Arrays & Pointers - c++

Looking for some help with arrays and pointers and explanation of what I am trying to do.
I want to create a new array on the heap of type Foo* so that I may later assign objects that have been created else where to this array. I am having troubles understanding what I am creating exactly when I do something like the following.
Foo *(*f) = new Foo*[10];
Also once I have created my array how do I access each element for example.
(f + 9)->fooMember(); ??????
Thanks in advance.

Foo *(*f) = new Foo*[10];
The parentheses in the declaration are unnecessary, so this is the same as:
Foo **f = new Foo*[10];
In any case, the new Foo*[10] allocates space for ten Foo*s and leaves them uninitialized. It returns a pointer to the initial Foo* in the array (the zeroth element), which you assign to f.
To access elements of the array, you simply use subscripting:
f[0] = new Foo;
Remember that anything you create using new[] must be freed once when you are done with it by calling delete[] on the pointer. For example:
delete[] f;
This does not delete the elements pointed to by the Foo*s in the array. If you create Foo objects using new, you must delete them before you delete the array. For example, to free the element we created above:
delete f[0];

You can create an array of pointers using the following code:
Foo** f = new Foo*[10];
Then access the elements with:
Be sure to clean up afterwards:
delete[] f;

When you have this situation, you might find the following code snippet useful:
First the initialization:
Foo** f = new Foo*[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
f[i] = new Foo;
Then to access each element in the f array which is what you asked, but you won't be able to do so unless you allocate memory properly for each member by calling the constructor as done above:
Finally, to keep things tidy and to prevent memory leaks:
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
delete f[i];
delete[] f;

Arrays and pointers aren't very C++ish. How about
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Foo> > f;
f.push_back(std::make_shared<Foo>(whatever, arguments, you, need));
// ...
// ...
No manual cleanup needed :-)


C++ allocating an array of pointers to struct

I am writing a program which needs to have an array of pointers to a struct SMesh, specifically
SMesh **mesh_arr;
When I work with an instance that has only one pointer in the array, everything is OK. But when I try to work with instance that has got two (or more) of them, Valgrind goes crazy with "Invalid write of size...".
I initialize it like this (with counter being the number of SMeshes that I need pointers to) :
SMesh **mesh_arr = new SMesh*;
for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++) mesh_arr[i] = new SMesh;
And delete it like this :
delete mesh_arr;
Do I delete it the wrong way or have I missed something?
You have to allocate enough elements to have the entire array, not only 1 element.
SMesh **mesh_arr = new SMesh*[counter];
for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++) mesh_arr[i] = new SMesh;
Using new[], you have to use delete[] to delete it.
delete[] mesh_arr;
Also don't forget to delete the individual SMeshs allocated.
You can avoid pointer trouble with a vector. No need to explicitly delete either.
#include <vector>
auto mesharr{std::vector<std::vector<SMesh>>(rows, std::vector<SMesh>(cols))};
You have only allocated one pointer to your structure in your new statement. Try
SMesh ** mesh_arr = new (SMesh*)[counter];

How memory will be deleted?

Let's say I have structure
struct Foo {
int whatever;
int whatever2;
And I have this type of array
Foo **array = new Foo*[128];
Then, to every pointer I assign new structure
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
array[i] = new Foo;
Then, after a while I deallocate:
delete[] array;
How memory will be deallocated?
Only the space for pointers will be freed
Space for pointer + the objects pointed by those pointers themselves?
Your code leaks memory. You need to call delete once for every new call (assuming the new doesn't fail and either return NULL or throw bad_alloc). So, in this case, you'll need to have a similar loop to the one that calls array[i] = new Foo; that does delete array[i];
I think this is one of points in Scott Meyers book, Effective C++ have read long back. But basic idea is, to avoid memory leak when you use new. make sure to call delete as many times as new is called and map new with delete and new[] with delete[] accordingly. so in your case new is called 128 times in for loop and new[] is called once, so similarly delete should be called same way to array[i] 128 times and delete[] should be called once for array. Hope this helps.

