Access Violation reading elements of an array - c++

I've written my own code to parse an .obj model file - essentially just ASCII text. The file gets parsed and stored in the class correctly according to my tests. I can read back the values (from data members) just fine in the loading function.
The problem occurs when I try to read back the values in my main rendering loop. There is an access violation error on the line beginning "int v":
for(int i = 0; i<data.numFaces; i++){
for(int j = 0; j<3; j++){ //Assuming triangles for now.
int v = data.faceList[i].vertex[j]; // Access violation here.
double vX = data.vertexList[v].x;
double vY = data.vertexList[v].y;
double vZ = data.vertexList[v].z;
glVertex3d(vX, vY, vZ);
I'm not exactly sure why this happens, and I've checked everything I could possibly think of. I'm not very experienced in C++. Most of my programming experience is in Java, Python and PHP although I have previously written a medium sized project in C++.
I'm sure the problem is something basic related to memory allocation or pointers used for the dynamic arrays.
Here are the relevant parts of code in the obj loading class:
ObjData ObjLoader::LoadObj(std::string filename){
//... Initalization ...
// 1st pass: find number of elements so array sizes can be defined.
//...close file...
_data.faceList = new ObjFace[_data.numFaces];
_data.vertexList = new ObjVert[_data.numVertices];
_data.uvList = new ObjUV[_data.numUVcoords];
_data.normalList = new ObjNormal[_data.numNormals];
//TODO: Make size dynamic according to each face. Just use the first 3 points for now.
for (int i = 0; i < _data.numFaces; i++){
_data.faceList[i].vertex = new int[3];
_data.faceList[i].normal = new int[3];
_data.faceList[i].uv = new int[3];
//... file stuff ...
// 2nd pass: read values into arrays.
_data.vertexList[currentVertex].x = atof(param1.c_str());
_data.vertexList[currentVertex].y = atof(param2.c_str());
_data.vertexList[currentVertex].z = atof(param3.c_str());
}else if(type=="vt"){
_data.uvList[currentUV].u = atof(param1.c_str());
_data.uvList[currentUV].v = atof(param2.c_str());
}else if(type=="vn"){
_data.normalList[currentNormal].x = atof(param1.c_str());
_data.normalList[currentNormal].y = atof(param2.c_str());
_data.normalList[currentNormal].z = atof(param3.c_str());
}else if(type=="f"){
//...Within loop over each vertex in a single face ...
if(endPos != string::npos){
// Value before 1st "/" (Vertex index).
// ...find value in string...
_data.faceList[currentFace].vertex[i] = atoi(token.c_str()) -1; // File format begins indices from 1.
// Value between slashes (UV index).
// ...find value in string...
_data.faceList[currentFace].uv[i] = atoi(token.c_str()) -1;
// Value after 2nd "/" (Normal index).
// ...find value in string...
_data.faceList[currentFace].normal[i] = atoi(token.c_str()) -1;
//...End of loop over every vertex in a single face...
return _data;
And the structs ObjFace, ObjVert, ObjUV and ObjNormal are defined as:
struct ObjVert{
float x, y, z;
struct ObjUV{
float u, v;
struct ObjNormal{
float x, y, z;
// Contains indexes.
struct ObjFace{
int* vertex;
int* uv;
int* normal;
Thanks for any help. Also, any good sources on avoiding these types of errors in future would be appreciated.

I had typed up some silly response which I realized wasn't right...but I had to keep thinking on it, and I came up with another idea.
Where is this object being assigned?
Your code isn't clear if data and _data are the same object or not, but I noticed that your method there seems to return _data as an object. I'm led to believe that perhaps you are using an assignment like ObjData data = LoadObj("myfilename"); somewhere?
If this is the case, I believe your problem may come from a lack of a copy constructor or overloaded assignment operator for your ObjData class. (I'm not a C++ guru, so I don't recall exactly which one this would fall under. Hopefully someone else can confirm if we're on the right track).
If your pointers are not being copied correctly during the copy and assignment (returning from LoadObj calls a copy constructor iirc, and then the obvious assignment to data), then even though you intended to already have an array of int at that location, you may in fact be accessing uninitialized memory, thus causing your Access Violation.
I'm not an expert with either copy constructors or overloaded assignment operators, but a quick way around this would be to return a pointer to an ObjData rather than to return an object itself.

