Restoring any type - c++

are there any ways to restore type of packed into boost::any object? If now, can I store some association map for it? I need something like (pseudocode):
map<key, any> someMap;
someMap["Key"] = some own object;

Not arbitrarily, you need to have some static type(s) you want to work with in C++.
So you can test for or cast to a specific type using any::type() and any_cast(), e.g.:
const boost::any& any = someMap["Key"].type();
if (int* i = boost::any_cast<int>(&any)) {
std::cout << *i << std::endl;
} else if (double* d = boost::any_cast<double>(&any)) {
// ...
But something like the following can not be done in general due to C++ being statically typed:
Using something like boost::any in C++ is almost always not a good idea, exactly because handling arbitrary types is no fun. If you only need to handle a known finite set of types, don't use boost::any - there are better options like boost::variant or polymorphic classes.

Are you trying to get the type of the value, or just cast it back to what it was? If you just want to cast it, just use boost::any_cast:
boost::any val = someMap["Key"];
RealType* r = boost::any_cast<RealType>(&val);

Let's say you did have such a function to extract the correctly-typed extraction from a boost::any. What would the return value of this function be? What would your code look like?
// Extracts v and returns the correct type... except we can't do that in C++. Let's just call it MagicalValue for now.
MagicalValue magic(const boost::any& v);
void perform_magic(const boost::any& v)
MagicalValue r = magic(v);
r.hello_world(); // Wait, what?
You can't do this type of trickery in statically-typed languages. What you can try is polymorphism instead of boost::any. This gives you a common interface you CAN use in C++.


Is there a way to store auto value in c++ map? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
C++ std::map holding ANY type of value
(8 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Hey I'm new with c++ and I'm trying to create a map wich can store multiples types :
map<sting, `auto`> test_map;
test_map["first elem"] = 1;
test_map["second elem"] = 'c';
Wich obviously gets me some errors.
I've been looking a bit online and I have found interesting things but not an answer. Maybe I miss a bit of c++ vocabulary.
I would also try with some kind of class wich stores about any types and I don't know if it can works.
map<string, `my_class`> test_map;
map["first_elem"] = my_class("string");
map["first_elem"] = my_class(12);
Thank you for helping !
The auto keyword doesn't mean you can assign multiple value types to the same storage, it's merely an automatic type deduction tool in c++ useful when you deal with complex type names or purely unwritable types (such as capturing lamdas) eg.:
void foo()
bool b = true;
auto l = [&]() -> bool { return !b; };
If you want to store values of different (or any) types in the same storage space try using either std::varian or std::any (both require c++17 or higher).
std::variant allows you to store one of the earlier specified types and doesn't do additional allocations (it's size is enough to hold any object of specified type). It's a type safe alternative to unions.
void foo()
std::map<std::string, std::variant<int, float, char>> c; // this can only map int, float and char to std::string
std::any can store any type you want but will allocate when necessary.
void foo()
std::map<std::string, std::any> c; // this can map any type of value to std::string

C++ How to create an array of template class? [duplicate]

