BitBucket Wiki: Create a hierarchy structure? - wiki

I want to create a hierarchy in my wiki like so:
I would like to create these pages, and use <<toc>> table of contents macros to organize them.
How can I do that? Do I need to clone and edit the wiki on my own machine, or can I do that exclusively through the web interface?

You can (partially) do this, using <<toc / >>.
This will create a TOC for all the headers in files in the root directory.
It will not list headers in file in the sub directories, though.
You can do the same for <<toc FooPages/ >> etc.
You can do this both through the web interface and locally on your machine.
I placed some TOC examples on this Bitbucket wiki page: You can view the markup there.
Make sure to balance the equal signs on you headers; e.g. use == H2 == instead of == H2.
Both are valid, but at this time, the latter is not recognized by the <<toc>> macro.

Regarding the hierarchy side of this question, it's worth clarifying:
You can create a hierarchical structure by using the Title field when you create or edit a wiki page.
Eg: If you want to create a new file inside a new Foo directory, just create a new page and in the Title field write "Foo/". It will create the directory and the file at the same time.
I'm not sure if there's a way to just create the directory without adding a file to it straight away.
Regarding the TOC half of this question, I found that I can use the # HeaderTitle syntax in Markdown pages, and Creole's TOC macro will recognise it.


How do I track down specifics for an opencart module that is rendering on my site but missing everything except the catalog template file?

I've inherited an opencart site and am completely new to the cms. From what I've been able to gather, it was built by a competent developer but then went through a hack-it-up development team, and then on to me. So, I really don't know what all to expect from it.
I currently have a module that is rendering in the left sidebar and I don't know why it's rendering there. The only file I can find in the file stack related at all to this "module" is a single template file within the catalog directory structure called:
All of the other installed modules on the site seem to have lots of other files associated with them, whose locations are verified by the research I've done on creating opencart modules: ie, module files in the following directories:
From what I've been able to find though, this single file (affiliate_profile_select.tpl) is the only file in the file stack that is associated with this module.
I can't find anything related to this module, and/or file, inside any of the vqmod php or xml files.
I can't find anything related to this module in the admin area. I've tried searching through all of the installed modules for other generic identifiers (the section view is rendering at the very top of the left-sidebar on most non-logged-in pages, so I'm looking for layout locations of "Left Sidebar" and positions less than 2), but haven't found anything.
And yet, the section is obviously rendering on the site, so it has to be there somewhere. In fact, it's rendering in two places. It's also in the top-content section of the mobile view of the home page.
Right now it's almost feeling like it was a module that had been written, installed, and configured, and then someone deleted all but one of the files associated with the module. Could a situation like that happen?
Is there any way to track this issue down by querying the database? Or would the template inclusion obviously be inside a file somewhere and I just need to find it? To complicate matters, the hosting company doesn't allow remote login with a console (from what I can tell). Otherwise I'd just have run a grep for the filename in case someone had just thrown an "include()" statement in somewhere. The only place I've checked for something like that so far was in the left-sidebar template file:
but it's just a simple for-loop that echoes out the module views.
Any help or direction on how I might be able to track this problem down would be of significant help.
In Opencart, .tpl (template) files are always called by controllers which as you probably guessed are in catalog/controller/. An if it's a module (showing in left sidebar position, it's probably going to be in catalog/controller/module/. First order of business would be to find the controller that's calling the template you referred to. I'd probably start by getting into a shell and doing something like this from the site's docroot:
grep -r affiliate_profile_select .
From there you should be able to find the associated module controller and any other logic involved. Sometimes people use vQmod to add something on to a pre-existing module so that can possibly explain the lack of other similarly named files.

