Compare a value with all array elements in one statement - c++

For example:
if (value == array[size]) //if the value (unique) is present in an array then do something
can this be done in one statement without having to call a function or a basic for loop statement?

std::find can do it in one statement, but it's not as trivial as other languages :(
int array[10];
if (array + 10 != find(array, array + 10, 7)) {
cout << "Array contains 7!";
Or with std::count:
if (int n = count(array, array + 10, 7)) {
cout << "Array contains " << n << " 7s!";

Depending on the problem, you might want to use a set. It has a member function called count() that tells you if something is in the set:
if(myset.count(value) > 0){

There is no built-in operator to do such a thing.
There are numerous ways to perform the test as what appears to be a single statement from the outside. And some of which use parts already provided by the standard library, so that you wouldn't have to write much code yourself. However, they will inevitably use some form of function call and/or loop at some point which you already ruled out.
So given the restrictions in your question: No, there isn't any way.


What is the most efficient way to check if a string matches one of the possible inputs?

I'm asked to accept both a number and a unit, where a unit can be cm, m, in or ft.
For this I have a loop as such
cout << "Please put in a number and its unit.\n";
while (cin >> val >> unit) {
if (val == '|') { break; }
cout << "Please put in a number and its unit.\n";
My question is, what is the best way to check the unit string, when it comes to code efficiency as well as readability? Does it make more sense to put a large if statement
if (unit != "cm" && unit != "m" && unit != "in" && unit != "ft") {
cout << "Unit " << unit << " not accepted.\n";
Or is it better to have a vector which I initialise with all the units, and then check if it matches any of the units.
if (find(units.begin(), units.end(), unit) == units.end()) {
cout << "Unit " << unit << " not accepted.\n";
... where vector<string> units = {"cm", "m", "in", "ft"};
Or is there another way which is much better in terms of efficiency and readability?
I hope this is the right place to ask this question. I thought about code review but it doesn't seem to fit a small question like this.. or does it?
Your "if" statement is not only more efficient, but efficiency doesn't matter because no matter how you do it, the IO will take about a billion times longer.
It's also the most maintainable because if you format the "if" statement as one line per unit string, then adding, removing, or renaming a unit is only a 1-line edit, and you can easily comment them out or in if you change your mind.
The time to use a vector is if you don't know what the units are until run time.
Does it make more sense to put a large if statement?
The only four entries, I would say that you do not need to use std::vector(and the allocation cost comes up with it) and an algorithm to test the case. If the length of the if the condition is bothering you, pack the condition to a lambda function and call with the user input.
Proper naming of lambda would give much readability than checking the variable directly inside the if statement.
const auto isMatchingUnit = [](const std::string& unit) noexcept -> bool {
return unit == "cm" || unit == "m" || unit == "in" || unit == "ft";
if (isMatchingUnit(unit)) {
// do something
} else {
// do something else
That being said, if the number of possible input s are large, you might wanna pack the possible inputs to std::arrayor std::vector and apply the standard algorithms as per choice:
If the collection to be checked is sorted and unique you can
std::binary_search which returns true, if item is found.
std::lower_bound by checking std::lower_bound(container.cbegin(), container.cend(), input) != container.cend(), for true case.
If the collection to be checked is not sorted
std::find by checking std::find(container.cbegin(), container.cend(), input) != container.cend(), for true case.
std::any_of with a proper predicate.
The most efficient would be using std::lower_bound on a sorted array of strings, so it doesn't search all of them. If you use direct comparison or std::find, then all will be searched.
For a small vector, it might not be important (it might even be slower than a direct comparison), but for larger sets it will.

How to write one line and nested 'if' statement without '?:' (is it possible?)

Is it possible to write a one line if-else statement (i.e. only using one ;) without using the ?: expression? For instance something of the form:
if (p == 1) " " else "\n";
Potential purpose could be:
cout << if (p == 1) " " else "\n";
Just curious if this is possible, don't know if there are any practical applications for this.
You're asking "how do I do X, without using any of the tools the language provides to do X". It's silly.
And the answer's no. It's not possible.
This doesn't address the general question, but it does work for the specific example you provided.
std::cout << " \n"[(bool)(p - 1)];
First, a string literal (such as " \n") is an array. As such, it participates in pointer decay, and can be indexed just like any other pointer or array.
Second, an integer can be converted to a bool, and the conversion has the special property that a zero is converted to false, and anything else is converted to true. So when I subtract 1 from p, then convert it to bool, it is false if p is 1, and true otherwise.
Third, a bool can be (implicitly) converted back to an integer. false converts to 0, and true converts to 1. So converting from an int to a bool and back has the result that a 0 stays a 0, and anything else becomes a 1.
So, with those three points taken into consideration, the expression:
" \n"[(bool)(p - 1)]
results in one of these two possibilities:
" \n"[0] // a space (if p == 1)
" \n"[1] // or a newline (if p != 1)
I'd downvote this answer if I could.
You already used the two important words that are key to undestand why what you intend is not possible, but you probably haven't grasped their full meaning: Statement and expression.
The if statement (like all statements) does not yield a value, while the ?: operator is an expression that does yield a value.
Distinguishing between statements and expressions is a fundamental concept that is worth learning (check out the links in this answer and take your time!), not just for C++ but for almost all programming languages.
cout << [=]{ if (p == 1) return " "; else return "\n"; }();
Basically: no, it's not possible to do this:
cout << if (p == 1) " " else "\n";
That is exactly the purpose of ?: operator - it yields value. Some things may not be possible with if-else syntax. Example: conditional initialization. Consider:
if(p == 1)
int value = 1; //local variable!
int value = 0; //and so is this one!
//here 'value' is unknown
Above problem could be solved this way:
int value; //default initialization
if(p == 1)
value = 1; //assignment to already initialized variable!
value = 0; //and so is this!
But these two are not equal. For some types, it may result in totally different behavior, because initialization is different from assignment. ?: is a solution:
int value == (p == 1) ? 1 : 0; //'value' is initialized with value, that depends on 'p'
Do not try to do things without tools, that were designed to do that things for you.

Beginner difficulty with vectors and while-loops in C++

So it turns out there were two issues:
The first is that I checked the [k-1] index before I checked k == 0. This was a crash, although mostly fixable, and not the primary issue I posted about.
The primary issue is that the code seems to execute only after I press ctrl+z. Not sure why that would be.
So, learning from Stroustrup's text in C++ programming, I got to an example on vectors and tried implementing it myself. The gist is that the program user enters a bunch of words, and the program alphabetizes them, and then prints them without repeats. I managed to get working code using a for statement, but one of my initial attempts confuses me as to why this one doesn't work.
To be clear, I'm not asking to improve this code. I already have better, working code. I'm wondering here why the code below doesn't work.
The "error" I get is that the code compiles and runs fine, but when I input words, nothing happens and I'm prompted to input more.
I'm certain there's an obvious mistake, but I've been looking everywhere for the last 8 hours (no exaggeration) just devoted to finding the error on my own. But I can't.
int main() {
vector<string> warray; string wentry; int k = 0;
cout << "Enter words and I'll alphabetize and delete repeats:\n\n";
while (cin >> wentry) warray.push_back(wentry);
sort(warray.begin(), warray.end());
while (k < warray.size()) {
if (warray[k - 1] != warray[k] || k == 0) cout << warray[k] << "\n";
My reasoning for why this should work is this: I initialize my array of words, my word entry per input, and a variable to index word output.
Then I have a while statement so that every input is stacked at the end of the array.
Then I sort my array.
Then I use my index which starts at 0 to output the 0th item of the array.
Then so long as there are words in the array not yet reached by the index, the index will check that the word is not a repeat of the prior index position, and then print if not.
No matter what whappens, the index is incremented by one, and the check begins again.
Words are printed until the index runs through and checks all the words in the array.
Then we wait for new entries, although this gets kind of screwy with the above code, since the sorting is done before the checking. This is explicitly not my concern, however. I only intend for this to work once.
To end the cycle of input you need to insert EOF character which is ctrl+d. However, there are other problems in your code. You have k = 0 to start with so the moment you will try warray[k - 1] your code will crash.
At the point where you take
warray[k - 1]
for the first time, k is zero, so you want to get the warray value at index -1, which is not necessarily defined in memory (and even if, I wouldn't do this anyway). So as it compiles, I guess the address is defined in your case by accident.
I would try simply reversing the OR combination in your if-condition:
if (k == 0 || warray[k - 1] != warray[k])
thus for the first iteration (k == 0) it won't check the second condition because the first condition is then already fulfilled.
Does it work then?
You're stuck in the while loop because you don't have a way of breaking out of it. That being said, you can use Ctrl + d (or use Ctrl + z if executing on windows in the command prompt) to break out of the loop and continue executing the code.
As for while loop at the bottom which prints out the sorted vector of values, your program is going to crash as user902384 suggested because your program will first check for warray[k - 1].
Ideally, you want to change the last part of your program to:
while (k < warray.size())
if (k == 0 || warray[k - 1] != warray[k])
cout << warray[k] << "\n";
This way, the k == 0 check passes and your program will skip checking warray[k - 1] != warray[k] (which would equal warray[-1] != warray[0] when k=0).
You just needed to reverse:
if (warray[k - 1] != warray[k] || k == 0)
if (k == 0 || warray[k - 1] != warray[k] )
for terminating this condition if k = 0.
An alternative.
Although it can termed as a bit off topic, considering you want to work with std::vector<>, but std::set<> is an excellent container which satisfies your current two conditions:
Sort the strings in alphabetical order.
Delete all the repetitions.
Include <set> in your .cpp file, and create a set object, insert all the std::string and iterate through the set to get your ordered, duplicate-free strings!
The code:
int main() {
//Define a set container.
set<string> s;
//A temporary string variable.
string temp;
//Inserting strings into the set.
while (cin >> temp) s.insert(temp);
//Create a set<int> iterator.
set<string>::iterator it;
//Scanning the set
for(it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); ++it)
//To access the element pointed by the iterator,
//use *it.
return 0;
I just recommended this container, because you will study set in Stroustrup's text, and it is very easy and convenient instead of laboring over a vector.

c++ ignoring same number in an array

I have an array of random numbers, for example
6 5 4 4 8
I need to sort it and remove/ignore the same numbers while printing afterwards, so what I did is I sorted everything with bubble sorth algorithm and got something like this
4 4 5 6 8
Now in order to print only different numbers I wrote this for loop
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
if(mrst[i]!=mrst[i-1] && mrst[i]>0){
outFile << mrst[i] << " ";
My question is, the array I have is at the interval of [0:12], though the first time when I call it, it checks an array index of -1 to see if there was the same number before, but it doesn't really exist, but the value stored in there usually is a huge one, so is there a possibility that there may be stored 4 and because of it, the first number won't be printed out. If so, how to prevent it, rewrite the code so it would be optimal?
Perhaps, you're looking for std::unique algorithm:
std::sort(mrst, mrst + n);
auto last = std::unique(mrst, mrst + n);
for(auto elem = mrst; elem != last; ++elem)
outFile << *elem << " ";
Well, as you noted already, you cannot do the check mrst[i] != mrst[i-1] in case i == 0. So I'm sure you can think of a way of not doing that check in exactly this case ... (This looks very much like a homework assignment, so I'm not really willing to give you a complete solution, but I guess I hinted enough)
Note also that it's undefined behaviour to access memory outside the boundaries of an array, so what you're doing there can do anything from working correctly to crashing your program, entirely at the discretion of the compiler.
Basically you can read from any place in heap. So mrst[-1] may give you some garbage from the memory. But you really should avoid doing this. In your case you can just change "mrst[i]!=mrst[i-1] && mrst[i]>0" to "i==0 || mrst[i]!=mrst[i-1]".
In c++ "A || B" don't execute "B" if the "A" is ok.

Check for every rugby score the recursive way without repetitions

Just for fun I created an algorithm that computes every possible combination from a given rugby score (3, 5 or 7 points). I found two methods : The first one is brute force, 3 imbricated for loops. The other one is recursion.
Problem is some combinations appear multiple times. How can I avoid that ?
My code :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void computeScore( int score, int nbTryC, int nbTryNC, int nbPenalties );
int main()
int score = 0;
while (true)
cout << "Enter score : ";
cin >> score;
cout << "---------------" << endl << "SCORE = " << score << endl
<< "---------------" << endl;
// Recursive call
computeScore(score, 0, 0, 0);
return 0;
void computeScore( int score, int nbTryC, int nbTryNC, int nbPenalties )
const int tryC = 7;
const int tryNC = 5;
const int penalty = 3;
if (score == 0)
cout << "* Tries: " << nbTryC << " | Tries NT: " << nbTryNC
<< " | Penal/Drops: " << nbPenalties << endl;
cout << "---------------" << endl;
else if (score < penalty)
// Invalid combination
computeScore(score - tryC, nbTryC+1, nbTryNC, nbPenalties);
computeScore(score - tryNC, nbTryC, nbTryNC+1, nbPenalties);
computeScore(score - penalty, nbTryC, nbTryNC, nbPenalties+1);
One way to think about this is to realize that any time you have a sum, you can put it into some "canonical" form by sorting all the values. For example, given
20 = 5 + 7 + 3 + 5
You could also write this as
20 = 7 + 5 + 5 + 3
This gives a few different options for how to solve your problem. First, you could always sort and record all of the sums that you make, never outputting the same sum twice. This has the problem that you're going to end up repeatedly generating the same sums multiple different times, which is extremely inefficient.
The other (and much better) way to do this is to update the recursion to work in a slightly different way. Right now, your recursion works by always adding 3, 5, and 7 at each step. This is what gets everything out of order in the first place. An alternative approach would be to think about adding in all the 7s you're going to add, then all the 5's, then all the 3's. In other words, your recursion would work something like this:
Let kValues = {7, 5, 3}
function RecursivelyMakeTarget(target, values, index) {
// Here, target is the target to make, values are the number of 7's,
// 5's, and 3's you've used, and index is the index of the number you're
// allowed to add.
// Base case: If we overshot the target, we're done.
if (target < 0) return;
// Base case: If we've used each number but didn't make it, we're done.
if (index == length(kValues)) return;
// Base case: If we made the target, we're done.
if (target == 0) print values; return;
// Otherwise, we have two options:
// 1. Add the current number into the target.
// 2. Say that we're done using the current number.
// Case one
RecursivelyMakeTarget(target - kValues[index], values, index);
// Case two
RecursivelyMakeTarget(target, values, index + 1);
function MakeTarget(target) {
RecursivelyMakeTarget(target, [0, 0, 0], 0);
The idea here is to add in all of the 7's you're going to use before you add in any 5's, and to add in any 5's before you add in any 3's. If you look at the shape of the recursion tree that's made this way, you will find that no two paths end up trying out the same sum, because when the path branches either a different number was added in or the recursion chose to start using the next number in the series. Consequently, each sum is generated exactly once, and no duplicates will be used.
Moreover, this above approach scales to work with any number of possible values to add, so if rugby introduces a new SUPER GOAL that's worth 15 points, you could just update the kValues array and everything would work out just fine.
Hope this helps!
Each time you find a solution you could store it in a dictionary ( a set of strings for example, with strings looking like "TC-TNT-P" )
Before printing a solution you verify it was not in the dictionary.
A nested for-loop is the natural way to do this. Using recursion is just silly (as you seem to have discovered).