Given a series of points, how could I calculate the vector for that line 5 pixels away? Ex:
How could I find the vector for
\ \
\ \
\ \
The ones on the right.
I'm trying to figure out how programs like Flash can make thick outlines.
A thick line is a polygon. (Let's forget about antialiasing for now)
start = line start = vector(x1, y1)
end = line end = vector(x2, y2)
dir = line direction = end - start = vector(x2-x1, y2-y1)
ndir = normalized direction = dir*1.0/length(dir)
perp = perpendicular to direction = vector(dir.x, -dir.y)
nperp = normalized perpendicular = perp*1.0/length(perp)
perpoffset = nperp*w*0.5
diroffset = ndir*w*0.5
(You can easily remove one normalization and calculate one of the offsets by taking perpendicular from the other)
p0, p1, p2, p3 = polygon points:
p0 = start + perpoffset - diroffset
p1 = start - perpoffset - diroffset
p2 = end + perpoffset + diroffset
p3 = end - perpoffset + diroffset
P.S. You're the last person I ever going to explain this stuff to.
Things like these should be understood on intuitive level.
The way to do with a straight line is to find the line perpendicular (N) to the original line, take a 5 pixels step in that direction and then find the perpendicular to the perpendicular in that point
| |
| |
| |
The way to do it with a non straight line is to approximate it with many straight lines or if you have the analytic representation of the line, to find some sort of analytic solution in a similar manner to the one of the straight line.
Try this untested pseudo-code:
# Calculate the "Rise" and "run" (slope) of your input line, then
# call this function, which returns offsets of x- and y-intercept
# for the parallel line. Obviously the slope of the parallel line
# is already known: rise/run.
# returns (delta_x, delta_y) to be added to intercepts.
adjacent_parallel(rise, run, distance, other_side):
negate = other_side ? -1 : 1
if rise == 0:
# horizontal line; parallel is vertically away
return (0, negate * distance)
elif run == 0:
# vertical line; parallel is horizontally away
return (negate * distance, 0)
# a perpendicular radius is - run / rise slope with length
# run^2 + rize^2 = length ^ 2
nrml = sqrt(run*run + rise*rise)
return (negate * -1 * run / nrml, negate * rise/nrml)
As SigTerm shows in his nice diagram, you will want to get the lines on either side of the intended line: so pass in thickness/2 for distance and call twice, once with other_side=true, and draw a thickness centered on the 'abstract line'.
You will need to have some math background.
Start by understanding the line (linear equations and linear functions) what is a parallel and benefit from looking up geometric transformations.
After that you will understand SigTerm's answer...
I am working in vehicle counting with opencv and python programming, I already complete step:
1. Detect moving vehicle with BackgroundSubtractorMOG2
2. Draw rectangle on it, then poin a centroid of that
3. Draw a line (to indicate of the counting)
if that centroid accros/intercept with the line I want count that 1. but in my code sometime it add sometime no. Here the line code:
and there the centroid:
if w > 20 and h > 25:
cv2.rectangle(frame, (x,y), (x+w,y+h), (180, 1, 0), 1)
my counting code:
if cy==170:
Can anyone help me. please. for your advice thankyou!
Here is my approach that would work independently of the video frame rate. Assuming that you are able to track a car's centroid at each frame, I would save the last two centroids' position (last_centroid and centroid in my code) and process as follows:
compute the intercepting line equation's parameters ( (a,b,c) from aX + bY + c = 0)
compute the equation's parameters of the segment line between last_centroid and centroid
find if the two lines are intersecting
if so, increment your counter
Here is how I implemented it in OpenCV (Python):
import cv2
import numpy as np
import collections
Params = collections.namedtuple('Params', ['a','b','c']) #to store equation of a line
def calcParams(point1, point2): #line's equation Params computation
if point2[1] - point1[1] == 0:
a = 0
b = -1.0
elif point2[0] - point1[0] == 0:
a = -1.0
b = 0
a = (point2[1] - point1[1]) / (point2[0] - point1[0])
b = -1.0
c = (-a * point1[0]) - b * point1[1]
return Params(a,b,c)
def areLinesIntersecting(params1, params2, point1, point2):
det = params1.a * params2.b - params2.a * params1.b
if det == 0:
return False #lines are parallel
x = (params2.b * -params1.c - params1.b * -params2.c)/det
y = (params1.a * -params2.c - params2.a * -params1.c)/det
if x <= max(point1[0],point2[0]) and x >= min(point1[0],point2[0]) and y <= max(point1[1],point2[1]) and y >= min(point1[1],point2[1]):
print("intersecting in:", x,y),(int(x),int(y)),4,(0,0,255), -1) #intersecting point
return True #lines are intersecting inside the line segment
return False #lines are intersecting but outside of the line segment
frame = np.zeros((240,320,3), np.uint8)
last_centroid = (200,200) #centroid of a car at t-1
centroid = (210,180) #centroid of a car at t
line_params = calcParams(last_centroid, centroid)
intercept_line_params = calcParams((0,170), (300,170))
print("Params:", line_params.a,line_params.b,line_params.c)
while(1):,last_centroid,4,(0,255,0), -1) #last_centroid,centroid,4,(0,255,0), -1) #current centroid
cv2.line(frame,last_centroid,centroid,(0,0,255),1) #segment line between car centroid at t-1 and t
cv2.line(frame,(0,170),(300,170),(200,200,0),2) #intercepting line
print("AreLinesIntersecting: ",areLinesIntersecting(intercept_line_params,line_params,last_centroid,centroid))
if cv2.waitKey(15) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
And here are some results:
Fig1. Segment is intersecting the line (intercepting line in blue - segment line between last_centroid and centroid in red)
Fig2. Segment is NOT intersecting the line
N.B. I found the formulas to calculate the intersection point here.
