How to build a VS2010 C++ Project on a BuildServer - c++

I've a .NET Solution with a managed C++ assemlby Targeting .NET 3.5 created with VS2010. The command:
%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe MyProject.sln
compiles the solution on my dev machine.
On my BuildServer I get this error:
(default target) (1) ->
(default target) (2) ->
(default target) (3) ->
error MSB4019: The imported project
was not found. Confirm that the path
in the <Import> declaration is
correct, and that the file exists on
0 Warning(s)
1 Error(s)
On my dev machine the claimed file
"C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props"
exists. On my build server not.
When I try to copy this files (and all others in the same directory) other errors occurred. So this is the wrong way.
EDIT: other errors means: When I copy the file "Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" on the build server, MSBuild is claiming other files. That shows me, that just doing a copy of missing files is not what the build environment is expecting. I am looking for an MSI/whatever package that I could install on my build server and any C++ Project will build. Installing the SDK did not the trick. Or I did something wrong during SDK installation. Or it is not possible to compile Managed C++ VS2010 Solutions just with the SDK.
I believe that "other errors" has nothing to do with my problem. My Problem is: "How do I setup my build environment correctly". /EDIT
What I've done till now:
I have installed the latest Win7 SDK (Link)
I am targeting .net 3.5
I've tried playing with the Platform Toolset Property - but it was just playing
In my solution there is a managed C++ Assembly (my Problem)
I am using MSBuild 4.0 because the new VS2010 project files cannot be compiled with MSBuild 3.5
I am using CC.NET. compilation fails in CC.NET and on the command line. So it should not be a CC.NET issue.
Are there any tips and tricks how to configure my project properly to compile on my dev machine with VS2010 and on my build server? Is there anything more to install (except VS2010)?
Thanks, Arthur

For now, installing VS 2010 is your only safe option. The Windows SDK will be updated to enable your scenario, but I don't have a specific release date. Until then, you'll need to install VS 2010 with the C++ tools in order to build your 2010 solution with C++ projects. Make sure you let the C++ team know about how dissatisfaction with this situation via their team blog and/or MSDN Forum.
Even after installing VS 2010, you may need to invoke the appropriate vcvars*.bat file to setup your environment variables correctly.

Why don't you want to install VS2010 on your build server? If it's licencing, it's licenced per developer head not per install so I'm reasonably sure you are allowed to without buying another copy - or, at worst, you can install the express version which ought to at least install the config bits you're missing so you can use the platform SDK compiler.
If you're still having problems with msbuild you can then use /build which exactly replicate the VS build env.

You may try those links:


SpecFlow/MSBuild Codebehind Gen - Generate All task

On a project I am working on, I am maintaining some Feature Tests written in SpecFlow. Our team started using Visual Studio 2017 about a year ago, and we finally got around to doing some upkeep on our tests!
Our tests for the project I'm working on were originally written in SpecFlow 2.3.2, and were last updated in Visual Studio 2015.
The SpecFlowSingleFileGenerator is known to not work on VS 2017, so I spent the better part of yesterday changing our suite to use the MSBuildSingleFileGenerator instead as detailed in this article in SpecFlow's official documentation
Locally, I can build my solution, including the Feature Test project just fine.
However, I keep getting the following error when I try to build the project on our build server:
[exec] C:\CheckoutDirectory\My Awesome Project\packages\SpecFlow.Tools.MsBuild.Generation.2.3.2\build\SpecFlow.Tools.MsBuild.Generation.targets(45,5):
error MSB4036: The "GenerateAll" task was not found.
Check the following:
1.) The name of the task in the project file is the same as the name of the task class.
2.) The task class is "public" and implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask interface.
3.) The task is correctly declared with <UsingTask> in the project file, or in the *.tasks files located in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\15.0\Bin" directory. [C:\CheckoutDirectory\My Awesome Project\AwesomeProject.FeatureTest\AwesomeProject.FeatureTest.csproj]
I should point out that our team has no experience with writing MS Build tasks, as hitherto we haven't needed to; we use NAnt build scripts on TeamCity to manage our build work. It's clear that error message would be helpful...if we knew literally anything about it.
Now, normally the correct answer would be: Google it. I did that, and this specific error has no pertinent results.
Additionally, this is blocking my team, since we need our build to work. I don't have the time to do the research and education necessary to properly understand how MS Build technology works. That wil have to come later.
Bearing in mind that SpecFlow has broken our process, and our team's lack of knowledge about the MS Build system: I need to know how to get around the "GenerateAll" task was not found error. What do I do to get around it?
Secondary Question:
I'm also open to lateral thinking. Is there some way to hack either VS 2017 or SpecFlow to make the SpecFlowSingleFileGenerator "compatible" with each other? The objective here is NOT to avoid making changes, but to control the changes. I need a path towards transitioning from the old file generator to the MS build generation system.
Additional Information:
So, I did some digging, and I found a place where "GenerateAll" is being called in the SpecFlow.Tools.MsBuild.Generation.targets file:
<Target Name="UpdateFeatureFilesInProject"
Inputs="#(SpecFlowFeatureFiles)" Outputs="#(SpecFlowFeatureFiles->'%(RelativeDir)\%(Filename).feature.cs')">
<Output TaskParameter="GeneratedFiles" ItemName="SpecFlowGeneratedFiles" />
Because I've confirmed that this is being copied out to the build server, the situation is yet more mysterious. It appears that the NuGet package is being pulled down faithfully. Therefore, I can't figure out why my local copy is behaving differently than the copy on the build server.
I am not sure where you found this statement:
The SpecFlowSingleFileGenerator is known to not work on VS 2017
The SpecFlowSingleFileGenerator is working in VS2015, VS2017 and VS2019. We see it as a legacy feature, but it's still there. Since some weeks it is disabled by default, but you can enable it in the options.
It works for SpecFlow >= 2.3.2 and 2.4. For SpecFlow 3 you have to use the MSBuild integration. There are some problems with older versions of SpecFlow, but with them it can also work. It depends on your setup.
About your MSBuild error:
The MSBuild Task for SpecFlow < 3.0 is in the specflow.exe. Is it on your build server?
It is part of the SpecFlow NuGet packages. Normally you get this kind of error if MSBuild can't find the assembly where the task is.
For "debugging" problems with MSBuild, I can highly recommend to use the MSBuild Structured Log Viewer ( With it, it makes it easy so see what is happening in your build.
We have an example for MSBuild Code- Behind- Generation with SpecFlow 2.3.2 here:
You could compare your project with this example.
Full disclosure: I am one of the maintainers of SpecFlow.

Debugging Qt in visual studio, msvcp140d_app.dll is missing

I'm new to Qt, but have been working with Visual studio for C/C++ development for a few years. Now I'm trying to build a GUI for my project. I installed Qt 5.11.0 and the Qt VS Tools on both my work computer and home PC. At work I can build and run my project with the VS debugger, however on my home system I can build but can't run either with VS debugger or simply launching the app. I tried in release and it runs fine.
The error I'm getting is :
The code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140D_APP.dll was not found.
I get 4 of these, the first two want VCRUNTIME, the second two want MSVCP140D_APP.dll.
Solutions I've tried so far :
Uninstalled Win SDK and reinstalled
Uninstalled VS2017 and SDK and reinstalled
Searched System32, SysWOW64 and VS install directories - found msvcp140d.dll and vcruntime140d.dll, but no _app.dlls
Does anyone know what these are included with and where to get them? I can't figure out why I have them on my work computer but not at home. I have the same VS updates, same Qt version, and SDK on both systems.
Using :
Visual Studio 2017 v15.7.1
Qt 5.11.0 - msvc2017_64
I suppose I can just copy the .dll's from my work pc and drop them in the appropriate locations on the other, but I'd like to know what they should have been installed with so I can have the same setup on both systems.
I also tried changing the platform toolset to VS2015 with Qt versions msvc2015_64 and winrt_x64_msvc2015
I found this post concerning the same missing _app.dll files. There wasn't any answer there, which is why I tried reinstalling the SDK in the hope the missing files were included there.
Edit 2:
I just scanned my entire system at work and it turns out that I don't have the missing .dll there either. That tells me that there is a difference in the project properties or configuration between the two. I use git for source control, and I am currently the only contributor to this project. When I try to build and run just the example from the getting started guide I have the same problem at home with missing _app.dll files, however it works fine at work. I'm totally confused now, and any hints are greatly appreciated.
After trying for a couple of hours making new solutions etc. I decided to delete the entire build folder and put fresh copies of all the dependencies into it. My project now runs fine in debugging mode.
I'm fairly certain that when I originally copied the Qt .dll files into it I must have grabbed them from one of the winrt folders rather than the msvc2017_64 folder. To test I replaced the working .dll files with those from the winrt_x64_msvc2017 folder and sure enough the same errors again. So, this was a dumb mistake on my part, but hopefully it'll save someone else a lot of hair-pulling in the future.

Build (compile) a basic standalone .exe application using Qt-creator on Windows 8

I have installed Qt-5.7 on windows 8 because I couldn't build my released .exe from Linux (my favorite) in order to be used on Windows OS even after searching a lot on internet (Where there have to be cross-compilation...). After the installation, I just want to make sure that I can build/run a first application (one of the examples provided by default by Qt-creator "filesystembrows") and I have follow the official guide in order to build Qt as shared libraries, but the issue is that when I type the first command line I get: 'nmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command' Also it still show the same message even though a update the variable environment of the system with C:\Qt\Qt5.7.0\5.7\mingw53_32\bin which one is the default path set-up when installing Qt on windows. Any help just to make a stand alone .exe for Windows (as shared libraries ) please
Why not build your project by using qtcreator ?
Did you test your build environnement by making a test application with qtcreator ?
P.S.: If you want, I can explain how to build application using Visual Studio as a compiler and QtCreator as an IDE.
nmake is a build tool provided with Visual Studio and with Windows SDK. You don't have it, apparently.
It seems you're using a mingw build of Qt; it comes with a bundled copy of mingw. There, the build tool is simply called make.

