Django Caught an exception while rendering: No module named registration - django

I seem to have run into a bit of an issue.
I am busy creating an app, and over the last few weeks setup my server to use Git, mod_wsgi to host this app.
Since deploying it, everything seems to be running smoothly however, I had to go through all my files and insert the absolute url of the project to make sure it works fine.
on my local machine
from registration.models import UserRegistration
on server
from myapp.registration.models import UserRegistration
Am I doing something wrong?
And this has also caused an issue for me where I cannot access my django admin interface.
All i get is this: Caught an exception while rendering: No module named registration
Exception Value: Caught an exception while rendering: No module named registration
As far as I am concerned my app has all the relevant urls, but it does not seem to work.
Thank you in advance

The problem is occurring because somehow your local machine is adding the myapp directory to the PYTHONPATH, as well as its parent directory. The way to fix this is to modify your .wsgi script to add both these directories to sys.path:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/path/to/parent')
sys.path.insert(0, '/path/to/parent/myapp')

Read and use improved WSGI script in:
This will set up environment to better match Django built in development server and you shoud hopefully not see a difference between the two, especially in respect of how Python module search path is handled.


Module 'main' has no attribute application -- Google App Engine Python with Django

I have been running into this problem for a short while now and simply can't find a solution anywhere. I am using Google App Engine to run a default Python 2.7 app with Django 1.5 (via GAE SDK) created through PyCharm. I can upload the app successfully, but upon visiting the actual page, I get a Server Error. Then, checking the logs in Google App Engine, I see this:
ImportError: <module 'main' from '/base/data/home/apps/s~eloquent-ratio-109701/1.388053784931450315/main.pyc'> has no attribute application
After searching the internet for a while, I was able to find a few posts which address this issue, but attempting them never seemed to solve my problem. For example: This problem was solved by replacing "application" with "app" in the following lines:
application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
In fact, I had run into this same issue before and this solution provided a fix for me in the past, however at that time I was running a separate app and it was not through the GAE.
I checked the Django documentation for version 1.5 here, but the code and suggestions there don't seem to conflict with what I currently have in my project.
I read a bit more about this type of problem, and saw another post that suggested checking the app's file to ensure that it is named 'application' or 'app' respectively, so that one could then use that same name throughout the rest of the application. However, upon checking those settings I saw that 'application' was used there too:
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
application = get_wsgi_application()
There's even a line in which uses the same nomenclature to declare the WSGI application:
WSGI_APPLICATION = 'Chimera.wsgi.application'
I'm really having trouble debugging this. I get the feeling it's really dumb and I just can't see it, but unfortunately I'm not particularly good at this kind of stuff -- I'm still a bit of a novice in this field.
Does anyone have any idea what I could try in an attempt to fix this issue?
UPDATE: I started making line by line changes and testing things, and eventually I found that the GAE log changes depending on the input for the "script" under app.yaml. So if I change the script under "handlers" between "" and "main.application", it adjusts the log output to refer to "app" or "application" respectively. So that line in the app.yaml file tells the app what to look for, but I'm still not seeing why it can't be found. Not sure what else I could change to test it out. I wish I knew a bit more about the actual inner workings so that I could figure out why the app is confused about the attribute. Is it trying to run before it even gets instantiated or something?
Source code below:
import os, sys
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'Chimera.settings'
from google.appengine.ext.webapp import util
from django.conf import settings
settings._target = None
import django.core.handlers.wsgi
import django.core.signals
import django.db
import django.dispatch.dispatcher
def main():
application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
if __name__ == '__main__':
application: eloquent-ratio-109701
version: 1
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: true
- url: /.*
script: main.application
- name: django
version: 1.5
import os
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "Chimera.settings")
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
application = get_wsgi_application()
Full log from GAE:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/base/data/home/runtimes/python27/python27_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/runtime/", line 240, in Handle
handler = _config_handle.add_wsgi_middleware(self._LoadHandler())
File "/base/data/home/runtimes/python27/python27_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/runtime/", line 302, in _LoadHandler
raise err
ImportError: <module 'main' from '/base/data/home/apps/s~eloquent-ratio-109701/1.388053784931450315/main.pyc'> has no attribute application
Thanks for helping me out.
In your file (i.e. the main module) application is a variable inside the main() function, not an attribute of the main module. Basically you don't need a main() function.
GAE has some specific support for using Django, I'd strongly suggest going through the Django Support documentation and the Django App example.
Based on the comment made by #DanielRoseman I discovered that declaring the app inside of the main() function caused an issue because the app attribute was then only accessible at the main() function level, as it was a member variable of main() as opposed to a global variable. Although the default application files were structured this way by PyCharm, it seems that it was incorrect. I'm not sure if this is a compatibility issue, but regardless, moving the app declaration outside of the main() function adjusts the scope in a way which allows for other parts of the project to access it, solving my problem.
Thank you #DanielRoseman for the comment.