At first glance I didn't see anything blatantly wrong. But if as you say it is exploding at int v = data.faceList[i].vertex[j]; then it seems very likely that the problem is either i or j or both are too big or too small.
Aside from the obvious approach of getting cozy with your debugger and flattening this bug out, the best approach to solving problems like these is probably to avoid them altogether. Certain things programmers do are more prone to errors than others. The list is long, but you do at least two of them, in spades, in your code.
1) You use dynamically-allocated arrays
2) You use hand-crafted loops
Try to avoid doing these things by using the tools that C++ gives you. Start with #1, and get rid of the dynamically-allocated arrays.
You have a struct:
struct ObjFace{
int* vertex;
int* uv;
int* normal;
...with 3 pointers-to-arrays-of-int. Instead of doing that, use a vector:
struct ObjFace{
vector<int> vertex;
vector<int> uv;
vector<int> normal;
...and then a whole lot of code you had to write before becomes much simpler now, and much less prone to mistakes:
// all this goes away
//_data.faceList = new ObjFace[_data.numFaces];
//_data.vertexList = new ObjVert[_data.numVertices];
//_data.uvList = new ObjUV[_data.numUVcoords];
//_data.normalList = new ObjNormal[_data.numNormals];
// now you ask the vector how many elements it really has
for(int i = 0; i<data.faceList.size(); i++){
for(int j = 0; j<data.faceList.size(); j++){ //Ask the vector instead of assuming triangles
int v = data.faceList[i].vertex[j]; // Access violation here.
double vX = data.vertexList[v].x;
double vY = data.vertexList[v].y;
double vZ = data.vertexList[v].z;
glVertex3d(vX, vY, vZ);
Now, look at that loop. Loops are a very common source of errors. The best loop is the loop you never have to write. So use the STL's algorithms instead. Add a function to ObjFace to execute glVertex3d on each of it's elements:
struct ObjFace{
void do_vertex() const
typedef vector<int> ints;
for( ints::iterator it = vertex.begin(); it != vertex.end(); ++it )
glVertex3d(it->x, it->y, it->z);
...then go back and whittle down that original loop:
(psudocode, actual syntax is more complex)
typedef vector<ObjFace> ObjFaces;
for( ObjFaces::iterator it = data.faceList.begin(); it != data.faceList.end(); ++it )
...or, with a little more effort:
for_each( data.faceList.begin(), data.faceList.end(), &ObjFace::do_vertex );


