In django, are all session data deleted if a user logs out? - django

I need to track some information on users, but would like to retain it for a fixed time period, say a week.
If I set this value via request.sessions, and the user logs out, can I retrieve it if they log back in later? This all assumes that my sessions are normally set to expire in 30 days, if the user neVer logs out.
While thinking about the above problem, I decided to store the data in a table, but I would still like to know the answer to above for referenCe. I also decided not to use cookies due to unreliability.

It would depend on your session backend. But the default backend (backends.db) does delete the row from the sessions table when you log out.
I would recommend adding the data to a field in the user profile. Using the session will give problems even if you don't delete the data. The next time the user logs in you won't know which session id he/she used the last time and normally you only have the session id to look up. Not a user id so you can get all sessions owned by a specific user.


What's the best practice to implement "read receipts" on group chats in AWS AppSync and Amplify?

I'm building an Angular 11 web app using AppSync for the backend.
I've mentioned group chat, but basically I have a feature in my app where I have an announcement feature where there's a person creating announcements to a specific audience (can be individual members or groups of members) and whenever the receiving user opens the announcement, it has to mark that announcement as read for that user in their UI and also let the sender know that it has been opened by that particular member.
I have an idea for implementing this:-
Each announcement needs to have a "seenBy" which aggregates the user Ids of the ones who open it.
Each member also has an attribute in their user object named "announcementsRead" which is an array of Ids of the announcements that they have opened.
In the UI when I'm gathering the list of announcements for the user, the ones whose ID don't belong in the member's own announcementsRead array, will be marked as unread.
When they click on it and it is opened, I make 2 updates - a) To the announcement object I simply push the member's user ID to the "seenBy" attribute and push to db. b) to the member's user object, I add the announcement's id to the "announcementRead" attribute and push it to the DB.
This is just something that I came up with.
Please let me know if there are any pitfalls to this approach. Or if there are simpler ways to achieve this functionality.
I have a few concerns as well:-
Let's say that two users are opening an announcement at the same time, and the clients try to update the announcement with the updated seenBy containing the user's ID, what happens when the two requests from two different clients are happening concurrently? It's possible that the first user fetches the object and then the second user fetches it immediately, and by the time the second user has updated the attribute and sent it back to the DB, the first user has already written their updated data. In such a case the second user's write to the DB will overwrite the first user's change. I am not sure of the internal mechanisms of the amplify data store, but I can imagine this happening. Is this possible? If so, how do we ensure that it is prevented?
Is it really necessary for me to maintain the "announcementsRead" attribute in the user? I mean I can imagine generating that list in the UI every time I get the list of announcements by checking if the current user's ID exists in the announcement's "seenBy" and maintaining that list in the UI, that way we can eliminate redundancy of info in the DB and also it would make sense to not accumulate extremely old announcement IDs that may have been deleted. But I'm wondering if having this on the member actually helps in an indispensable way.
Hope my questions are clear.

People.Connections.List nextSyncToken expires after one week

I am working on an contact sync solution to be able to keep the contacts in our app in sync with the google contacts of the user.
Our code uses the php library for the google people api latest Version (v1).
Everything is working fine for one week with each user but after that week we get:
400 - Error "Sync token is expired.
Clear local cache and retry call without the sync token".
My question now:
Is this intended behaviour that you have to clear all your cache after one week with no changes or am I doing something wrong?
Is there any possibility to renew a syncToken if there were no changes?
I already checked the whole code to be sure that the new received nextSyncToken is saved at our side and used for the next incremental sync request. It seems that the new sync Token is always the same as the one sent in the request. Thus it is just clear that we get that errors if a sync token expires after exactly one week.
I also tried to set the option requestSyncToken to true for every list request, even if also a syncToken is set. No success. Sync token stays the same after each request with no changes.
Just in case someone is also facing this problem (syncToken expiration after one week without changes in the persons/contacts list):
Our solution was:
Save the creation date and time of a new syncToken each time you
get one together with the syncToken.
When you receive a syncToken in an incremental sync process compare that token to the stored one. If the syncToken is a new
one, overwrite the old one and its creation date/time.
Use a continuous process that checks each syncToken. If one is about one week old (for security reasons we used 6 days) create a new
syncToken (process see below). As the people API does not offer
things like the watch-channels of the calendar API you would anyway
need some continuous processes that do list-calls in fixed time
intervals for a complete real-time synchronization - so maybe you
could combine these tasks depending on your solution for this
Process for creation of a new SyncToken:
Do a new list request without providing a syncToken.
For additional security do some checkups like compare the total persons received with the total persons expected by the old/current
data. And do this renew process at a time of the day when almost no
one does changes generally, for example like 2am.
Overwrite the old syncToken and date/time with the new one and the current date/time.
That's it.
But attention! You can still miss some changes that were made if your syncToken renew process is running exactly at the time a change is made!
Create a dummy contact before the sync to get a new syncToken. After the sync delete the dummy contact from both Google Contacts and your cache.

