List of PID's in Erlang - concurrency

Long story short I am trying to replicate the Sleeping barber problem in Erlang.
In my solution I decided that for all the processes that are waiting I would put them into a list. Then, once it was that processes turn, I would take that PID off of the list.
Unfortunately when I call
it fails, as an example:
* 2: syntax error before: '<'
is there a way to store PID's so that I can recall them and use them normally? i.e.
PID ! message
... just in case it matters here is the actual error I recieve when running my program:
=ERROR REPORT==== 1-Jul-2010::05:50:40 ===
Error in process <0.44.0> with exit value:
barber1 is my module, waitingRoom is the function that keeps track of which processes are waiting

You can also construct a Pid from it's three components using pid/3.
1> length([pid(0,35,0)]).
Be aware that using any of these techniques for constructing Pid goes wrong if you construct a pid on a different node than the one it was created on.
The problem your program is having is different.
A call to erlang:length/1 created a badarg. The third element of {erlang,length,[<0.46.0>]} is the list of arguments passed to erlang:length. So that's equivalent to:
1> erlang:length(pid(0,46,0)).
where you intended:
1> erlang:length([pid(0,46,0)]).
(Annoyingly, the erlang shell now hides erlang's internal representation of errors from you. Replacing the above error with:
** exception error: bad argument in function length/1 called as length(<0.35.0>)
which is much easier to understand but less useful because it gets in the way of learning the essential skill of interpreting erlang errors yourself.)

Entering Pids by typing them does not work for me either.
Is that the only problem?
With code:
loop() ->
{hello} ->
io:format("Hello world!~n"),
I get:
Eshell V5.7.5 (abort with ^G)
1> Pid = spawn(fun test:loop/0).
2> L = [Pid].
3> length(L).

This error message:
=ERROR REPORT==== 1-Jul-2010::05:50:40 ===
Error in process <0.44.0> with exit value:
means that you were calling length(<0.46.0>), not length([<0.46.0>]) (ignoring for the moment that PIDs can only be written, not read). In the stack trace the topmost function will have the list of arguments. Since length takes one argument, this list has a single argument: you are taking the length of a PID, which obviously fails, since only lists have lengths.

The problem is that while <0.46.0> is the way that a PID gets printed, it can't be entered this way. You can use list_to_pid("<0.46.0>") instead. Of course, once you do have a PID (created in this way, returned from spawn, etc.), it can be stored in a list and retrieved like any other Erlang term.

The standard way to get a pid is to take the return value of a spawn function, either spawn/1, spawn/3, spawn_link/1, spawn_link/3, and the proc_lib equivalents.
A simple way to write down a pid is with the function c:pid/3, called like c:pid(0,25,0), which will return <0.25.0>. That's a shortcut function for the shell. Otherwise, you can use list_to_pid/1 as mentioned by Alexey Romanov.
However, you should be aware of the role of pids before trying to build them by hand. The pid acts as the personal identifier of a process and is meant to be used only by those who know about it. If you don't have the pid in your hand already, then you likely shouldn't be in its possession already. Indirectly, this is meant to lead to insulation of different parts of a program — only care about those bits that you spawned and have each part of your program mind its own business.
The cleanest way to do it is thus to use the return value of a spawn function. Generating a pid by hand should be left as a debugging solution only.


Exiting a procedure

I have some very simple code, but I cannot figure this out. I'm calling a procedure that will (hopefully) exit the process. But it doesn't exactly do that:
procedure quit;
And here's where i'm calling it:
If (Ch2 = #13) and (Bar2 = 5) and (Five) Then Quit;
Bar2 is basically a byte variable that holds an array with different elements, like "display", "help", "next" and "prev", and of course, quit, Which all have their own code based on what they do.
Ch2 is a variable for ReadKey that takes in various key presses, and then allows it to do whatever is defined for that specfic command. In this case, it requires that the return key is used.
Five is a boolean operator, and is there as a prerequisite to run the quit command. I guess it isn't really necessary.
BTW, if it helps, this is a unit, not a standalone program.
Anyone know why this exit command isn't working? Hopefully this post is verbose enough.
Thank you.
The exit statement exits from the function or procedure in which it is found. It then returns execution to the calling function or procedure.
To terminate the process use halt.

Program Seems to Terminate Early

I get the feeling this is one of those really simple problems where there's something I just don't understand about the language. But I'm trying to learn Elixir, and my program isn't running all the way through. I've got a minimal example here.
defmodule Foo do
def run(0) do
def run(n) do
IO.puts(to_string n)
run(n - 1)
def go do
# Foo.go
# spawn &Foo.go/0
Now, if I uncomment the Foo.go line at the bottom and run it with elixir minimal.exs, then I get the intended output, which is all of the numbers from 100 down to 0. If I uncomment only the spawn &Foo.go/0 line, I consistently get no output at all.
However, if I uncomment both lines and run the program, I get the numbers from 100 to 0 (from the first line), then the first few numbers (usually about 100 to 96 or so) before the program terminates for some reason. So I really don't know what's causing the process to terminate at a random point.
It's worth pointing out that the reason this confusion arose for me was that I was trying to use mix to compile a larger project, when the program seemed to get started, do a small part of its work, and then terminate because mix apparently stops running after a bit. So I'm not sure what the idiomatic way to run an Elixir program is either, given that mix seems to terminate it after a short while anyway.
spawn/1 will create a new process to run the function. While they are not the same, you can sort of think of an Erlang / Elixir process as a thread in most other languages.
So, when you start your program, the "main" process gets to doing some work. In your case, it creates a new process (lets call it "Process A") to output the numbers from 100 down to 0. However, the problem is that spawn/1 does not block. Meaning that the "main" process will keep executing and not wait for "Process A" to return.
So what is happening is that your "main" process is completing execution which ends the entire program. This is normal for every language I have ever used.
If you wanted to spawn some work in a different process and make sure it finishes execution BEFORE ending your program, you have a couple different options.
You could use the Task module. Something along the lines of this should work.
task = Task.async(&Foo.go/0)
You could explicitly send and receive messages
defmodule Foo do
def run(0, pid) do
# This will send the message back to the "main" thread upon completion.
send pid, {:done, self()}
def run(n, pid) do
IO.puts(to_string n)
run(n - 1, pid)
# We now pass along the pid of the "main" thread into the go function.
def go(pid) do
run(100, pid)
# Use spawn/3 instead so we can pass in the "main" process pid.
pid = spawn(Foo, :go, [self()])
# This will block until it receives a message matching this pattern.
receive do
# The ^ is the pin operator. It ensures that we match against the same pid as before.
{:done, ^pid} -> :done
There are other ways of achieving this. Unfortunately, without knowing more about the problem you are trying to solve, I can only make basic suggestions.
With all of that said, mix will not arbitrarily stop your running program. For whatever reason, the "main" process must have finished execution. Also mix is a build tool, not really the way you should be running your application (though, you can). Again, without knowing what you are attempting to do or seeing your code, I cannot give you anything more than this.

What is the difference between QProcess::start and QProcess::startDetached?

The Qt documentation gives this explanation:
Starts the given program in a new process, if none is already running,
passing the command line arguments in arguments.
Starts the program program with the arguments arguments in a new
process, and detaches from it.
What is the difference between the two? Is the difference only that you can start just one instance of a program using QProcess::start and many instances using QProcess::startDetached?
If you use start, termination of the caller process will cause the termination of the called process as well. If you use startDetached, after the caller is terminated, the child will continue to live. For example:
QProcess * p = new QProcess();
delete p;// <---some-app will be terminated
QProcess * p = new QProcess();
delete p;// <---some-app will continue to live
The start() function is a member function, while startDetached is a static class function.
If you look at the documentation of QProcess, you'll see that there are functions to allow you to do things with the process such as: -
Receive the output or error streams from the running process (readAllStandardOutput / readAllStandardError)
Redirect the output to a file (setStandardOutputFile)
Use a file for standard input into the process (setStandardInputFile)
Communicate via channels
Get notified when the process has finished
These are just some of the things that you can only do with an instance of a QProcess. If, however, you want a simple and quick way of starting a process without having to create an instance and you don't need the extra functionality, you can simply call QProcess::startDetached.
Also, as the docs state for startDetached: -
If the calling process exits, the detached process will continue to live.

FindNextPrinterChangeNotification returns NULL for ppPrinterNotifyInfo

I'm stuck on problem were I would like to ask for some help:
I have the task to print some files of different types using ShellExecuteEx with the "print" verb and need to guarantee print order of all files. Therefore I use FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification and FindNextPrinterChangeNotification to monitor the events PRINTER_CHANGE_ADD_JOB and PRINTER_CHANGE_DELETE_JOB using two different threads in the background which I start before calling ShellExecuteEx as I don't know anything about the application which will print the files etc. The only thing I know is that I'm the only one printing and which file I print. My solution seems to work well, my program successfully recognizes the event PRINTER_CHANGE_ADD_JOB for my file, I even verify that this event is issued for my file by checking what is give to me as additional info by specifying JOB_NOTIFY_FIELD_DOCUMENT.
The problem now is with the event PRINTER_CHANGE_DELETE_JOB, where I don't get any addition info about the print job, though my logic is exactly the same for both events: I've written one generic thread function which simply gets executed with the event it is used for. My thread is recognizing the PRINTER_CHANGE_DELETE_JOB event, but on each call to FindNextPrinterChangeNotification whenever this event occured I don't get any addition data in ppPrinterNotifyInfo. This works for the start event, though, I verified using my logs and the debugger. But with PRINTER_CHANGE_DELETE_JOB the only thing I get is NULL.
I already searched the web and there are some similar questions, but most of the time related to VB or simply unanswered. I'm using a C++ project and as my code works for the ADD_JOB-event I don't think I'm doing something completely wrong. But even MSDN doesn't mention this behavior and I would really like to make sure that the DELETE_JOB event is the one for my document, which I can't without any information about the print job. After I get the DELETE_JOB event my code doesn't even recognize other events, which is OK because the print job is done afterwards.
The following is what I think is the relevant notification code:
PRINTER_NOTIFY_OPTIONS_TYPE pnot[1] = {JOB_NOTIFY_TYPE, 0, 0, 0, 1, jobNotifyFields};
PRINTER_NOTIFY_OPTIONS pno = {2, 0, 1, pnot};
HANDLE defaultPrinter = PrintWaiter::openDefaultPrinter();
HANDLE changeNotification = FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification( defaultPrinter,
0, &pno);
while ((waitResult = WaitForSingleObject(changeNotification, threadArgs->wfsoTimeout)) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, L"Irgendein Druckereignis im Thread zum Warten auf Ereignis " << LogStringConv(threadArgs->event) << L" erkannt.");
DWORD events = 0;
FindNextPrinterChangeNotification(changeNotification, &events, NULL, (LPVOID*) &notifyInfo);
if (!(events & threadArgs->event) || !notifyInfo || !notifyInfo->Count)
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger, L"unpassendes Ereignis " << LogStringConv(events) << L" ignoriert");
I would really appreciate if anyone could give some hints on why I don't get any data regarding the print job. Thanks!
Here's what I think is going on:
I observe two events in two different threads for the start and end of each print job. With some debugging and logging I recognized that FindNextPrinterChangeNotification doesn't always return only the two distinct events I've notified for, but some 0-events in general. In those cases FindNextPrinterChangeNotification returns 0 as the events in pdwChange. If I print a simple text file using notepad.exe I only get one event for creation of the print job with value 256 for pdwChange and the data I need in notifyInfo to compare my printed file name against and comparing both succeeds. If I print a pdf file using current Acrobat Reader 11 I get two events, one has pdwChange as 256, but gives something like "local printdatafile" as the name of the print job started, which is obviously not the file I printed. The second event has a pdwChange of 0, but the name of the print job provided in notifyInfo is the file name I used to print. As I use FreePDF for testing pruproses, I think the first printer event is something internal to my special setup.
The notifications for the deletion of a print job create 0 events, too. This time those are sent before FindNextPrinterChangeNotification returns 1024 in pdwChange, and timely very close after the start of the print job. In this case the exactly one generated 0 event contains notifyInfo with a document name which equals the file name I started printing. After the 0 event there's exactly one additional event with pdwChange of 1024, but without any data for notifyInfo.
I think Windows is using some mechanism which provides additional notifications for the same event as 0 events after the initial event has been fired with it's real value the user notified with, e.g. 256 for PRINTER_CHANGE_ADD_JOB. On the other hand it seems that some 0 events are simply fired to provide data for an upcoming event which then gets the real value of e.g. 1024 for PRINTER_CHANGE_DELETE_JOB, but without anymore data because that has already been delivered to the event consumer with a very early 0 event. Something like "Look, there's more for the last events." and "Look, something is going to happen with the data I already provide now." Implementing such an approach my prints now seem to work as expected.
Of course what I wrote doesn't fit to what is documented for FindNextPrinterChangeNotification, but it makes a bit of sense to me. ;-)
You're not checking for overflows or errors.
The documentation for FindNextPrinterChangeNotification says this:
If the PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO_DISCARDED bit is set in the Flags member of
the PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO structure, an overflow or error occurred, and
notifications may have been lost. In this case, no additional
notifications will be sent until you make a second
FindNextPrinterChangeNotification call that specifies
You need to check for that flag and do as described above, and you should also be checking the return code from FindNextPrinterChangeNotification.

how to JUDGE other program's result via cpp?

I've got a series of cpp source file and I want to write another program to JUDGE if they can run correctly (give input and compare their output with standart output) . so how to:
call/spawn another program, and give a file to be its standard input
limit the time and memory of the child process (maybe setrlimit thing? is there any examples?)
donot let the process to read/write any file
use a file to be its standard output
compare the output with the standard output.
I think the 2nd and 3rd are the core part of this prob. Is there any way to do this?
ps. system is Linux
To do this right, you probably want to spawn the child program with fork, not system.
This allows you to do a few things. First of all, you can set up some pipes to the parent process so the parent can supply the input to the child, and capture the output from the child to compare to the expected result.
Second, it will let you call seteuid (or one of its close relatives like setreuid) to set the child process to run under a (very) limited user account, to prevent it from writing to files. When fork returns in the parent, you'll want to call setrlimit to limit the child's CPU usage.
Just to be clear: rather than directing the child's output to a file, then comparing that to the expected output, I'd capture the child's output directly via a pipe to the parent. From there the parent can write the data to a file if desired, but can also compare the output directly to what's expected, without going through a file.
std::string command = "/bin/local/app < my_input.txt > my_output_file.txt 2> my_error_file.txt";
int rv = std::system( command.c_str() );
1) The system function from the STL allows you to execute a program (basically as if invoked from a shell). Note that this approach is inherenly insecure, so only use it in a trusted environment.
2) You will need to use threads to be able to achieve this. There are a number of thread libraries available for C++, but I cannot give you recommendation.
[After edit in OP's post]
3) This one is harder. You either have to write a wrapper that monitors read/write access to files or do some Linux/Unix privilege magic to prevent it from accessing files.
4) You can redirect the output of a program (that it thinks goes to the standard output) by adding > outFile.txt after the way you would normally invoke the program (see 1)) -- e.g. otherapp > out.txt
5) You could run diff on the saved file (from 3)) to the "golden standard"/expected output captured in another file. Or use some other method that better fits your need (for example you don't care about certain formatting as long as the "content" is there). -- This part is really dependent on your needs. diff does a basic comparing job well.