I hope my approach will help to address your problem.
To assume that the centroid will assume a position 170 (in x or y) is wrong, because videos generally works at 30 fps, that mean you will get 30 centroid locations per second which means even if there the object crosses the line, it may never be 170!
To counter this, one method that can be used is defining a line margin. This means now you have a line margin x before actual line (y = 170) and x after the line margin.
So if your object falls anywhere in the margin, you can increment the counter. Now the next big part would be to make a tracking mechanism wherein you collect the list of point for each object and check if it fell in the margin.
I have a set of points in 3d. I form a line by joining these points. I have to obtain another line which is a shifted version of this line, such that the resultant shift is always to the right of the original line. What would be an approach to solve this problem? How to get the up vectors in the right direction each time?
Assume these points to lie on a sphere. Looking at the top view of the sphere i would want something like this
The first line is the original set of points and the second one the shifted set
Ok i am adding the code
std::vector<osg::Vec3> vertArray; // The array containig the 3d points
std::vector<osg::Vec3> shiftVec; // The array to store the shifted vectors
osg::Vec3 line1, line2, result, upVec, p1, p2, cross1, cross2;
result = vertArray[1] - vertArray[0];
result = result X upVec; // i am not sure how to get this upvec for general set of points
for(unsigned int i = 1; i < vertArray.size() - 1; i++)
line 1 = vertArray[i-1] - vertArray[i];
line 2 = vertArray[i+1] - vertArray[i];
upVec = line1 X line2;
line 1 = line1 X upVec;
p1 = vertArray[i-1] + line1;
line 2 = line2 X upVec;
p2 = vertArray[i+1] + line2;
cross1 = upVec;
cross2 = (p2-p1)X line2
float factor = cross2.lenght()/cross1.length();
result = p1+line1*factor;
result = result - vertArray[i];
result = vertArray[i] - vertArray[i-1];
result = result X upVec; // i am not sure how to get this upvec for general set of points
look here: ECEF <-> ENU coordinates this might help
I rather use NEH local North,East,Height(or altitude) coordinate system
it is similar to compass + altimeter
if you are not looking in rotation axis direction (ECEF Z-axis) ... on poles
then North vector is just (0,0,6356754.7)-viewer_position (all in ECEF)
East,West vectors can be obtained as North x (0,0,6356754.7)
don`t remember if it is east or west (depends on your coordinate system and cross multiplicants order)
just check it visually and if wrong reverse the order or negate result
Up vector (Height or Altitude) is easy from this just Up=North x East or Up=North x West
again if wrong direction reverse order or negate result ...
6356754.7 [m] is earths polar radius
if you viewing from poles (ECEF Z-axis)
then North vector and Up vector lies on the same axis (in opposite direction)
which means there is no east or west (singularity)
on south hemisphere is usually used South instead of North
in that case South = (0,0,-6356754.7)-viewer_position
If you three points are A, B and C. Then the three point define a plane. In general the points will not lie on a (straight) line. If they do then it becomes ambiguous what "right" means. If everything is on a sphere, then the three points will define a curve formed by the intersection of the sphere and the plane. You could form another line my finding the intersection of the sphere with a parallel plane.
I'm not quite sure what you want but I'm guessing you want the second line to lie in a parallel plane. You can find the normal to the plane by taking the cross product N=(A-B) X (C-B). It looks like you are doing something like this but you need the ^ operator. See
upVec = line1 ^ line2;
I have a ground set up of various points, some of which are flat and others are at an angle, I'm trying to check if there is a collision between the angled points (non-axis aligned).
I have a vector array consisting of two floats at each point - This is each of the points of the ground.
Here's an image representation of what the ground looks like.
At the moment I want to check collisions between points 1 and 2 and then go onto the others.
I shall use points 1 and 2 as an example.
g1x = 150; g2x = 980;
g2x = 500; g2y = 780;
The dxdy of this is dx = 350 and dy = -200
The normal x of this is dy and the normal y is -dx
nx = -200;
ny = -350;
normalized it is the length between points 1 and 2 which is 403.11
nx/normalized = -0.496
ny/normalized = -0.868
//get position of object - Don't know if its supposed to be velocity or not
float vix = object->getPosition().x;
float viy = object->getPosition().y;
//calculate dot product - unsure if vix/viy are supposed to be minused
float dot = ((-vix * nrmx) + (-viy * nrmy)) * nrmx; //= -131.692
Is this information correct to calculate the normal and dot product between the two points.
How can I check if there is a collision with this line and then reflect according to the normal.
Thanks :) any and all changes are welcome.
Say you have a particle at position x travelling at velocity v and a boundary defined by the line between a and b.
We can find how far along the boundary (as a fraction) the particle collides by projecting c-a onto b-a and dividing by the length ||b-a||. That is,
u = ((c-a).((b-a)/||b-a||))/||b-a|| == (c-a).(b-a) / ||b-a||2.
If u > 1 then the particle travels past the boundary on the b side, if u < 0 then the particle travels past the boundary on the a side. The point of collision would be
c = a + u b.
The time to collision could be found by solving
x + t v = a + s (b-a)
for t. The reflection matrix can be found here. But it will need to be rotated by 90 deg (or pi/2) so that you're reflecting orthogonal to the line, not across it.
In terms of multiple boundaries, calculate the time to collision for each of them, sort by that time (discarding negative times) and check for collisions through the list. Once you've found the one that you will collide with then you can move your particle to the point of collision, reflect it's velocity, change the delta t and redo the whole thing again (ignoring the one you just collided with) as you may collide with more than one boundary in a corner case (get it? It's a maths pun).
Linear algebra can be fun, and you can do so much more with it, getting to grips with linear algebra allows you to do some powerful things. Good luck!
What is, and is there, a fast way to check where in the plane my line will intersect, if i know the plane is always in the same z-axis (so it cannot be rotated), and its width/height is infinite? Also, my "line" isn't actually a line, but a 3d vector, so the "line" can go to infinite distance.
Here is the code that relies on two points:
(p1 and p2 are start and end points of the line. plane_z = where the plane is)
k1 = -p2.z/(p1.z-p2.z-plane_z);
k2 = 1.0f-k1;
ix = k1*p1.x + k2*p2.x;
iy = k1*p1.y + k2*p2.y;
iz = plane_z; // where my plane lays
Another solution which works with a vector (i made it use two points as the first example did too, "p2.x-p1.x" etc. is the vector calculation):
a = (plane_z-p1.z)/(p2.z-p1.z);
ix = p1.x + a*(p2.x-p1.x);
iy = p1.y + a*(p2.y-p1.y);
iz = plane_z;
Edit3: added Orbling's solution which is slightly faster, and doesnt rely on two points necessarily.
You can implement a strait-forward solution like there, then apply your simplifications. In the algebraic solution (#2) A and B are zeros in your case (if i understand correctly this statement)
plane is always in the same z-axis (so it cannot be rotated)
Note: your line should be a point and a direction, or two points right?
I am working on implementing a clustering algorithm in C++. Specifically, this algorithm:
At one point in the algorithm (sec 3.2 p4-5), I am to calculate perpendicular and angular distance (d┴ and dθ) between two line segments: p1 to p2, p1 to p3.
It has been a while since I had a math class, I am kinda shaky on what these actually are conceptually and how to calculate them. Can anyone help?
To get the perpendicular distance of a point Q to a line defined by two points P_1 and P_2 calculate this:
d = DOT(Q, CROSS(P_1, P_2) )/MAG(P_2 - P_1)
where DOT is the dot product, CROSS is the vector cross product, and MAG is the magnitude (sqrt(X*X+Y*Y+..))
Using Fig 5. You calculate d_1 the distance from sj to line (si->ei) and d_2 the distance from ej to the same line.
I would establish a coordinate system based on three points, two (P_1, P_2) for a line and the third Q for either the start or the end of the other line segment. The three axis of the coordinate system can be defined as such:
e = UNIT(P_2 - P_1) // axis along the line from P_1 to P_2
k = UNIT( CROSS(e, Q) ) // axis normal to plane defined by P_1, P_2, Q
n = UNIT( CROSS(k, e) ) // axis normal to line towards Q
where UNIT() is function to return a unit vector (with magnitude=1).
Then you can establish all your projected lengths with simple dot products. So considering the line si-ei and the point sj in Fig 5, the lengths are:
(l || 1) = DOT(e, sj-si);
(l |_ 1) = DOT(n, sj-si);
ps = si + e * (l || 1) //projected point
And with the end of the second segment ej, new coordinate axes (e,k,n) need to be computed
(l || 2) = DOT(e, ei-ej);
(l |_ 1) = DOT(n, ej-ei);
pe = ei - e * (l || 1) //projected point
Eventually the angle distance is
(d th) = ATAN( ((l |_ 2)-(L |_ 1))/MAG(pe-ps) )
PS. You might want to post this at Math.SO where you can get better answers.
Look at figure 5 on page 3. It draws out what d┴ and dθ are.
EDIT: The "Lehmer mean" is defined using Lp-space conventions. So in 3 dimensions, you would use p = 3. Let's say that the (Euclidean) distance between the two start points is d1, and between the ends is d2. Then d┴(L1, L2) = (d1^3 + d2^3) / (d1^2 + d2^2).
To find the angle between two vectors, you can use their dot product. The norm (denoted ||x||) is computed like this.