Complete Info for Setting Up SubSonic 3 with Oracle - subsonic3

I'm looking for the complete steps for setting up SubSonic 3 with Oracle 10g.
I see a lot of pieces out there, but no clear list.
Please correct me where I'm wrong:
Create Class Library (.net 3.5)
create an app.config with a valid connectionString to your db
Download the latest version of SubSonic 3 (today it's SubSonic_3.0.0.4)
add the dll SubSonic.Core.dll as a reference
Go to: SubSonic-3.0-Templates / TemplateProviders and get 3 files: Oracle.ttinclude OracleDataProvider.ttinclude Settings.ttinclude
find the folder: SubSonic\T4 Templates\ActiveRecord
copy over the 3 files from step 4 into this folder
update: Settings.ttinclude to have your namespace and connection string
create a folder in your project called /Model/
drag and drop the files, from step 7, into this folder
cross your fingers
I get error:
Error 2 Compiling transformation: The
name 'CleanUp' does not exist in the
current context c:\Subversion
Or should I instead download: mabraham1 / LINQ2Oracle
I do not see any documentation on this site about how to get up and running.


wix4 wixproj document element name 'Project' is invalid

When trying to build a wix4 project using a the new wix toolset provided like this:
wix build -d Configuration=Debug MySetup.wixproj
I get this error:
error WIX0048: The document element name 'Project' is invalid. A WiX source file must use 'Wix' as the document element name.
The project consists of 5 files. The wixproj file which I suspect will orchestrate the build. 3 wxs one that defines the basics from the setup and 2 which are filled up automatically by the HeatDirectory (defined in the wixproj). And last file is a xslt.
Those files have been migrated from wix3 using the VS 2022 HeatWave extension.
Did the migration miss some step or should I call the build in a different way?
To me looks like the wixproj file is missing some basic info to let the wix build command to work properly.
wix build is for building WiX source files without MSBuild. To build a .wixproj, use msbuild or dotnet build.

cannot seem to get boost and quantlib directories to align

I have tried a number of different methods to try and get QuantLib to work on my windows machine. I would prefer to have QuantLib running in eclipse (so if anybody has any help in this direction I would be much appreciated!).
However, most online tutorials give their instructions using Visual Studio so I decided to try and get it working using this. I have followed this tutorial to a T and I still cannot get it working.
I have a folder looking like the following:
(My computer >> Documents >> cplusplus)
Next I enter the "QuantLib" folder and open the file "QuantLib.sln" where I enter visual studio.
I highlight the two projects in the solutions folder and select the wrench / properties tab
Which brings me to this tab:
Note that Todas las config = all config and Todas las plataformas = all platforms from minute 5.55 of the Youtube video.
I then go to "Directorios de VC++" - "VC Directories" and apply the following settings:
I then click "build /Compilar" -> build solution
I get the following error:
So how can I match Boostup with Quantlib and C++ - I like eclipe but at this stage I just want to understand the quantlib package
In the video the screen shot is the following:
Where I have in the intermediate directory the following: .\build\$(qlCompilerTag)/\$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\ which is different to the video. Additionally they have the following which includes an (includePath) addition to the include directoies tab:
Just some additional observations I noticed...
EDIT 2: I have also modified the directorios intermedio line to match the Youtube videos results. It was set at some default value beforehand. (i.e. qlCompilerTag)/ was something differnet.
I changed the directories:
and get this ouput:
(removed the underscore)
With the following output:
##### EDIT (Following the official documentation)
I think I managed to solve the main issue I was having but now I am getting a new issue.
When I build the solution I get the following error:
When I go to the folder C:\Users\Matt\Documents\cplusplus\boost_1_73_0\lib64-msvc-14.1 I locate the following files.
So Visual Studio is looking for the wrong files. What have I done wrong here? I downloaded the 64 bit version of boost? Is there a 32 bit version?

Creation of the virtual directory failed with error: cannot write configuration file applicationhost.config