WSGI loads settings of the wrong project: how to debug?

I have two django based web applications on the same server.
One of them i'll call CORRECT_PROJECT and the other one WRONG_PROJECT
The last one, CORRECT_PROJECT, is installed using a virtual environment and uses a different version of django (1.4). There's a very strange problem: sometimes, usually after a log out or an email confirmation (but sometimes looks just random!), the server returns a 500 internal server error and the error log says
"Could not import settings 'WRONG_PROJECT.settings' (Is it on sys.path?): No module name WRONG_PROJECT.settings, refer: CORRECT_PROJECT/URL"
That is, by loading CORRECT_PROJECT, sometimes the system (WSGI? Apache? Django?) tries to load the settings from WRONG_PROJECT.
By hitting refresh aggressively the error disappears.
What could be wrong? How can I debug?
CORRECT_PROJECT uses WSGI in deamon mode.
Use deamon mode:
You are using from Django 1.4. That will not work when hosting multiple web apps in the same process.
Best solution is to use daemon mode and delegate each to a distinct daemon process group.
If can't do that, change the files of both so they do not use:
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "mysite.settings")
but instead use:
os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "mysite.settings"
Change mysite.settings as necessary.

Configuration error in django

I am using django with mod_python (I know it is deprecated -- I am just doing this for an exercise), and am getting the following error --
"Could not import project.views. Error was: No module named app.models"
I am getting the 'No module named app.models" in several other places as well. My syncdb is working fine, and if I go into the shell I can import the models fine. Why is this occurring and what do I need to change? Thank you.
You should use absolute imports everywhere. If your project is structured like so:
In INSTALLED_APPS you would use In app you'd import your models into views: import, etc. Alternately you can try adjusting your PYTHONPATH so your imports work. When you run ./ you are in your project folder, and Python automatically adds it to the PYTHONPATH. This doesn't happen automatically in most deployment scenarios (mod_python or other wise).

Setting up Django on Server with WSGI getting Import Error "Module named myproject.urls Not found"

So I have created a django site and I wanted to move it from my computer to my server. I set up Django on the server, and used the WSGI configuration. When I try to go to the home page I get an Import Error, It says that the module "myproject.urls" isn't found. It's a Django error, and it looks like it is getting the file and looking at the setting for ROOT_URLCONF and seeing the right urls file. I created this project with the usual startproject myproject and I just wanted to see if everything was configured correctly, but now I'm getting this error.
Any Suggestions?
Remove the "myproject" from "myproject.urls". Somehow WSGI addresses the settings as the root, so no need to refer to it again.
It sounds like myproject isn't on your path - what happens if you load up a python shell and run import myproject? If that works, what happens when you run import myproject.urls? If only the second import fails, there's a syntax error in your or one of the files it imports.
#Afrowave, you saved a huge headache - thank you from me too!
Further to this - I did a little more digging and wanted to avoid having to amend a dozen files in my app to account for loosing 'myproject.' and the start of every import.
Instead, I found if you do something like this -- you don't have to :)
ROOT = '/home/user/path_to_project_root' # In my case, also the dir that contains media, templates etc
APP_ROOT = '/home/user/path_to_django_project'
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'django_project.settings'
Hope this helps someone in future.

Works using Django development server, but throws import error with Apache using mod_wsgi

I have a Django project that works fine with the development server that comes with it.
No errors are produced at all when I use "django runserver" and the app works fine, but when I try to use it with mod_wsgi and Apache the browser displays "Internal Server Error" with a 500 error code and it generates an import error in the Apache error log.
Here's the error in the log:
ImportError: No module named registration
I'm using the Django registration module which is located in a path like this:
I know that the registration app is in the path because I can fire up a Python shell, import sys, and get a list of paths using sys.path.
Here are some of the paths output from Python shell:
['', '/opt/raj/pyamf', '/opt/raj', '/opt/raj/pictures', '/opt/raj/pictures /registration', '/usr/lib/python2.6',....]
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Is it in the pythonpath for the webserver? All those '/opt' paths are typically not in the standard python path, so something is adding those for you I would guess. Are you sure it also gets added for the webserver process, or is PYTHONPATH set in some shell configfile somewhere for your user only?
There is a PythonPath directive when using mod_python, is there something similar for mod_wsgi?
This is almost certainly a case of the path not being the same for the webserver as it is for you, so I would focus my search in those areas.