UIDs for data objects in MySQL - c++

I am using C++ and MySQL.
I have data objects I want to persist to the database. They need to have a unique ID for identification purposes. The question is, how to get this unique ID?
Here is what I came up with:
1) Use the auto_increment feature of MySQL. But how to get the ID then? I am aware that MySQL offers this "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()" feature, but that would be a race condition, as two objects could be inserted quite fast after each other. Also, there is nothing else that makes the objects discernable. Two objects could be created pretty much at the same time with exactly the same data.
2) Generate the UID on the C++ side. No dice, either. There are multiple programs that will write to and read from the database, who do not know of each other.
3) Insert with MAX(uid)+1 as the uid value. But then, I basically have the same problem as in 1), because we still have the race condition.
Now I am stumped. I am assuming that this problem must be something other people ran into as well, but so far, I did not find any answers.
Any ideas?

The query:
will return the last ID inserted on your specific connection, not globally. So there is no race condition, unless your own code is multi-threaded, in which case you would want to surround the INSERT and the SELECT with an MT lock of some sort.


What's more efficient? Read and Write If... or always write to db?

I have a database table, that has a column, which is being updated frequently (relatively).
The question is:
Is it more efficient to avoid always writing to the database, by reading the object first (SELECT ... WHERE), and comparing the values, to determine if an update is even necessary
or always just issue an update (UPDATE ... WHERE) without checking what's the current state.
I think that the first approach would be more hassle, as it consists of two DB operations, instead of just one, but we could also avoid an unnecessary write.
I also question if we should even think about this, as our db will most likely not reach the 100k records in this table anytime soon, so even if the update would be more costly, it wouldn't be an issue, but please correct me if I'm wrong.
The database is PostgreSQL 9.6
It will avoid I/O load on the database if you only perform the updates that are necessary.
You can include the test with the UPDATE, like in
UPDATE mytable
SET mycol = 'avalue'
WHERE id = 42
AND mycol <> 'avalue';
The only downside is that triggers will not be called unless the value really changes.

Qt SQLite search query speed

I'm creating a database in SQLite as follows:
QSqlQuery create_address;
create_address.prepare("CREATE TABLE addresses (addressid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, address TEXT UNIQUE)");
QSqlQuery create_devices;
create_devices.prepare("CREATE TABLE devices (ch TEXT PRIMARY KEY, addressid INTEGER REFERENCES addresses(addressid))");
I need to access this database a lot of times (~660'000) passing ch and retrieving the corresponding address, the ch passed could not be in the database (empty string is returned).
To do so i made the following query
//outside loop
QSqlQuery find_address;
find_address.prepare("SELECT address FROM addresses,devices WHERE devices.addressid = addresses.addressid AND devices.ch = :chcode");
//in loop
The problem is that this process is very slow (it takes almost 12 minutes to finish all the 660'000 searches).
Before this i tried with an INNER JOIN but the performance was pretty much the same.
Is there a better way to write the query and/or structure the DB to get a faster execution time?
Since you have a loop with SQL query, you can wrap it into transaction which may improve the performance:
// your loop
Also the performance may be improved by adding indexes. In your case index can be created on the fields devices.addressid and devices.ch. In sqlite console do the following:
CREATE INDEX devices_index ON devices(ch, addressid);
Without any measurement or insights how the tables addresses and devices look like it's hard to give a precise advice.
Maybe the join is the bottleneck so you can try to create a view first. This would avoid joining two tables 659000 times. See here on how to create a view.
Next (shot in the dark), instead of executing 660000 queries, make batches. For example replace AND devices.ch = :chcode by AND devices.ch IN(:chcodelist) and glue multiple chcodes together. Depending on the content, take care of their escaping yourself.

