Store 3d models in game, the best way - opengl

What is the best method to store 3d models in game ?
I store in vectors:
vector triangles (each triangle contain number of texcords, numer of vertex and number of normal),
vector points;
vector normals;
vector texCords;

I'm not sure what constitutes "the best method" in this case, as that's going to be situation dependent and in your question, it's somewhat open to interpretation.
If you're talking about how to rapidly render static objects, you can go a long way using Display Lists. They can be used to memoize all of the OpenGL calls once and then recall those instructions to render the object whenever used in your game. All of the overhead you incured to calculate vertex locations, normals, etc are only performed once when you build each display list. The drawback is that you won't see much of a performance gain if your models change too often.
EDIT: SurvivalMachine below mentions that display lists are deprecated. In particular, they are deprecated in OpenGL Version 3.0 and completely removed from the standard in Version 3.1. After a little research, it appears that the Vertex Buffer Object (VBO) extension is the prefered alternative, though a number of sources I found claimed that performance wasn't as good as display lists.

I chose to import models from the .ms3d format, and while I may refactor later, I think it provided a decent foundation for the data structure of my 3D models.
The spec (in C header format) is a pretty straightforward read; I am writing my game in Java so I simply ported over each data structure: vertex, triangle, group, material, and optionally the skeletal animation elements.
But really, a model is just triplets of vertices (or triangles), each with a material, right? Start by creating those basic structures, write a draw function that takes a model for an argument and draws it, and then add on any other features you might need as you need them. Iterative design, if you will.


OpenGL Primitive Ordering vs. Primitive Batching

I've been reading up on how some OpenGL-based architectures manage their objects in an effort to create my own light weight engine based on my application's specific needs (please no "why don't you just use this existing product" responses). One architecture I've been studying is Qt's Quick Scene Graph, and while it makes a lot of sense I'm confused about something.
According to their documentation, opaque primitives are ordered front-to-back and non-opaque primitives are ordered back-to-front. The ordering is to do early z-killing by hopefully eliminating the need to process pixels that appear behind others. This seems to be a fairly common practice and I get it. It makes sense.
Their documentation also talks about how items that use the same Material can be batched together to reduce the number of state changes. That is, a shared shader program can be bound once and then multiple items rendered using the same shader. This also makes sense and I'm good with it.
What I don't get is how these two techniques work together. Say I have 3 different materials (let's just say they are all opaque for simplification) and 100 items that each use one of the 3 materials, then I could theoretically create 3 batches based off the materials. But what if my 100 items are at different depths in the scene? Would I then need to create more than 3 batches so that I can properly sort the items and render them front-to-back?
Based on what I've read of other engines, like Ogre 3D, both techniques seem to be used pretty regularly, I just don't understand how they are used together.
If you really have 3 materials, you can only batch objects that are rendered in a group according to their sorting. At times the sorting can be optimized for objects that do not overlap each other to minimize the material switches.
The real "trick" behind all that how ever is to combine the materials. If the engine is able to create one single material out of the 3 source materials and use the shaders to properly apply the material settings to the different objects (mostly that is transforming the texture coordinates), everything can be batched and ordered at the same time. But if that is not possible the engine can't optimize it further and has to switch the material every now and then.
You don't have to group every material in your scene together. But if it's possible to group those materials that often switch with each other, it can already improve the performance a lot.

best way to wrap opengl models

In short: What is the "preferred" way to wrap OpenGL's buffers, shaders and/or matrices required for a more high level "model" object?
I am trying to write this tiny graphics engine in C++ built on core OpenGL 3.3 and I would like to implement an as clean as possible solution to wrapping a higher level "model" object, which would contain its vertex buffer, global position/rotation, textures (and also a shader maybe?) and potentially other information.
I have looked into this open source engine, called GamePlay3D and don't quite agree with many aspects of its solution to this problem. Is there any good resource that discusses this topic for modern OpenGL? Or is there some simple and clean way to do this?
That depends a lot on what you want to be able to do with your engine. Also note that these concepts are the same with DirectX (or any other graphic API), so don't focus too much your search on OpenGL. Here are a few points that are very common in a 3D engine (names can differ):
A mesh contains submeshes, each submesh contains a vertex buffer and an index buffer. The idea being that each submesh will use a different material (for example, in the mesh of a character, there could be a submesh for the body and one for the clothes.)
An instance (or mesh instance) references a mesh, a list of materials (one for each submesh in the mesh), and contains the "per instance" shader uniforms (world matrix etc.), usually grouped in a uniform buffer.
Material: (This part changes a lot depending on the complexity of the engine). A basic version would contain some textures, some render states (blend state, depth state), a shader program, and some shader uniforms that are common to all instances (for example a color, but that could also be in the instance depending on what you want to do.)
More complex versions usually separates the materials in passes (or sometimes techniques that contain passes) that contain everything that's in the previous paragraph. You can check Ogre3D documentation for more info about that and to take a look at one possible implementation. There's also a very good article called Designing a Data-Driven Renderer in GPU PRO 3 that describes an even more flexible system based on the same idea (but also more complex).
Scene: (I call it a scene here, but it could really be called anything). It provides the shader parameters and textures from the environment (lighting values, environment maps, this kind of things).
And I thinks that's it for the basics. With that in mind, you should be able to find your way around the code of any open-source 3D engine if you want the implementation details.
This is in addition to Jerem's excellent answer.
At a low level, there is no such thing as a "model", there is only buffer data and the code used to process it. At a high level, the concept of a "model" will differ from application to application. A chess game would have a static mesh for each chess piece, with shared textures and materials, but a first-person shooter could have complicated models with multiple parts, swappable skins, hit boxes, rigging, animations, et cetera.
Case study: chess
For chess, there are six pieces and two colors. Let's over-engineer the graphics engine to show how it could be done if you needed to draw, say, thousands of simultaneous chess games in the same screen, instead of just one game. Here is how you might do it.
Store all models in one big buffer. This buffer has all of the vertex and index data for all six models clumped together. This means that you never have to switch buffers / VAOs when you're drawing pieces. Also, this buffer never changes, except when the user goes into settings and chooses a different style for the chess pieces.
Create another buffer containing the current location of each piece in the game, the color of each piece, and a reference to the model for that piece. This buffer is updated every frame.
Load the necessary textures. Maybe the normals would be in one texture, and the diffuse map would be an array texture with one layer for white and another for black. The textures are designed so you don't have to change them while you're drawing chess pieces.
To draw all the pieces, you just have to update one buffer, and then call glMultiDrawElementsIndirect()... once per frame, and it draws all of the chess pieces. If that's not available, you can fall back to glDrawElements() or something else.
You can see how this kind of design won't work for everything.
What if you have to stream new models into memory, and remove old ones?
What if the models have different size textures?
What if the models are more complex, with animations or forward kinematics?
What about translucent models?
What about hit boxes and physics data?
What about different LODs?
The problem here is that your solution, and even the very concept of what a "model" is, will be very different depending on what your needs are.

Generating 3D models via primitive skinning

I am looking for a method by which to generate 3D models for use in video games. The idea is virtual primitives that are simply points with associated data for size, shape, material and rotation.
For instance an asteroid might start as two simple spheres that intersect. Material of dusty rock which would tell the skinning algorithm to provide smooth sandy curves and occasional jagged boulders. Probably end up with a sort of lumpy peanut shape.
After that add smaller spheres with material of void or crater, peppered around the object. These would produce crater like areas in the surface of the peanut and the skin would adjust to suit. In the end you would have a semi plausible representation of an asteroid.
Now with that in mind, my question is, are there any decent open source or public domain examples of skinning algorithms that can find the surface of a model and generate a smooth, evenly distributed quad-strip mesh that could be then textured?
Some more information; I'm looking at CSG methods for the underlying models (adding and subtracting volume) then looking at other methods for remeshing the whole thing.
Skinning is an art more than a scientific process (and so almost impossible to automate) because skinning is a visual approximation of movement. To get something fully automatic, you would either have to assume bone placement or simply assume there are none at all.
Here's an example. This is an open-source project that skins automatically based on the fact that the provided mesh is a humanoid.
EDIT: Wait, you mean the other way around? Isn't that similar to marching cubes?
This is an exciting question and no doubt there are many ways it could be done. Personally I'd probably start by getting basic shapes on .obj format, which is easy to both parse and create programmatically, and then do exactly that in my code: tweak or randomize the the vertices you export from a modelling program to create an infinite variety of similar but slightly different objects, like asteroids. Of course if you need more than asteroids, you'd go back to a different .obj file. It's hard to say the best technique for your case since I think some experimentation would be required no matter what you try.

List of verticies from OpenGL program to something importable

I'm working on making a new visualization of the type of binary stars I study, and I'm starting from an existing code that renders a nice view of them given some sensible physical parameters.
I would like a bit more freedom on the animation side of things, however, and my first thought was to output the models made by the program in a format that could be read in by something else (Blender?) I've read up on the (Wavefront?) .OBJ format, and while it seems straightforward, I can't seem to get it right; importing fails silently, and I suspect it's because I'm not understanding how the objects are actually stored.
The program I'm starting from is a C++ project called BinSim, and it already has a flag to output vertices to a log file for all the objects created. It seems pretty simple, just a list of indices, x, y, z, and R, G, B (sometimes A) values. An example output format I've been working with can be found here; Each object is divided up into a latitude/longitude grid of points, and this is a small snippet (full file is upwards of 180 MB for all the objects created).
I've been able to see that the objects are defined as triangle strips, but I'm confused enough by all of this that I can't see the clear path towards making this list of vertices into an .OBJ (or whatever) format. Sorry if this really belongs in another area (GameDev?), and thanks!
OpenGL is not a scene management system. It's a drawing API and starting off OpenGL data structures for model storage is tedious. As already said, OpenGL draws things. There are several drawing primitives, the triangle strip being one of them. You start with two vertices (forming a line) and each next incoming vertex extends the line of the last two specified vertices to a triangle. The Wavefront OBJ format doesn't know triangle strips, you'd have to break them down into individual triangles, emulating the way OpenGL does it.
Also don't forget that Blender is easily extensible using Python scripting and you can just write a import script for whatever data you already have without going through the hassle of using some ill suited format.

What is the most efficient way to manage a large set of lines in OpenGL?

I am working on a simple CAD program which uses OpenGL to handle on-screen rendering. Every shape drawn on the screen is constructed entirely out of simple line segments, so even a simple drawing ends up processing thousands of individual lines.
What is the best way to communicate changes in this collection of lines between my application and OpenGL? Is there a way to update only a certain subset of the lines in the OpenGL buffers?
I'm looking for a conceptual answer here. No need to get into the actual source code, just some recommendations on data structure and communication.
You can use a simple approach such as using a display list (glNewList/glEndList)
The other option, which is slightly more complicated, is to use Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs - GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object). They have the advantage that they can be changed dynamically whereas a display list can not.
These basically batch all your data/transformations up and them execute on the GPU (assuming you are using hardware acceleration) resulting in higher performance.
Vertex Buffer Objects are probably what you want. Once you load the original data set in, you can make modifications to existing chunks with glBufferSubData().
If you add extra line segments and overflow the size of your buffer, you'll of course have to make a new buffer, but this is no different than having to allocate a new, larger memory chunk in C when something grows.
EDIT: A couple of notes on display lists, and why not to use them:
In OpenGL 3.0, display lists are deprecated, so using them isn't forward-compatible past 3.0 (2.1 implementations will be around for a while, of course, so depending on your target audience this might not be a problem)
Whenever you change anything, you have to rebuild the entire display list, which defeats the entire purpose of display lists if things are changed often.
Not sure if you're already doing this, but it's worth mentioning you should try to use GL_LINE_STRIP instead of individual GL_LINES if possible to reduce the amount of vertex data being sent to the card.
My suggestion is to try using a scene graph, some kind of hierarchical data structure for the lines/curves. If you have huge models, performance will be affected if you have plain list of lines. With a graph/tree structure you can check easily which items are visible and which are not by using bounding volumes. Also with a scenegraph you can apply transformation easily and reuse geometries.