I'm using CF 7 and this code is not returning any files:
<cfset fileLocation = "\\server\uploader\pass-fail">
action = "list"
directory = fileLocation
name = "pass_fail_files"
<cfdump var="#pass_fail_files#" expand="yes" label="files in pass-fail" >
<cfoutput>#pass_fail_files.mode# </cfoutput>
I have checked to make sure that the directory indeed has several text files. But when I run the code, all I get is:
alt text http://img682.imageshack.us/img682/5603/nofiles.png
What am I doing wrong?
I've just tried this:
<cfset fileLocation = "\\\websites">
action = "list"
directory = "#fileLocation#"
name = "pass_fail_files"
<cfdump var="#pass_fail_files#" expand="yes" label="files in pass-fail" >
On CF7, CF8 and Railo, and works everytime.
Notice I updated your code so it uses the directory attribute as directory = "#fileLocation#" as opposed to directory = fileLocation.
Trying your code, I never got results, but didn't get errors either. Changing it to use double-quotes and hashes did the trick, as it stopped using it as a variable.
Hope it helps you.
My first question would be, does the ColdFusion Service User have read access on folder?
Actually, I think your code should be
action = "list"
directory = "#fileLocation#"
name = "pass_fail_files"
I think right now, you're telling it to look in a directory named "fileLocation".
Assuming you've done all the latest CF7 updates/patches/hotfixes..
I have the following code:
<cfset csvFilename = 'myCSV.csv'>
<cfset fileWriter = createobject("java","java.io.FileWriter").init("#csvFileName#")>
<cfset csvWriter = createObject("java","com.opencsv.CSVWriter").init(fileWriter, ",")>
<cfset csvWriter.writeNext('{"1","2"}', true)>
<cfset csvWriter.flush()>
<cfset fileWriter.close()>
<cfset csvWriter.close()>
When I run the page I get this error message:
The writeNext method was not found.
Either there are no methods with the specified method name and
argument types or the writeNext method is overloaded with argument
types that ColdFusion cannot decipher reliably. ColdFusion found 0
methods that match the provided arguments. If this is a Java object
and you verified that the method exists, use the javacast function to
reduce ambiguity.
I have searched the internet and cannot seem to find any examples of using csvWriter with Coldfusion and I am not sure why it is not working. I have a working example of csvReader and ReadNext, but not WriteNext. Any ideas of what I am doing wrong? I have tried to do a javacast but that didn't work either.
<cfset csvWriter.writeNext(javacast("string",'1,2'))>
I am using Coldfusion 11 with opencsv-3.8.jar
According to the API, that overload of writeNext() expects a String[], or an array of Strings. CF arrays are a little different than Java's, but they are compatible. Either of these would work:
<cfset csvWriter.writeNext( ["1","2"], true)>
<cfset csvWriter.writeNext( javacast("String[]", ["3","4"]), javacast("boolean", true))>
As an aside, skip the call to fileWriter.close(). When you call CSVWriter.close(), it closes the underlying writer for you. Calling both will cause an error.
<cfset csvFilename = 'myCSV.csv'>
Without a full path, I am not sure where that file will end up. Always specifying a full path can save a lot of head scratching later on ;-)
I am using OpenBD and trying to check whether bucket exists or not on my S3 server, if it is not exist then, to create new bucket. Here's my code:
<cfset request.awsaccess = "zzzzawsaccesszzzz">
<cfset request.awskey = "zzzzzzzzawskeyzzzzzzzz">
<cfset request.datasource="tcs">
<cfset request.region="us-west-2">
AmazonRegisterdatasource(datasource=request.datasource,awsaccess=request.awsaccess,awskey=request.awskey,region=request.region );
result = AmazonS3listbuckets( datasource=request.datasource );
For the above code I am getting this output:
Now I am adding one more function AmazonS3createbucket(),
result = AmazonS3createbucket( datasource=request.datasource, bucket="anyBucket" );
For the above script I am getting error: that No such function exists - amazons3createbucket.. Here's the screenshot:
I am referring the OpenBD Manual to filter these function.
Also faced the same problem while using this functions also:
result = AmazonS3bucketexists( datasource=request.datasource, bucket="anyBucket" );
Have you tried using an alternate syntax?
result = AmazonS3bucketexists(ArgumentCollection = {
datasource : request.datasource,
bucket : "anyBucket"
I use the following to dynamically detect the host server. The importance for making it dynamic is that currently there are too many hard coded redirect such as:
within my app.
When I'm moving from production site to development site and then back to production site, I have to manually change/comment out this http/https one by one and it is not only time consuming but also dangerous.
Here is the code I found that can detect the host server. Then I do the following:
<CFSET inet = CreateObject("java", "java.net.InetAddress")>
<CFSET inet = inet.getLocalHost()>
<CFSET HostServer = "#inet.getHostName()#">
<CFSET ThisHostServer = "#LEFT(HostServer,6)#">
<CFSWITCH expression="#Trim(ThisHostServer)#"><!--- Prod or Dev server --->
<CFCASE value="myprodsite.com">
<CFSET UseThisURL = "http://myprodsite.com">
<CFCASE value="mydevsite.com">
<CFSET UseThisURL = "http://myDevsite.com">
Then on each page where links or redirection exist, I just need to use:
My question is:
Where is the best way to set #UseThisURL# in the application?
I'm using ColdFusion 10 and Application.cfc in Linux env.
Should I set it as an application or a session scope?
Since everything will be in an application or session scope, when users are idle on a certain page and the application/session scope is expired, when user click on a link will it generate an error? How to prevent users from seeing error caused by using this technique? Please advice, thank you!