For loop in C++ stops after a single iteration w/ pointer variable

So first all I'll preface this with: I just started using c++.
I have a structure that I store the pointer to in an unordered_map, setting members' values in the struct pointer as I get them through my process. Then I no longer need them in a map so I transfer then to a vector and loop through them.
Though on the second loop, it outputs my index (1) but the next statement of making a local pointer var for the struct at that index breaks it and the code terminates without any errors. since there are no errors then a try/catch doesn't give me anything either.
// Wanted to create a structure to handle the objects easier instead
// of multiple vectors for each property
struct appData {
std::string id = "";
std::string name = "";
std::string vdf_file = "";
std::string vdf_path = "";
// Relevant parts of my main()
int main() {
// Map that stores all the struct pointers
std::unordered_map<std::string, appData*> appDatas;
char memory[sizeof(appData)];
void* p = memory;
// New instance of appData
appData *tempAppData = new(p) appData();
tempAppData->appid = "86901";
// Add tempAppData to map with string key
appDatas["86901"] = tempAppData;
std::vector<appData*> unhashed_appDatas;
for (auto const& pair: appDatas) {
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < unhashed_appDatas.size(); x++) {
// Output index to see where it was messing up
std::cout << x << std::endl;
!! // This is where the issue happens on the second loop (see output)
appData *thisAppData = unhashed_appDatas[x];
std::string id = thisAppData->appid;
std::cout << id << std::endl;
/* ...
Do more stuff below
return 0;
Terminal Output:
0 // Initial index of x
86901 // Id of first item
1 // New index of x on second loop before pointer var is created
// Nothing more is printed and execution terminates with no errors
My knowledge of c++ is pretty lacking, started it couple days ago, so the few things within my knowledge I've tried: moving the *thisAppData variable outside of the loop, using a for(var: vector) { ... }, and a while loop. I can assume that the issue lies with the pointer and the local variable when inside the loop.
Any help/input about how I could better approach this or if there's an issue with my code would be appreciated :)
Edit: Changed code to use .size() instead of sizeof() per #Jarod42 answer, though main issue persists
Edit2: Turns out it was my own mess-up, imagine that. 4Am brain wasn't working too well- posted answer regarding what I did incorrectly. Thanks to everyone who helped me
sizeof is the wrong tool here:
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < sizeof(unhashed_appDatas); x++) {
// ^^ wrong: give **static** size of the structure
// mainly 3 members (data, capacity, size), so something like `3*sizeof(void*)`
it should be
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < unhashed_appDatas.size(); x++) {
After many hours of trial and error I have determined the issue (aside from doing things in a way I should, which I've since corrected) it was something I messed up on that caused this issue.
Items wouldn't exist that I assumed did and tried to read files with a blank path and parse the contents that didn't exist.
In the first loop, the data I was getting was a list of files from a directory then parsing a json-like file that contained these file names and properties associated with them. Though, the file list contained entries that weren't in this other data file (since I had no check if they existed) so it would break there.
Additionally in the last loop I would get a member from a struct that would be the path of a file to read, but it would be blank (unset) because it didn't exist in data file so std::ifstream file(path); would break it.
I've since implemented checks for each key and value to ensure it will no longer break because of that.
Here are some fixes that were mentioned that I added to the code, which did help it work correctly in the end even if they weren't the main issue that I myself caused:
// Thanks to #EOF:
// No longer "using placement new on a buffer with automatic storage duration"
// (whatever that means haha) and was changed from:
char memory[sizeof(appData)];
void* p = memory;
appData *tempAppData = new(p) appData();
// To:
appData *tempAppData = new appData();
// Thanks to #Jarod42:
// Last for loop limit expression was corrected from:
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < sizeof(unhashed_appDatas); x++) {
// To:
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < unhashed_appDatas.size(); x++) {
// I am still using a map, despite comment noting to just use vectors
// (which I could have, but just would prefer using maps):
std::unordered_map<std::string, appData*> appDatas;
// Instead of doing something like this instead (would have arguably have been easier):
std::vector<std::string> dataKeys = { "1234" };
std::vector<appData*> appDatas = { ... };
auto indx = find(dataKeys.begin(), dataKeys.end(), "1234");
indx = (indx != dataKeys.end() ? indx : -1);
if (indx == -1) continue;
auto dataItem = appDatas[indx];
I appreciate everyone's assistance with my code

