c++ qt dll not in good folder - c++

I made an project in visual studio with QT, its something for in the taskbar with a tray icon.
but on other pc's i didnt saw the icon because they dont have de qicon.dll file.
the qicon.dll is in the folder: C:\Qt\4.6.3\plugins\imageformats but when i delete it there and i paste it at the exe location it dont work. how can i fix this?
so i need the dll but i want it in the same folder as the exe.

Please take a look at this section of the Qt documentation: http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/deployment-windows.html
The relevant parts:
"Plugins work differently to normal DLLs, so we can't just copy them into the same directory as our application's executable as we did with the Qt DLLs. When looking for plugins, the application searches in a plugins subdirectory inside the directory of the application executable."
"An alternative to putting the plugins in the plugins subdirectory is to add a custom search path when you start your application using QApplication::addLibraryPath() or QApplication::setLibraryPaths()."
I guess that answers your question.


Qt application release exe not running

I have built a very simple calculator in Qt. When I run it in release mode from qt creator, everything works fine. However when I go to the release folder and run it, it gives QT5Core.dll, QT5Widgets.dll and QT5Gui.dll not found. After running windeployqt there by:
windeployqt .
All the dll get added. However, it then gives error VCRUNTIME140_APP.dll and MSVCP140_APP.dll not found. After copying them to the folder. The exe doesn't give any error on double clicking but just does not start. What should I do?
I found this solution here, however I cannot find any qml file in the application directory.
I created it as a QT widget application. I am using Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2017 and MSVC2017 64bit desktop kit. The application is in C++.
Running the command
windeployqt Calculator.exe
after adding qt to the path seems to do the trick. Application working even after removing qt from the path. Will try running the app inside vm just to be extra sure.
When running from the command line, add your Qt Bin directory to the PATH. For example:
C:\> PATH=C:\Qt\Qt5.11.0\5.11.0\msvc2017_64\bin;%PATH%
You can solve the problem as selbie described it. An another way is to copy the missing .dll-Files to the folder where the.exe is placed.
See here https://doc.qt.io/Qt-5/windows-deployment.html#creating-the-application-package :
To deploy the application, we must make sure that we copy the relevant Qt DLLs (corresponding to the Qt modules used in the application) and the Windows platform plugin, qwindows.dll, as well as the executable to the same directory tree in the release subdirectory.
set variable VCINSTALLDIR, example:
set VCINSTALLDIR=p:\Programs\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\
and next run
windeployqt.exe app.exe
Or copy vc_redist.x64.exe from Redist subfolder into folder with your application.
As #mosa mentioned, To deploy the application, we must make sure that we copy the relevant Qt DLLs (corresponding to the Qt modules used in the application) and the Windows platform plugin, qwindows.dll, as well as the executable to the same directory tree in the release subdirectory.
To add missing .dll files first open QT MSVC Console and type windeployqt.exe command,
Then you have to go to the directory which .exe file contains. Let's assume my .exe is in the desktop,
cd user/indrajith/desktop
Then you can add missing .dll files using following command,
windeployqt.exe --quick.
Finally, just double click your .exe file to run the program.
Simple Solution:
Copy "bin" and "plugins" folders from the qt setup directory(C:\Qt\6.2.4\mingw_64) to your release folder.
Put your .exe file inside that "bin" folder and done.
Now, your .exe application should run.The bin and plugin folders contain required .dll files and unnecessary files can be removed manually.

Qwindows.dll Never Found In

When I run my application in other machine and if i rename the Qt directory i'm getting the "This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows". Reinstalling the application may fix this problem."
Here's the layout of the folder holding the application:
Is there any possibility to force the seek qwindows.dll for directory of my application instead of the QT directory?
use windeployqt:
go to your QT installation folder, something like this: C:\QT\5.5\msvc2013\bin there is an .exe located here called windeployqt start your cmd from here. (ctrl+shift+rightclick). Then type the following:
windeploy [full path to your release map]
Qt install directory should not be in your PATH environment. Then renaming the Qt dir is not necessary (in contrast to OSX). During development you can run your application from inside Qt Creator.
If you run your application outside Qt Creator, for instance by double clicking on it in explorer, Windows will also automatically include in its search path the application dir and as a matter of fact it is the first location it will look. If it cannot find the dll there, or if it is the wrong version (like 32/64bit) it will try to find it somewhere else. There is no need to set or load library paths. Use dependency walker to find out what dll's you need. Copy them from the Qt Install dir or extract them from the Microsoft vc-redistributable exe in case a msvc dll is needed (I think you are missing the msvcr dll). All this dll copying should be preferably done with a qmake script. Which plugin Qt dll your application need is a matter of trial and error. For some missing plugin dll's the OS will issue a warning when running the appplication.
You could follow Pim's advice by using windeployqt. We prefer to control ourselves what dll's are going to be deployed.
Your location of the plugin platforms qwindows.dll is exactly correct. The application does not load the plugin dll's but the Qt dll's load the plugin dll's and these Qt dll's know exactly where to expect and find them. The only reason I can imagine that you have problems is that your app loads the wrong Qt dll and that dll cannot find the platforms dll. Do not forget that many other multi-platform applications use Qt as well. They might have dumped Qt dll's in the system32 directory or they might expose them by adding their application dir to the PATH environment. Welcome to the dll hell.
There is a simple approach to fight the dll hell: remove (and restore) from your app dir the dll's one by one and each time double click your app. If Windows does not complain about missing exactly that dll you just removed that dll was not the correct version. If this still does not help you are probably missing out another Qt dll your application is using.
I solved the problem by setting the path in the code.
TCHAR path[_MAX_PATH+1];
std::string runningFolder = ExtractFileDir( path );
QStringList paths;
app = static_cast <QApplication *> (QApplication::instance());
if ( app == NULL )
int argc = 0;
app = new QApplication( argc, NULL );
In some cases 'platforms' must also contains qminimal.dll:
platforms/qwindows.dll platforms/qminimal.dll

Qml program does not run

I've build qt for static linking to make just one exe without any dll's, configured creator. On my computer everything works. But when i run a program on other computers nothing happens. Process starts, but nothing is shown. And it's only with qml, it works with c++ projects.
I tried to make a simple exe and add all needed libraries by windeployqt, but it doesn't change anything.
Maybe someone can tell me, what am i doing wrong?
I have found that with QML applications you might need directories from the following directory:
The directories needed depends on what you have included.
For my application I had the following structure:
First run the mingw on cmd terminal of windows (on my case it is on C:\Qt\6.1.1\mingw81_64\bin).
After this go to your project output (where is your .exe file that you want to run on another windows machine).
Run the windeployqt command:
windeployqt.exe --qmldir C:\Qt\6.1.1\mingw81_64\qml .
I run the example project "Qt Quick Application - Scroll".
The blank screen only happens on PCs that do not have a video card with OpenGL 2.0 support.
Try this:
1. Used dependency walker(http://www.dependencywalker.com/) to see the exact path of the dlls needed. Try it because both QtCreator and QT framework both have the same dlls and you must pinpoint the exact ones used. I copied all dlls needed in the same folder as the app.
2.I have copied the folder platforms from QT framework /plugins and copied it in the same folder as the app. Now the app comtained also plugin/platform/ folder with all its dlls
3.And the most important step in my case is to create a file named qt.conf in the same folder as the app . This file should contain the path to the plugins. My qt.conf file contains:
Try copying every DLLs in below folder to the folder where your exe is.
If the exe runs normally, try deleting the DLLs some by some to find out what dll is needed and what is not needed.

Deploying Qt application using QtMultimedia in release mode

I am developing a Qt 5.0 dekstop application using mingw47. I use QtMultimedia in this application to record and play audio. I have tested it for debug and it works. When I try to build it for release and run the executable file, I can't play the audio file that can normally be played in debug mode. I've added the following dlls before running the executable file:
plugins/platforms/(all dlls),
plugins/mediaservice/(all dlls),
plugins/playlistformats(all dlls)
What is probably wrong? Or what other dlls am I missing?
UPDATE: Use windeployqt.exe! It works really well.
The simplest way to use windeployqt is to add the bin directory of
your Qt installation (e.g. ) to the PATH variable and then
windeployqt <path-to-app-binary>
While you are running your application in release mode (when it is working, ran from inside Qt Creator), execute depends.exe and point it at the application.
Make note of all the dlls that are referenced from your Qt folder.
Alternate way if you want to take more time with it:
You can figure it out by hand by trying to delete files because Windows won't let you delete a folder or a dll while it is in use. So you could go and make a back up of your Qt installation, and then run you application, make sure it has connected to all the dll's it is going to use, and then try to delete folders and files in your Qt installation. Windows won't let you delete files that are in use by your release.
Also here is how Windows resolves dll's if you wanted to know:
EDIT: Also, you don't need to make the folder called plugins in your exe directory. It should be something like this:
Qt 4.x:
./imageformats/qjpegd4.dll // Note: there isn't a "plugins" folder here
Qt 5.x: (take from here)
The executable ./plugandpaint.exe
The Basic Tools plugin ./plugins/pnp_basictools.dll
The ExtraFilters plugin ./plugins/pnp_extrafilters.dll
The Qt Windows platform plugin ./platforms/qwindows.dll
The Qt Core module ./Qt5Core.dll
The Qt GUI module ./Qt5Gui.dll
The Qt Widgets module ./Qt5Widgets.dll
Also run qDebug() << QApplication::libraryPaths(), and make note of paths that are searched for dlls on your computer.
Hope that helps.
All of the DLL's in your list that have their import libraries linked to the application will be automatically loaded by the OS. If any of them are missing you will get a dialog telling you which DLL it failed to load. The only ones that look like they might be loaded manually by the application are the plugins. Make sure you are telling the QT multimedia system to load the them. Also make sure you check the error codes returned by the multiamedia manager.
Given your recent comment that the audio plays in debug mode but not in release mode is a good indication you have put the plugin DLL's in the wrong place. When you launch your application from Explorer or the command line the plugins directory needs to be in the same directory as the application. Your directory structure should look something like below
c:\stackoverflow\plugins\platforms\(all dlls)
c:\stackoverflow\plugins\mediaservice\(all dlls)
c:\stackoverflow\plugins\playlistformats\(all dlls)
... other dll's here...
I've found the answer. Now my application works. It can play audio file while running the executable file.
Although not listed in depends.exe, we should add the following dlls when using QMediaPlayer:
Here is the reference: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-30172

failed to load platform plugin "windows" Available platforms are: windows, minimal

Hi Im trying to execute my .exe file from the debug folder.
Now before you go telling me about all the other related articles Ive looked at them all and their solutions are not helping with my problem.
Ok first off Im using Qwt library and trying to create a set of gauges. I got a gauge working now I need to get it to execute from the .exe.
Ive tried adding the platforms folder in with my directory and adding the windowsd.dll and minimald.dll but still does not work.
Please advise on any course of action this had got me stumped.
Also one post says to create a qt.conf file and place it in the directory but I cant find out how to make a .conf file.
the error reads
debug error!
File: kernel\qguiapplication.cpp
Failed to load platform plugin "windows". Available platforms are:
When deploying Qt on Windows, you have to copy over a number of the dlls from the bin folder of the Qt directory.
On my system it is:
After you copy over all the required dll's from there, like QtCore4.dll and QtGui4.dll, if you are using any additional plugins like phonon or jpeg support, you need to copy those dll's over from the plugins folder:
For example I make a folder in the folder with my exe called imageformats and I put qjpeg4.dll in that folder.
As far as Qwt works, you probably need to do a similar process to expose those dll's to your exe, and put them in the same folder as your exe.
The dll's listed above are for the "release" build of your exe. If you are running the "debug" version, it will look for <dll_name>d.dll.
The reasoning for putting in those paths has to do with the library search order that windows uses.
Qt, Phonon and multimedia codecs: how to bundle them?
Hope that helps.
If you have several executable and\or you don't want to copy plugins by hand, you can create a qt.conf file with the path to the plugin directory
Plugins = PATH_TO_QT_DIR/plugins
You need to place the qt.conf file where the executable is.
More information at http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qt-conf.html