Flask-Login user status monitoring

I'm developing a small website with Flask & Flask-Login. I need an admin view to monitor all user's online status. I added an is-online column in user db collection and try to update it. But I didn't find any callbacks to handle session expires. How to solve it or any better idea?
FYI, Counting Online Users with Redis | Flask (A Python Microframework) -
You could get away with checking if users last activity time is bigger(older) than session life time.
if that's the case, you will go on an update their is_online status.
the way i have handled the problem in my application was, since i had a last_activity field in db for each user, to log when they have done what they have done, i could check that value vs session life time.
One very crude method is to create a separate stack that pushes and pops when a user logs in. Assuming that session id and userid on your db is not tied together (i.e., you have separate session id and user id), you can maintain a ledger of sorts and push and pop as sessions are created and destroyed.
You will have to put special emphasis on users running multiple sessions on multiple devices...which is why i put a caveat saying this is a rather crude method.

How can I push data to a user session?

I need to push changes to my app's session scopes in real time. Each user in session in my app has a similar struct to this:
session.user =
name = "Foo",
mojo = "100"
Users can modify each others' "mojo." For example, if user Foo received 10 mojo points, and he now has 110, I need to update his session.user.mojo to reflect the additional "mojo" received. I need to modify his session struct, in other words.
Example 2: User in session 1 does something where user in session 2 receives "mojo." The session.user.mojo in session 2 needs to be updated to reflect this change.
Some info:
The inital mojo value is pulled from the database and stored in the session when a user logs in.
"Mojo" updates always take place in the database. "Mojo" stored in the session is used to govern user privileges.
What are my options? Is this even possible? I have absolutely no idea on how to do something like that.
UPDATE I don't want pass the updated values back to the user (the data will refresh when the user navigates between pages). I only want to change them in the appropriate user's session scope.
This answer is ColdFusion 9 specific.
Cache user data (e.g. cachePut()) by user ID, and keep track of their user ID in session. Every update to mojo should retrieve the user data in cache - if present - and update it there as well. Finally, if this is a multi-server environment, setup messaging between the machines that broadcasts the user ID of any change to mojo, servers receiving the message then update their own cached user data.
What this buys you is limiting the amount of database activity that goes on, pretty good liveness, and makes the mojo value available globally, which has the added benefit of being available for purposes other than the user session (e.g. another user can review their profile to see the mojo score).
If you really need to change vars in a particular Session, there's no built-in way to do that. Maybe you can abstract out the logic, instead of accessing the mojo from Session, always access mojo from DB?
update: Why session? How about a big struct in Application scope, and use userID or sessionID as key, and mojo as value? You can also store a timestape like lastUpdated and delete the ones that has not been updated to reclaim your memory. Then from time to time, update your DB? Or... update your DB async if u're worry about performance.

Marking users as new when created via a backend's authenticate in Django

I have an authentication backend based off a legacy database. When someone logs in using that database and there isn't a corresponding User record, I create one. What I'm wondering is if there is some way to alert the Django system to this fact, so that for example I can redirect the brand-new user to a different page.
The only thing I can think of is adding a flag to the users' profile record called something like is_new which is tested once and then set to False as soon as they're redirected.
Basically, I'm wondering if someone else has figured this out so I don't have to reinvent the wheel.
I found the easiest way to accomplish this is to do exactly as you've said. I had a similar requirement on one of my projects. We needed to show a "Don't forget to update your profile" message to any new member until they had visit their profile for the first time. The client wanted it quickly so we added a 'visited_profile' field to the User's profile and defaulted that to False.
We settled on this because it was super fast to implement, didn't require tinkering with the registration process, worked with existing users, and didn't require extra queries every page load (since the user and user profile is retrieved on every page already). Took us all of 10 minutes to add the field, run the South migration and put an if tag into the template.
There's two methods that I know of to determine if an object has been created:
1) When using get_or_create a tuple is returned of the form (obj, created) where created is a boolean indicating obviously enough whether the object was created or not
2) The post_save signal passes a created paramater, also a boolean, also indicating whether the object was created or not.
At the simplest level, you can use either of these two hooks to set a session var, that you can then check and redirect accordingly.
If you can get by with it, you could also directly redirect either after calling get_or_create or in the post_save signal.
You can use a file-based cache to store the users that aren't yet saved to the database. When the user logs in for the second time, you can look in the cache, find the user object, and save it to the database for good.
Here's some info on django caching:
PS: don't use Memcached because it will delete all information in the situation of a computer crash or shut down.