Proper way to delete an array of pointers

I have an array of pointers (that I created by calling new ptr*[size]). All of these pointers point to an object that was also put on the heap.
What is the proper way to delete the array and all new'd ptr's?
This is what I do now:
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) delete array[i];
delete[] array; // Not sure since this double deletes array[0]
Does this do what I think it should?
Every pointer allocated with new gets a corresponding delete. Every pointer allocated with new [] gets a corresponding delete []. That's really all you need to know. Of course, when you have a dynamically allocated array which contains dynamically allocated pointers the deallocation must occur in reverse order.
So it follows that the correct idiom would be...
int main()
int **container = new int*[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
container[i] = new int[size];
// ... and to deallocate...
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
delete [] container[i];
delete [] container;
And then of course I say "stop doing that" and recommend you use a std::array or std::vector (and the template type would be unique_ptr<int>).
Yes, that does what you think it should. Since you did new for each element, you have to delete each element. And since you did new[] for the entire array, you need to delete[] the entire array.
As #djechlin rightly says in the comments, there's not really enough information to go on, but I'm presuming your prior code is something like this:
int** array = new int*[5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
array[i] = new int;
Note that array is not actually an array type. It is a "pointer to pointer to int" and the array of pointers it points to was allocated with new[]. That's why you need to delete[] it.
Yes. First you have to free the object each pointer in the array points to, then you have to free the array itself. In that order. If you reverse the order you'll have no reference to the objects and will leak a lot of memory.
Yes, first you delete each object to which elements of array point, and then you delete array of pointers itself. If you want to check your memory management, you can use tools like valgrind, they will be able to spot most errors.

Delete a pointer array without deleting the pointed objects in memory?

I would like to know if there is a way to delete a pointer array without touching the pointed objects in memory.
I'm writing a restriction routine for a HashSet I implemented a couple of days ago, so when the hash table is full it gets replaced by another double sized table. I'm representing the hash table using an array of pointers to an object (User), and the array itself is declared dynamically in my HashSet class, so it can be deleted after copying all its content to the new table using a hash function.
So basically I need to:
Declare another table with a size that equals the double of the original array size.
Copy every pointer to User objects from my original array to the new one applying my hash function (it gets the User object from memory and it calculates the index using a string that represents the user's name).
After inserting all the pointers from the original array to the new one, I will have to free the allocated memory for the original array and replace the pointer in my HashSet class (member private userContainer) with the location of the new one (array).
The problem is that if I use delete[] userContainer to free the allocated memory for it, it will also delete every object in memory so the newly created replacement array will point to freed positions in memory!
What you describe does not sound right.
Let's say you have a class A and you create an array of As with:
A** array1 = new A*[32];
Then fill it:
for(int i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
array1[i] = new A();
Doing a delete[] array1 does not free the elements of array1.
So this is safe:
A** array1 = new A*[32];
for(int i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
array1[i] = new A();
A** arary2 = new A*[64];
for(i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
array2[i] = array1[i];
delete [] array1;
for(i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
// do something with array2[i]
In general, when you delete an array of pointers, whatever objects the pointers pointed to remain in existence. In fact, this is a potential source of large memory leaks.
But in some sort of reference-counted environment (eg, Objective-C or Qt), when you delete an array OBJECT (vs a simple [] array) then the reference counts are decremented and the objects will be deleted if the count goes to zero.
But if you're restructuring a hash table you'd better have somehow saved the pointer values before you delete the array, or else all the addressed objects will be lost. As you save them you can increment their reference counts (if you do it right).
(It would help to know what language you're dealing with, and what you mean by "array".)
I don't think your problem exists. Here's a baby example to show that there's nothing to worry about:
Foo * brr[10];
Foo * arr[10];
// This is not touching the objects!
for (Foo * it = arr; it != arr + 10; ++it) *it = new Foo;
std::copy(arr, arr + 10, brr);
} // no more arr
for (Foo * it = brr; it != brr + 10; ++it) delete *it; // fine
You can copy the pointers around freely as much as you like. Just remember to delete the object to which the pointers point when they're no longer needed.
A perhaps trivial reminder: Pointers don't have destructors; in particular, when a pointer goes out of scope, nothing happens.
Do you know the difference between malloc/free, new/delete and new[]/delete[]?
I figure that you might want to not use new[]/delete[] in your situation, as you don't want destructors to be called I guess?