Incompatible types in assignment of variables in C++

recently I have been trying to make a Neural Network with an arduino library and I came across a library, that was quite literally, called Neural Network by George Chousos. I stumbled apon a couple of errors that I managed to fix quite simply, but then I got caught on the error of
sketch_sep22b:24:43: error: incompatible types in assignment of 'float*' to 'float [4]' outputs = NN.FeedForward(inputs[i]);
This is all of my code:
#include <math.h> // Include Math Library
#include <NeuralNetwork.h> // Include Neural Network Framework
const unsigned int layers[] = {4, 9, 4}; // First Value (Inputs), Second Value (Neurons / Hidden Layers), Third Value (Outputs)
float outputs[4] = {}; //Outputs Float
const float* /* Pointer */ inputs[1] = {1};
const float expectedOutputs[1] = {1}; //Training Values
void setup()
NeuralNetwork NN(layers, NumberOf(layers));
for (int i = 0; i < 3000; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < NumberOf(inputs); j++)
for (int i = 0; i < NumberOf(inputs) - 1; i++)
outputs = NN.FeedForward(inputs[i]);
Serial.println(outputs[0], 7);
The declaration for FeedForward is:
float *FeedForward(const float *inputs); // Moves Calculated outputs as inputs to next layer.
Okay, I looked at the link and the declaration. The first problem, and the one that's leading to the compiler error is the return type. The declaration is expecting output to be a pointer, not an array. So, changing the declaration of output to:
float* outputs; //Outputs Float
should fix the compiler error. I haven't tried it, but that looks to be the issue the compiler is catching. This will likely return a pointer to an array of 4 floats which you will need to deallocate later (using either free or delete[] depending on how the library allocated the memory) once you're done with it or it will create a memory leak.
As others have noted, your current declaration of input is attempting to access a fixed memory location (1) which leads to undefined behavior, so, you still need to address this as well. Since the library appears to be expecting an input with 4 float values, you should either give it an array with 4 float values declared at compile time, or you could dynamically allocate an array with 4 values at run time.
The first option looks like this:
const float inputs[4] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0};
The second option looks like:
float* input;
input = new float[4];
input[0] = 1.0;
input[1] = 2.0;
input[2] = 3.0;
input[3] = 4.0;
output = NN.FeedForward(input);
delete[] input;

How to speed up a function that returns a pointer to object in c++?

I am a mechanical engineer so please understand I am not trained in proper coding. I have a finite element code that uses grids to make elements which make a model. The element is not important to this question so I have left it out. The elements and grids are read in from a file and that part works.
class Grid
int id;
double x;
double y;
double z;
Grid(int, double, double, double);
int get_id() { return id;};
Grid::Grid() {};
Grid::Grid(int t_id, double t_x, double t_y double t_z)
id = t_id; x = t_x; y = t_y; z = t_z;
class SurfaceModel
Grid** grids;
Element** elements;
int grid_count;
int elem_count;
SurfaceModel(int, int);
void read_grid(std::string);
int get_grid_count() { return grid_count; };
Grid* get_grid(int);
grids = NULL;
elements = NULL;
SurfaceModel::SurfaceModel(int g, int e)
grids = new Grid*[g];
for (int i = 0; i < g; i++)
grids[i] = NULL;
elements = new Element*[e];
for (int i = 0; i < e; i++)
elements[i] = NULL;
void SurfaceModel::read_grid(std::string line)
... blah blah ...
grids[index] = new Grid(n_id, n_x, n_y, n_z);
... blah blah ....
Grid* SurfaceModel::get_grid(int i)
if (i < grid_count)
return grids[i];
return NULL;
When I need to actually use the grid I use the get_grid maybe something like this:
SurfaceModel model(...);
.... blah blah .....
for (int i = 0; i < model.get_grid_count(); i++)
Grid *cur_grid = model.get_grid(i);
int cur_id = cur_grid->get_id();
My problem is that the call to get_grid seems to be taking more time than I think it should to simply return my object. I have run the gprof on the code and found that get_grid gets called about 4 billion times when going through a very large simulation and another operation using the x, y, z occurs about the same. The operation does some multiplication. What I found is that the get_grid and math take about the same amount of time (~40 seconds). This seems like I have done something wrong. Is there a faster way to get that object out of there?
I think you're forgetting to set grid_count and elem_count.
This means, they will have uninitialized (indeterminate) values. If you loop for those values, you can easily end up looping a lot of iterations.
: grid_count(0),
SurfaceModel::SurfaceModel(int g, int e)
: grid_count(g),
grids = new Grid*[g];
for (int i = 0; i < g; i++)
grids[i] = NULL;
elements = new Element*[e];
for (int i = 0; i < e; i++)
elements[i] = NULL;
Howeverm, I suggest you would want to get rid of each instance of new in this program (and use a vector for the grid)
On a modern CPU accessing memory often takes longer than doing multiplication. Getting good performance on modern systems can often mean focusing more on optimizing memory accesses than optimizing computation. Because you are storing your grid objects as an array of dynamically allocated pointers the grid objects themselves will be stored non-contiguously in memory and you will likely get many cache misses when trying to access them. In this example you would probably see a significant speedup by storing your grid objects directly in an array or vector since you will be accessing contiguous memory in your loop and so get good cache utilization and effective hardware prefetching.
4 billion times a microsecond (which is a pretty acceptable time in many cases) gives 4 000 seconds. And since you only get about 40 s (if I get it right), I doubt there's something seriously wrong here. If it's still slow for the task, I'd consider the use of parallel computing.