I need to parse and store a somewhat (but not too) complex stream and need to store the parsed result somehow. The stream essentially contains name-value pairs with values possibly being of different type for different names. Basically, I end up with a map of key (always string) to a pair <type, value>.
I started with something like this:
typedef enum ValidType {STRING, INT, FLOAT, BINARY} ValidType;
map<string, pair<ValidType, void*>> Data;
However I really dislike void* and storing pointers. Of course, I can always store the value as binary data (vector<char> for example), in which case the map would end up being
map<string, pair<ValidType, vector<char>>> Data;
Yet, in this case I would have to parse the binary data every time I need the actual value, which would be quite expensive in terms of performance.
Considering that I am not too worried about memory footprint (the amount of data is not large), but I am concerned about performance, what would be the right way to store such data?
Ideally, I'd like to avoid using boost, as that would increase the size of the final app by a factor of 3 if not more and I need to minimise that.
You're looking for a discriminated (or tagged) union.
Boost.Variant is one example, and Boost.Any is another. Are you so sure Boost will increase your final app size by a factor of 3? I would have thought variant was header-only, in which case you don't need to link any libraries.
If you really can't use Boost, implementing a simple discriminated union isn't so hard (a general and fully-correct one is another matter), and at least you know what to search for now.
For completeness, a naive discriminated union might look like:
class DU
enum TypeTag { None, Int, Double };
class DUTypeError {};
TypeTag type_;
union {
int i;
double d;
} data_;
void typecheck(TypeTag tt) const { if(type_ != tt) throw DUTypeError(); }
DU() : type_(None) {}
DU(DU const &other) : type_(other.type_), data_(other.data_) {}
DU& operator= (DU const &other) {
type_=other.type_; data_=other.data_; return *this;
TypeTag type() const { return type_; }
bool istype(TypeTag tt) const { return type_ == tt; }
explicit DU(TYPE val) : type_(ENUM) { data_.MEMBER = val; } \
operator TYPE & () { typecheck(ENUM); return data_.MEMBER; } \
operator TYPE const & () const { typecheck(ENUM); return data_.MEMBER; } \
DU& operator=(TYPE val) { type_ = ENUM; data_.MEMBER = val; return *this; }
CONVERSIONS(int, Int, i)
CONVERSIONS(double, Double, d)
Now, there are several drawbacks:
you can't store non-POD types in the union
adding a type means modifying the enum, and the union, and remembering to add a new CONVERSIONS line (it would be even worse without the macro)
you can't use the visitor pattern with this (or, you'd have to write your own dispatcher for it), which means lots of switch statements in the client code
every one of these switches may also need updating if you add a type
if you did write a visitor dispatch, that needs updating if you add a type, and so may every visitor
you need to manually reproduce something like the built-in C++ type-conversion rules if you want to do anything like arithmetic with these (ie, operator double could promote an Int instead of only handling Double ... but only if you hand-roll every operator)
I haven't implemented operator== precisely because it needs a switch. You can't just memcmp the two unions if the types match, because identical 32-bit integers could still compare different if the extra space required for the double holds a different bit pattern
Some of these issues can be addressed if you care about them, but it's all more work. Hence my preference for not re-inventing this particular wheel if it can be avoided.
Since your data types are fixed what about something like this...
Have something like a std::vector for each type of value.
And your map would have as the second value of the pair the index to the data.
std::vector<int> vInt;
std::vector<float> vFloat;
map<std::string, std::pair<ValidType, int>> Data;
You can implement a multi-type map by leveraging the nifty features of std::tuple in C++11, which allows access by a type key. You can wrap this to create access by arbitrary keys. An in-depth explanation of this (and quite an interesting read) is available here:
The modern C++ features provide create ways to solve old problems.

Store different data types in map - with info on type

I need to parse and store a somewhat (but not too) complex stream and need to store the parsed result somehow. The stream essentially contains name-value pairs with values possibly being of different type for different names. Basically, I end up with a map of key (always string) to a pair <type, value>.
I started with something like this:
typedef enum ValidType {STRING, INT, FLOAT, BINARY} ValidType;
map<string, pair<ValidType, void*>> Data;
However I really dislike void* and storing pointers. Of course, I can always store the value as binary data (vector<char> for example), in which case the map would end up being
map<string, pair<ValidType, vector<char>>> Data;
Yet, in this case I would have to parse the binary data every time I need the actual value, which would be quite expensive in terms of performance.
Considering that I am not too worried about memory footprint (the amount of data is not large), but I am concerned about performance, what would be the right way to store such data?
Ideally, I'd like to avoid using boost, as that would increase the size of the final app by a factor of 3 if not more and I need to minimise that.
You're looking for a discriminated (or tagged) union.
Boost.Variant is one example, and Boost.Any is another. Are you so sure Boost will increase your final app size by a factor of 3? I would have thought variant was header-only, in which case you don't need to link any libraries.
If you really can't use Boost, implementing a simple discriminated union isn't so hard (a general and fully-correct one is another matter), and at least you know what to search for now.
For completeness, a naive discriminated union might look like:
class DU
enum TypeTag { None, Int, Double };
class DUTypeError {};
TypeTag type_;
union {
int i;
double d;
} data_;
void typecheck(TypeTag tt) const { if(type_ != tt) throw DUTypeError(); }
DU() : type_(None) {}
DU(DU const &other) : type_(other.type_), data_(other.data_) {}
DU& operator= (DU const &other) {
type_=other.type_; data_=other.data_; return *this;
TypeTag type() const { return type_; }
bool istype(TypeTag tt) const { return type_ == tt; }
explicit DU(TYPE val) : type_(ENUM) { data_.MEMBER = val; } \
operator TYPE & () { typecheck(ENUM); return data_.MEMBER; } \
operator TYPE const & () const { typecheck(ENUM); return data_.MEMBER; } \
DU& operator=(TYPE val) { type_ = ENUM; data_.MEMBER = val; return *this; }
CONVERSIONS(int, Int, i)
CONVERSIONS(double, Double, d)
Now, there are several drawbacks:
you can't store non-POD types in the union
adding a type means modifying the enum, and the union, and remembering to add a new CONVERSIONS line (it would be even worse without the macro)
you can't use the visitor pattern with this (or, you'd have to write your own dispatcher for it), which means lots of switch statements in the client code
every one of these switches may also need updating if you add a type
if you did write a visitor dispatch, that needs updating if you add a type, and so may every visitor
you need to manually reproduce something like the built-in C++ type-conversion rules if you want to do anything like arithmetic with these (ie, operator double could promote an Int instead of only handling Double ... but only if you hand-roll every operator)
I haven't implemented operator== precisely because it needs a switch. You can't just memcmp the two unions if the types match, because identical 32-bit integers could still compare different if the extra space required for the double holds a different bit pattern
Some of these issues can be addressed if you care about them, but it's all more work. Hence my preference for not re-inventing this particular wheel if it can be avoided.
Since your data types are fixed what about something like this...
Have something like a std::vector for each type of value.
And your map would have as the second value of the pair the index to the data.
std::vector<int> vInt;
std::vector<float> vFloat;
map<std::string, std::pair<ValidType, int>> Data;
You can implement a multi-type map by leveraging the nifty features of std::tuple in C++11, which allows access by a type key. You can wrap this to create access by arbitrary keys. An in-depth explanation of this (and quite an interesting read) is available here:
The modern C++ features provide create ways to solve old problems.

const_cast issue with std::map

I recently hit a problem and the only way I can see to avoid it is to use const_cast - but I'm guessing there is a way I'm not thinking of to avoid this without otherwise changing the function of the code. The code snippet below distills my problem into a very simple example.
struct Nu
Nu() {v = rand();}
int v;
struct G
for(auto it = _m.begin(); it != _m.end(); it++) delete it->first;
void AddNewNu()
_m[new Nu] = 0.5f;
void ModifyAllNu()
for(auto it = _m.begin(); it != _m.end(); it++) it->first->v++;
float F(const Nu *n) const
auto it = _m.find(n);
// maybe do other stuff with it
return it->second;
map<Nu*, float> _m;
Here, suppose Nu is actually a very large struct whose layout is already fixed by the need to match an external library (and thus the "float" can't simply be folded into Nu, and for various other reasons it can't be map<Nu, float>). The G struct has a map that it uses to hold all the Nu's it creates (and ultimately to delete them all on destruction). As written, the function F will not compile - it cannot cast (const Nu *n) to (Nu n) as expected by std::map. However, the map can't be switched to map<const Nu*, float> because some non-const functions still need to modify the Nu's inside _m. Of course, I could alternatively store all these Nu's in an additional std::vector and then switch the map type to be const - but this introduces a vector that should be entirely unnecessary. So the only alternative I've thought of at the moment is to use const_cast inside the F function (which should be a safe const_cast) and I'm wondering if this is avoidable.
After a bit more hunting this exact same problem has already been addressed here: Calling map::find with a const argument
This is because the map expects Nu* const, but you have given it a const Nu*. I also find it highly illogical and don't understand why, but this is how it is.
"find" in your case will return a const_iterator. putting:
map<Nu*,float>::const_iterator it = _m.find(n);
return it->second;
should work I think.
Since you are in a const method you can only read your map of course, not write/modify it

Literate Coding Vs. std::pair, solutions?

As most programmers I admire and try to follow the principles of Literate programming, but in C++ I routinely find myself using std::pair, for a gazillion common tasks. But std::pair is, IMHO, a vile enemy of literate programming...
My point is when I come back to code I've written a day or two ago, and I see manipulations of a std::pair (typically as an iterator) I wonder to myself "what did iter->first and iter->second mean???".
I'm guessing others have the same doubts when looking at their std::pair code, so I was wondering, has anyone come up with some good solutions to recover literacy when using std::pair?
std::pair is a good way to make a "local" and essentially anonymous type with essentially anonymous columns; if you're using a certain pair over so large a lexical space that you need to name the type and columns, I'd use a plain struct instead.
How about this:
struct MyPair : public std::pair < int, std::string >
const int& keyInt() { return first; }
void keyInt( const int& keyInt ) { first = keyInt; }
const std::string& valueString() { return second; }
void valueString( const std::string& valueString ) { second = valueString; }
It's a bit verbose, however using this in your code might make things a little easier to read, eg:
std::vector < MyPair > listPairs;
std::vector < MyPair >::iterator iterPair( listPairs.begin() );
if ( iterPair->keyInt() == 123 )
iterPair->valueString( "hello" );
Other than this, I can't see any silver bullet that's going to make things much clearer.
typedef std::pair<bool, int> IsPresent_Value;
typedef std::pair<double, int> Price_Quantity; get the point.
You can create two pairs of getters (const and non) that will merely return a reference to first and second, but will be much more readable. For instance:
string& GetField(pair& p) { return p.first; }
int& GetValue(pair& p) { return p.second; }
Will let you get the field and value members from a given pair without having to remember which member holds what.
If you expect to use this a lot, you could also create a macro that will generate those getters for you, given the names and types: MAKE_PAIR_GETTERS(Field, string, Value, int) or so. Making the getters straightforward will probably allow the compiler to optimize them away, so they'll add no overhead at runtime; and using the macro will make it a snap to create those getters for whatever use you make of pairs.
You could use boost tuples, but they don't really alter the underlying issue: Do your really want to access each part of the pair/tuple with a small integral type, or do you want more 'literate' code. See this question I posted a while back.
However, boost::optional is a useful tool which I've found replaces quite a few of the cases where pairs/tuples are touted as ther answer.
Recently I've found myself using boost::tuple as a replacement for std::pair. You can define enumerators for each member and so it's obvious what each member is:
typedef boost::tuple<int, int> KeyValueTuple;
enum {
void foo (KeyValueTuple & p) {
p.get<KEY> () = 0;
p.get<VALUE> () = 0;
void bar (int key, int value)
foo (boost:tie (key, value));
BTW, comments welcome on if there is a hidden cost to using this approach.
EDIT: Remove names from global scope.
Just a quick comment regarding global namespace. In general I would use:
struct KeyValueTraits
typedef boost::tuple<int, int> Type;
enum {
void foo (KeyValueTuple::Type & p) {
p.get<KeyValueTuple::KEY> () = 0;
p.get<KeyValueTuple::VALUE> () = 0;
It does look to be the case that boost::fusion does tie the identity and value closer together.
As Alex mentioned, std::pair is very convenient but when it gets confusing create a structure and use it in the same way, have a look at std::pair code, it's not that complex.
I don't like std::pair as used in std::map either, map entries should have had members key and value.
I even used boost::MIC to avoid this. However, boost::MIC also comes with a cost.
Also, returning a std::pair results in less than readable code:
if (cntnr.insert(newEntry).second) { ... }
I also found that std::pair is commonly used by the lazy programmers who needed 2 values but didn't think why these values where needed together.