Verify method was called with certain linq expression (moq) - unit-testing

Can't figure out the syntax.
//class under test
public class CustomerRepository : ICustomerRepository{
public Customer Single(Expression<Func<Customer, bool>> query){
//call underlying repository
var mock = new Mock<ICustomerRepository>();
mock.Object.Single(x=>x.Id == 1);
//now need to verify that it was called with certain expression, how?
mock.Verify(x=>x.Single(It.Is<Expression<Func<Customer, bool>>>(????)), Times.Once());
Please help.

Hmmm, you can verify that the lambda is being called by creating a mock for an interface that has a method matching the lambda parameters and verifying that:
public void Test()
var funcMock = new Mock<IFuncMock>();
Func<Customer, bool> func = (param) => funcMock.Object.Function(param);
var mock = new Mock<ICustomerRepository>();
funcMock.Verify(f => f.Function(It.IsAny<Customer>()));
public interface IFuncMock {
bool Function(Customer param);
The above might or might not work for you, depending on what Single method does with the Expression. If that expression gets parsed into SQL statement or gets passed onto Entity Framework or LINQ To SQL then it'd crash at runtime. If, however, it does a simple compilation of the expression, then you might get away with it.
The expression compilation that I spoke of would look something like this:
Func<Customer, bool> func = Expression.Lambda<Func<Customer, bool>>(expr, Expression.Parameter(typeof(Customer))).Compile();
EDIT If you simply want to verify that the method was called with a certain expression, you can match on expression instance.
public void Test()
Expression<Func<Customer, bool>> func = (param) => param.Id == 1
var mock = new Mock<ICustomerRepository>();


How to check any of multiple overloads called NSubstitute

I would like to check if a component (the sut) logs error in a particular condition. The ILogger interface constructor injected into the component, and the Error method has 4 overloads.
So I create a ILogger mock in the Arrange and using it in the Act.
I should not expect which overload the sut is using, just would like to expect and check if any of the overload called. (that would extremely white-box, and expects far more than the functional spec.)
Currently my conclusion is that I can not utilize the .Received instead I must install callbacks for all the 4 overloads, and set a variable inside them, and in the Assert part I examine that variable.
Is any simple way to do this what I missed?
public void ShouldLogErrorIfEmailIsInvalid2()
// Arrange
var testEmailAddress = "dummy";
//var mock = new Mock<IEMailValidator>();
var validator = Substitute.For<IEMailValidator>();
var logger = Substitute.For<ILogger>();
var sut = new CustomerController(validator, logger);
var customer = new Customer() { Email = testEmailAddress };
// Act
// Assert
// *** Here I do not want to expect a specific overload of Error, instead any of the 4 overloads satisfies the expectation
logger.Received(1).Error(Arg.Is<string>( m => m.ToLower().Contains("email")), Arg.Any<object>());
NSubstitute does not have built-in syntax for this, but it is possible to query all ReceivedCalls() and manually assert on this.
For example:
var errorCalls = logger.ReceivedCalls()
.Where(x => x.GetMethodInfo().Name == nameof(logger.Error))
.Where(x => (x.GetArguments()[0] as string).ToLower().Contains("email"));
Assert.AreEqual(1, errorCalls.Count());
If this this is something you need frequently you could implement some helper methods and package this up into something fairly concise I think. (Maybe static void ReceivedCallToAny(this object substitute, string methodName, Func<object[], bool> requiredArgs) with some helpers like T GetItemAs<T>(object[] items) to access arguments?)

Mockito - how to mock/verify a method call which accepts a new object?