Trying to fill a 2d array of structures in C++

As above, I'm trying to create and then fill an array of structures with some starting data to then write to/read from.
I'm still writing the cache simulator as per my previous question:
Any way to get rid of the null character at the end of an istream get?
Here's how I'm making the array:
struct cacheline
string data;
string tag;
bool valid;
bool dirty;
cacheline **AllocateDynamicArray( int nRows, int nCols)
cacheline **dynamicArray;
dynamicArray = new cacheline*[nRows];
for( int i = 0 ; i < nRows ; i++ )
dynamicArray[i] = new cacheline [nCols];
return dynamicArray;
I'm calling this from main:
cacheline **cache = AllocateDynamicArray(nooflines,noofways);
It seems to create the array ok, but when I try to fill it I get memory errors, here's how I'm trying to do it:
int fillcache(cacheline **cache, int cachesize, int cachelinelength, int ways)
for (int j = 0; j < ways; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < cachesize/(cachelinelength*4); i++)
cache[i][ways].data = "EMPTY";
cache[i][ways].tag = "";
cache[i][ways].valid = 0;
cache[i][ways].dirty = 0;
Calling it with:
fillcache(cache, cachesize, cachelinelength, noofways);
Now, this is the first time I've really tried to use dynamic arrays, so it's entirely possible I'm doing that completely wrong, let alone when trying to make it 2d, any ideas would be greatly appreciated :)
Also, is there an easier way to do write to/read from the array? At the moment (I think) I'm having to pass lots of variables to and from functions, including the array (or a pointer to the array?) each time which doesn't seem efficient?
Something else I'm unsure of, when I pass the array (pointer?) and edit the array, when I go back out of the function, will the array still be edited?
Just noticed a monumentally stupid error, it should ofcourse be:
cache[i][j].data = "EMPTY";
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Instantiating a std::vector of boost::multi_array.. melting brain for cpp guru?

I think I'm confused with instantiating objects.. well.. not properly object because new statements make a compile error. My background is in Python and Java and I'm stuck in front of C++ way of creating objects that aren't classes.
I'm translating an algorithm from C# and for machine learning and it uses an array of multidimensional arrays.
C# code:
public double Learn(int[][] observations, int symbols, int states, ...
// ...
double[][, ,] epsilon = new double[N][, ,]; // also referred as ksi or psi
double[][,] gamma = new double[N][,];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
int T = observations[i].Length;
epsilon[i] = new double[T, States, States];
gamma[i] = new double[T, States];
I've decided to use the Boost library for the multidimensional array, and I have:
typedef boost::multi_array<double, 2> matrix2D;
typedef boost::multi_array<double, 3> matrix3D;
vector<matrix3D> epsilon;
vector<matrix2D> gamma;
cout << "HMM::learn >> before" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
int T = observations[i].size();
epsilon[i] = matrix3D(boost::extents[T][states][symbols]);
gamma[i] = matrix2D(boost::extents[T][states]);
and I get this runtime error:
HMM::learn >> before
std::bad_alloc' what(): std::bad_alloc
The vectors have no space allocated (well it may be reserved already but you can't reference it with the array indexers). Change the lines:
epsilon[i] = matrix3D(boost::extents[T][states][symbols]);
gamma[i] = matrix2D(boost::extents[T][states]);
that should solve it. In your case since you know the array size you should reserve that much space in the vectors so that it reduces the reallocations needed: