SQL Injection Protection for dynamic queries - coldfusion

The typical controls against SQL injection flaws are to use bind variables (cfqueryparam tag), validation of string data and to turn to stored procedures for the actual SQL layer. This is all fine and I agree, however what if the site is a legacy one and it features a lot of dynamic queries. Then, rewriting all the queries is a herculean task and it requires an extensive period of regression and performance testing. I was thinking of using a dynamic SQL filter and calling it prior to calling cfquery for the actual execution.
I found one filter in CFLib.org (http://www.cflib.org/udf/sqlSafe):
* Cleans string of potential sql injection.
* #param string String to modify. (Required)
* #return Returns a string.
* #author Bryan Murphy (bryan#guardianlogic.com)
* #version 1, May 26, 2005
function metaguardSQLSafe(string) {
var sqlList = "-- ,'";
var replacementList = "#chr(38)##chr(35)##chr(52)##chr(53)##chr(59)##chr(38)##chr(35)##chr(52)##chr(53)##chr(59)# , #chr(38)##chr(35)##chr(51)##chr(57)##chr(59)#";
return trim(replaceList( string , sqlList , replacementList ));
This seems to be quite a simple filter and I would like to know if there are ways to improve it or to come up with a better solution?

what if the site is a legacy one and
it features a lot of dynamic queries.
Then, rewriting all the queries is a
herculean task and it requires an
extensive period of regression and
performance testing.
Yep, but that's the case if you perform any significant changes, including using a function like the one you are proposing.
So I'd still recommend getting some tests setup, refactoring to use a sensible framework, and then fixing the queries to use cfqueryparam.
That specific function is a bunch of nonsense, which does not do what it claims to do, and has the potential to break stuff (by incorrectly exceeding max lengths).
All it does is turns -- into -- and ' into ' - this is not SQL injection protection!
So yeah, if you still do want to go down that route, find a different function, but I'd recommend proper refactoring.

Obviously you have a lot of work ahead of you. But as you roll up your sleeves, one small thing you might do to mitigate some of the potential damage from injection attacks is to create several datasources, and run all your select-only queries through a datasource restricted to only select statements. And for all of the datasources, make sure things like grant, revoke, create, alter, and drop are disabled.

You might try Portcullis. It is an open source CFC that you can use to scan the URL, FORM and COOKIE scopes for SQL Injection and XSS attacks. It won't be guaranteed protection but would at least provide some protection today with little effort while you work on a rewrite of the queries. The nice thing is it can be included in the Application.cfm/cfc to scan the scopes on every CF page request at the cost of about 4 lines of code.

Put this coding into your application.cfm file.
<cfif FindNoCase(“DECLARE”,cgi.query_string) and FindNoCase(“CAST”,cgi.query_string) and FindNoCase(“EXEC”,cgi.query_string)>
<cfabort showerror="Oops..!! It's SQL injection." >


jOOQ CommonTableExpression with SelectQuery

We have a query with a common structure that we use under different circumstances (where clause is different)
So we have something like this
val baseQuery: SelectQuery<Record> = dsl
In other places we then extend this query however needed.
baseQuery.apply {
baseQuery.apply {
So far so good. But now it would be cool if we could somehow use this base in combination with a CTE. Not sure how to do that though.
val someCTE: CommonTableExpression<*> = DSL.....
// dsl
// .with(someCTE)
// .selectQuery(baseQuery.apply {}) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
baseQuery.apply {
// addWith(someCTE) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
addJoin(someCTE, joinClause)
Is there a way to do it? Perhaps other suggestions how to reuse the base query when using a CTE?
Edit: Solution
With the help of Lukas' answer I settled on this approach
fun dynamicQuery(
context: SelectSelectStep<*> = dsl.select(),
selects: List<Field<*>> = listOf(),
joins: List<Pair<Table<*>, Condition>> = listOf(),
conditions: List<Condition> = listOf()
): SelectQuery<Record>
So in normal customizations I can
conditions = conditionsA
conditions = conditionsB
It can be combined with a CTE
val someCTE: CommonTableExpression<*> = DSL.....
context = dsl.with(someCTE).select(),
selects = listOf(someCTE.field(cteField)),
joins = listOf(someCTE to joinClause),
conditions = conditionsC
TL;DR: You can't use CTEs with jOOQ 3.15's model API
Some background on the jOOQ model API vs DSL API distinction
The very old jOOQ 1.0 only had what is now called the "model API", a mutable, procedural API with setters (no getters), where you can manipulate dynamic SQL.
jOOQ 2.0 introduced the DSL API, which is what most people are using today. The fact that the DSL API mimicks the SQL language helps users discover jOOQ API much more easily. Everything is named exactly as expected. With the exception of a few quirks in the areas of CTE and derived tables, you can write jOOQ-SQL almost just like actual SQL.
The model API was not deprecated, but wrapped by the DSL API, and kept around:
for backwards compatibility reasons
because some people seemed to like the procedural approach
You can't do anything with the model API that you couldn't do with the DSL API as well, though a more functional programming style may be helpful when doing this with the DSL API. See: https://blog.jooq.org/2017/01/16/a-functional-programming-approach-to-dynamic-sql-with-jooq
The future of jOOQ
While the model API is still getting some new clauses support for SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements, there are some statements that are not available in a model API form. These include MERGE, TRUNCATE, all DDL statements, all procedural statements. And, the WITH clause.
The strategy is to eventually deprecate the model API, because the redundancy creates a lot of extra work that is better invested elsewhere. There are also subtle bugs when people call model API methods in unexpected order, i.e. an order that is not possible through the DSL API.
In a first step, pretty soon, jOOQ will inverse the relationship between APIs: https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOQ/issues/11241. The model API will be the auxiliary wrapper of the DSL API for those who rely on it for backwards compatibility. It isn't unlikely that the model API will even be extracted into a separate compatibility module, to discourage its use in new code
In a next step, with the dependencies inversed, the DSL API can finally become consistently immutable, which is what many users expect, and to their surprise, find lacking: https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOQ/issues/9047
Eventually, the model API will be deprecated, and then dropped
You can still use it today, and the deprecation and removal will be done over a long period of time, so there's no hurry in getting off this API (as always with jOOQ). But in the context of your question, it's good to see that jOOQ will not invest in adding too many features to it, anymore. CTE support won't be added to the model API.
You can, of course, work around this limitation, because internally, the model API is CTE capable:
You could use reflection to add new CTEs to the SelectQuery internal representation. I won't document how this works, here, because it's never a good idea to document these things :)
You could start creating a query using the DSL API, and then extract the internal SelectQuery representation using SelectFinalStep.getQuery(), and continue working from there.

Django: Preventative measures for SQL Injection

I have a few text fields in my django project and I've been learning about SQL injection. Is it important to strip the text fields of potential bad characters taht might make SQL injection easier? I imagine stripping possible bad characters such as { ;, but I am not sure. These fields are short bios about a person or a contact page and so I don't imagine that they would require such characters.
To be clear, I have taken other steps to protect my website such as am using these fields things such as generating dynamic sql queries.
Short answer is: you should be fine not to worry based on django docs -
SQL injection protection
SQL injection is a type of attack where a malicious user is able to execute > arbitrary SQL code on a database. This can result in records being deleted or data leakage.
Django’s querysets are protected from SQL injection since their queries are constructed using query parameterization. A query’s SQL code is defined separately from the query’s parameters. Since parameters may be user-provided and therefore unsafe, they are escaped by the underlying database driver.
Django also gives developers power to write raw queries or execute custom sql. These capabilities should be used sparingly and you should always be careful to properly escape any parameters that the user can control. In addition, you should exercise caution when using extra() and RawSQL.