I have a method (method1) that I'd like to test, which based on parameters provided creates an object and calls another method (method2). So I'm mocking method2, which accepts an object (sampleObj).
public void method1(booleanParam) {
List<SampleObj> fooList = new ArrayList<SampleObj>;
fooList.add(new SampleObj("another param"));
//some other smart logic here
And here's my test with same obfuscated names (sorry if I missed any typo):
public void testMethod1() {
AnotherService mockedAnotherService = PowerMockito.mock(AnotherService.class);
ServicesFactory.getInstance().setMock(AnotherService.class, mockedAnotherService);
List<SampleObj> fooList = new ArrayList<SampleObj>;
fooList.add(new SampleObj("another param"));
// assert and verify
Mockito.verify(mockedAnotherService, times(1)).method2(fooList);
The problem is, when I try to mock the anotherService, I need to pass an object to method2, so I have to create a new one. But since it's a new object, it's not the same object, which will be passed from inside the method1, hence the test fails with the exception:
Argument(s) are different! Wanted:
-> at <test filename and line # here>
Actual invocation has different arguments:
-> at <service filename and line # here>
Any ideas how to accomplish that?
You have a few options:
Implement equals and hashCode on SampleObj. Because you didn't wrap fooList in a matcher, Mockito checks with List.equals, which checks equals for corresponding objects in each List. The default behavior of Object.equals is that a.equals(b) iff a == b--that is, objects are equal iff they refer to the same instance--but you're welcome to override that if every SampleObj("foobar") equals every other SampleObj("foobar").
Use a Hamcrest Matcher you write.
private static Matcher<List<SampleObj>> isAListWithObjs(String... strings) {
return new AbstractMatcher<List<SampleObj>>() {
#Override public boolean matches(Object object) {
// return true if object is a list of SampleObj corresponding to strings
// in your test
verify(mockedAnotherService).method2(argThat(isAnObjListWith("another param")));
Note that you could also just make a Matcher of a single SampleObj, and then use a Hamcrest wrapper like hasItem. See more matchers here.
Use a Captor to check equals your own way:
public class YourTest {
// Populated with MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this).
// You can also use ArgumentCaptor.forClass(...), but with generics trouble.
#Captor ArgumentCaptor<List<SampleObj>> sampleObjListCaptor;
#Test public void testMethod1() {
// ...
List<SampleObj> sampleObjList = sampleObjListCaptor.getValue();
assertEquals(1, sampleObjList.size());
assertEquals("another param", sampleObjList.get(0).getTitle());

