mvc ajax -

I'm using the dropdownlist html helper and would like to perform an ajax call to the server when the value changes. I have seen the jquery code dropdownlist.change...
The problem I have is that I have a series of dropdownlist's name dropdownlist_1, dropdownlist_2, ...
I would like to be able to specify the same jquery function for each of these dropdownlist's. I have not been able to find a way to specify the function name in the dropdownlist html helper.

Instead of attempting to specify it in the HtmlHelper, add a class name to each of your dropdown lists:
<%=Html.DropDownList("ddlName", new {#class="ajaxDropDown"})%>
<select class="ajaxDropDown" id="ddlOne">
<select class="ajaxDropDown" id="ddlTwo">
Then use the classname to hook up the event via jQuery:
$('.ajaxDropDown').change(function() {
$.get('/test', function(data) {

try this:
<%=Html.DropDownList("TopItemsList", ViewData["ListData"], new { #onchange="javascript();" })%>
you can call the function you want.


How to programatically add component via controller action in Ember 3.x

I want to add add multiple copies of a component via js and pass different params in it. The code should execute via controller action of click on a button in the template. The solution for 2.x doesn't work in Ember version 3.x(pre-octane). Can anybody please help. I can't render plain html as I am using other addon of ember in the component.
Basically you want an array with the params in the js, and then a {{#each loop invoking the components. Something like this:
#tracked componentParams = new TrackedArray();
#action showThem() {
this.componentParams.push({ value="foo" });
this.componentParams.push({ value="bar" });
this.componentParams.push({ value="baz" });
{{#each this.componentParams as |params|}}
<MyComponent #value={{params.value}} />
<button type="button" {{on "click" this.showThem}}>Show Them</button>
(this uses TrackedArray from tracked-built-ins).

Get contents of Meteor template

I have the following Meteor template:
<template name="homeBoxTpl">
Some content
I have an event binding so that when a button on the page is clicked it should get the html contents of the template "homeBoxTpl" - how can this be achieved?
What you need is an event handler, and like Chase say you can access the content of meteor templates using jquery, but meteor has its own way. In order to get a copy of the html, you can place a wrapper round the content in the template, then do this:{
'click #someButton':function(e,t){
var templateContents = t.$('.wrapperInTemplate').html();
Here we are using Template.$ wich returns a jQuery object of those same elements.
Take a look into Template.instances for more information
Just to clarify, where is the button? Is it in another template? I assume you only render homeBoxTpl once.
In which case the event handler for the template where your button exists will have no reference to another template instance. There is no global lookup where you can find all rendered instances of a specific Template
You will have to set an unique identifier "id" for it, or some other discerning info such as a class/attribute and find it via old fashioned JS DOM selectors/traversal.
document.getElementById is fastest, but if there are multiple instances of that template, t.firstNode does give you a good starting point for the DOM traversal.
However making your code dependent on a specific DOM layout is bad practice / too much coupling. Is there any reason why the data underlying that Template's HTML content isn't available somewhere else like a session or collection? It would perhaps be more flexible too to access the data not the HTML.
You can use jquery to access what you need. For example, if you have the following template:
<template name="homeBoxTpl">
<div class="content-container">
Some content
<button id="btn" type="button">Click me</button>
Then use the following javascript:{
'click #btn': function(e) {
var content = $(".content-container").text();
console.log(content); //Result is "Some content"

Mocking models for testing Ember.easyForms input component inside another ember component

