Scripting language for C++ [closed] - c++

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I'm getting a little rusty in scripting languages, provided they're popping like mushrooms lately :)
Today I thought that it would be nice to have a scripting language that talks seamlessly to C++, that is, could use C++ classes, and, the most important for me, could be compiled into C++ or some DLL/.SO (plus its .h) so that I could link it into my C++ program and make use of the classes the script defines or implements.
I know I could embed any popular scripting language such as lua, ruby, python... but the interface usually includes some kind of "eval" function that evaluates the provided scripting code. Depending on the tool used to couple C++ and the scripting language, the integration for callbacks of the script into C++ could be more or less easy to write, but I haven't seen any scripting language that actually allows me to write independent modules that are exposed as a .h and .so/dll to my program (maybe along the lines of a scripting language that generates C++ code).
Do you know any such tool/scripting language?
Thanks in advance.
PD. I've been thinking along the lines of Vala or Haskell's GHC. They generate C, but not C++...

UPDATE 2020: Today I would probably go with Lua + Sol2/3 except if I really want to avoid Lua as a language. Chaiscript becomes a good candidate in this case though it is not optimal performance-wise compared to Lua+Sol2/3 (though it was greatly improved through years so it is still good enough in many cases).
Falcon have been dead for some years, RIP.
The following ones are more C++ integration oriented than language bindings :
ChaiScript - trying at the moment in a little project, interesting, this one is MADE with C++ in mind and works by just including a header! Not sure if it's good for a big project yet but will see, try it to have some taste!
(not maintained anymore) Falcon - trying on a big project, excellent; it's not a "one include embed" as ChaiScript but it's because it's really flexible, and totally thought to be used in C++ (only C++ code in libs) - I've decided to stick with it for my biggest project that require a lot of scripting flexibility (comparable to ruby/python )
AngelScript - didn't try yet
GameMonkey - didn't try yet
Io - didn't try yet
For you, if you really want to write your scripting module in C++ and easily expose it to the scripting language, I would recommand going with Falcon. It's totally MADE in C++, all the modules/libraries are written that way.

The question usually asked in this context is: how do I expose my C++ classes so they can be instantiated from script? And the answer is often something like
You're asking the opposite question and it sounds like you're complicating matters a bit. A scripting engine that produced .h files and .so files wouldn't really be a scripting engine - it would be a compiler! In which case you could use C++.
Scripting engines don't work like that. You pass them a script and some callbacks that provide a set of functions that can be called from the script, and the engine interprets the script.

Try lua:
For using C++ classes in lua you can use:
To generate binding use tolua++:
It takes a cleaned up header as input and outputs a c file that does the hard work. Easy, nice and a pleasure to work with.
For using Lua objects in C++ I'd take the approach of writing a generic Proxy object with methods like (field, setField, callMethod, methods, fields).
If you want a dll you could have the .lua as a resource (in Windows, I don't know what could be a suitable equivalent for Linux) and on your DllMain initialize your proxy object with the lua code.
The c++ code can then use the proxy object to call the lua code, with maybe a few introspection methods in the proxy to make this task easier.
You could just reuse the proxy object for every lua library you want to write, just changing the lua code provided to it.

This is slightly outside my area of expertise, but I'm willing to risk the downvotes. :-)
Boost::Python seems to be what you're looking for. It uses a bit of macro magic to do its stuff, but it does expose Python classes to C++ rather cleanly.

I'm the author of LikeMagic, a C++ binding library for the Io language. (I am not the author of Io.)
One of my explicit goals with LikeMagic is complete and total C++ interoperability, in both directions. LikeMagic will marshal native Io types as C++ types (including converting between STL containers and Io's native List type) and it will represent C++ classes, methods, fields, and arrays within Io. You can even pass a block of Io code out of the Io environment and use it in C++ as a functor!!
Wrapping C++ types up for consumption in Io script is simple, quick and easy. Accessing script objects from C++ does require an "eval" function like you described, but the template based type conversion and marshaling makes it easy to access the result of executing a script string. And there is the aforementioned ability to turn Io block() objects into C++ functors.
Right now the project is still in the early stages, although it is fully operational. I still need to do things like document its build steps and dependencies, and it can only be built with gcc 4.4.1+ (not Microsoft Visual C++) because it uses C++0x features not yet supported in MSVC. However, it does fully support Linux and Windows, and a Mac port is planned.
Now the bad news: Making the scripts produce .h files and .so or .dll files callable from C++ would not only require a compiler (of a sort) but it would also have to be a JIT compiler. That's because (in many scripting languages, but most especially in Io) an object's methods and fields are not known until runtime - and in Io, methods can even be added and removed from live objects! At first I was going to say that the very fact that you're asking for this makes me wonder if perhaps you don't really understand what a dynamic language is. But I do believe in a way of design in which you first try to imagine the ideal or easiest possible way of doing something, and then work backwards from there to what is actually possible. And so I'll admit from an ease-of-use standpoint, what you describe sounds easier to use.
But while it's ideal, and just barely possible (using a script language with JIT compilation), it isn't very practical, so I'm still unsure if what you're asking for is what you really want. If the .h and .so/.dll files are JITted from the script, and the script changes, you'd need to recompile your C++ program to take advantage of the change! Doesn't that violate the main benefit of using script in the first place?
The only way it is practical would be if the interfaces defined the scripts do not change, and you just are making C++ wrappers for script functions. You'd end up having a lot of C++ functions like:
int get_foo() { return script.eval("get_foo()"); }
int get_bar() { return script.eval("get_bar()"); }
I will admit that's cleaner looking code from the point of view of the callers of the wrapper function. But if that's what you want, why not just use reflection in the scripting language and generate a .h file off of the method lists stored in the script objects? This kind of reflection can be easily done in Io. At some point I plan to integrate the OpenC++ source-to-source translator as a callable library from LikeMagic, which means you could even use a robust C++ code generator instead of writing out strings.

You can do this with Lua, but if you have a lot of classes you'll want a tool like SWIG or toLua++ to generate some of the glue code for you.
None of these tools will handle the unusual part of your problem, which is to have a .h file behind which is hidden a scripting language, and to have your C++ code call scripts without knowing that that are scripts. To accomplish this, you will have to do the following:
Write the glue code yourself. (For Lua, this is relatively easy, until you get into classes, whereupon it's not so easy, which is why tools like SWIG and toLua++ exist.)
Hide behind the interface some kind of global state of the scripting interpreter.
Supposing you have multiple .h files that each are implemented using scripts, you have to decide which ones share state in the scripting language and which ones use separate scripting states. (What you basically have is a VM for the scripting language, and the extremes are (a) all .h files use the same VM in common and (b) each .h file has its own separate, isolated VM. Other choices are more complicated.)
If you decide to do this yourself, writing the glue code to turn Lua tables into C++ classes (so that Lua code looks like C++ to the rest of the program) is fairly straightforward. Going in the other direction, where you wrap your C++ in Lua (so that C++ objects look to the scripts like Lua values) is a big pain in the ass.
No matter what you do, you have some work ahead of you.

Google's V8 engine is written in C++, I expect you might be able to integrate it into a project. They talk about doing that in this article.

Good question, I have often thought about this myself, but alas there is no easy solution to this kind of thing. If you are on Windows (I guess not), then you could achieve something like this by creating COM components in C++ and VB (considering that as a scripting language). The talking happens through COM interfaces, which is a nice way to interop between disparate languages. Same holds for .NET based languages which can interop between themselves.
I too am eager to know if something like this exists for C++, preferably open source.

You might check into embedding Guile (a scheme interpreter) or V8 (Google's javascript interpreter - used in Chrome - which is written in C++).

Try the Ring programming language
(1) Extension using the C/C++ languages
(2) Embedding Ring Interpreter in C/C++ Programs
(3) Code Generator for wrapping C/C++ Libraries


Is there a C-like syntax scripting language interpreter for C++?

I've started long ago to work on a dynamic graph visualizer, editor and algorithm testing platform (graphs with nodes and arcs, not the other kinds).
For the algorithm testing platform i need to let the user write a script or call a script from a file, which will interact with the graph currently loaded. The visualizer would do things like light up nodes while they're being visited by the script algorithm, adding some artificial delay, in order to visualize the algorithm navigating and doing stuff.
Scripts would also be secondly used to add third party features that i could either make available as pre-existing scripts in the program folder OR just integrate inside the program in c++ once they're tested and working.
All my searches for an interpreter to embed in my program sent me to lua;
then i started handwriting my own recursive descent parser for my own C-like syntax scripting language (which i planned to use a subset of C++ grammar so that any code written in my scripting language can be copy-pasted in any C++ code.
It was an interesting crazy idea which i don't regret at all, I have scopes, functions, cycles, gotos, typesafe variables, expressions.
But now that i'm approaching the addition of classes, class methods, inheritance (some default classes would be necessary to interface scripts to the program), i realized it's going to take A LOT of time and effort. A bit too much for a personal project of an ungraduated student with exams to study for… but still i whish to complete this project.
The self-imposed requirement of the scripts being 100% compatible with C++ was all but necessary, it would have been just a little nice extra thing, which i can do without.
Now the question is, is there an alternative to lua with a c-like syntax that supports all i've already done plus classes and inheritance? (being able to add custom "classes" that interface scripts to the program is mandatory)
(i can't assume the user to have a full c++ compiler installed so i cant just compile their "script" at runtime as a dll to load and call it, although i whish i could)
Just-in-time compilation of C++
Parsing C++ is hard. Heck, parsing C is hard. It's difficult to get it right, and there are a lot of edge cases. Thankfully, there are a few libraries out there which can take code and even compile it for you.
libclang provides a lot of facilities for parsing c++. It's a good, clean library, and it'll parse anything the clang compiler itself will parse. This article here is a good starter
libclang provides a JIT compilation tool that allows you to write and compile C++ at runtime. See this blog post here for a overview of what it does and how to use it. It's very general, very powerful, and user-written code should be fast.
GCC also provides a library called libgccjit for just-in-time compilation during the runtime of a program. libgccjit is a C library, but there's also a C++ wrapper provided by the library maintainers. It can compile abstract syntax trees and link them at runtime, although it's still in Alpha mode.
If you don't want to use libclang, there's also a library under development called cppast, which is a C++ parser which will give you an abstract syntax tree representation of your c++ code. Unfortunately, it won't parse function bodies.
Other tools
If anyone knows any other libraries for compiling or interpreting C++ at runtime, I encourage them to update this post, or comment them so I can update it!
Here is something that lets you embed a C-like scripting language in your application (and a bunch of other cool things):
There is lots of documentation:

How interoperability works

I know that many large-scale applications such as video games are created using multiple langages. For example, it's likely the game/physics engines are written in C++ while gameplay tasks, GUI are written in something like Python or Lua.
I understand why this division of roles is done; use lower-level languages for tasks that require extreme optimization, tweaking, efficiency and speed, while using higher-level languages to speed up production time, reduce nasty bugs ect.
Recently, I've decided to undertake a larger personal project and would like to divy-up parts of the project similar to above. At this point in time, I'm really confused about how this interoperability between languages (especially compiled vs interpreted) works.
I'm quite familiar with the details of going from ANSCII code test to loading an executable, when written in something like C/C++. I'm very curious at how something like a video game, built from many different languages, works. This is a large/broad question, but specifically I'm interested in:
How does the code-level logic work? I.e. how can I call Python code from a C++ program? Especially since they don't support the same built-in types?
What does the program image look like? From what I can tell, a video game is running in a single process, so what does the runtime image look like when running a C/C++ program that calls a Python function?
If calling code from an interpreted language from a compiled program, what are the sequence of events that occur? I.e If I'm inside my compiled executable, and for some reason have a call to an interpreted language inside a loop, do I have to wait for the interpreter every iteration?
I'm actually finding a hard time finding information on what happening at the machine-level, so any help would be appreciated. Although I'm curious in general about interoperation of software, I'm specifically interested in C++ and Python interaction.
Thank you very much for any insight, even if it's just pointing me to where I can find more information.
In the specific case of python, you have basically three options (and this generally applies across the board):
Host python in C++: From the perspective of the C++ programme, the python interpreter is a C library. On the python side, you may or may not need to use something like ctypes to expose the C(++) api.
Python uses C++ code as DLLs/SOs - C++ code likely knows nothing of python, python definitely has to use a foreign function interface.
Interprocess communication - basically, two separate processes run, and they talk over a socket. These days you'd likely use some kind of web services architecture to accomplish this.
Depending on what you want to do:
Have a look at SWIG: It's a tool that aims to connect C/C++ code with Python, Tcl, Perl, Ruby, etc. The common use case is a Python interface (graphical or not) that will call the C/C++ code. SWIG will parse the C/C++ code in order to generate the interfaces.
Libpython: it's a lib that allows you to embed Python code. You have some examples here:

replace c++ with go + swig

I recently asked this question and got some very interesting input. However there's a mistake in my question: I assumed cgo could also be used to access c++ code but that's not possible. Instead you need to use SWIG.
The go faq says "The cgo program provides the mechanism for a “foreign function interface” to allow safe calling of C libraries from Go code. SWIG extends this capability to C++ libraries. "
my question:
Is it possible to access high-level c++ frameworks such as QT with SWIG + Go and get productive? I'd like to use Go as a "scripting language" to utilize c++ libraries.
Have you any experience with go and swig? Are there pitfalls I have to be aware of?
Update/Answer: I've asked this over IRC too and I think the question is solved:
SWIG is a rather clean way of interfacing c++ code from other languages. Sadly matching the types of c++ to something like go can be very complex and in most cases you have to specify the mapping yourself. That means that SWIG is a good way to leverage an existing codebase to reuse already written algorithms. However mapping a library like Qt to go will take you ages. Mind it's surely possible but you don't want to do it.
Those of you that came here for gui programming with go might want try go-gtk or the go version of wxWidgets.
Is it possible? Yes.
Can it be done in a reasonably short period of time? No.
If you go back and look at other projects that have taken large frameworks and tried to put an abstraction layer on it, you'll find most are "incomplete". You can probably make a fairly good start and get some initial wrappers in place, but generally even the work to get the simple cases solved takes time when there is a lot of underlying code to wrap, even with automated tools (which help, but are never a complete solution). And then... you get to the nasty remaining 10% that will take you forever (ok, a really really long time at least). And then think about how it's a changing target in the first place. Qt, for example, is about to release the next major rewrite.
Generally, it's safest to stick to the framework language that the framework was designed for. Though many have language extensions within the project itself. For example, for Qt you should check out QML, which provides (among many other things) a javascript binding to Qt. Sort of. But it might meet your "scripting" requirement.
A relevant update on this issue: it is now possible to interact with C++ using cgo with this CL, which is merged for Go 1.2. It is limited, however, to C-like functions calls, and classes, methods and C++ goodies are not supported (yet, I hope).

Are there any free tools to help with automatic code generation?

A few semesters back I had a class where we wrote a very rudimentary scheme parser and eventually an interpreter. After the class, I converted my parser into a C++ parser that did a reasonably good job of parsing C++ as long as I didn't do anything fancy with the preprocessor or macros. I could use it to read over my classes and functions and do neat things like automatically generate class readers or writers or set up function callbacks from a text file.
However, my program is pretty limited. I'm sure I could spend some time to make it more robust and do more neat things, but I don't want to spend the time and effort if there are already more robust tools available that do the same thing. I figure there has to be something like this out there since parsers are an essential part of compilers, but I haven't seen tools specifically for automatic code generation that make it easy to go through and play with data structures that represent classes, functions and variables for C++ specifically. Are there tools that do this?
Hopefully this will clarify a little bit of what I'm looking for. The program I have runs as a prebuild step in visual studio. It reads over my source files, makes a list of classes, their members, their functions, etc. which is then used to generate new code. Currently I just use it to make it easy to read and write my data structures to a plain text file, but I could do other things as well. The file readers and writers are output into plain .cpp and .h files which I include in the rest of my project just as I would any other file. What I'm looking for are tools that do similar things so I can decide if I should continue to use my own or switch to a some better solution. I'm not looking for anything that generates machine code or edits code that I've written.
A complete parser-building tool like ANTLR or YACC is necessary if you want to parse C++ from scratch, but it's overkill for your purposes.
It reads over my source files, makes a list of classes, their members, their functions, etc. which is then used to generate new code.
Two main options:
GCC-XML can generate a list of classes, members, and functions. The distribution version on their web site is quite old; try the CVS version instead. I don't know about the availability of a Windows port.
Doxygen is designed for producing documentation, but it can also produce an XML output, which you should be able to use to do what you want.
Currently I just use it to make it easy to read and write my data structures to a plain text file...
This is known as serialization. Try Boost.Serialization or maybe libs11n or Google Protocol Buffers. Stack Overflow has further discussion.
...but I could do other things as well.
Other cool applications of this kind of automatic code generation include reflection (inspecting your objects' members at runtime, using duck typing with C++, etc.) and generating wrappers for calling C++ from scripting languages. For a C++ reflection library, see Reflex. For an example of generating wrappers for scripting languages, see Boost.Python or SWIG.
The C++ FAQ Lite has references to YACC grammars for C++. YACC is an old-school parser that was used to generate parser output, clumsy and difficult to learn but very powerful. Nowadays, you'd use Gnu Bison instead of YACC.
Don't forget about Cog. It requires you to know Python. In essence it embeds the output of Python scripts into your code. It's absurdly easy to use, but it takes a totally different approach from things like ANTLR and its purpose is somewhat different.
Maybe Boost::Serialize or ANTLR?
I answered a similar question (re splitting source files into separate header and cpp files) by suggesting the use of lzz.
lzz has a very powerful C++ parser that builds a representation for everything except the bodies of functions. As long as you don't need the contents of the function bodies you you could modify 'lzz' so that it performs the generation step you want.
If you want tools that can parse production C++ code, and carry out arbitrary analyses and transformations, see our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit and its C++ front end.
It would be straightforward to use the information DMS can provide about C++ code, its structures, types, instances, to generate such access functions. If you wanted to generate access functions in another language, DMS provides means to code transformations from the input language (in this case, C++) to that target language.
Mozilla developed Pork for this kind of thing. I can't say it's easy to use (or even to build), but it is in production.
I've already used professionally the Nvelocity engine combined with C# as a prevoius step to coding, with very good results.

Implementing scripts in c++ app

I want to move various parts of my app into simple scripts, to allow people that do not have a strong knowledge of c++ to be able to edit and implement various features.
Because it's a real time app, I need to have some kind of multitasking for these scripts. Ideally I want it so that the c++ app calls a script function which then continues running (under the c++ thread) until either a pause point (Wait(x)), or it returns. In the case of it waiting the state needs to be saved ready for the script to be restarted the next time the app loops after the duration has expired.
The scripts also need to be able to call c++ class methods, ideally using the c++ classes rather than plain wrapper functions around c++ classes.
I don't want to spend a massive amount of time implementing this, so using an existing scripting language is preferred to writing my own. I heard that Python and Lua can be integrated into a c++ app, but I do not know how to do this to achieve my goals.
The scripts must be able to call c++ functions
The scripts must be able to "pause" when certain functions are called (eg. Wait), and be restarted again by the c++ thread
Needs to be fast -- this is for a real time app and there could potentially be a lot of scripts running.
I can probably roll the multitasking code fairly easily, provided the scripts can be saved and restarted (possibly by a different thread to the original).
You can use either Lua or Python. Lua is more "lightweight" than python. It's got a smaller memory footprint than python does and in our experience was easier to integrate (people's mileage on this point might vary). It can support a bunch of scripts running simultaneously. Lua, at least, supports stopping/starting threads in the manner you desire.
Boost.python is nice, but in my (limited) experience, it was difficult for us to get compiling for our different environments and was pretty heavyweight. It has (in my opinion) the disadvantage of requiring Boost. For some, that might not be a problem, but if you don't need Boost (or are not using it), you are introducing a ton of code to get Boost.python working. YMMV.
We have built Lua into apps on multiple platforms (win32, Xbox360 and PS3). I believe that it will work on x64. The suggestion to use Luabind is good. We wound up writing our own interface between the two and while not too complicated, having that glue code will save you a lot of time and perhaps aggravation.
With either solution though, debugging can be a pain. We currently have no good solution for debugging Lua scripts that are embedded into our app. Since we haven't used python in our apps I can't speak to what tools might be available there, but a couple of years ago the landscape was roughly the same -- poor debugging. Having scripting to extend functionality is nice, but bugs in the scripts can cause problems and might be difficult to locate.
The Lua code itself is kind of messy to work with if you need to make changes there. We have seen bugs in the Lua codebase itself that were hard to track down. I suspect that Boost::Python might have similar problems.
And with any scripting language, it's not necessarily a solution for "non-programmers" to extend functionality. It might seem like it, but you will likely wind up spending a fair amount of time either debugging scripts or even perhaps Lua.
That all said, we've been very happy with Lua and have shipped it in two games. We currently have no plans to move away from the language. All in all, we've found it better than other alternatives that were available a couple of years ago. Python (and IronPython) are other choices, but based on experience, they seem more heavy handed than Lua. I'd love to hear about other experiences there though.
I can highly recommend that you take a look at Luabind. It makes it very simple to integrate Lua in your C++ code and vice versa. It is also possible to expose whole C++ classes to be used in Lua.
Your best bet is to embed either lua ( or python ( Both are used in the game industry and both access extern "C" functions relatively easily with lua having an edge here (because data types are easier to translate between lua and C). Interfacing to C++ objects will be a bit more work on your end, but you can look up how to do this on Google, or on lua or python discussion forums.
I hope that helps!
You can definitely do what you want with Python. Here are the docs on embedding Python into an application. I'm pretty sure Lua would work too, I'm just less familiar with it.
You're describing cooperative multi-tasking, where the script needs to call a Break or Wait function periodically. Perhaps a better solution would be to run the scripting language in its own thread, and then use mutexes or lock-free queues for the interfaces between the scripting language and the rest of your program. That way a buggy script that doesn't call Break() often enough can't accidentally freeze your program.
Take a look at the Boost.Python library. It looks like it should be fairly straightforward to do what you want.
Take a look at SWIG. I've used it to interface with Python, but it supports many other languages.
One more vote for Lua. It's small, it's fast, it doesnt consume much memory (for games your best bet is to allocate big buffer at the initialization and re-direct all Lua memory allocations there). We used tolua to generate bindings, but there are other options, most of them much smaller/easier to use (IMO) than boost.python.
As for debugging Lua (if you go that route), I have been using DeCoda, and it has not been bad. It pretends to be an IDE, but sorta fails at that, but you can attach The debugging process to visual studio, and go down the call stack at break points. Very handy for Tracking down that bug.
You can also embed C/C++ scripts using Ch. I've been using it for a game project I'm working on, and it does well. Nice blend of power and adaptability.