allocation of a pointers to fixed size arrays

I have 2 doubts regarding basics of pointers usage.
With the following code
int (*p_b)[10];
p_b = new int[3][10];
// my stuff
delete [] p_b
p_b is pointing to an array of 3 elements, each having fixed-size length of 10 int.
How to declare p_b if I want that each element be a pointer to a fixed array size?
Basically I want the following
p_b[0] = pointer to a fixed-array size of 10
p_b[1] = pointer to a fixed-array size of 10
// ... and so on
I was thinking to int (** p_b)[10] but then I don't know how to use new to allocate it? I would like to avoid falling back to more general int** p_b
Is per my original code sample above, how to call new so that p_b points to a unique fixed-size array of 10 int other than calling p_b = new int[1][10] ? To free memory I have to call delete[] while I cannot find an expression where I can call only simply delete.
p_b is pointing to an array of 3 elements, each having fixed-size length of 10 int.
How to declare p_b if I want that each element be a pointer to a fixed array size?
Does your first sentence not completely cover that question?
Is per my original code sample above, how to call new so that p_b points to a unique fixed-size array of 10 int other than calling p_b = new int[1][10]? To free memory I have to call delete[] while I cannot find an expression where I can call only simply delete.
I completely do not understand why this is a problem, but you could do it by wrapping your array inside another type... say std::array, boost::array or std::vector.
First of all, if your new expression has square brackets (new somtype[somesize]), your delete has to have square brackets as well (delete [] your_pointer).
Second, right now you've defined p_b to be a single pointer to some data. If what you really want is an array of pointers, then you need to define it as an array. Since you apparently want three independent arrays, you'll have to allocate each of them separately. It's probably easiest if you start with a typedef:
typedef int *p_int;
p_int p_b[3];
Then you'll allocate your three arrays:
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
p_b[i] = new int[10];
To delete those, you'll need to delete each one separately:
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
delete [] p_b[i];
I definitely agree with #Tomalak that you should almost never mess with things like this yourself though. It's not clear what you really want to accomplish, but it's still pretty easy to guess that chances are quite good that a standard container is likely to be a simpler, cleaner way to do it anyway.
Here's an example of how to implement Q1:
int main()
typedef int foo[10];
foo* f = new foo[3];
f[0][5] = 5;
f[2][7] = 10;
delete [] f;
As for Q2, the only way to delete memory allocated with new[] is with delete[]. If you personally don't want to write delete [], you can use a vector or another STL container. Really, unless this is some hardcore uber-optimisation, you should be using vectors anyway. Never manage memory manually unless you are absolutely forced to.
To use a raw pointer to manage a 2-d array you must first create a pointer to a pointer to array element type that will point to each row of the array. Next, each row pointer must be assigned to the actual array elements for that row.
int main()
int **p;
// declare an array of 3 pointers
p = new int*[3];
// declare an array of 10 ints pointed to by each pointer
for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
p[i] = new int[10];
// use array as p[i][j]
// delete each array of ints
for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
delete[] p[i];
// delete array of pointers
delete[] p;
A far easier solution is to use std::array. If your compiler does not provide that class you can use std::vector also.
std::array<std::array<int,10>,3> myArr;
myArr[0][0] = 1;
For Q1, I think you want
int (*p[3])[10];
Try cdecl when you're unsure.
Your other question seems to be well answered by other answers.
Yati Sagade
Actually, nobody posted an answer to your exact question, yet.
Instead of
int (*p_arr)[10] = new int[3][10];
// use, then don't forget to delete[]
delete[] p_arr;
I suggest using
std::vector<std::array<int, 10>> vec_of_arr(3);
or if you don't need to move it around and don't need runtime length:
std::array<std::array<int, 10>, 3> arr_of_arr;
How to declare p_b if I want that each element be a pointer to a fixed array size?
int(**pp_arr)[10] = new std::add_pointer_t<int[10]>[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
pp_arr[i] = new int[1][10];
// use, then don't forget to delete[]
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
delete[] pp_arr[i];
delete[] pp_arr;
The modern variant of that code is
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<std::array<int, 10>>> vec_of_p_arr(3);
for (auto& p_arr : vec_of_p_arr)
p_arr = std::make_unique<std::array<int, 10>>();
or if you don't need to move it around and don't need runtime length:
std::array<std::unique_ptr<std::array<int, 10>>, 3> arr_of_p_arr;
for (auto& p_arr : arr_of_p_arr)
p_arr = std::make_unique<std::array<int, 10>>();
Is per my original code sample above, how to call new so that p_b points to a unique fixed-size array of 10 int other than calling p_b = new int[1][10]?
Not without wrapping the array into another type.
std::array<int, 10>* p_arr = new std::array<int, 10>;
// use, then don't forget to delete
delete p_arr;
You can replace std::array<int, 10> with your favourite array-wrapping type, but you cannot replace it with a fixed-size array alias. The modern variant of that code is:
auto p_arr = std::make_unique<std::array<int, 10>>();