I am using ember-cli qunit testing using moduleForComponent. I have the following select element inside an ember component I have created.
{{input site as="select"
prompt="Please Select"
label=" "
The actual sites collection is found using the store.
sites : function() {
return this.get('store').find('site');
I am using jsMockito to mock out the store.
var siteMock = mock(DS.Model);
var storeMock = mock(DS.Store);
I pass this into the components as a parameter in the test.
var component = this.subject({
store : storeMock
The generated html looks like this, it seems that siteMock has rendered but the optionLabelPath and optionValuPath did not work correctly even though I have added the appropriate expectations on the mock.
<select id="ember473" class="ember-view ember-select">
<option value="">Please Select</option>
<option id="ember491" class="ember-view" value=""></option>
I have tested using the getters on the siteMock in the debugger and everything is working as expected. I guess I need another when condition on some property of siteMock but I am not sure what. Can anyone give me some advice on getting this working?
The problem seems to be that you are using content. in your paths optionLabelPath="content.siteLabel" which is thinking about controller proxing to a model.
But your test are using the models directly -undecorated by a controller- and they do not have a content property.

Calling an action within controller in Ember

I am getting some data from server and in my controller I am trying to display that in list format. What I want to do is to allow the user to click on any item of that list and call an action behind it. Here is my js code.
for(var index in posts) {
if (posts.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
var attr = posts[index];
/*$("ul#previous_recipients").append('<li class="list-group-item"><label>''' +
'</label><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="close g-green" {{action "aa"}}>Add</a></li>');*/
$("ul#previous_recipients").append(Ember.Handlebars.compile('<li class="list-group-item"><label>{{}} </label>Add</li>'));
How to call action on it? {{action "test"}} is not being called.
You have to compile the handlebars template and define the test action inside actions hash in the same controller.
<li class="list-group-item"><label>{{}} </label>
You have to move this html code from controller to a handlebars file,that will be good.
What you need to do is create an ember view and give it a
property which will contain your html and handlebars expression. Alternately, you could, inside the view say
defaultTemplate: Em.Handlebars.compile(/*your handlebars and html markup here*/)
using Jquery to do things like this is not the ember way of doing things.

Hide div with AngularJS with Django-rendered template

I have a HTML form rendered by Django template tag and I want to manipulate it using AngularJS.
In my template (not rendered) I have:
{{ form.as_p }}
This is how Django renders this template:
<div id="div_id_street" class="ctrlHolder ">
<label for="id_street">
<input id="id_street" type="text" class="textInput textinput" name="street" maxlength="32">
I want to hide the div div_id_street, but I am not able to add the ng-show or ng-hide directive in my HTML because of the way that Django generates the HTML code.
Is it possible inside an AngularJS controller to show/hide this div?
Thank you!
I was wrong. It is possible to change the template of a Django rendered form.
When defining a django form, I am able to change the widget of each fiels, so I can put the Angular directives in the widget.
For example:
class MyForm(forms.Form):
street = forms.CharField(max_length=80,
'ng-model': 'street',
'ng-show': 'false',
'ng-change': 'validateStreet()',})
This will be rendered as:
<div id="div_street" class="ctrlHolder">
<label for="id_street">Street</label>
<input ng-model="street" name="street" maxlength="80" ng-change="validateStreet()"
ng-show="false" type="text" class="textInput textinput ng-valid ng-dirty"
So in my controller I can manipulate this whole field.
Is it possible inside an AngularJS controller to show/hide this div?
Yes, but this "goes deep against the Angular way" -- Misko. Inject $element, then use selectors to find and manipulate. $element is set to the element that your controller is defined on.
function MyCtrl($scope, $element) {
$ = false;
$scope.$watch('show', function (value) {
if (value) {
} else {
Fiddle -- in this fiddle I used ng-controller.
If you can't modify the template, neither add a class to that specific DIV to add it a ng-show, than you should create a directive to handle this DOM manipulation. You shouldn't do DOM manipulation from within a controller. As stated by the DOCs,
Do not use controllers for:
Any kind of DOM manipulation — Controllers should contain only
business logic. DOM manipulation—the presentation logic of an
application—is well known for being hard to test. Putting any
presentation logic into controllers significantly affects testability
of the business logic. Angular offers databinding for automatic DOM
manipulation. If you have to perform your own manual DOM manipulation,
encapsulate the presentation logic in [directives]
I would suggest you to $watch the property you need and manually show/hide the element from inside the link function of a directive.