Slow page generation in Django with 50+ sql queries per page

In my Django app I noticed that pages with big number of sql queries load considerably slower than other pages. I'm not a first day in web dev and mainly I have a deal with such a resource hog as Drupal, but even Drupal with its 150 - 200 sql queries per page generates page in 0.5 - 0.7 sec.
Django from the other side, performs really bad with more or less average number of queries per page. For example, one of my pages generates 60 queries like this:
SELECT`gamenode_gamenode`.`id`, `gamenode_gamenode`.`title`, `gamenode_gamenode`.`short_desc`, `gamenode_gamenode`.`full_desc`, `gamenode_gamenode`.`slug`, `gamenode_gamenode`.`type`, `gamenode_gamenode`.`source_gameid`, `gamenode_gamenode`.`created`, `gamenode_gamenode`.`updated`, `gamenode_gamenode`.`status`, `gamenode_gamenode`.`promote`, `gamenode_gamenode`.`sticky`, `gamenode_gamenode`.`hit_count`, `gamenode_gamenode`.`game_rank`, `gamenode_gamenode`.`share_count`, `gamenode_gamenode`.`like_count`, `gamenode_gamenode`.`comment_count` FROM `gamenode_gamenode` WHERE `gamenode_gamenode`.`id` = 1058
and outputs the data as a simple string and it takes 1200ms to generate a page! I did this just for a test to generate many fairly simple queries. If I lower the number of queries to 10 - 15, page generation time will come back to more or less acceptable number.
So I have a question, why Django is so slow when there are many sql queries on the page? I did similar comparisons by using Rails, Symfony and Drupal and all these "resource hogs" performed way better than Django. Am I doing something wrong or there's some "secret" setting to make things faster in Django or, maybe, Djangonauts consider such times as normal and just strive to write code which produces as few queries as possible? Please help me to figure this out.
Yes, Django's ORM is pretty slow. You have three choices for dealing with this:
Complain about it.
Switch to another web application framework.
Make some effort to understand why your application is generating so many database queries, and learn how to use Django's ORM effectively so as to reduce the number of queries.
(1) might be psychologically satisfying but won't solve your problem; (2) is off-topic here at Stack Overflow (but you might look at Wikipedia's Comparison of web application frameworks).
We can help you with (3), but only if you show us some more of your code. The query you quoted looks like a typical query that Django would generate for a call to get():
GameNode.objects.get(id = 1058)
You shouldn't be running more than a couple of queries like this on a page: if you want to get many GameNodes you need to get them in a single query:
Or if the GameNode objects are related to some other object by a foreign key on another model that you are querying, then you could fetch all the related GameNode objects by using Django's select_related() method.
There's almost always a way to speed things up (see this testimonial) but we need to know the details before we can say how to do it.

Is there any cleaner way to do this? (Prepared SQL queries in Qt C++)

I'm using QSqlQuery::prepare() and ::addBindValue() for my queries in a Qt project I'm working on. There's a lot of repeated code and though I think that's the "right" way, I wanted to make sure. Perhaps someone has alternative ideas? Example:
QSqlQuery newQuery;
newQuery.prepare("INSERT INTO table "
"etc) VALUES "
You can see there's a bunch of the same "newQuery.addBindValue(this->ui->__________" over and over. Is this the 'best' way to go about it?
Also, I asked in #qt on freenode the other night but didn't get a definitive answer; will the above (::prepare with ::addBindValue) protect agains SQL injection? The reference didn't really say.
It might look a bit tidier if you first create a QMap or QStringList with the bindings, then iterate through that data structure and call addBindValue() for each item in the list/map.
In relation to your sub-question on SQL injection, that combination of ::prepare and ::addBindValue does indeed fully protect against it. This is because the bound values are never parsed by the SQL engine; they're just values that slot in after compilation (the preparation step) and before execution.
Of course, you have to be careful when taking values out of the DB too, but that's not protecting the database but rather ensuring that the values aren't used to cause other mischief (e.g., injecting unexpected malicious <script> tags into HTML or, worse still, a <blink> or <marquee> monstrosity). But that's another problem, and doesn't apply to all uses anyway; putting the values in a strictly plain text GUI field is usually no problem.

Data clean-up; what layer?

I have an app built on Model-Glue: Unity that contains some search forms. I need to trim leading and trailing spaces from search strings before using them to query the database. I'm also keeping the search terms in a bean that a user can save and re-use.
My problem is that I am unsure where to perform that trim(). The bean seems to be the wrong place for it, as I'm keeping the bean simple (no logic). Normally I would take care of that when updating the bean, but I'm using MakeEventBean to keep things simple. Re-touching all of the data in the Service layer seems an unnecessary layer of overhead. And, lastly, doing it in the datalayer with the actual SQL query doesn't seem right either. It'll work, but the information in my search bean will still be wrong.
What have you done in such cases?
Disclaimer: I'm not a MG user, so I'm not sure if this will be good and possible approach. Just want to share the idea.
In case of Transfer ORM beans I do such specific things in decorators which extend auto-generated beans.
For example, I can easily override setter setSearchPhrase(phrase), where trim the argument value and invoke original method.
I ended up making my Beans a little smarter than they were. Rather than monkey with every single setThing() method, I added a trimAll() method simple applied a trim() to each of the private properties in the Bean.