if i need oparete small web server in my application ,does it recognase as virus? - c++

i need to operate smell web server in my application play flash swf files in my embedded browser , this application will be distributed to local users to desktop users
what is the best way to implement it in desktop application i mean ports / local host ?

If you simply want to show something in your embedded browser there's no need to set up a local web server, just point it to appropriate local files that will be located in your application's directory (using the file:// protocol).


Access files on client with qml using WebGL

I have written a qml based application on a linux machine which is started with
"-platform webgl" for using on a remote client in the browser with webgl. With the qml FileDialog class I can only access the files from the linux machine, not from the remote client.
How can I archive this?
Maybe I have to write a separate part in the application to handle these remote network access or do I have to use javascript or html5?
Access is controlled by the browser. It's like trying to access local files from the JavaScript code of the webpage.

Cloning PyQt app in django framework

I've designed a desktop app using PyQt GUI toolkit and now I need to embed this app on my Django website. Do I need to clone it using django's own logic or is there a way to get it up on website using some interface. Coz I need this to work on my website same way it works as desktop. Do I need to find out packages in django to remake it over the web or is there way to simplify the task?
Please help.
I'm not aware of any libraries to port a PyQT desktop app to a django webapp. Django certainly does nothing to enable this one way or another. I think, you'll find that you have to rewrite it for the web. Django is a great framework and depending on the complexity of your app, it might not be too difficult. If you haven't done much with web development, there is a lot to learn!
If it seemed like common sense to you that you should be able to run a desktop app as a webapp, consider this:
Almost all web communication that you likely encounter is done via HTTP. HTTP is a protocol for passing data between servers and clients (often, browsers). What this means is that any communication that takes place must be resolved into discrete chunks. Consider an example flow:
You go to google in your browser.
Your browser then hits a DNS server (or cache) that resolves the name google.com to some IP address.
Cool, now your browser makes a request to that IP address and says "get me some stuff".
Google decides to send you back a minimal amount of HTML and lots of minified JavaScript in the page.
Your browser realizes that there are some image links in the HTML and so it makes additional requests to google to get each of the images so that it can display them.
Now all the content is loaded on your browser so it starts to execute the JavaScript code, and that code needs some more data from google so it starts sending requests to google too.
This is just a small example of how fundamentally different a web application operates than how a desktop application does. On a desktop app you have the added convenience that any operation doesn't need to be "packaged up" and sent, then have an action taken, etc (unless you're using a messaging architecture, but that's relatively uncommon outside of enterprise apps).

Is it possible to run an application from a remote server on a website?

I have a website that I would like the customers to navigate to a page where it runs a program that I wrote. However, the program is on a separate server. How might I run the application from that remote server onto the server that hosts the website?
It looks like ideally I'll have my web host as GoDaddy.com and I'd like to run my application from that website.
Any thoughts?
What kind of technology are you employing to deploy the apps? ASP? PHP?
It seems that you were actually trying to "Window" the app on another server to your current site, if that's the case you can just simply link the app inside an iframe of your site.
Reference -http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_iframe.asp

Test a webservice on a different port locally without JSONP

I'm currently writing a webservice (with node.js) for an AngularJS frontend which is hosted with node.js
It will later be available through a proxy under domain.com/api and therefore I don't need JSONP.
For local testing purposes i have my AngularJS app running on localhost:80 and my node.js backend on localhost:3000. Naturally I'm not able to query json requests. The easies
What would be the best setup to test my homepage locally without screwing to much in my setup?
I'm currently working on windows. Linux is also an option if it is easier.
Would it be possible to write a simple proxy for express that hosts both apps in the same domain?
You can use the hosts file to set the domain.com/api to localhost. This is done in /etc/hosts in Linux, but its present somewhere in Windows too. Another thing that helps me a lot is ssh tunneling. You can, for example, tunnel remote ports (where your backend is running) to localhost with ssh -L localPort:your.server:remotePort
It's not exactly what you asked for, but the easiest might be to have the node.js app serve the AngularJS app, too. It's quite efficient, certainly efficient enough to use for development.
If it's an expressjs app, you can just add
app.use(express['static'](__dirname + "/public"));
before your other routes to have it look for static files in ./public/
If your app is served by a template or build system that you can't easily reproduce in node.js, then another option would be to run nginx, apache or haproxy on some port (80 or 5000 or ...) and have that proxy to the current backend server for the app and port 3000 (the node.js app) for the API/data requests.
You might even be able to have your server currently running on port 80 do this.
As a final idea you could also setup the node.js app to proxy to port 80 for the "app files".
Edit - I just realized that both of your apps are written in node.js. Would it be possible to set it up so you run them separately in production but together in development? Put all the real functionality in modules and then have three separate "loaders" that start the apps, one together and then a loader for each individually.

execute delphi web service from browser

I've been working on a set of ISAPI web service DLLs in Delphi 2005 that interact with our server application but I'm having real difficulty debugging issues in the web services.
At this time, I have a test SOAP server application as a Web App Debugger executable which uses the same units as the real DLLs.
I can compile and run my SOAP EXE, run the Web App Debugger tool, start the ServerInfo server, and see my SOAP app in the list of Registered Servers.
If I select it from the list and click on Go, it shows the normal Service Info Page, where I can view interfaces and the WSDL.
What I now want to do is Execute one of the methods (a simple one that returns the version info of the ISAPI DLL), and view the request and response by looking at the Log tab of the Web App Debugger, however, I've not found a way to execute the method.
Do I really need to code a special client app to test my web methods? Most examples I've seen online just say to use http://server/service/class/method?parameter=value to execute a web service method, but that doesn't seem to work with a Delphi SOAP web service.
You need to change the client to connect to the machine running the WebAppDebugger. (Typically localhost)
Run the WebAppDebugger and click on the Start button. The 'default URL' lights up... by default is
Then run your WAD server project within the IDE and put in your desired breakpoint somewhere in the server code.
If running your client on the same machine, change your client to use the local host address... if you connect today to:
change the client to connect to something like this for debugging the traffic:
The name of the Web Application Debugger class is defined when you create the WAD project.