c vs c++ on solaris 9 platform question - c++

I have a program that I am sharing with a third party. I will be providing a bin executable to them. It is written in c++ but uses some c as well. they are suggesting that it needs to be c only. Do you guys think this will be a problem since I will be compiling and building it on a sparc station that will somewhat match their system specs like solaris 9 and the chipset (32 or 64) depending on what they use?
is solaris 9 able to compile the c++ code that i used or do they need to add c++ runtime libraries on their end. I am using c++ std classes. in any event if i am building it all on my end why worry about what they have? its not a static/dynamic lib that i am sharing where i think that would come into play.
just curious since they are saying it needs to be a c compilation. I suspect if they are expecting a lib then perhaps I need to address that but if its just a executable then the system specs like os and chipset is all that matters?
if i am wrong in this assumption please let know where.

Worst case you can always statically link in the C++ runtime library.
If you are only sending them an executable, I don't see why the language makes any difference whatsoever. If you're also sharing code, of course, that's an entirely different story.

Since you're providing them with only an executable (no shared libraries), you shouldn't have too much trouble.
Just run a ldd command on your binary and see which C++ libraries it links against (you might see libstdc++ for instance, if you use g++); you should include those along with your executable. Don't rely on the user having them, they might be missing or might be incompatible. You will want to use the -rpath (linker switch) to make sure your binary will use the libraries you provide and not any library found in the system.
Also, it's better to compile on an older Solaris to provide compatibility, i.e. don't compile on Solaris 10 for Solaris 7, but on 7 for 10. You get the ideea...


If you use a newer gcc than the one that comes with your distro, are system libraries a concern?

My question specifies the version numbers of my scenario, but I'm interested in a general to the question.
I'd like to use gcc 11 on Alma Linux/Red Hat 8 (identical ABI), which come with gcc 8, in order to use C++20/23 features in my own programs. The programs I compile with it (all userspace applications) would run on the same system.
I'm thinking of compiling gcc11 from source, installing it in /usr/local/gcc11/, and calling it when I need it. I don't want to replace/remove the system gcc, since various tools that support a given distro will be expecting that compiler. I would just call a wrapper script to use gcc11 when I need it.
I expect gcc11 will compile just fine, and so will programs I compile with it. But any non-trivial program tends to link against libc, libm, libdl, libpthread, libgcc_s, libstdc++, and so on. I would be using gcc11 with relatively old versions of these system libraries. These are all system libraries which I've never had to deal with directly.
The situation that worries me is if some new dependency I use was written around libpthread version Z but my system has version X, and despite the ABI being unchanged (which allows my program to link successfully against the system libpthread), the behavior is different due to bugfixes, and I end up with subtle runtime bugs.
Is this a valid worry? Or am I golden as soon as my application compiles/launches successfully?
The only existing discussion on this that I could find ( Is there any issue in upgrading GCC version to other than the ones come with distro? ) is light on info, and the warnings given don't apply to me since I don't intend to touch the system gcc/libs.
It depends which features you're compiling against. This article from cppreference.com has more details on which c++ features for each language version are supported by which c++ runtime. https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/compiler_support
Since you're talking about compiling with gcc, you're going to want to look at the libstdc++ runtime library. It looks like not even every feature of c++20 is even supported by version 8 of the runtime library. But it is most things.
To work around this you could
install the runtime version of libstdc++ you want
package and distribute the libstdc++ runtime library along with your code
statically link against libstdc++, which I don't recommend
Keep in mind that there is theoretically an option to compile against libstdc++ statically, but you're not guaranteed to get those symbols at runtime depending on your situation. It also makes a difference if you're compiling an application vs a library. Loading a library my cause your libraries symbols to conflict with what's already been loaded (probably by libstdc++). This post does a good job explaining some things to look out for https://stackoverflow.com/a/14082540/1196033.
(Also, Android is weird https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/cpp-support)

G++ ABI compatibility list

I have compiled my preload file on Ubuntu server (two files for x32 and x64). Where I can get list, in which I will see with what OS my compiled files are compatible and with what I should recompile for compatibility?
Use Linux App Checker developed by ISPRAS and The Linux Foundation. It's designed to perform cross-distro compatibility checks for Linux applications. See sample reports here.
I would start by attempting to execute the program on various Linux distributions in a virtual machine. Pick the top three most popular Linux distributions or the ones your users are most likely to have.
Also, you may be better off to distribute a statically linked binary and offer the source code to others who wish to build it themselves (if you are allowed to distribute source).
I don't know if I fully understand you, but, if my understanding is not that wrong, I'd start by ldd -v. Any OS that is architecture compatible and has the dependent libraries installed in compatible versions should work.
Next, if you plan to support more architectures, you need explicitly to know it and cross compile for every one of it.
So, you must recompile for:
1. Every different architecture.
2. When library versions are not compatible.
This last one is more tricky, since your code may need specific versions to work, but you must know it anyway from start.
Please tell me if it is not what you wanted.

C++ Dynamic Library Compiling/Linking

I know that if I link my c++ program to a dynamic library (DLL) that was built with a different version of Visual Studio, it won't work because of the binary compatibility issue.
(I have experienced this with Boost library and VS 2005 and 2008)
But my question is: is this true for all versions of MSVS? Does this apply to static libraries(LIB) as well? Is this an issue with GCC & Linux as well? and finally how about linking in VS to a DLL built with MinGW?
By the way aside from cross-platform or cross-compiler, why can't two version of the same compiler(VS) be compatibile?
Hi. I know that if I link my c++ program to a dynamic library (DLL) that was built with a different version of Visual Studio, it won't work because of the binary compatibility issue. (I have experienced this with Boost library and VS 2005 and 2008)
I do not remember ever seeing MS changing the ABI, so technically different versions of the compiler will produce the same output (given the same flags (see below)).
Therefore I don't think this is not incompatibilities in Dev Studio but changes in Boost.
Different versions of boost are not backwards compatible (in binary, source they are backward compatible).
But my question is: is this true for all versions of MSVS?
I don't believe there is a problem. Now if you use different flags you can make the object files incompatible. This is why debug/release binaries are built into separate directories and linked against different versions of the standard run-time.
Does this apply to static libraries(LIB) as well?
You must link against the correct static library. But once the static library is in your code it is stuck there all resolved names will not be re-resolved at a later date.
Is this an issue with GCC & Linux as well?
Yes. GCC has broken backwards compatability in the ABI a couple of times (several on purpose (some by mistake)). This is not a real issue as on Linux code is usually distributed as source and you compile it on your platform and it will work.
and finally how about linking in VS to a DLL built with MinGW?
Sorry I don't know.
By the way aside from cross-platform or cross-compiler, why can't two version of the same compiler(VS) be compatibile?
Well fully optimized code objects may be compressed more thus alignment is different. Other compiler flags may affect the way code is generated that is incompatible with other binary objects (changing the way functions are called (all parameters on the stack or some parameters in registers)). Technically only objects compiled with exactly the same flags should be linked together (technically it is a bit looser than that as a lot of flags don't affect the binary compatibility).
Note some libraries are released with multiple versions of the same library that are compiled in different ways. You usually distinguish the library by the extension on the end. At my last job we used the following convention.
libASR.dll // A Sincgle threaded Relase version lib
libASD.dll // A Single threaded Debug version
libAMR.dll // A Multi threaded Release version
libAMD.dll // A Multi threaded Debug version
If properly built, DLLs should be programming-language and version neutral. You can link to DLLs built with VB, C, C++, etc.
You can use dependency walker to examine the exported functions in the dll.
To answer part of your question, GCC/Linux does not have this problem. At least, not as often. libstdc++ and glibc are the standard C++/C libraries on GNU systems, and the authors of those libraries go to efforts to avoid breaking compatibility. glibc is pretty much always backward compatible, but libstdc++ has broken ABI several times in the past and probably will again in the future.
It is very difficult to write stable ABIs in C++ compared to C, because the automatic features in C++ take away some of the control you need to maintain an ABI. Especially once you get into templates and inline functions, where some of the code gets embedded in your application rather than staying contained in the shared library. That means that the object's structure can't ever change without requiring a recompilation of the application.
In practice, it isn't a huge deal on Windows. It would be fantastic if Microsoft just made the MSI installer know how to grab Microsoft-provided DLLs from Windows Update when an app is installed that needs them, but simply adding the redistributable to an InnoSetup-generated installer works well enough.

Portable shared objects?

Is it possible to use shared object files in a portable way like DLLs in Windows??
I'm wondering if there is a way I could provide a compiled library, ready to use, for Linux. As the same way you can compile a DLL in Windows and it can be used on any other Windows (ok, not ANY other, but on most of them it can).
Is that possible in Linux?
I've just woke up and read the answers. There are some very good ones.
I'm not trying to hide the source code. I just want to provide an already-compiled-and-ready-to-use library, so users with no experience on compilation dont need to do it themselves.
Hence the idea is to provide a .so file that works on as many different Linuxes as possible.
The library is written in C++, using STL and Boost libraries.
I highly highly recommend using the LSB app / library checker. Its going to tell you quickly if you:
Are using extensions that aren't available on some distros
Introduce bash-isms in your install scripts
Use syscalls that aren't available in all recent kernels
Depend on non-standard libraries (it will tell you what distros lack them)
And lots, upon lots of other very good checks
You can get more information here as well as download the tool. Its easy to run .. just untar it, run a perl script and point your browser at localhost .. the rest is browser driven.
Using the tool, you can easily get your library / app LSB certified (for both versions) and make the distro packager's job much easier.
Beyond that, just use something like libtool (or similar) to make sure your library is installed correctly, provide a static object for people who don't want to link against the DSO (it will take time for your library to appear in most distributions, so writing a portable program, I can't count on it being present) and comment your public interface well.
For libraries, I find that Doxygen works the best. Documentation is very important, it surely influences my choice of library to use for any given task.
Really, again, check out the app checker, its going to give you portability problem reports that would take a year of having the library out in the wild to obtain otherwise.
Finally, try to make your library easy to drop 'in tree', so I don't have to statically link against it. As I said, it could take a couple of years before it becomes common in most distributions. Its much easier for me to just grab your code, drop it in src/lib and use it, until and if your library is common. And please, please .. give me unit tests, TAP (test anything protocol) is a good and portable way to do that. If I hack your library, I need to know (quickly) if I broke it, especially when modifying it in tree or en situ (if the DSO exists).
If you'd like to help your users by giving them compiled code, the best way I know is to give them a statically linked binary + documentation how they can run the binary. (This is possibly in addition to giving the source code to them.) Most statically linked binaries work on most Linux distributions of the same architecture (+ 32-bit (x86) statically linked binaries work on 64-bit (amd64)). It is no wonder Skype provides a statically linked Linux download.
Back to your library question. Even if you are in an expert in writing shared libraries on Linux, and you take your time to minimize the dependencies so your shared library would work on different Linux distributions, including old and new versions, there is no way to ensure that it will work in the future (say, 2 years). You'll most probably end up maintaining the .so file, i.e. making small modifications over and over again so the .so file becomes compatible with newer versions of Linux distributions. This is no fun doing for a long time, and it decreases your productivity substantially: the time you spend on maintaining the library compatibility would have been much better spent on e.g. improving the functionality, efficiency, security etc. of the software.
Please also note that it is very easy to upset your users by providing a library in .so form, which doesn't work on their system. (And you don't have the superpower to make it work on all Linux systems, so this situation is inevitable.) Do you provide 32-bit and 64-bit as well, including x86, PowerPC, ARM etc.? If the .so file works only on Debian, Ubuntu and Red Hat (because you don't have time time to port the file to more distributions), you'll most probably upset your SUSE and Gentoo users (and more).
Ideally, you'll want to use GNU autoconf, automake, and libtool to create configure and make scripts, then distribute the library as source with the generated configure and Makefile.in files.
Here's an online book about them.
./configure; make; make install is fairly standard in Linux.
The root of the problem is that Linux runs on many different processors. You can't just rely on the processor supporting x86 instructions like Windows does (for most versions: Itanium (XP and newer) and Alpha (NT 4.0) are the exceptions).
So, the question is, how to develop shared libraries for Linux? You could take a look at this tutorial or the Pogram Library Howto.
I know what you are asking. For Windows, MSFT has carefully made the DLLs all compatible, so your DLLs are usually compatible for almost every version of Windows, that's why you call it "portable".
Unfortunately, on Linux there are too many variations (and everyone is thinking to be "different" to make money) so that you cannot get same benefits as Windows, and that's why we have lots of same packages compiled for different distributions, distro version, CPU type, ...
Some say the problem is caused by (CPU) architecture, but it is not. Even on same arch, there's still different between distributions. Once you've really tried to release a binary package, you would know how much hard it is - even C runtime library dependency is hard to maintain. Linux OS lacks too much stuff so almost every services involves dependency issue.
Usually you can only build some binary that is compatible to some distribution (or, several distributions if you are lucky). That's why releasing Linux programs in binary always screwed up, unless bound to some distro like Ubuntu, Debian, or RH.
Just putting a .so file into /usr/lib may work, but you are likely to mess up the scheme that your distro has for managing libraries.
Take a look at the linux standard base - That is the closest thing you will find to a common platform amongst linux distros.
What are you trying to accomplish?
Tinkertim's answer is spot on. I'll add that it's important to understand and plan for changes to gcc's ABI. Things have been fairly stable recently and I guess all the major distros are on gcc 4.3.2 or so. However, every few years some change to the ABI (especially the C++ related bits) seems to cause mayhem, at least for those wanting to release cross-distro binaries and for users who have gotten used to picking up packages from other distros than they actually run and finding they work. While one of these transitions is going on (all the distros upgrade at their own pace) you ideally want to release libs with ABIs supporting the full range of gcc versions in use by your users.