Is it possible to auto-update the name of variables in two different directories

I use Webstorm to test Javascript code with the testing framework Mocha. I want to give my variables and functions names which facilitate an intuitive understanding of my code in the best possible way. As a consequence I often rename my variables and functions.
So if I in the same project have file1.js in a lib folder with the following content:
var foo = 'I am a variable';
and test_of_file1.js in a testfolder with the following content:
var foo = 'I am a variable';
and I use Webstorm's refactoring tool in file1.js to rename foo to boo I would like this change to take effect in both files. I do not use JsDoc to document the code or Git to track any changes (unsure if that is relevant). I have tried using refactoring, but it only takes effect in file1.js.
How can I make it take effect in both files?
You're mixing two concepts.
When you're renaming something (such as a file called in many other modules), Webstorm will refactor all files containing such references.
In your case, you're essentially "replacing" the name of the var. But the var foo in file 1 is NOT a reference to var foo in file 2. They'Re two completely different things.
Based on what you described above, you need to do a FIND & REPLACE operation on your project & test files.
But be careful, and make sure to review each find/replace operation.
The problem above is that you refactored (or find/replaced) only within the open file. That won't work. You'll need to select your project folder in the Project tab (should contain your project files and test files) and type: CTRL + SHIFT + R (might be different on windows) to do a project-wide Find/Replace.

woocommerce advanced templating

i´m developing a theme and for some reason i need to move the default position for breadcrubms (also for many other things) over woocommerce themes. Then i realised to do something like this on my functions.php:
function woocommerce_remove_breadcrumb(){
remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_main_content', 'woocommerce_breadcrumb', 20);
add_action('woocommerce_before_main_content', 'woocommerce_remove_breadcrumb');
function woocommerce_custom_breadcrumb(){
add_action( 'woo_custom_breadcrumb', 'woocommerce_custom_breadcrumb' );
And then on any template file, output the breadcrumb just with:
<? do_action('woo_custom_breadcrumb'); ?>
And works. My question is more than that. Is this the correct approach for something like this? I mean for anything over woocommerce, not just breadcrumb, for any pice, ratings, titles, buttons, sidebar, and so on.
What i´m thinking on is why woocommerce templates don´t come with more deep code. I mean, why there´s no such a single-content-loop.php template where you can just change the order of things, title, category, content, images, etc. in an easy way rather that hooking into functions?
I think that is an acceptable way to call the breadcrumbs explicitly. Sometimes it is easier to call a specific function than remove everything around it!
As for changing the order of things and getting into advanced customization; there isn't a single file, but a number of files working together. Create a folder in your themes root called 'woocommerce' and copy the following files for a safe override:
Here are your hooks, including the ones you are overriding in your themes functions.php. Here is where you can experiment with removing and repositioning certain elements on your product page. Search for 'Sidebar' and you will see where the 'woocommerce_sidebar' action is added with the function it references in...
Here are the functions used in template files to output content based on conditional statements. For instance, search for the 'Single Product' series and you can see which template files are used for which functions. For instance 'woocommerce_template_single_title' uses 'single-product/title.php' - if you copy over this folder and file you can make very specific edits to just the title section
Between these two files and their accompanying references (like title.php) I believe you can do the things you described. Let me know how it works out! I'm new to woocommerce too!

templating system with zf2?