Could not locate deviceQuery on my installation Cuda toolkit v7.5 on Windows 10

As I was going through installing Cuda v7.5 following this link
I was not able to verify the installation as described in section 2.5. Verify the Installation. The reason was because I could not find deviceQuery program that should have been located in
C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\CUDA Samples\v7.5\bin\win64\Release
Therefore, I could not run the deviceQuery for Cuda to be verified. Where is deviceQuery program located ? Is it still precompiled and deployed by the installation ?
Okay, so if you are a complete noob like me in using Visual Studio then you might be thrown off by the instruction "build the application first". Just watch this video to get an idea of how to build and run a project/program using VS.
As soon as you open VS (I am using 15.6), you will be prompted to upgrade the SDK. Make sure to do so. If you've misclicked or skipped upgrading, you can go to the Project pull down menu and click "Retarget Solution" and click ok on the menu that appears. Then build and debug as shown in the video.
Creating the deviceQuery.exe file:
Go to the (default) directory C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\CUDA Samples\v9.2\1_Utilities\deviceQuery. Just follow the procedure of running the MatMul file but this time build the deviceQuery_vs2017.sln file and debug it. Remember to retarget the solution.
No, it's not precompiled any more.
You have to compile (build) the application first, before you can run it.
That is true for all the CUDA samples now.
OK, I've had this problem with CUDA Toolkit 10 under Windows 10. In my case, I do never use the admin account, and the installation was done from the user account, entering the admin password when necessary. After repeated trials, here's what worked for me:
Make sure to uninstall any old version of CUDA and Visual Studio
(just to have a clean start)
Restart the computer
Install Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition. During the
install, make sure to select the C++ Development tools
Install the Cuda Toolkit
With this, I had all the files. But the deviceQuery still would not compile because it was targeted to an older version of Windows. To compile it, one needs to 'Retarget' the project to the current windows SDK. However, this doesn't work out-of-the-box because the 'deviceQuery_vs2017.vcxproj' file is read-only for regular users.
So, there are two possible solutions:
Copy the folder to some place where you have write permission, or
(This is what I used, for convenience) Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation directory. Right click on the 'CUDA Samples' directory, select 'Properties'. Under the 'Security' tab, click 'Edit' and add your user to it.
This way you can Retarget the solution in place. After that, I could open the solution in MS Visual Studio, Retarget it, build it and test it, and all worked fine.
Hope that helps.

Visual Studio custom build definitions for CLI built embedded C++

I have a build engine from ARM, called yotta. I have been working with the command line, where with the following commands, I can build projects and produce outputs.
$ yt target bbc-microbit-gcc
$ yt build
The compiled file is then accessible from build/bbc-microbit-gcc/source/Project-name-combined.hex
Is it possible to automate this CLI and build it into Visual Studio as a build definition? I know in Visual Studio Team Services / Team Foundation Server), you can define build steps using the command line, what is the local equivalent.
I am using Visual Studio Enterprise 2015. Any nudge in the right direction would be much appreciated.
I have seen the GCC4mbed project, but it would be good to use the new yotta command line build to do this. As far as VS is concerned is a command line tool which adds a built version of the project to a directory, a build tool? If so, then I know I can just follow the guides to add a custom build tool to VS however, it strikes me that VS might need a build tool to be in a certain standard to make intellisense etc work. In which case I might need to create a build tool on top of the existing yotta work and specify this to VS? Ideas would be muuch appreciated.
did you try to use cmake generators option which yotta provides (as it uses CMake)?
yotta build --help
CMake generator to use (defaults to Ninja). You can use this to generate IDE project files instead, see cmake --help
The ideal solution which implemented partially as VS debug engine is still under development, just recently allowed gdb extensions. The tool on top of yotta for debugging is called Valinor (which is using progen:
Progen supports visual studio gdb (its very limited at the moment as explained later). I was able to use yotta debug with visual studio, but not without hacks (dated back in November-December 2015). The idea was to have a visual studio project with gdb setup and custom build commands (make,cmake or yotta) (in our case would be pyOCD settings, could be openOCD or jlinkGDB, and built environment for yotta).
As I recall, you commented on the issue on, and I haven't heard back from you. The problems I had I recall was I could not start gdb server (I had to do it manually), I could not make it to pass arguments to gdb (like load/reset/halt when starting the session).
I'll update my VS plugins and check if there were any updates in gdb plugins, I was told there should be.
I appreciate any help, either for progen or valinor to make this available for users.