for (; it != end; ++it) {
if (rc.back() == last
&& separator.size() <= rc.size()
&& rc.substr(rc.size() - separator.size()) == separator) {
return rc.resize(rc.size() - separator.size());
return rc; // no separator was found

Calling putback() on istream multiple times

Many sites describe the istream::putback() function that lets you "put back" a character into the input stream so you can read it again in a subsequent reading operation.
What's to stop me, however, from calling putback() multiple times in sequence over the same stream? Of course, you're supposed to check for errors after every operation in order to find out if it succeeded; and yet, I wonder: is there any guarantee that a particular type of stream supports putting back more than one character at a time?
I'm only guessing here, but I can imagine istringstream is able to put back as many characters as the length of the string within the stream; but I'm not so sure that it is the same for ifstream.
Is any of this true? How do I find out how many characters I can putback() into an istream?
If you want to read multiple characters from a stream you may unget them using unget():
std::vector<char>&read_top5(std::istream & stream, std::vector<char> & container) {
char c;
int i=4;
while (stream && stream.get(c)) {
if (--i < 0) break;
if (c == '\n') break;
for (int j=0;j<(int)container.size();j++) {
//stream.putback(container[j]); // not working
stream.unget(); // working properly
return container;
This function reads the first 5 characters from stream while they are still in stream after the function exits.

Simple C++ not reading EOF

I'm having a hard time understanding why while (cin.get(Ch)) doesn't see the EOF. I read in a text file with 3 words, and when I debug my WordCount is at 3 (just what I hoped for). Then it goes back to the while loop and gets stuck. Ch then has no value. I thought that after the newline it would read the EOF and break out. I am not allowed to use <fstream>, I have to use redirection in DOS. Thank you so much.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
char Ch = ' ';
int WordCount = 0;
int LetterCount = 0;
cout << "(Reading file...)" << endl;
while (cin.get(Ch))
if ((Ch == '\n') || (Ch == ' '))
LetterCount = 0;
cout << "Number of words => " << WordCount << endl;
return 0;
while (cin >> Ch)
{ // we get in here if, and only if, the >> was successful
if ((Ch == '\n') || (Ch == ' '))
LetterCount = 0;
That's the safe, and common, way to rewrite your code safely and with minimal changes.
(Your code is unusual, trying to scan all characters and count whitespace and newlines. I'll give a more general answer to a slightly different question - how to read in all the words.)
The safest way to check if a stream is finished if if(stream). Beware of if(stream.good()) - it doesn't always work as expected and will sometimes quit too early. The last >> into a char will not take us to EOF, but the last >> into an int or string will take us to EOF. This inconsistency can be confusing. Therefore, it is not correct to use good(), or any other test that tests EOF.
string word;
while(cin >> word) {
There is an important difference between if(cin) and if(cin.good()). The former is the operator bool conversion. Usually, in this context, you want to test:
"did the last extraction operation succeed or fail?"
This is not the same as:
"are we now at EOF?"
After the last word has been read by cin >> word, the string is at EOF. But the word is still valid and contains the last word.
TLDR: The eof bit is not important. The bad bit is. This tells us that the last extraction was a failure.
The Counting
The program counts newline and space characters as words. In your file contents "this if fun!" I see two spaces and no newline. This is consistent with the observed output indicating two words.
Have you tried looking at your file with a hex editor or something similar to be sure of the exact contents?
You could also change your program to count one more word if the last character read in the loop was a letter. This way you don't have to have newline terminated input files.
Loop Termination
I have no explanation for your loop termination issues. The while-condition looks fine to me. istream::get(char&) returns a stream reference. In a while-condition, depending on the C++ level your compiler implements, operator bool or operator void* will be applied to the reference to indicate if further reading is possible.
The standard idiom for reading from a stream is
char c = 0;
while( cin >> c )
I do not deviate from it without serious reason.
you input file is
this is fun!{EOF}
two spaces make WordCount increase to 2
and then EOF, exit loop! if you add a new line, you input file is
this is fun!\n{EOF}
I took your program loaded it in to visual studio 2013, changed cin to an fstream object that opened a file called stuff.txt which contains the exact characters "This is fun!/n/r" and the program worked. As previous answers have indicated, be careful because if there's not a /n at the end of the text the program will miss the last word. However, I wasn't able to replicate the application hanging in an infinite loop. The code as written looks correct to me.
cin.get(char) returns a reference to an istream object which then has it's operator bool() called which returns false when any of the error bits are set. There are some better ways to write this code to deal with other error conditions... but this code works for me.
In your case, the correct way to bail out of the loop is:
while (cin.good()) {
char Ch = cin.get();
if (cin.good()) {
// do something with Ch
That said, there are probably better ways to do what you're trying to do.

