How to use admin interface if I have no application? - django

I am creating a Django based app and I'd like to put everything under the root in the following structure:
One problem that I run into is the admin interface doesn't include whatever models I have that are registerd in usin
Usually that's done by using auto discover in, but now I have no registered "app", the auto discover doesn't work anymore. Is there anyway I can still use the admin interface?

Django simply doesn't work without apps. They're the fundamental building block of a Django site. A whole range of things, not just the admin, will fail to work. Why do you want to do this?

Putting the app in the django-style directory structure will make your project easily extensible if you decide to add functionality later.


Django - 'myapp' vs 'myapp.apps.myappConfig' in Installed Apps

I know this might sound stupid but I was just wondering what's the difference if I just type 'myapp' instead of 'myapp.apps.myappConfig' in my Installed Apps list. Is it something related to models or what?
If you use myapp.apps.myappConfig, then you are explicitly telling Django to use that app config class.
Changing the app config class lets you change the behaviour of the application, for example, when you use the admin app, you can use django.contrib.admin.apps.AdminConfig which autodiscovers apps, or django.contrib.admin.apps.SimpleAdminConfig, which does not.
If you just use myapp, then Django will try to use default_app_config. If that isn't set, then it will use the default AppConfig.
A lot of the time, there isn't any customisation in myappConfig, or default_app_config is set, so you'll get the same behaviour whichever style you use in INSTALLED_APPS.
Ever since AppConfig was added in Django 1.7, the recommendation has been to use ``myapp.apps.myappConfigbecause it's explicit, and avoid usingdefault_app_config`.
However, in practice, it seems that users have preferred the simplicity of using myapp. Therefore, there's an open pull request which will remove default_app_config, and automatically select the app config class when there is only one.

Why is the file not created automatically?

Almost every video which I saw about Django (for beginners), people who create applications using the startapp command and add their file manually in their application. My question is, if is so important for views and for our app why it's not creating automatically when we run startapp command!
Not every app directly serves the end user is only useful for routing users to pages which primarily have to do with that app. However, many apps may only do internal things. I have an app in one of my projects that handles badges and rewards, but there is no page which corresponds to any of that because it all shows exclusively as part of the profile pages (and the routing is handled within the profile app).
It just isn't always needed and that is why it is not always included.
Simply you don't have to serve each of your app to the end-users. You may have apps responsible for only your inner interactions. So it is not logical to put in each and every app.
It vary on how you use your routing.
django give project wide by default when you create the project using django-admin startproject command. so you can create all your project's urls on this file.
And not all app intended to server user directly using urls.
Whether i also prefer to create separate and routers for every app and include in main

Can we custom whole Django Admin site is it possible?

Is it possible to do anything in the django-admin site? I mean can we custom it according to our needs??
django-admin is an application added to the default django projects. As you can see in file, there's 'django.contrib.admin' and 'django.contrib.auth' (which contains user management models and logics) in the INSTALLED_APPS array. You can get rid of them if you want and add your-own developed alternative apps instead. But django-admin is a powerful tool and there's many guides to custom it's functionalities. For example django admin cookbook is a famous one.
It's all dependent on what you want and need to do.
Yes of course, you can start copying whole /your_python_directory/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin to your local template directory. (defined in your

Deploying Django admin and Site as different applications

Is there a way to deploy Django Admin and your main application separately, though both of them sharing the same Models / Business logic services.
I come from Grails background where you can create a plugin which can hold your Entities and common business logic and that plugin can be utilized by other application deployed and scaled separately though using the same Database. You don't have to repackage your plugin again for every change rather its just sibling folder to your other projects.
Can I achieve something similar with Django?
Assuming a typical setup, in order to be useful Django Admin needs access to project's apps and their models.
So a setup that you've described would require at least:
simple URLconf with just Django Admin
models and their Admin bindings for all apps that need Admin
settings with database credentials
Even if your models and Admin bindings are not dependent on other parts of the codebase,
extracting the above components to a separate project and then keeping everything
in sync sounds pretty hard.
Summarizing: I would say it's hard but possible if it's something that you really need,
but Django Admin hasn't been designed with such use case in mind.
Django admin is actually separate from the main application by placing it on its own url. Even if they know the admin url, users cannot log in to the site's admin unless they have already been assigned Staff status via the admin. You can set the admin prefix to anything you want, so if you want to "hide" the admin login page, just make it something long and random (good for security too), and basically no one but those you tell will even know where the admin site can be found.

Where is recommended spot for storing admin customizations for Django contrib apps?

I want to add Django Sessions to my Django Admin, and I am following an SO post about this, but it is unclear where I store this code. Do I put it in an file? Under what directory?
In short, it doesn't matter. You can put the code into any of your apps' files. However, in situations like these I tend to use a generic app in my project, usually named something like utils, that exists for the sole purpose of housing code that doesn't belong to one specific app or could be used by multiple apps.
If you want to be more specific, you can create a sessions app in your project specifically devoted to this code and any other code related to session management for your project, or perhaps an existing app that is somewhat related. For example, I put customizations to the User admin in my accounts app that holds the UserProfile model.