MultiOS "Jet Database" for C++/Qt? - c++

Hopefully I can articulate this well: I'm porting an application I made years ago from VB6 (I know, I know!) to C++/Qt. In my original application, one thing I liked was that I didn't need an actual SQL server running, I could just use MS Access .mdb files. I was wondering if something similar exists for Qt that will work on multiple OSes - a database stored in a file, pretty much, but that I can still run SQL queries with. Not sure if something like this exists or not, but any help appreciated, thanks!

I second the comment by "Mosg". Have a look at SQLite.

Yeap, here is the full list.


Design of data storage C++ application (maybe relational database)

I need to store and load some data in a C++ application. This data is basically going to end up as a set of tables as per a relational database.
I write the data to tables using something like csv format, then parse them myself and apply the database logic I need in my C++ code. But it seems stupid to reinvent the wheel with this and end up effectively writing my own database engine.
However, using something like a MySQL database seems like massive overkill for what is going to be a single user local system. I have tried setting up a MySQL daemon on my Windows system and I found it rather complex and possibly even impossible without admin privileges. It would be a serious obstacle to deployment as it would need each user's system to have MySQL set up and running.
Is there a reasonable middle ground solution? Something that can provide me with a simple database, accessible from C++, without all the complexities of setting up a full MySQL install?
NB. I have edited this question such that I hope it satisfies those who have voted to close the question. I am not asking for a recommendation for a tool, or someone's favourite tool or the best tools. That would be asking which database engine should I use. I am asking for what tools and design patterns are available to solve a specific programming problem - i.e. how can I get access to database like functionality from a C++ program, without writing my own database engine, nor setting up a full database server. This is conceptually no different to asking e.g. How do I print out the contents of a vector? - it's just a bigger problem. I have described the problem and what has been done so far to solve it. My understanding from the On Topic Page is that this is within scope.
You can try sqlite.
Here are some simple code examples:

integrating a database with easy manual maintenence

I have some information I want to try to integrate into a project I'm working on. It would be "publically maintained" by volunteers in the community I would be working with.
The idea I had was to keep things simple for the people doing the maintenence: I would give them access to a shared google docs spreadsheet and let them do their thing when stuff needed to be updated. I would update the database using this spreadsheet on some automated daily or weekly interval.
I've never worked with databases before. My project is in C++ and my searching around for a database to use seemed to point to sqlite. The data wouldn't be anything complex, just a unique id with a name. maybe an additional piece of information but unlikely.
I'm mostly concerned about getting the data to be an actual database. I looked around for some conversion tool(I assumed spreadsheet -> database would be trivial?). I'm up for any ideas on how to make this work. Thanks
Using google docs with output as tsv/csv and sticking that in sqlite will work fine for me, thanks.

Can I get the source of a hacked Coldfusion template?

We recently had a hacker gain access to our system. They dumped some Coldfusion templates and included them in random pages on our sites.
The files they dump start with Allaire Cold Fusion Template and then contain what appears to be "garbage", but I believe that this is some kind of pre-compiled Coldfusion code.
We've cleared out the hacks, but I saved off the files because I was hoping that there would be some way to de-compile them and maybe make some sense of them. Although I think the hack is dealt with, I am a little worried about what this code was doing. (When I looked at the source of a page that included this code, it created no output, so something had to be going on in the background.)
If there isn't a way, that's cool, I just thought I would at least investigate the possibility of seeing what these files were doing. Thanks in advance for any help.
Wow, you have awakened some of my "old" brain cells... Way back when you could encrypt your ColdFusion templates and they could still be run on a ColdFusion server. This encryption was not very secure as the decrypting algorithm was readily available. It was/is an easy way to "hide" your code from the unknowing (I guess).
I did a quick Google search and found an old reference to a decrypt function on Adobe's site that may help "crack" that code. AB Positive Encrypt and Decrypt I believe their code would have to be encrypted this way otherwise the ColdFusion server would not be able to read the files either. This download includes the cfdecrypt.exe and cfencode.exe programs.
If that tool does not work and if I remember correctly, the ColdFusion encryption before CFMX was done using something called CFCrypt.exe. That was an older versions of ColdFusion I think but you can try using that too. I couldn't find it but I'm sure if you Google for it can be found.
Please post back with your results. I'm interested to see what they were doing.
There is a program out there cfdecrypt that will help you decompile them. I haven't used it in years, but here is a link I found to a github project:

SQLAPI++ Library use

Has anyone have good experience using SQLAPI++ Library? (connecting C++ and SQL)
What do you recommend, I have a local server, SQL server 2008 and Windows XP.
Do you have a funcional example to connect c++ and sql server?, just to do a simple
SELECt * FROM mytable;
in C++?
My first impression is that SQLApi++ is great. Here is a bit of background.
I have been using ADO for a long time, but it's starting to give some COM errors for some users, without any helpful information. Also, msado??.tlb is not backwards-compatible so you have to be careful about all your users being on the same version. I understand this might not apply to you, but I figured I would share this anyway.
I started looking into SQLApi++ a few days ago and have almost only good things to say. The only draw-back I have found so far is that there is no way to know how many rows you get back without going to the result set. Also, it isn't free. On the positive side, the API is intuitive, the documentation is good, and the examples are useful. It is blazingly fast by comparison to ADO. Instead of copy/pasting, take a look at
The SQLApi++ is supported since 2000. The last update was few months ago. The site is not updated most probably because it is good enough as it is - couple of useful examples, documentation, history and support. That it is just a plus if they don't update site very often that means their examples and etc. are not changed, which means the api is stable and you don't have to change your code in order to use the latest technologies.
Sounds good, indeed, but the site hasn't been updated for a long time now :(

How to create a little database with search function and pdf download / upload

I'm trying to code a small program for my friend's company. They build metal cabinets and every cabinet is made out of several parts. So when a customer tells them they need a new cabinet, they tell them the single part numbers. My friend needs now a little tool/database where he can look after those part numbers and if there is an entry, he can download the corresponding blueprint (saved as PDF). Of course the program needs also a function to create a new entry and uploading a PDF file with this entry.
The program needs only to be installed local on one windows machine.
Now I need to know if there is maybe a special way to solve this. It would be helpful if someone could give me some keywords, so I can google it and figure out how to begin :)
I have basic skills in C++ and Java and willing to learn new stuff :)
Have used sqlite for database applications and found it to have a lot of functionality and speed. It lacks all the advanced database admin stuff but for single user/embedded databases its ideal. I use it over MySQL because of a significant performance improvement.
It has a Java interface via java.sql.Connection.
I think this is a good opportunity to try something else than C++/Java. In your case I would go for Ruby on Rails and for example the PaperClip extension ( (haven't used PaperClip myself, though). Ruby on Rails is kind of made for this type of problem.