Create a Partial Stub in Microsoft Moles

I am pulling my hair out with this one. I have looked and cannot find a simple, clear example of creating and using a partial stub with Microsoft Moles. Maybe I'm missing somethimg, or have my code architected poorly, but I can't seem to get this to work.
Here's my class (simplified):
public class AccountService : IAccountService {
private readonly webServiceProxy IExternalWebServiceProxy;
public AccountService(IExternalWebServiceProxy webServiceProxy) {
this.webServiceProxy = webServiceProxy;
public List<AccountModel> GetAccounts(string customerId) {
var returnList = new List<AccountModel>();
var xmlResponse = webServiceProxy.GetAllCustomerAccounts(customerId);
var accountNodes = xmlResponse.SelectNodes("//AccountNodes");
if (accountNodes != null)
foreach (XmlNode node in accountNodes)
var account = this.MapAccountFromXml(node);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(account.AccountNumber))
return returnList;
public AccountModel MapAccountFromXml(XmlNode node) {
if (!IsValidAccount(node) {
return null;
// This performs a lot of XML manipulation getting nodes based on attributes
// and mapping them to the various properties of the AccountModel. It's messy
// and I didn't want it inline with the other code.
return populatedAccountModel;
public bool IsValidAccount(XmlNode node)
var taxSelectValue = node.SelectSingleNode("//FORMAT/Field[#taxSelect='1']").First().Value;
var accountStatus = // similar to first line in that it gets a single node using a specific XPath
var maturityDate = // similar to first line in that it gets a single node using a specific XPath
var maturityValue = // similar to first line in that it gets a single node using a specific XPath
return taxSelectValue != string.Empty && taxSelectValue != "0" && (accountStatusValue != "CL" || (maturityDate.Year >= DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).Year));
What I want to do is test my GetAccounts() method. I can stub out the IExternalWebServiceProxy call and return fake XML, but I have internal calls happening in my service since my GetAccounts() method calls MapAccountFromXml() which in turn calls IsValidAccount().
Perhaps the solution is to not worry about breaking out the long and involved MapAccountFromXml() and IsValidAccount() code and just put them inline into the GetAccount() call, but I would rather leave them broken out for code readability.
I have my Moles assembly created, and know I can create a stub version of my class like this
var stubWebService = SIExternalWebServiceProxy {
GetAllCustomerAccounts = delegate {
return SomeHelper.GetFakeXmlDocument();
var stubAccountService = new SAccountService() { callsBase = true; }
My problem is I don't know how to then override the internal calls to MapAccountFromXml and IsValidAccount and I don't want my Unit Test to be testing thos methods, I'd like to isolate GetAccounts for the test. I read somewhere the methods need to be virtual to be overriden in a partial stub, but could not find anything that then showed how to create a stub that overrides a few methods while calling the base for the one I want to test.
Peer put me on the right track, thank you.
It turned out that what I was looking for is called Detours in Moles. Rather than stub an interface using
var stubAccountService = new SIAccountService();
what I needed to do was create an instance of my AccountService and then detour all calls to the methods I wanted to mock, like this
var accountService = new AccountService();
MAccountService.AllInstances.MapAccountFromXmlXmlNode = delegate {
return new AccountModel();
The MAccountService is provided by Moles when you Mole your assembly. The only missing piece to this is that for this to work you need to add the following attribute to your test method:
This worked for me locally, but in the end I had trouble getting TFS to do automated builds
I just stumbled on another way of doing this, while looking at Rhino Mocks. If the methods in the class being mocked are virtual then you can override them in the mock, like this:
var accountService = new SAccountService();
accountService.MapAccountFromXmlXmlNode = delegate
return new AccountModel();
Now I can call
and when accountService makes its call to MapAccountFromXml it will be caught by the stub and processed as I deem necessary. No messing with HostType and it works like a charm.
To test methods in you class in issolation you do this with moles by making a mole for the IsValidAccount and MapAccountFromXml methods. Or make a stub implementation with stubs where you let the stub call the orriginal methode using base. Or what I think is a nicer solution, make a test class which overrides the methods you do want to stub (this is the same what a stub would do, except you see all what is happening in your own code):
public class TestHelperAccountService : AccountService {
public override AccountModel MapAccountFromXml(XmlNode node) {
return new AccountModel(){
public override bool IsValidAccount(XmlNode node)
return true;
This way you can do your test for the GetAccount method on your TestHelperAccountService class where you GetAccount method runs in full issolation. You can do the same for the methods like MapAccountFromXml to test them seperatly.

Moq - how to verify method call which parameter has been cleaned (a list)

I've got the following code and I need help to write a unit test for it. I'm using Moq library.
Here's the deal. I have a business class with a dependency to a repository (interface), so I can use it to save my entities to the database. My entity is basically a list of strings. The method AddAndSave, from MyBusinessClass, grab the value it receives as a parameters, put it into the list and call Save method from IRepository. Then, I clear the list of my entity. The code below show this example (I've made it simple so I can explain it here).
There's a unit test, too.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using Moq;
namespace TestesGerais
public class MyEntity
public MyEntity()
MyList = new List<string>();
public List<string> MyList { get; set; }
public interface IRepository
void Save(MyEntity entity);
public class MyBusinessClass
public IRepository Repository { get; set; }
private MyEntity _entity = new MyEntity();
public void AddAndSave(string info)
_entity.MyList.Clear(); // for some reason I need to clear it
public class UnitTest10
public void TestMethod1()
var mock = new Mock<IRepository>();
MyBusinessClass b = new MyBusinessClass() { Repository = mock.Object };
mock.Verify(m => m.Save(It.Is<MyEntity>(x => x.MyList[0] == "xpto")), Times.Exactly(1));
My unit-test check if the IRepository's Save method was called with its parameter (an entity) having one element in the list, and having the value "xpto" in this element.
When I run this test, it turns red with the error message "Test method TestesGerais.UnitTest10.TestMethod1 threw exception:
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index".
Ok, this is caused by the list that has been cleaned. If I comment the line "_entity.MyList.Clear();", everything goes well.
My question is: how can I test this without commenting the "Clear" line in my business class, and making sure that my repository's method is called passing the specific value (entity with one element with value "xpto")?
I've changed my unit test using the Callback feature of Moq. This way, I can setup the mock so when AddAndSave is called, the parameter it receives is saved into a variable from my unit test, and I can assert it later.
public void TestMethod1()
var mock = new Mock<IRepository>();
string result = string.Empty;
mock.Setup(m => m.Save(It.IsAny<MyEntity>())).Callback((MyEntity e) => { result = e.MyList[0]; });
MyBusinessClass b = new MyBusinessClass() { Repository = mock.Object };
Assert.AreEqual(result, "xpto");
You could split your method up a bit. "AddAndSave" isn't all it does. You could then just test the behaviour of the adding and saving bit in isolation.