Best practice that I used is creating config.cfc which can contain function like getServerSpecificVariables() to return structure. this structure will be saved in your application scope since you don't want to create USEThisURL for every session start. When you need to reset simply clear your application scope. instantiate below config component inside onApplicationStart event in Application.cfc
public struct function getServerSpeceficVariables(){
var config = {};
var inet = CreateObject("java", "java.net.InetAddress");
inet = inet.getLocalHost();
HostServer = inet.getHostName();
ThisHostServer = LEFT(HostServer,6);
case 'myprodsite.com':{
config.useThisURL = '';
case 'mydevsite.com':{
config.useThisURL = '';
return config;
I want to put some instance specific configuration information in JNDI. I looked at the information here:
I have added this node to the web.xml:
<description>Administrator e-mail address</description>
In coldfusion I have tried several different approaches to querying the data:
<cfset ctx = createobject("java","javax.naming.InitialContext") >
<cfset val = ctx.lookup("java:comp/env") >
That lookup returns a jrun.naming.JRunNamingContext. If i preform a lookup on ctx for the specific binding I am adding I get an error.
<cfset val = ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/adminemail") >
No such binding: adminemail
Preforming a listBindings returns an empty jrun.naming.JRunNamingEnumeration.
<cfset val = ctx.listBindings("java:comp/env") >
I only want to put a string value (probably several) into the ENC (or any JNDI directory at this point).
Never used it, but I got curious so I decided to try ... with no success.
I found this though, hopefully it helps you.
How do I create Search Engine Safe URLs in Fusebox 5.1 noxml?
For instance, I want this:
Instead of this:
Fusebox 5.1 is suppose to be able to do this. I've read this article, but it only applies to the xml version. I know so little, I am not sure where to start. How do I do it with the noxml version of fusebox?
It looks like I need to add this to my Application.cfc file. Still not working though...
FUSEBOX_PARAMETERS.myself = "index.cfm/fuseaction/";
FUSEBOX_PARAMETERS.queryStringStart = "/";
FUSEBOX_PARAMETERS.queryStringSeparator = "/";
FUSEBOX_PARAMETERS.queryStringEqual = "/";
Fusebox 5.1 allows you to use SES URLs by allowing you to change ? & to /. You still need to provide your own rewriter. However, if you are able to upgrade to 5.5 it supposedly handles rewriting, too.
Example Rewriter
// SES converter
qrystring = ArrayNew(1);
if ( Find("/",cgi.path_info) eq 1 and Find("/#self#",cgi.path_info) eq 0 ) {
qrystring = cgi.path_info;
} else if ( Len(Replace(cgi.path_info,"#self#/","")) gt 0 ) {
qrystring = ListRest(Replace(cgi.path_info,"#self#/","#self#|"),"|");
} else if ( FindNoCase("#self#/",cgi.script_name) gt 0 ) {
qrystring = ListRest(Replace(cgi.script_name,"#self#/","#self#|"),"|");
arQrystring = ListToArray(cgi.path_info,'/');
for ( q = 1 ; q lte ArrayLen(arQrystring) ; q = q + 2 ) {
if ( q lte ArrayLen(arQrystring) - 1 and not ( arQrystring[ Q ] is myFusebox.getApplication().fuseactionVariable and arQrystring[ q+1] is self ) ) {
attributes['#arQrystring[ Q ]#'] = arQrystring[ q+1];
If you choose to use Coldcourse...
Below will help you get started. You can ignore server-side rewriting (ISAPI for IIS) if you want /index.cfm/circuit/action/ formatted URLs. But if you want /circuit/action/ or /blah/ you'll need to make it server side.
Put on onApplicationStart (or onRequestStart for testing) to put in memory.
<cfset application.coldcourse = createObject("component","components.util.coldcourse").init("/config/coldcourse.config.cfm")>
Place this before the framework loads
<cfset application.coldcourse.dispatch(cgi.path_info, cgi.script_name) />
coldcourse.config.cfm (example config)
<cfset setEnabled(true)>
<cfset setFrameworkEvent("action")>
<cfset setFrameworkSeparator(".")>
<cfset setFrameworkActionDefault("")>
<cfset setUniqueURLs(true)>
<cfset setBaseURL("http://www.mysite.com/index.cfm")>
<!--- CUSTOM COURSES GO HERE (they will be checked in order) --->
<!--- for http://www.mysite.com/about/ pages --->
<cfset addCourse("components")>
<cfset addCourse(pattern="about",controller="main",action="about")>
<cfset addCourse(pattern="contact",controller="main",action="contact")>
<cfset addCourse(pattern="help",controller="main",action="help")>
<!--- If nothing else matches, fall back to the standard courses (you probably shouldn't edit these) --->
<cfset addCourse(":controller/:action/:id")>
<cfset addCourse(":controller/:action")>
<cfset addCourse(":controller")>
Install ISAPI Rewrite
Make sure you are using the correct rewrite regex because version 2.0 is different from 3.0.
Example for 2.0 script:
# Coldcourse URL Rewrite for CF
IterationLimit 0
RewriteRule ^(/.+/.+/.*\?.+\..*)$ /index.cfm/$1
RewriteRule ^(/[^.]*)$ /index.cfm/$1
Disable Check if File Exists on web server
Do this for IIS if you're getting a 404 error in your web logs.
Open the IIS manager
Right click on a site and choose Properties
Click the Home Directory tab
Click the Configuration button
(lower right of dialog)
Click the .cfm extension and choose
The lower left checkbox: "Check that
File Exists"
riaforge is your friend: