OpenCV - VideoWriter produces a video with a "repeated" image - c++

I'm trying to process each frame in a pair of video files in OpenCV and then write the resulting frames to an output avi file. Everything works, except that the output video file looks strange: instead of one solid image, the image is repeated three times and horizontally compressed so all three copies fit into the window. I suspect there is something going wrong with the number of channels the writer is expecting, but I'm giving it 8-bit single channel images to write. Below are the setting with which I'm initializing my videowriter:
//Initialize the video writer
CvVideoWriter *writer = cvCreateVideoWriter("out.avi",CV_FOURCC('D','I','V','X'), 30, frame_sizeL, 0);
Has anyone encountered this strange output from the openCV videowriter before? I've been checking the resulting frames with cvSaveImage just to see if somehow my processing step is creating the "tripled" image, but it's not. It's only when I write to the output avi with cvWriteFrame that the image gets "tripled" and compressed.
Edit: So I've discovered that this only happens when I attempt to write single channel images using write frame. If I write 3 channel 8-bit RGB images, the output video turns out fine. Why is it doing this? I am correctly passing "0" for the color argument when initializing the CvVideoWriter, so it should be expecting single channel images.

In the C++ version you have to tell cv::VideoWriter that you are sending a single channel image by setting the last paramter "false", are you sure you are doing this?
edit: alternatively you can convert a greyscale image to color using cvtColor() and CV_GRAY2RGB


Qt - Conversion JPEG to PNG not giving the same image

I would like to convert a jpeg image into png and to do so I am using the code below:
QImageReader reader;
QImage image =;
QImageWriter writer;
I thought the output image would be exactly the same as the input one but the difference image is not null and I cannot figure out why. The difference image looks like a noise image with values ranging from -5 to 6.
I tried to do the same thing with another librairy called VTK but I don't have the same problem, the image before and after compression are exactly the same.
Any suggestion is welcome !
Different JPEG decoders can produce slightly different RGB values
(more so if the JPEG contains a ICC profile); there a lot of numerical rounding and conversions involved (however, encoders are supposed to differ in no more than one bit per pixel from the reference implementation, but I would not bet on that; see eg this answer and this one).
I suggest you try to do the pixel-by-pixel comparison inside QImage.

Logitech quickcam pro 9000 Bayer capture with openCV

I'm trying to capture the raw data of the logitech pro 9000 (eg. the so called Bayer pattern). This can be achieved by using the so called bayer application, that can be found floating over the internet. It should return a 8 bit bayer pattern, but the results are quite obviously not such a pattern.
However; The image that is being streamed seems to be quite off. As can be seen in the image below, I get 2 images of the scene in a 3 channel image (meaning 6 channels in total). Each image is 1/4th of the total capture area, so it would seem that there is some kind of YUV data being streamed.
I was unable to convert this data into anything meaningful using the conversions provided by openCV. Any ideas what kind of data is being sent and (more importantly) how to convert this into RGB?
As requested; the codesnippet that is used to generate the image.
system("Bayer.exe 1 8"); //Sets the camera to raw mode
// set up camera
VideoCapture capture(0);
Mat capturedFrame;
How did you get frames from stream using openCV? Can you share some code snippets? There are too many video formats in openCV for getting correct color channel and compressed data.
I think you should be able to obtain correct image frames as mentioned here :
This is most likely to happen if the out put data format ( width, height, bit depth, no of channels...) of camera and the data format your program expect is different.
However i could capture of logitec pro cam, simply by using
Mat img;
VideoCapture cap(0);
cap >> img;

Unable to perform imwrite an image that I can see with imshow

I'm using opencv, and I have a frame that I can see using imshow() but when I use imwrite to save it on the disk, I get a black image.
// frame *= 1/255; even converting the color before writing it didn't help
frame *=1/15.96;
imshow("frame",frame); //it works fine
anyidea why it isn't working. thanks in advance
What you've done here is that you've performed imwrite(), then performed a mathematical operation on frame, and then performed imshow().
Ergo, you're writing and viewing 2 different versions of Mat frame.
If you've verified that the .tiff extension works, then it's possible that sqrt() is resulting in a black frame. Try:
frame *=1/15.96;
Now you can be certain that you're writing what you're seeing. If there is still a difference between the two, then try doing the same with other image formats

converting a UYVY FFmpeg

I want to read and show a video using opencv. I've recorded with Direct-show, the Video has UYVY (4:2:2) codec, since opencv can't read that format, I want to convert the codec to an RGB color model, I readed about ffmpeg and I want to know if it's possible to get this done with it ? if not if you a suggestion I'll be thankful.
As I explained to you before, OpenCV can read some formats of YUV, including UYVY (thanks to FFmpeg/GStreamer). So I believe the cv::Mat you get from the camera is already converted to the BGR color space which is what OpenCV uses by default.
I modified my previous program to store the first frame of the video as PNG:
cv::Mat frame;
if (!
return -1;
cv::imwrite("mat.png", frame);
// ...
And the image is perfect. Executing the command file on mat.png reveals:
mat.png: PNG image data, 1920 x 1080, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced
A more accurate test would be to dump the entire to the disk and open it with an image editor. If you do that keep in mind that the R and B channels will be switched.

loadRawData Memory issue in ogre while load opencv frames

I am capturing images in real time using OpenCV, and I want to show these images in the OGRE window as a background. So, for each frame the background will change.
I am trying to use MemoryDataStream along with loadRawData to load the images into an OGRE window, but I am getting the following error:
OGRE EXCEPTION(2:InvalidParametersException): Stream size does not
match calculated image size in Image::loadRawData at
../../../../../OgreMain/src/OgreImage.cpp (line 283)
An image comes from OpenCV with a size of 640x480 and frame->buffer is a type of Mat in OpenCV 2.3. Also, the pixel format that I used in OpenCV is CV_8UC3 (i.e., each pixel is 8-bits and each pixel contains 3 channels ( B8G8R8 ) ).
Ogre::MemoryDataStream* videoStream = new Ogre::MemoryDataStream((void*)frame->, 640*480*3, true);
Ogre::DataStreamPtr ptr(videoStream,Ogre::SPFM_DELETE);
Ogre::Image* image = new Ogre::Image();
image->loadRawData(ptr,640, 480,Ogre::PF_B8G8R8 );
Why I always getting this memory error?
Quick idea, maybe memory 4-byte alignment issues ?
see Link 1 and
Link 2
I'm not an Ogre expert, but does it work if you use loadDynamicImage instead?
EDIT : Just for grins try using the Mat fields to setup the buffer:
Ogre::Image* image = new Ogre::Image();
image->loadDynamicImage((uchar*)frame->, frame->buffer.cols, frame->buffer.rows, frame->buffer.channels(), Ogre::PF_B8G8R8);
This will avoid copying the image data, and should let the Mat delete it's contents later.
I had similar problems to get image data into OGRE, in my case the data came from ROS (see The thing is that your data in frame->buffer is not RAW, but has a file header etc.
I think my solution was to search the data stream for the beginning of the image (by finding the appropriate indicator in the data block, e.g. 0x4D 0x00), and inserting the data from this point on.
You would have to find out were in your buffer the header ends and where your data begins.