Getting generatedauto-increment ID without second query (MySQL)

I have been searching for a while on how to get the generated auto-increment ID from an "INSERT . INTO ... (...) VALUES (...)". Even on stackoverflow, I only find the answer of using a "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()" in a subsequent query. I find this solution unsatisfactory for a number of reasons:
1) This will effectively double the queries sent to the database, especially since it is mostly handling inserts.
2) What will happen if more than one thread access the database at the same time? What if more than one application accesses the database at the same time? It seems to me the values are bound to become erroneous.
It's hard for me to believe that the MySQL C++ Connector wouldn't offer the feature that the Java Connector as well as the PHP Connector offer.
An example taken from http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?167,294960,295250
sql::Statement* stmt = conn->createStatement();
sql::ResultSet* res = stmt->executeQuery("SELECT ##identity AS id");
my_ulong retVal = res->getInt64("id");
In nutshell, if your ID column is not an auto_increment column then you can as well use
SELECT ##identity AS id
Not sure what do you mean by second query/round trip. First I thought you are trying to know a different way to get the ID of the last inserted row but it looks like you are more interested in knowing whether you can save the round trip or not?
If that's the case, then I am completely agree with #WhozCraig; you can punch in both your queries in a single statement like inser into tab value ....;select last_inserted_id() which will be a single call
you can have stored procedure like below to do the same and save the round trip
create procedure myproc
insert into mytab values ...;
select last_inserted_id();
Let me know if this is not what you are trying to achieve.

MySQL Performance issues with large amounts of data

I have a software project that I am working on at work that has been driving me crazy. Here's our problem: we have a series data contacts that need to be logged every second. It needs to include time, bearing (array of 360-1080 bytes), range, and a few other fields. Our system also needs the capability to store this data for up to 30 days. In practice, there can be up to 100 different contacts, so at a maximum, there can be anywhere from around 150,000,000 points to about 1,000,000,000 different points in 30 days.
I'm trying to think of the best method for storing all of this data and retrieving later on. My first thought was to use some RDBMS like MySQL. Being a embedded C/C++ programmer, I have very little experience working with MySQL with such large data sets. I've dabbled with it on small datasets, but nothing nearly as large. I generated the below schema for two tables that will store some of the data:
`header_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`sensor` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`bytes` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`header_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `header_id_UNIQUE` (`header_id`),
UNIQUE KEY `sensor_UNIQUE` (`sensor`)
`internal_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`time_sec` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
`time_nsec` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
`transverse` bit(1) NOT NULL default b'0',
`data` varbinary(1080) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`internal_id`,`time_sec`,`time_nsec`),
UNIQUE KEY `internal_id_UNIQUE` (`internal_id`),
KEY `time` (`time_sec`)
KEY `internal_id` (`internal_id`)
`internal_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`raster_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`time_sec` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
`time_nsec` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
`header_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL,
`data_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`internal_id`, `raster_id`,`time_sec`,`time_nsec`),
KEY `raster_id` (`raster_id`),
KEY `time` (`time_sec`),
KEY `data` (`data_id`)
The header table only contains 10 rows and is static. It just tells what sensor the raw data came from, and the number of bytes output by that type of sensor. The RAW_DATA_TABLE essentially stores the raw bearing data (an array of 360-1080 bytes, it represents up to three samples per degree). The rel_RASTER_TABLE holds meta data for the RAW_DATA_TABLE, there can be multiple contacts that refer to the same raw data row. The data_id found in rel_RASTER_TABLE points to the internal_id of some row in the RAW_DATA_TABLE, I did this to decrease the amount of writes needed.
Obviously, as you can probably tell, I'm having performance issues when reading and deleting from this database. An operator to our software can see real time data as it comes across and also go into reconstruction mode and overlay a data range from the past, the past week for example. Our backend logging server grabs the history rows and sends them to a display via a CORBA interface. While all of this is happening, I have a worker thread that deletes 1000 rows at a time for data greater than 30 days. This is there in case a session runs longer than 30 days, which can happen.
The system we currently have implemented works well for smaller sets of data, but not for large sets. Our select and delete statements can take upwards of 2 minutes to return results. This completely kills the performance of our real time consumer thread. I suspect we're not designing our schemas correctly, picking the wrong keys, not optimizing our SQL queries correctly, or some subset of each. Our writes don't see to be affected unless the other operations take too long to run.
Here is an example SQL Query we use to get history data:
rel_RASTER_TABLE.raster_id = 2952704 AND
rel_RASTER_TABLE.time_sec >= 1315849228 AND
rel_RASTER_TABLE.time_sec <= 1315935628 AND
rel_RASTER_TABLE.data_id = RAW_DATA_TABLE.internal_id AND
rel_RASTER_TABLE.header_id = HEADER_TABLE.header_id;
I apologize in advance for this being such a long question, but I've tapped out other resources and this is my last resort. I figure I'd try to be as descriptive as possible Do you guys see of any way I can improve upon our design at first glance? Or, anyway we can optimize our select and delete statements for such large data sets? We're currently running RHEL as the OS and unfortunately can't change our hardware configuration on the server (4 GB RAM, Quad Core). We're using C/C++ and the MySQL API. ANY speed improvements would be EXTREMELY beneficial. If you need me to clarify anything, please let me know. Thanks!
EDIT: BTW, if you can't provide specific help, maybe you can link me to some excellent tutorials you've come across for optimizing SQL queries, schema design, or MySQL tuning?
First thing you could try is de-normalizing the data. On a data set of that size, doing a join, even if you have indexes is going to require very intense computation. Turn those three tables into 1 table. Sure there will be duplicate data, but without joins it will be much easier to work with. Second thing, see if you can get a machine with enough memory to fit the whole table in memory. It doesn't cost much ($1000 or less) for a machine with 24GB of RAM. I'm not sure if that will hold your entire data set, but it will help tremendously Get an SSD as well. For anything that isn't stored in memory, an SSD should help you access it with high speed. And thirdly, look into other data storage technologies such as BigTable that are designed to deal with very large data sets.
I would say partitioning is an absolute must in a case like this:
large amount of data
new data coming in continuously
implicit: old data getting deleted continuously.
Check out this for mySQL.
Looking at your select stmt (which filters on time), I'll say partition on the time column.
Of course you might wanna add a few indexes based on the frequent queries you want to use.
I see that many have suggested indexes. My experiences have been that having an index on a table with really large num of rows either kills the performance (eventually) or requires lot of resources (CPU, memory,...) to keep the indexes up to date.
So although I also suggest addition of indexes, please note that it's absolutely useless unless you partition the table first.
Finally, follow symcbean's advise (optimize your indexes in number and keys) when you add indexes.
--edit end--
A quickie on partitioning if you're new to it.
Usually a single table translates to a single data file. A partitioned table translates to one file per partition.
insertions are faster as physically it's inserted into a smaller file (partition).
deletion of large number of rows would usually translate to dropping a partition (much much much much cheaper than 'delete from xxx where time > 100 and time < 200');
queries with a where clause on the key by which the table is partitioned is much much faster.
Index building is faster.
I don't have much experience with MySQL, but here are some a priori thoughts that jump to mind.
Is your select in a stored procedure?
The select's predicate is usually searched in the order its asked in. If the data on the disk is reordered to match the primary key, then doing raster id first is fine. You would be paying the cost of reordering on every insert though. If the data is stored in time order on disk, you would probably want to search on time_sec before raster_id.
rel_RASTER_TABLE.raster_id = 2952704 AND
rel_RASTER_TABLE.time_sec >= 1315849228 AND
rel_RASTER_TABLE.time_sec <= 1315935628 AND
rel_RASTER_TABLE.data_id = RAW_DATA_TABLE.internal_id AND
rel_RASTER_TABLE.header_id = HEADER_TABLE.header_id;
Your indexes don't follow the search predicates.
It will create indexes based on the keys, generally.
PRIMARY KEY (`internal_id`, `raster_id`,`time_sec`,`time_nsec`),
KEY `raster_id` (`raster_id`),
KEY `time` (`time_sec`),
KEY `data` (`data_id`)
It may not be using the primary index because you aren't using internal_id. You may want to set internal_id as the primary key and create a separate index based on your search parameters. At least on raster_id and time_sec.
Are the joins too loose?
This may be my inexperience with MySQL, but I expect to see conditions on the joins. Does using FROM here do a natural join? I don't see any foreign keys specified, so I don't know how it would join these tables rationally.
Usually when developing something like this I would work with a smaller set and remove predicates to makes sure that each step meets what I expect. If you accidentally cast a wide net up front, then narrow down later you may mask some inefficiencies.
Most query optimizers have a way to output how the optimized, make sure it meets your expectations. One of the comments mention Explain plans, I assume that is what it is called.
Without knowing what all the queries are its difficult to give specific advice, however looking at the single query you have provided, there are no indexes which are idealy suited to resolving this.
In fact the structure is a bit messy - if internal_id is an auto-increment value then it is unique - why add other stuff in the primary key? It looks as if a more sensible structure for rel_RASTER_TABLE would be:
PRIMARY KEY (`internal_id`),
KEY (`raster_id`,`time_sec`,`time_nsec`),
And as for RAW_DATA_TABLE, it should be blindingly obvious that its indexes are far from optimal. And should probably be:
PRIMARY KEY (`internal_id`,`time_sec`,`time_nsec`),
KEY `time` (`time_sec`, `time_nsec`)
Note that removing redundant indexes will speed up inserts/updates.
Capturing slow queries should help - and learn how to use 'explain' to see what indexes are redundant / needed.
You may also get a performance boost by tuning the mysql instance - particularly increasing the sort and join buffers - try running mysqltuner
First, I would try to create a view with only the necessary info that needs to be selected between the different tables.
By the way, MySQL is not necessarily the most optimized database system for what you are trying to accomplish... Look into other solutions such Oracle, Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL etc. Also, the performance will vary depending on the server being used.

Auto-increment on Azure Table Storage

I am currently developing an application for Azure Table Storage. In that application I have table which will have relatively few inserts (a couple of thousand/day) and the primary key of these entities will be used in another table, which will have billions of rows.
Therefore I am looking for a way to use an auto-incremented integer, instead of GUID, as primary key in the small table (since it will save lots of storage and scalability of the inserts is not really an issue).
There've been some discussions on the topic, e.g. on http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/windowsazure/thread/6b7d1ece-301b-44f1-85ab-eeb274349797.
However, since concurrency problems can be really hard to debug and spot, I am a bit uncomfortable with implementing this on own. My question is therefore if there is a well tested impelemntation of this?
For everyone who will find it in search, there is a better solution. Minimal time for table lock is 15 seconds - that's awful. Do not use it if you want to create a truly scalable solution. Use Etag!
Create one entity in table for ID (you can even name it as ID or whatever).
1) Read it.
2) Increment.
3) InsertOrUpdate WITH ETag specified (from the read query).
if last operation (InsertOrUpdate) succeeds, then you have a new, unique, auto-incremented ID. If it fails (exception with HttpStatusCode == 412), it means that some other client changed it. So, repeat again 1,2 and 3.
The usual time for Read+InsertOrUpdate is less than 200ms. My test utility with source on github.
See UniqueIdGenerator class by Josh Twist.
I haven't implemented this yet but am working on it ...
You could seed a queue with your next ids to use, then just pick them off the queue when you need them.
You need to keep a table to contain the value of the biggest number added to the queue. If you know you won't be using a ton of the integers, you could have a worker every so often wake up and make sure the queue still has integers in it. You could also have a used int queue the worker could check to keep an eye on usage.
You could also hook that worker up so if the queue was empty when your code needed an id (by chance) it could interupt the worker's nap to create more keys asap.
If that call failed you would need a way to (tell the worker you are going to do the work for them (lock), then do the workers work of getting the next id and unlock)
get the last key created from the table
increment and save
then use the new value.
The solution I found that prevents duplicate ids and lets you autoincrement it is to
lock (lease) a blob and let that act as a logical gate.
Then read the value.
Write the incremented value
Release the lease
Use the value in your app/table
Then if your worker role were to crash during that process, then you would only have a missing ID in your store. IMHO that is better than duplicates.
Here is a code sample and more information on this approach from Steve Marx
If you really need to avoid guids, have you considered using something based on date/time and then leveraging partition keys to minimize the concurrency risk.
Your partition key could be by user, year, month, day, hour, etc and the row key could be the rest of the datetime at a small enough timespan to control concurrency.
Of course you have to ask yourself, at the price of date in Azure, if avoiding a Guid is really worth all of this extra effort (assuming a Guid will just work).