g++ produces big binaries despite small project

Probably this is a common question. In fact I think I asked it years ago... but I can't remember the answer.
The problem is: I have a project that is composed of 6 source files. All of them no more than 200 lines of code. It uses many STL containers, stdlib.h and iostream. Now the executable is around 800kb in size.... I guess I shouldn't statically link libraries. How to do this with GCC? And in Eclipse CDT?
As I responses away from what I want I think it's the case for a clarification. What I want to know is why such a small program is so big in size and what is the relationship with static, shared libraries and their difference. If it's a too long story to tell feel free to give pointers to docs. Thank you
If you give g++ dynamic library names, and don't pass the -static flag, it should link dynamically.
To reduce size, you could of course strip the binary, and pass the -Os (optimize for size) optimization flag to g++.
One thing to remember is that using the STL results in having that extra code in your executable even if you are dynamically linking with the C++ library. This is by virtue of the fact that the STL is a bunch of templates that aren't actually compiled until you write and compile your code. Since the library can't anticipate what you might store in a container, there's no way for the library to already contain the code for that particular usage of the container. Same goes with algorithms and everything else in the STL.
I'm not saying this is definitely the reason your executable is so much larger than you expect. But it may be a factor.
Use -O3 and -s flags to produce the most optimized binary. Also see this link for some more information.
If you are building for Windows, consider using the Microsoft compiler. It always produces the smallest binary on that platform.
Eclipse should be linking dynamically by default, unless you've set the static flag on the linker in your makefile.
In response to your EDIT :
-when you link statically, the executable contains a full copy of each library you've linked to.
-when you link dynamically, the executable only contains references and hooks to the linked libraries, which is a much much smaller amount of code.
The executable has to contain more than just your code.
At the very least, it contains some startup code, setting up the environment and if necessary, loading any external libraries, before the program launches.
If you've statically linked the runtime library, you also get that included in your executable. Otherwise you only get a small stub, just big enough to redirect system calls to the external runtime.
It may, depending on compiler settings also include a lot of debugging info and other non-essential data. If optimizations are enabled, that may have increased code size as well.
The real question is why does this matter? 800KB still fits easily on a floppy disk!
Most of this is a one-time cost. it doesn't mean that if you write twice as much code, it'll take up 1600KB. More likely, it'll take 810KB or something like that.
Don't worry about one-time startup costs.
The size usually results in static libraries being linked into your application.
You can reduce the size of the compiled binary by compiling to RELEASE versions, with optimizations to binary size.
Another source of executable size are the libraries. You said that you don't use external libraries, except for STD, so I believe you're including the C Runtime with your executable, ie, linking statically. so check for dynamic linking.
IMO you shouldn't really worry about that, but if you're really paranoid, check this: Smallest x86 ELF Hello World
use Visual C++ 6.0
it supported with Windows 95 to Windows 7.
and can be compiled as x86 platforms but only for Windows.
so if you are a Windows user just stick with Windows Compilers other than GCC which is sux actually.most of people who say Visual C++ is sux cause they are Anti-Microsofters.
also remember use "Visual C++ 6.0" if you use a newer one probably you can't run your files on Windows 95. I have tested all those things that's why I said.
GCC produces largest binaries, but Visual C++ not ,Intel Compiler can use to save more than 30% of space but it demands a Intel processor unless performance would be horrible.
another thing u need to remember is when u use templates though you see small lines
when you compiles those functions would be expanded so the result is make larger binaries.
if you need smaller binaries I suggest move to C cause C is actually widely used but not OO
infact C is easy to use than C++
this does make sense then C++ example
cout << "Hello World" << endl;
printf("%s","Hello World");
second one say print field %s means you type a string so it's easy. :P