we are planing to create a CMS with zf2 and doctrine orm .
actually we are concern about our cms templating
we want our system works with several templates and easily change between themes via admin
and creating a new templates should be easy for end-users developers
we want an advice or suggest for how to build templating system that :
there is a core module and there a lot sub modules with their own phtml
so where to store theme1 phtml and where to store theme2 phtmls ...
any suggest or advice please
I encourage you to take a look at Twig, its the best template engine I have seen so far :) It does take some time to learn Twig syntax, but its well worthy if you look at what you get :)
I cant yet write comments, so I wrote this as an answare.
Hope this helps. Trust me, the Twig is the way to go. Joust look at his documentation for more specific details how to use it!
The problem you are trying to solve has nothing to do with template engine. You can do that with any template engine. You can do it even with plain PHP if you want.
I built web application where users can register, get their own sub domain, and there they can build their webpage. Change theme, edit text, add pages. Simple CMS functionality.
The easiest way to do this is to have themes folder, where you would store themes, like this:
- themeBlue
- css/
- images/
- js/
- html or views/
- themeRose
Now this is where you would place all your themes, every theme has its own folder with images, css, js files...
And then you would have users, and every user would be able to choose and change theme.
That information would be stored in database. You need to store that user Jack is using themeBlue. You can do that as you want. You can event put this in users table like user_theme column.
Now when someone visits site, you first query database to see what theme is that user or creator of web using. And then you load all that files from current theme folder. And populate html files with data stored in database like in any other CMS.
This is the simplest implementation. You could for example, store css and html files in database :)
Hope this answers your question.
Good luck with that, I almost gone mad building my system :) I ended up with writing my own PHP MVC Framework joust to accomplish what I wanted.
if you activate another module in the application.config.php which has the same views and layouts (same folder structure and filenames) it's viewscripts and layouts will automatically be used when it's loaded after your core module.
so you could simply make your application.config.php dynamic to load the active template module which only contains the view folder. this would be a simple and effective solution without any other libraries.
additionally you can use an asset manager like assetic to also provide images, css etc. inside of your (template-)modules. (have a look at zf2-assetic-module, I wrote my own assetize-module based on assetic to fit my needs...)
I do this in my Application->Module.php onBootstrap
$ss = $serviceManager->get('application_settings_service');
$settings = $ss->loadSettings();
$templatePathResolver = $serviceManager->get('Zend\View\Resolver\TemplatePathStack');
$templatePathResolver->setPaths(array(__DIR__ . '/view/'.$settings['theme'])); // here is your skin name
$viewModel = $application->getMvcEvent()->getViewModel();
$viewModel->themeurl = 'theme/'.$settings['theme'].'/';
In this situation I have this structure in my view folder
The $viewmodel above injects a variable into the layout for the themeurl in the public_html folder /theme/red/ with all assets for red
Access in layout.phtml -> themeurl;?> in a viewscript layout()->themeurl;?>
I am still working out my Dynamic Views. Right now I have a BaseController and all my ActionControllers extend it. It has a render() function that builds the required views but not sure its going to be scalable hoping to try some placeholder ideas.
application_settings_service is a Settings Service that gets settings for whatever domain was used to call the system and builds an array accessible via any service aware part of the site. Thats a whole different post and it may or may not rub MVC peeps the wrong way
I know your question is marked answered just thought I would share

Magento - locate specific core files

I am familiar with theming and using template hints in the Magento back office to locate .phtml files.
What I am not really familiar with are the core files such as app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model
What I need to do is override a core file like I would a core phtml file by copying it to 'my theme'.
I basically want to amend some labels which appear on the order summary page of the Magento checkout process -
I followed the trail to the phtml files using template hints. Within the app/design/frontend/default/mytheme/template/checkout/cart I found the code
renderTotals(); ?>
Now I managed, by accident, to stumble upon two of the files I wanted to change:
I made local copies of these files ( to override the default labels, like I would if I was overriding a template file.
My question is, how can you locate core files which pertain to the 'stuff' you want to change, located in function calls such as renderTotals(); ?> in the phtml files?
Not being able to pinpoint stuff like I can with template hints is slowing me down, and I am struggling to find a solution as I am not up on all the vocab surrounding Magento yet.
Hope this makes sense and thanks in advance!
From the same settings page where you turn on Template Path Hints, also turn on the "Add Block Names to Hints" setting. This will show you PHP class names such as: Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Grand to which you can deduce the folder path (underscores represent a subfolder, and the last piece represents the file name).
If you're getting a block such as Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Default then sometimes it just takes a little common sense to see that it's pulling in other files from the same folder (such as Grand.php and Shipping.php). But there are generally only a couple files in the same folder, so this is pretty easy to see.
As Sid Vel said, a good Search Project functionality is helpful. But if you find yourself looking at Abstract.php of some class, often you need to look in a subfolder in that directory with the proper name to find the concrete implementations. But still, it gets you very close to where you need to be.
I always use Dreamweaver's site / directory search function. It will scan through all the files in the Core folder and tell you where the function is from. In your case, I would search for "renderTotals". You need to enable PHTML editing in Dreamweaver.
Most IDE's will allow this kind of search option. In Aptana you can Ctrl + Click on the function to open the file it is coming from. Magento takes ages to index itself on Aptana, due to its sheer size.