Moq tests using ExpectSet() with It.Is<T>() aren't behaving as... expected

I've isolated the behaviour into the following test case. I'd be grateful to anyone who can tell me how to expect/verify a property set for a List<T> property - it appears there's something going on inside It.Is<T>(predicate) that isn't making a whole lot of sense to me right now. Sample code will run as a console app from VS2008 - you'll need to add a reference to Moq 2.6 (I'm on 2.6.1014.1) - please try uncommenting the different ExpectSet statements to see what's happening...
using System;
using Moq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace MoqDemo {
public interface IView {
List<string> Names { get; set; }
public class Controller {
private IView view;
public Controller(IView view) {
this.view = view;
public void PopulateView() {
List<string> names = new List<string>() { "Hugh", "Pugh", "Barney McGrew" };
view.Names = names;
public class MyApp {
public static void Main() {
Mock<IView> mockView = new Mock<IView>();
// This works - and the expectation is verifiable.
mockView.ExpectSet(mv => mv.Names);
// None of the following can be verified.
// mockView.ExpectSet(mv => mv.Names, It.Is<Object>(o => o != null));
// mockView.ExpectSet(mv => mv.Names, It.Is<List<string>>(names => names.Count == 3));
// mockView.ExpectSet(mv => mv.Names, It.IsAny<IList<String>>());
Controller controller = new Controller(mockView.Object);
try {
Console.WriteLine("Verified OK!");
} catch (MockException ex) {
Console.WriteLine("Verification failed!");
I'm not using the very latest version of Moq, so I don't have an overload of ExpectSet that takes two parameters, but I've had some success with this pattern:
mockView.ExpectSet(mv => mv.Names).Callback(n => Assert.That(n != null));
The Assert (from NUnit) call in the callback will throw an exception if the value assigned to .Names doesn't match the predicate. It does make it hard to trace when a test fails, though. I agree that the ability to pass an It.Is or It.IsAny as the second parameter would be handy.
The second parameter of ExpectSet() is the value you're expecting. You can't use It.Is<T> in this case as there's no overload that takes a predicate - though it would be nice ;) Here's a (simplified) excerpt from your sample, illustrating the use of a value:
var mockView = new Mock<IView>();
var list = new List<string> { "Hugh", "Pugh", "Barney McGrew" };
mockView.ExpectSet(mv => mv.Names, list);
mockView.Object.Names = list;
Hope that helps.
Edit: fixed typo.
BTW, It.Is is not supported on ExpectSet. Your code compiles just because they are regular method invocations when used as values (as opposed to expressions), whereas when used in an Expect expression they are pre-processed by Moq and given specific meaning (rather than the null/default value that all It.Is members actually return).
You could use the stub behavior on the given property (mockView.Stub(mv => mv.Names)) and later assert directly for its value after execution.
Moq doesn't provide an overload receiving It.IsAny as it's effectively the same as calling ExpectSet without passing an expected value ;)