Reading from ifstream won't read whitespace

I'm implementing a custom lexer in C++ and when attempting to read in whitespace, the ifstream won't read it out. I'm reading character by character using >>, and all the whitespace is gone. Is there any way to make the ifstream keep all the whitespace and read it out to me? I know that when reading whole strings, the read will stop at whitespace, but I was hoping that by reading character by character, I would avoid this behaviour.
Attempted: .get(), recommended by many answers, but it has the same effect as std::noskipws, that is, I get all the spaces now, but not the new-line character that I need to lex some constructs.
Here's the offending code (extended comments truncated)
while(input >> current) {
always_next_struct val = always_next_struct(next);
if (current == L' ' || current == L'\n' || current == L'\t' || current == L'\r') {
if (current == L'/') {
input >> current;
if (current == L'/') {
// explicitly empty while loop
while(input.get(current) && current != L'\n');
I'm breaking on the while line and looking at every value of current as it comes in, and \r or \n are definitely not among them- the input just skips to the next line in the input file.
There is a manipulator to disable the whitespace skipping behavior:
stream >> std::noskipws;
The operator>> eats whitespace (space, tab, newline). Use yourstream.get() to read each character.
Beware: Platforms (Windows, Un*x, Mac) differ in coding of newline. It can be '\n', '\r' or both. It also depends on how you open the file stream (text or binary).
Edit (analyzing code):
while(input.get(current) && current != L'\n');
there will be an \n in current, if not end of file is reached. After that you continue with the outmost while loop. There the first character on the next line is read into current. Is that not what you wanted?
I tried to reproduce your problem (using char and cin instead of wchar_t and wifstream):
//: get.cpp : compile, then run: get < get.cpp
#include <iostream>
int main()
char c;
while (std::cin.get(c))
if (c == '/')
char last = c;
if (std::cin.get(c) && c == '/')
// std::cout << "Read to EOL\n";
while(std::cin.get(c) && c != '\n'); // this comment will be skipped
// std::cout << "go to next line\n";
else { std::cin.putback(c); c = last; }
std::cout << c;
return 0;
This program, applied to itself, eliminates all C++ line comments in its output. The inner while loop doesn't eat up all text to the end of file. Please note the putback(c) statement. Without that the newline would not appear.
If it doesn't work the same for wifstream, it would be very strange except for one reason: when the opened text file is not saved as 16bit char and the \n char ends up in the wrong byte...
You could open the stream in binary mode:
std::wifstream stream(filename, std::ios::binary);
You'll lose any formatting operations provided my the stream if you do this.
The other option is to read the entire stream into a string and then process the string:
std::wostringstream ss;
ss << filestream.rdbuf();
OF course, getting the string from the ostringstream rquires an additional copy of the string, so you could consider changing this at some point to use a custom stream if you feel adventurous.
EDIT: someone else mention istreambuf_iterator, which is probably a better way of doing it than reading the whole stream into a string.
Wrap the stream (or its buffer, specifically) in a std::streambuf_iterator? That should ignore all formatting, and also give you a nice iterator interface.
Alternatively, a much more efficient, and fool-proof, approach might to just use the Win32 API (or Boost) to memory-map the file. Then you can traverse it using plain pointers, and you're guaranteed that nothing will be skipped or converted by the runtime.
You could just Wrap the stream in a std::streambuf_iterator to get data with all whitespaces and newlines like this .
/*Open the stream in default mode.*/
std::ifstream myfile("myfile.txt");
if(myfile.good()) {
/*Read data using streambuffer iterators.*/
vector<char> buf((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(myfile)), (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()));
/*str_buf holds all the data including whitespaces and newline .*/
string str_buf(buf.begin(),buf.end());
By default, this skipws flag is already set on the ifstream object, so we must disable it. The ifstream object has these default flags because of std::basic_ios::init, called on every new ios_base object (more details). Any of the following would work:
in_stream >> std::noskipws; // Using the extraction operator, same as below
std::noskipws(in_stream); // Explicitly calling noskipws instead of using operator>>
Other flags are listed on cpp reference.
The stream extractors behave the same and skip whitespace.
If you want to read every byte, you can use the unformatted input functions, like stream.get(c).
Why not simply use getline ?
You will get all the whitespaces, and while you won't get the end of lines characters, you will still know where they lie :)
Just Use getline.
while (getline(input,current))
I ended up just cracking open the Windows API and using it to read the whole file into a buffer first, and then reading that buffer character by character. Thanks guys.

Cleaning a string of punctuation in C++

Ok so before I even ask my question I want to make one thing clear. I am currently a student at NIU for Computer Science and this does relate to one of my assignments for a class there. So if anyone has a problem read no further and just go on about your business.
Now for anyone who is willing to help heres the situation. For my current assignment we have to read a file that is just a block of text. For each word in the file we are to clear any punctuation in the word (ex : "can't" would end up as "can" and "that--to" would end up as "that" obviously with out the quotes, quotes were used just to specify what the example was).
The problem I've run into is that I can clean the string fine and then insert it into the map that we are using but for some reason with the code I have written it is allowing an empty string to be inserted into the map. Now I've tried everything that I can come up with to stop this from happening and the only thing I've come up with is to use the erase method within the map structure itself.
So what I am looking for is two things, any suggestions about how I could a) fix this with out simply just erasing it and b) any improvements that I could make on the code I already have written.
Here are the functions I have written to read in from the file and then the one that cleans it.
Note: the function that reads in from the file calls the clean_entry function to get rid of punctuation before anything is inserted into the map.
Edit: Thank you Chris. Numbers are allowed :). If anyone has any improvements to the code I've written or any criticisms of something I did I'll listen. At school we really don't get feed back on the correct, proper, or most efficient way to do things.
int get_words(map<string, int>& mapz)
int cnt = 0; //set out counter to zero
map<string, int>::const_iterator mapzIter;
ifstream input; //declare instream "prog2.d" ); //open instream
assert( input ); //assure it is open
string s; //temp strings to read into
string not_s;
input >> s;
while(!input.eof()) //read in until EOF
not_s = "";
clean_entry(s, not_s);
if((int)not_s.length() == 0)
input >> s;
clean_entry(s, not_s);
mapz[not_s]++; //increment occurence
input >>s;
input.close(); //close instream
for(mapzIter = mapz.begin(); mapzIter != mapz.end(); mapzIter++)
cnt = cnt + mapzIter->second;
return cnt; //return number of words in instream
void clean_entry(const string& non_clean, string& clean)
int i, j, begin, end;
for(i = 0; isalnum(non_clean[i]) == 0 && non_clean[i] != '\0'; i++);
begin = i;
if(begin ==(int)non_clean.length())
for(j = begin; isalnum(non_clean[j]) != 0 && non_clean[j] != '\0'; j++);
end = j;
clean = non_clean.substr(begin, (end-begin));
for(i = 0; i < (int)clean.size(); i++)
clean[i] = tolower(clean[i]);
The problem with empty entries is in your while loop. If you get an empty string, you clean the next one, and add it without checking. Try changing:
not_s = "";
clean_entry(s, not_s);
if((int)not_s.length() == 0)
input >> s;
clean_entry(s, not_s);
mapz[not_s]++; //increment occurence
input >>s;
not_s = "";
clean_entry(s, not_s);
if((int)not_s.length() > 0)
mapz[not_s]++; //increment occurence
input >>s;
EDIT: I notice you are checking if the characters are alphanumeric. If numbers are not allowed, you may need to revisit that area as well.
Further improvements would be to
declare variables only when you use them, and in the innermost scope
use c++-style casts instead of the c-style (int) casts
use empty() instead of length() == 0 comparisons
use the prefix increment operator for the iterators (i.e. ++mapzIter)
A blank string is a valid instance of the string class, so there's nothing special about adding it into the map. What you could do is first check if it's empty, and only increment in that case:
if (!not_s.empty())
Style-wise, there's a few things I'd change, one would be to return clean from clean_entry instead of modifying it:
string not_s = clean_entry(s);
string clean_entry(const string &non_clean)
string clean;
... // as before
if(begin ==(int)non_clean.length())
return clean;
... // as before
return clean;
This makes it clearer what the function is doing (taking a string, and returning something based on that string).
The function 'getWords' is doing a lot of distinct actions that could be split out into other functions. There's a good chance that by splitting it up into it's individual parts, you would have found the bug yourself.
From the basic structure, I think you could split the code into (at least):
getNextWord: Return the next (non blank) word from the stream (returns false if none left)
clean_entry: What you have now
getNextCleanWord: Calls getNextWord, and if 'true' calls CleanWord. Returns 'false' if no words left.
The signatures of 'getNextWord' and 'getNextCleanWord' might look something like:
bool getNextWord (std::ifstream & input, std::string & str);
bool getNextCleanWord (std::ifstream & input, std::string & str);
The idea is that each function does a smaller more distinct part of the problem. For example, 'getNextWord' does nothing but get the next non blank word (if there is one). This smaller piece therefore becomes an easier part of the problem to solve and debug if necessary.
The main component of 'getWords' then can be simplified down to:
std::string nextCleanWord;
while (getNextCleanWord (input, nextCleanWord))
An important aspect to development, IMHO, is to try to Divide and Conquer the problem. Split it up into the individual tasks that need to take place. These sub-tasks will be easier to complete and should also be easier to maintain.