Change poll interval for Build Notification in TFS 2010 - build

Is there a way to change the poll interval for the Build Notification tray application for TFS 2010?

It case someone else searches for this;
The e-mail notificaiton delay does not affect the build notification tray
Check out this blog post:
There is a registry setting that controls this, and you can find it under:
Default is 2:30

Ironically, the code for the Build Notifcation tray application does support changing the poll interval by means of a parameterable constructor, but the root code which starts the polling off hard codes the value.
If you really want to change the poll interval, then you could theoretically create a replacement Main() procedure, and re write the launch of the form and polling timer in order to be able to pass in your own configurable poll interval, but I think that that would probably not be worth the time & investment.
EDIT: The upcoming 1.3.0 build of Jim Liddel's Team Build Screen on Codeplex now features support for TFS 2010, and also a desktop app rather than just a screensaver! This is far better than the team build screen.

You can do this in a quick Powershell one-liner:
sp HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\TeamFoundation\build\BuildNotification\Subscriptions PollingInterval 00:00:05
The "12.0" in the middle refers to VS 2013. Change it to "10.0" for 2010, "11.0" for VS 2012, and "14.0" for Visual Studio "14".
Be aware that you have to restart the tool afterwards. If you don't want to log out and back in, closing the tray app then running something like this from a Run prompt: "%vs120comntools%..\ide\BuildNotificationApp.exe" (with the double-quotes) ought to do the trick.
For those not so familiar with Powershell, "sp" is an alias for Set-ItemProperty, which can work with many types of objects, including registry keys.


Visual Studio 2017 - Disable Provide Feedback Notifications

Is there a way to disable to constant "Provide feedback" notifications in Visual Studio 2017. I keep hitting "Always Ignore" but they persist.
Edit: Tried Help --> Send Feedback --> Settings. Changed setting to "No, I would not like to participate" but continue to receive "Provide feedback" notifications.
Edit 2: For my situation this may be due to Resharper (link) which was reported on the MS Developer Community site (link). I'll update the question again once I've confirmed.
Edit 3: Disabled Resharper and no notifications ... yet. Re-enabled Resharper 2017.2 and instantly reappeared after relaunching VS. Seems to be 1 notification for each instance of VS running.
Edit 4: Posted answer below. Was caused by using Resharper 2017.2 in evaluation mode.
In my case it was 100% caused by Resharper (version 2017.2) when using in "Evaluation" mode. Once I entered license info (via a JB account) the notifications went away. To confirm this I logged out, restarted the evaluation, closed/reopened VS and notifications were instantly back. Logged back in via a JB account, restarted and notifications went away.
It seems that #MachinusX is receiving notifications for a different reason so they should post a new question with their details since my issue has been resolved.
Taking suggestion of #KornMuffin and adding my comment as an answer:
I resolved this temporarily by fully uninstalling and cleaning VS files, then installing a prior release of VS 2017. I used the following URL: VS 2017 Releases and selected Enterprise 15.0 (not 15.3 even though the release dates suggest 15.3 is older than 15.0 -- they are misleading/mislabeled). This has worked for me for now, until MS releases a fix. If trying the same, you will need to be logged into your MSDN account to download the prior release.
Instead of opting for "non participation", click on "Don't show again" link on the pop-up. This seems to have solved the issue as mentioned at
Normally that kind of option, when marked, is saved somewhere in Regedit so whenever the popup is about to appear again it will check first what options you have marked.
If it's not remembering them, maybe it's an issue saving your preferences?
Somtimes it can be just as simple as running visual with administrator priviledges. I say this because mine kept forgetting my account and I had to sign in every single time I opened it. Switched to running it with administrator priviledges and it no longer forgets me which is so much better than having to put my credentials every single time!

Debugger popup message "Getting DataTip text"

This Debugger message pops up randomly while i am attempting to examine a variable while a breakpoint has hit in Visual Studio 2017.
Shortly thereafter, a larger message box appears that shows the following: "Evaluating the function 'System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadForm' timed out."
After enabling option Tools / Options / Debugging / General / Only managed code, the second message box have disappeared. But first message is still showing.
The problem is that first popup window appears for a relatively long time, that makes debugging process very noncomfortable. What else Visual Studio debugger options could I set to disable this popup?
(1)Tools->Options, uncheck the setting Debugging / General / Enable property evaluation and other implicit function call, and enable the Use Managed Compatibility Mode.
(2)Deleted all the .suo/obj/Bin/.user files in your project, and then re-open your project, clean and build your solution, debug it again.
This solution works fine for me:
Uncheck the new langage JavasScript Language Service in Options -> Editor -> JavaScript -> Language Service.
Option capture
I'm having this same issue and there doesn't appear to be a solution. It's extremely frustrating because when the "Getting DataTip text..." does popup and eventually goes away, my breakpoints no longer work.
The solutions listed here have not solved the problem, I've tried them ALL ... even a wipe and re-install of OS and VS 2015.
Debugging without ability to do property evaluation and other implicit function calls is basically NOT debugging and defeats the purpose.
Microsoft seem to be aware of the problem but keep closing the tickets as "unable to replicate" ... yet, a simple Google Search will show many many thousands of hits of developers running into this problem. I keep opening tickets with Microsoft, but they just keep getting closed or merged with no solution.
Cheers, Rob.
The ONLY solution that worked for me:
CMD window (Run As Admin)
type SFC /SCANNOW and wait for it to complete and hopefully fix any errors
Bring up VS 2015 or 2017 without loading any project
In VS select Tools | Import and Export Settings | Reset all Setting ... now pick the template you use (i.e. VB, C, Web)
Exit VS
Load VS project and debug
Cheers, Rob.
Old post, but maybe it will help someone anyway ;)
In my case I got this every time I examined the first variable while debugging.
Annoying as hell as I due to the nature of the work restart the debugger often.
This was cause by that the location where my Visual Studio 2017 files were saved, was a cloud drive and it actually had to sync the files before showing the data.
The solution was to mark that whole folder "Always keep on this device".
​Here is one possible solution:
I had this error never seen - then my graphics card (Nvidia) was gone and I removed the graphics card and worked with the integrated Intel. Then I got this error in after 3-4 steps. I installed a Nvidia again and now the "getting data" text message was never shown again.
Btw: this was the fix for the error
"64 bit debugging operation is taking longer than expected"
I had the same issue when I wanted to evaluate variables while debugging in my Unit tests and couldn't find any solution.
This is the solution that helped me: Tools -> Options / Debugging / General. Uncheck "Call string-conversion function on objects in variables windows".
This might only work for some people.

How to Disable Start Page After Solution Close in Visual Studio 2017

In Visual Studio 2017, you can select Tools > Options > Environment > Startup > At startup: Show empty environment. This prevents the Start Page from displaying when you launch Visual Studio, and in previous versions it prevented the Start Page from appearing when closing a solution.
In Visual Studio 2017, though, it seems the designers chose to show the Start Page after closing a solution, even if the option was for an empty environment on startup.
Are there any creative ways to get around this until the Visual Studio team decides to provide a reasonable option?
I came across this after running into the same thing. Here is a potential work around from the developer community page from Oleg Savelyev & Bill Menees answers. Work around later added on that page by Praveen Sethuraman.
Here's a workaround you can use to disable the Start Page from
reopening after a solution closes.
The steps to follow are:
1.Close all instances of VS & Run Regedit
3.File -> Load Hive…
4.Open %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_\privateregistry.bin
5.Enter a name like “MyVSHive”
6.Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\MyVSHive\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_\StartPage
7.Create a new dword with a non-zero value like so:
8.Select “MyVSHive” and then go to File->Unload Hive…
9.Restart VS
Now, on closing a solution, the Start Page will not autopen.
Please note that resetting your settings will cause this setting to be
reset and you will have to run through these steps again.
Praveen [MSFT]
Worked for me. Copying over in case it helps someone else.
I disliked this behavior so much that I added an "Auto-close Start Page" option to my free Menees VS Tools 2017 extension for VS 2017. It defaults to false (since I didn't want to change VS's default behavior for everyone using my extension), but I set it to true manually on all my VS installs.
I and others discussed this with Andrew Arnott from Microsoft on the MS Developer Community, but he didn't seem to care much. MS telemetry data says that those of us that don't want to see the Start Page are in the minority, so MS is just going to force it on us now. :-(
Fixed in Visual Studio 2017 v.15.5, 4 December 2017:
Thank you for your feedback! We have fixed this issue and it's
available in Visual Studio 15.5.
It's great that Microsoft listened to the request in developercommunity, but I think the requesters missed the main point:
The problem is not the 4 seconds that it takes to close an extra window, it's the break in the programmer's concentration while looking at and resisting unnecessary link-bait.
Seems that this behavior is by design
One approach is to create own extension. See more

Why is build time of local application affected by network?

Build time of XPages application containing several JARs, Java sources and ~50 XP/CC elements takes about minute to build on server via WAN. I have replicated application to local, build time dropped to ~10s.
Since few days ago build of local application is extremely slow, about 2-5 minutes. After some experiments there is workaround: to disable TCP port in location document - it drops build times to just few seconds. Even tho it works, it does not help much - testing requires user to be authenticated, so I need to replicate design changes to remote or local server - and that means to change location (online/offline) every time.
UPDATE 2013-04-04: I have duplicated my current location document and removed home and directory servers. To my surprise, with this location build times went back to few seconds - with TCP port enabled so replication is possible. Bigger surprise was the fact, that returning home/directory servers back to new location did not reproduce the problem - in fact they do not affect performance. I know it because I have renamed current location document and everything went to normal. From my understanding, "something" in client configuration was connected to location name. Thanks to Simon's tips I will investigate further.
The question is still open: I am looking for some (eclipse) preference controlling this behavior - unintended communication with server during build of local application.
Teamstudio CIAO hooks into designer and checks for every update of design element. Seems to be lack of code optimization to me: it checks whether currently built design element (every single one, one by one) should be controlled in CIAO config database.
This explains why the problem was solved by renaming of location document. I was disappointed yesterday, when performance problems started again. Fortunately, I recalled CIAO setup to that location document about that time. CIAO uses teamstudio.ini file in DATA directory to configure what CIAO configuration database is used for every location document. Look for entry:
CIAOConfigDb[location name]=server name;CIAO\CIAOConfig.nsf
For development on local replicas with connection to server (for replication or local server), use location document with CIAO disabled.
This works only with property ForceConfigLocation=0.
Not a solution (yet!), but may help in the investigation. I'll update further if you post results later.
Debug instructions.
Add the following to the shortcut that launches the Designer client.
-RPARAMS -console -debug -separateSysLogFiles -consoleLog
Start the designer client. This will also open up the OSGi console.
Reproduce the issue. While it is still in progress in the OSGi console type the following:
dump threads
Do this three times, with a small amount of time between completion of each dump. Once done open the three heap dumps (in the IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT folder) in the Heap Dump Analyser.
It will show you what threads are consistent through all three dumps. Take a look at those and look for package names/calls which may appear to be a functional area. Once you have that then you can try adding the debug for the related class.
For example: Let's say you notice "" in the thread, then you would edit the file. It will be in:
<Notes Install>\Data\workspace\.config\
and you would add (start with FINE, then FINEST if nothing):
Now when you restart the designer client it will generate debug output in the workspace\logs folder for that package. You need to then go through the trace logs looking for the time when the delay occurred and see if it makes any references to related design elements.
Other open applications may get built at the same time (which looks like a bug top me). Be sure to close all other applications and the server based replica. Open applications have their icon showing in the application list and they stay open even if you close and reopen the Designer. In Designer 9 right click application and select "Close Application". In 8.5 you need to use Package Exprorer for closing.
Another good way is to use Working Sets. Only applications in open Working Set will be built (AFAIK). Have a Working Set with this one app only (and the app only in this Working Set).
update 1
If these don't help I would delete/rename bookmark.nsf, Cache.NDK and desktop8.ndk. Then open just this one app and see what happens.
update 2
Check that there are no referenced projects. Right click the application and select "Project Properties". From there "Project Referencies" and make sure no check boxes are checked.
update 3
Based on your update I would check the item names starting with $ in location document. Sometimes there are saved IP addresses etc. which could cause this problem. All those items can be removed.
If possible (and if You are not using it yet) try to use version 9 of the Domino designer (You do not have to use Domino 9 to do that - it works fine with Domino 8.5.3).
For our projects build times went down to only few seconds from few minutes. I guess that they finally noticed at IBM that the build process used to heavily relay on connection to server and done something with it.
With new designer You don't event have to replicate to local. You can directly work on Your local server.

Visual Studio 2010 unit testing windows and running tests in general

I'm writing and running my tests on VS2010 with mstest. When I want to run a test, or entire tests in a class, sometimes Visual Studio decides to run all my tests.
Why is that? How can I avoid it? Any tips?
May be it is this bug?
Might this be the same problem VS2008 seems to have, where if you use run context (Ctrl+R [Ctrl+]T) or run class (Ctrl+R [Ctrl+]C) it acts as if you used run all (Ctrl+R [Ctrl+]A) the first time after opening a solution? Or at least, it seems so to me. In VS2008 I simply stop the test run when I see this happening and restart the same operation. Then it usually works "as advertised".
No idea if and how this might be relevant to VS2010 at all at this stage...
right click in the body of a single test and select 'run tests' should only run that test
I have the same problem.
My temporary solution at the moment is:
Open Test List Editor.
Type in your test method name in the filter box and filter it.
Check the tests that you want to run.
Right click and select "Run checked tests"
But I prefer the "should-run" as advertised if it works of course. I'm open to other better solutions.
Not quite sure, if this applies to VS2010. In VS2008 running tests in the current context sometimes runs all tests in the solution. It seems, that context is defined by what element was last activated (usually through mouse click). If the last window selected was the code windows containing the unit test source code, then all tests in that class/file are executed. Same with selecting a (unit test-)file in the solution explorer. If however, another windows (e.g. breakpoints) was last selected, then the context is the whole solution.