I'm just simply trying to open up a VS 2017 project. When I open the solution, I get the following error message:
Creation of the virtual directory http://localhost:58051/failed with the error: Filename: \?\C:\Users\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\Testing\Version 2.0.vs\config\applicationhost.config Error: Cannot write configuration file
I've checked the folders along the file path and they are not encrypted. All the folders along the file path have a black box for the Read Only attribute. When I go to the config folder and clear out the black box for the Read Only attribute and Apply the setting, I find if I exit and go back to the same folder, the black box reappears for the Read Only attribute. I've read that the black box doesn't really mean the Read Only attribute has been turned on. If the Read Only attribute was actually turned on, I should expect to see a check mark instead. However, this doesn't explain why I can't open the solution.
After I click the OK Button to the VS Error message, VS just says the solution is "(unavailable)" in the Solution Explorer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I too had this problem with my project files located on OneDrive. The way I resolved it was I renamed the applicationhost.config file located in the ".vs\config" directory of your root project directory then reloaded the web project. This will create a new applicationhost.config file.
I had the same error message sharing a project between 2 machines via OneDrive and fixed it as follows:
1 - Closed VS.Net
2 - Opened [myappnamefolder].vs\config\applicationhost.config in Notepad
3 - Searched the open file for the filename in my error message (In your case C:\Users\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\Testing\Version 2.0.vs\config\applicationhost.config ).
It was found under system.applicationHost, sites, site name, application path, virtualDirectory - physicalPath
4 - Amended the physicalPath value to point to the valid path of the project's config file as above.
5 - Saved the applicationhost.config file
My paths were different because I had different home user directories on each machine. (User A & User B)
I have resolved this error with this way mention as below:
Go to on that path
When you reach on this folder "config"
in this folder we can see "applicationhost" file
Close the Visual studio existing project and delete the applicationhost file(see on Step 2 path)
Then open the existing project again, it will be reloaded automatically and work properly.
Had same problem then looked into vs\config\applicationhost.config and it was encrypted. I unencrypted file and solution loaded with no problems.
I've had this problem several times using VS 2017 with Onedrive. Resolved it by renaming the application.config and having VS recreate it. Just as well could have edited line in the file. See the Diff below as an example.
The config file is located in something like C:\Code\MyProject\.vs\config\.
I just encountered this error. I followed the steps in this answer:
When I tried to save my changes I realised TFS had marked the file as read-only, preventing VS from updating the value. Removing the read-only attribute fixed the problem.
None of the above worked for me. I ended up deleting and recloning the repo that was giving me problems. It then opened up just fine.
Windows 10 Defender was causing this for me. When I disabled control folder access it worked again. Odd, because it had been working with that setting on for a while.
my drives were different - but the main codebase was shared between the two machines - so on one it was in the d drive - so i mapped the parent subdirectory on the second machine to be the d drive ... which resulted in the same paths then on both ... i just had to open the solution from the d drive on the second machine

Errors I face at the final step of creating an installer for my Qt app

Hi all,
I used the Qt Documentations for creating an installer for my Qt app using Qt Installer Framework.
I think I'm at the final step. Please have a look at the issue:
I have a package_directory folder on my Windows Desktop with these sub-folders. The config.xml file contains this. The data subfolder contains the data.7z file. I then created a licens.txt file on my Desktop. The meta subfolder contains a package.xml file with this content.
Then I created a folder named Result on my Desktop and pasted the Cal.exe file from the Release folder onto it.
And finally Ran the following command:
C:\Qt\QtIFW2.0.3\bin\binarycreator.exe -c C:\Users\CS\Desktop\package_directory\config\config.xml -p C:\Users\CS\Desktop\package_directory\packages C:\Users\CS\Desktop\Result\Cal.exe
The installer was created in the Result folder. But I got the following message from the command line:
Warning: The <Name> tag in the 'C:/Users/CS/Desktop/package_directory/packag
es/com.vendor.product/meta/package.xml' is ignored - the installer uses the path
element right before the 'meta' ('com.vendor.product').
Should I ignore it? If not how to solve it, too, please?
The installer file exists in the Result folder on Desktop. When I install it and select a folder on Start Menu (say Accessories or Start Up) to have the shortcut of the program, no shortcut will be created or saved there!! :(
What is the reason for that problem and how should I solve it please?

TFS 2010 Solution with multiple dependencies

I am new to build on TFS 2010.
I have 4 C# solutions. One of these solution has a dependency on the assembly produced by each of the other 3 "helper solutions".
I'd like to create a build definition which would build my 3 helper solutions then build the top level solution.
On the build definition dialog I have tried to add each of the 4 solution files to the Workspace tab, with a build agent folder of $(SourceDir) - but I get the error dialog "TF215040: The path $(SourceDir) can only be mapped one time in a given workspace". So I change the mapping for the helper solutions to the build folder used by their respective individual build definition.
On the Process Tab, under the Items to Build property I've added the solution file for each of the 4 solutions, with the parent solution listed last.
When I queue the top level build defintion I get the error message: "The path C:\Builds\3\x.Int.Common\x.Int.Common\Sources is already mapped in workspace xBLD01."
Note: when I run "tf.exe workspaces /owner:*" I notice that my workspaces is listed multiple times, with different owners but the computer name is also the same. I guess this is because there's 3 in the team using the same VM image - they're not connected to the domain. Maybe this is the cause of the problem?
Could anyone please suggest a solution?
Just map the root folder that contains all 4 solutions under it in the workspace mapping. For example, if your folder structure looks like this:
Just map C:\MyProject\ -> $(SourceDir)
If the workspace mappings have gotten messed up on your build server you can download the TFS SideKicks tool to delete all the workspaces on the build server, and the TFS Build will just recreate them proper ones next time you run it.